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Have you ever eaten pet food?
Someone handed me a bag of these pretentious baked dog treats once. They just looked like ordinary crackers. When they revealed they were meant for dogs, I looked them straight in the eye and ate another one. Tasted like sesame.
I tried 1 little piece of rodent chew once (they feed it to porcupines and beavers and squirrels at rehabs and zoos so not really pet food) and it tasted horrible.
I always share nuts and seeds with birbs though
>I always share nuts and seeds with birbs though
we all knew you were gay there'sno reason to come out nnow
I've eaten some dog kibble when I was a young retarded kid putting everything in my mouth. don't remember it being terrible, but take my words with a grain of salt
I have a dehydrator to make dog treats in bulk, they make decent human snack too though.
I ate a dog Oreo I stole from the petco check out aisle, and then I proceeded to eat roughly 5 more. Tasted just like off brand Oreos.
Not me, but one of my brothers liked milk bones. The other brother would eat the cheese flavored bits out of kibble. They aren't retards or anything, hell the kibble eater is smarter than I am. They were just odd.
No, but when I took in my old cat Keeka from the street, I ran out of kibbles and just started grilling him fresh cooked meat every day.

That cat went from starving and scrounging out of trash bags, sleeping in alleys in the snow and rain in ghetto alleys, to eating like a king.

Took him back down South to the country, big green yard in the woods to run around and nap in. He lived out the rest of his days in bliss.

One time, well many times, in the ghetto, did not have anything to eat. There was a deal for a free sandwich at the McDonald's in the hood.

That was my only meal that day. I got that single cheeseburger, split the patty in half, and gave the other half to Keeka. Loved him so damn much.
Yes, soft dog treats and dog beef jerky.
How can dog food smell so good and yet taste so bad?
I recall eating a dog biscuit on a dare once. Don't recall anything special about the flavor. What sucked was that it was so dry, felt like my mouth was instantly transported to Death Valley and hadn't felt moisture in years.
I have tasted tinned catfood by mistake because I absentmindedly licked the spoon after I scooped some out for her. It wasn't bad, just really bland. Add some salt and maybe a little hotsauce and I'm good for the Mad Max apocalypse.
I've eaten dry cat food
just tastes like dry bread and brown sauce
Don't you like to put nuts and seed in your mouth, anon?
>How can dog food smell so good and yet taste so bad?
Literally designed this way. They put a lot of extra shit in there to make it smell good to humans so you are more likely to purchase it and feel good about it. They spend no time on it making it taste good to humans and very little time making it palatable to the animals we feed it to. As long as a hungry animal eats it, they check that box and move onto more marketing for you and sometimes nutrition content for the pet.
I ate a bit of cat chow kibble once. Iirc it was kinda bland but also salty, I was probably around 6 when I did that and was curious about what it tasted like

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