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Mom just called and said she let her sick cat out and it hasn't shown for 3 days. Any hope it can come back? How much longer should she wait? She is very upset because when she brought it to the vet they told her it was arthritis but also really low white blood count(according to the vet this was an anomaly whatever that means)
And no I don't know why she let it outside
Update: heard cat meowing outside it came up to me but then ran away again (pesky pesky)
If it's an open area it will probably come back for food eventually. How old is he
Just start opening cans of cat food by your house, she'll come back
Okay will do I guess she doesn't remember me cause it's been a while
She is 13 now I think. I feel bad because her arthritis is probably bothering her and causing her to freak out and not come home.
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DO NOT listen to dogredditor
how to spot dogredditor:
>2-3 paragraphs
>smug as hell
>screeches about property
>hates being called dogredditor
>hates cats but pretends to hate cat owners
>capitalizes the first letter of each sentence (phoneposter)
picrel is the typical dogredditor post. remember to stay safe!
Okay keep me posted
well hello there dogredditor
how is your husky doing?
Anon Im not dog redditor I just don't want my mom's cat to die outside and we can never find the body
>Anon Im not dog redditor
then why do you type exactly like him?
fuck you dogredditor, even if you change your typing i will always spot you
i will always call you out
Idk I think you're just schizo but I am phone posting.
I never owned a dog this is a cat that showed up to my house back in 2011 or so but I let my mom take it with her when my dad died so she wouldn't be alone
pls never post again
stay mad
Update: cat came home after 6 days but is very unsteady on feet will take her to vet tomorrow (later today)
Happy to hear <3
Remember to feed her a lot of wet food and water, check her body for ticks
>t. Dogredditor falseflagging trying to convince people he isn't real
Do dogredditors really kill cats or are they just trolls?
there is only one dogredditor
and yes he is a troll
many people think that paleoschizo makes veganism threads but thats acctually dogredditor

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