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This breed of dog should be just not exist.
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Why do they lazily attempt to create a poor miniature pit bull type dog when the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier exists? The size, temperament and breeding has already been long refined for something out of the original Bull and Terrier stock.
Yes they should because it's fucking hilarious
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>They found the semen vials
When the scheme so supreme you slip into a dream (coma from severe health issues)
Not SMASHED and SLAMMED enough
Okay. Let's say you get your way. Now what? Are we supposed to genocide all the living ones and prevent them from breeding? That seems pretty bad.
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Yes, it's called mercy and common sense.
We need to go wider
I want a full-fledged reptilian gait
You are fear them
>genocide all the living ones
No. Aside from that being unnecessary, it's practically impossible to do that. There is no registry for these things.
>prevent them from breeding
Yes. This is also practically very difficult but worth every penny. I think the entire US military budget should instead go towards preventing future toadline births. It is a more worthy cause.
Dr. Dwamn may be a low tier but he's top tier in my heart
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All you'd have to do is ban C-sections and artificial insemination of them. The vast majority can not properly breed.
Someone post the skeem behelit
no way that's not a fucking filter
Short spine syndrome
The moment they slammers get a hold of these genetics it will be over
bluey if he real
*bingo if she real
How would you protect your dog against a PitBull in a country were you aren't even allowed to carry knives? Pic related is an climbing tool that can double as a weapon. It is made to penetrate ice, so maybe pitbull skulls too?
I don't know for sure, but in countries where you can't carry knives, I'm pretty sure you couldn't just walk around with a climbing pick either.
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Unironically carry something like pic related. Dog trainers use these or similar wedge-shaped objects known as "break sticks" to pry open dogs' mouths when they're latched onto something during bite training. Simply stand over the dog's back and insert the stick into the side of its mouth behind the molars to pry its jaws open like a hinge while lifting the dog up by its collar if possible. You can find videos on youtube that explain this. There are purpose-made break sticks available online, but these tent stakes can be found just about anywhere. They're really cheap, and they're made of plastic, so they won't hurt the dog. I say this because if you live in a cucked country where you can't even carry a knife, you'll probably want to avoid liability as much as possible. You don't want to get slapped with animal cruelty charges because you killed a dog that was attacking your own dog (which is most likely legally considered property). You also don't want to deal with killing a dog in front of its trashy owner who will just make the whole situation worse.
how about something that isn't suspicious to carry 9 months of the year
Repeated full force punches to the base of its skull.

Pitbulls are suicidally prey driven, but weak and frail
was this audio smashed and slammed
i can barely hear whatever it's saying
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Upon the eclipse a chosen king of skeems will usher in a thousand years of slammed genetics.
A child?
Nigga we are talking about SMASHED and SLAMMED toadlines, none of your clean blooded bullies
redrum sacrifices all his friends to become the 5th member of the toad hand and rapes blueberry yumyum and forces cumrag to watch
the amount of angry retards complaining about our clinic doing spays with C-sections because "muh cash flow" is hilarious

on the sadder side these mutants have so many still borns
>none of your clean blooded bullies
nobody has cleaner blood than SMASHED and SLAMMED EXOTIC MICRO BULLIES, when the family tree turns into family circle the blood gets centrifuged and cleansed of any impurities
Of course how could I forger? Should of used unslammed instead.
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Top fucking lel
evolving into a chimp.
you cant go wrong with kakarotto
So does cumdumpster use cumrag like saibot or like a stand?
Someone post the family tree chart
>Are we supposed to genocide all the living ones and prevent them from breeding?
why would I do that? I want their mangled genetics to infect every pitbull in America so that they can all fall into a horrible inbreeding depression and die and we can be rid of them once and for all
Welcome back Lystrosaurus
He looks like he has got a deficiency of something

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