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Most successful large species in Africa known as the Spotted Hyena
>Is strictly matriarchal
>Is violently misandrist
What did God mean by this?
>female evolves a penis and fake balls for absolutely no function and suffer horribly for it
>despite having higher intelligence, gets assraped by the dozen whenever lions show up
>mostly scavenges rotting assholes
>muh lions
Spotted Hyenas mog lions when when it comes to surviving and thriving in their environment. Sure lions are technically stronger than hyenas but as a species they're less adaptable and less successful.
Put lions in an urban environment and they'll probably get mogged. Put spotted hyenas in an urban environment and they'll likely still thrive.
I just realize that Lion's vs Spotted Hyena's is just Patriarchy vs Matriarchy.
Except in objective terms the spotted hyena's are winning.
If God is real I wonder if they created these two species to be rivals and the way they are as an experiment.
>but if in theory
but you see in reality they keep getting their asses kicked by lions.
Lions also get their ass kicked by spotted hyenas though.
Sure they're usually ganging up on the Lion's but a W is a W is a W.
Lions are also matriarchal. the males just manage the next crop of babies. females call the shots.

Patriarchy is humans, solitary autist planet is pongos, egoism is chimps, and pagan egalitarianism with nuclear families and no fags allowed is wolves
and a human would easily get their ass kicked by a lion if they dont have industrial society as a backup. Survial and success as a species is more than how you'd do in a direct 1vs1 matchup
>Lions are also matriarchal.
They're only technically matriarchal if the Lioness's get tired of the male Lion's shit. If the Male Lion doesn't piss them off its still technically patriarchal.
Hyena paws typed this post. Both animals have decreasing populations. You seem to have gotten them mixed up with the expanding and adaptable giant mongoose (striped hyena), which is recovering from being near threatened while spotted hyenas gradually get btfo by humans and lions.
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I wish I was a Spotted Hyena
>its not a matriarchy the female is just the most dominant
Lol wut? Male lions not having enough gay sex for you? Sorry you seem to be operating on a sissy femboy fetish
I'm sorry
Would it only be a matriarchy to you if the lionesses had dicks?
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>tfw no dommy mommy futa lioness gf
Why even live?
Furries truly are timeless
>fake balls
I thought it was just the pseudo-penis they had. Do these false balls actually serve any purpose?
Wow that's terrifying. I thought they were like coyote size
A better matriarchal species is the orca.
Hyena females are so masculine it's basicly patriarchy.
I think that's the happiest Yeen I've ever seen.
>Also looks ugly as fuck
Good tried to tell us something
retards with a sexual fetish for cartoon dogs started in the late 80s due to coke and degeneracy
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More dog to hug :)
Misandry in hyenas is a behavior evolved to avoid inbreeding. Male hyenas will eventually leave their group to find a mate.
Also, god doesn't exist. If he does, he's fucking retarded.
Considering the fact that hyenas eat dead or decaying shit, they're like street dogs but bigger and more dangerous.
40% neck
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