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This stupid bitch is the only reason we don't have living terror birds alive today.
They'll evolve again when we terrorform Mars.
Elon Musk prefers cars.
>the only reason
If they were better adapted to their environment they would still be alive. That's on them
They were. The environment changed. That's not on them.
Others made it just fine
Worthless creatures that aren't relevant to this thread, yes.
Would be culled to extinction. No way man would allow a bird prey on humans.
Terror birds actually probably didn't go extinct due to the great american biotic interchange. In fact, Titannis seemed to thrive up north with all the north american fauna, it wasn't until the glacial periods came along that they failed to adapt. Their numbers were already dwindling in the south before the interchange as well, so I'm not sure sbout them making it even if the isthmus of panama didn't form and connect the two continents.
Worthless creatures that survived what terror birds couldn't. What does that make terror birds?
Worthful duh
also the predator guilds like with sebecids and sparassodonts went extinct before the GABI even happened.

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