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Post good /an/ related reads.
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Phenomenal book for high functioning artists
thought you said high functioning autists not artists
>thought you said high functioning autists not artists
Same thing mostly
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It's actually breathtaking and inspiring
Give me some highlights.
The best you can do is consulting /t/
Other than that Google will tell you how a chad falls in love with a young female giraffe.
The pinnacle of paleoart
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I picked this up from a zoo over the summer. 40 quid (bongland), very big book absolutely filled with info on shitloads of species. Great photography throughout. Very glad to have it, hopefully my future kids will take to looking at it too.
I mean, obviously.
James Tate! He is always writing poems about animals. Here is one that always makes me sad.
And here is one that always makes me smile.
Any Richard Adams really
I did not realize the same psycho wrote both of these books. Was there any moral to Plague Dogs that I missed or was it made just to make you sad?
Good pick! I raise you this:
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Fucking Canadians.
I forgot about this book. Have been meaning to read it for ages.
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I'm enjoying this so far
Looks good! What's the pitch?
one of the GOATs
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Very wholesome
Very interesting read, especially if you're also big on high adventure stories.
Audio copy I'm listening to:
Day of the Rake can't come soon enough
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Picked this up from a library giving away old books years ago. It's nice
have wanted a copy of this for a while
General nonfiction book about animals/nature being nuisances -- elephant attacks, bears breaking in to houses, trees falling on you, etc. Nice witty prose and interesting subject material
Flower Confidential by Amy Stewart
"The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful in the Business of Flowers"
- a non-fiction book on the floral industry; green houses in North American going organic, roses grown in Ecuador, flying in flowers to the flower market
-- The something new I learned that's useful for me as an indoor gardener now is that some flowers need a period of around 8 hours of darkness to bloom, it can't be constant light.
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I love these Trimate books
the entire warriors series up until dawn of the clans desu ... the super editions r pretty good too
holy shit i completely forgot about them
I can't do memoirs with animal facts anymore when my main interest lies in learning about animals.
When was dawn of the clans? For me it went downhill with the power of three books and making starclan a religion instead of just a place their ancestors are said to be. Also all the Romeo and Juliet subplots got out of hand
I was thinking of getting this art book. Should get it?
>Tranimal books: warriors, animorphs, hazbin hotel original screenplay
yeah that looks rad
animorphs books are based, unfortunately the themes resulted in a massive obnoxious tranny following
I honestly struggled through the second series, and by the first book of the third series I was just done. For me it became extremely easy to predict, I kinda felt like they were just pushing along solely to sell more books and caring less and less about the story. The second series also moved at a snail's pace most of the time, probably killed my will to give the third series more of a chance.
>>Tranimal books: warriors
they hate to see clan cats living their lives ... baka

dawn of the clans is after omen of the stars, so just 2 arcs away frum power of three ... i agree with your sentiment, but oh my gosh it gets soooo much worse after dawn of the clans haha .. the drop in quality after the new prophecy is NOTHING compared to the drop in the newer books ... its a real shame
to add, they still make pretty good super editions, and the recent graphic novel adaptation was great ... when it comes to the actual main series tho ? steer clear
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peak monkey moms
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He does an autism about etymology at the start but it's a good book.
This looks great. I really want to find a good illustrated guide to jewel beetles or beetles in general but I just can't find one. You seem like someone that might know.
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He has books like picrel. I've NOT read it so can't review it, but I have the vinegaroon and cockroach book. Both are good and well illustrated (picrel has colour photos inside-I checked). My criticism is that he'll often publish a few niche books then repackage them into a more general book, so it can be better to just buy the latest/biggest volume.

For example, he has one about Jewel scarabs, but I suspect a lot of the contents will be found in picrel, as it's newer by six years. So, knowing nothing else, I'd recommend that.
This has been incredibly helpful, thanks anon!
Any non fiction recommendations for Halloween read?
“But the reader inquires, What is the nature of these creatures thus left stranded a thousand miles from either ocean? How came they in the limestones of Kansas, and were they denizens of land or sea?” E. D. Cope, On the Geology and Paleontology of the Cretaceous Strata of Kansas (1872:319)
I was born near the flint hills
>I was born near the flint hills
Any anecdotes about this?
Shit animal, I kill them every day.
I must have broken thousands of eggs.
Probably the wiki page for Ophiocordyceps unilateralis or maybe parasitoid wasps
Not even gonna eat the squabs?
defs Plague Dogs. Otherwise there is this book on blood-eaters that I am trying to refind atm
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wtf! This is amazing! Are they any good?
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Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
Bugger off with the wikipedia recs. I already have book on wasps and paranoid wasps don't really scream Halloween to me

Plagues Dogs isn't scary or Halloweenie, it more tragic story. I am interested in that blood eater books if it's about animals that suck blood.
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Here's a review of Crabs: The human sacrifice from GoodReads:
>This book defies description. On the surface it's a pulpy creature-feature horror romp, but it's so much more than that. It has all the torrid sex scenes, grisly crustacean gore and farcical characterisation you'd expect from the cover, sure. But the fact that the menace is GIANT CRABS (who all have cancer!) never gets old. The author's politics are pretty clear-cut, too: the book's bad guys aren't just eco-terrorists. They're led by an eco-terrorist cult leader who's also a deadly kung fu master with a samurai sword and an evil gross passion for evil gross BDSM! And the book's...hero? is a rich 32-year-old bachelor with a penchant for teenage girls and a lust for bloody justice.
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makes easy pie
The crab dies, doesn't he?
fuck books
It's a crime nobody brought up this gem.
Or this for that matter
>omen of the stars
That's where I officially dropped the series. The whole reveal of "oh actually cats in starclan can die too just like living cats!" Just to add tension was retarded, also iirc [spoiler]firestar[/spoiler] just abruptly dies from having a tree fall on him which was extra retarded
I forgot how much I resented this
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New, non-fiction so maybe not /lit/, but quality and every page isn't "muh climate change"
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Honestly have never heard of it, and I usually at least hear of the somewhat older dog related books.
>Watership Down
>it's not about a ship sinking
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i was using this one but ill check yours out
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My favorite book from my dad.
>non-fiction so maybe not /lit/,
Non-fiction still counts and is in fact encouraged. This looks great btw
That bug is so cute!
>is also not a cute book about bunnies
everyone got duped
It's a long shot but here goes nothing;
I'm looking for the title of an older book (at least pre 2000's) that was about a wolfhound, almost positive it was an Irish Wolfhound, that gets abandoned as a puppy in (I think) North Dakota because it grew too big.

A family takes the dog in, and it ends up saving someone from a wolf.
Some of the details may be off because I can not find the fucking title anywhere.

>bumps without a book
There's a million books with animals in them, and you're telling me you couldn't think of a single one?
>bumps without a book
My bad
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Childhood favorite.
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This one was good too, one of my teachers in elementary school had a few books by this guy, and I went through them in a couple of months
Holy moly there's a book I haven't seen since 4th grade, this just brainblasted memories back
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is this furry shit?
The leopard of rudraprayag
Nine man eaters and one rogue
Man eaters of kumaon
The temple tiger and more man eaters of kumaon
No more the tusker
Death in the long grass
Death in the silent places
Death in a lonely land
Very based
Can you find me a snakes children book? I lost it long ago in 1998
could you find an image smaller that that
yea they really ruined starclan desu
i love ivypool, shes like my favorite character, but wow the dark forest stuff is so stupid and unnecessary
The whole impostor thing... I already hated bramble since he was a cunt to my queen Squilf, why should I fuckin care if he's possessed?
fuck bramble hes such an asshole ashfur was perfect for squirrelflight and i stillll believe that like ashfur wuz totally justified in freaking out on her LOL
Lotsa animal poems
I can't believe this book hasn't been mentioned before. It looks like a kid's book, but it has some really fucking grim tones. It is believed to have really pushed the general public to give a fuck about animals. Not in like the vegan animal rights way, but in the 'not beating them to death' way.
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Absolutely second these two. And will add this duo.
oh jesus this is a deep cut. They don't write them like they used to.
I found out about this guy feom lady in the dunes. Which I guess sort of counts as well.
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this book was published in 1969, do you feel old yet
Did anyone else collect animal encyclopedias? I have one of dog, cat, and horse breeds, I remember getting them in elementary school
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The Last Dog on Earth is some good anger fuel
Siamese Summer, more so for the artwork.
Why are there so many fucking crab books
Yeah I have the cat one of those
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the top one is still the best natural history book i've ever read and hope to own a copy but a single one isn't cheap... im also a newt autist so im biased
>Why are there so many fucking crab books
Even books can't escape carcinisation
Animal horror is something else.
I've been reading The Incredible Journey, I'm enjoying it so far.
I cant believe it took over 100 posts to get this
I wouldn't be born for another 27 years so no
If anything, there are not enough of them.
it's not that good

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