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A newt
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Scorpion impaling a man's hand
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A hyena robbing a grave
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A spider
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A pelican reviving its young with her blood
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Lions breathing life into their young who are born dead
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A dolphin
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An elephant carrying Indian soldiers
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Beavers were hunted for their testicles. They'd castrate themselves so the hunters would spare their lives.
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A camel looking dandy
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A woodwose or wild man
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A lamia, child eater
Kino thread, keep going anon
I know a Satan when I see one.
why the specific detail on it having a gaping pussy??
Why do most of these look like the fucker drawing them had never seen even a cat?
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Take that back
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On the left is the lanzani, who attacks all beasts. On the right a human and lion cower in fear of its unending hatred.
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The porcupine. When threatened it can shoot quills at an attacker.
at some point in history the pope said that cats were evil and that they should get rid of them, millions of cats were killed including the ones in monasteries who remained cat free from hundreds of years.
as a karma fact, a couple of years after the pope said cats were satans the black plague happened and millions of people died, including the pope.
Wtf bigfoot came into contact with humans in the Middle Ages confirmed?
>as a karma fact, a couple of years after the pope said cats were satans the black plague happened and millions of people died, including the pope.
I like cats but that is pop sci
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The European hamster
I think that one is slightly mythological. Most of the pope's statement was about satanic anal kissing cults animating statues through gayness, and the plague came a century later. It's not even that crazy by pope standards.
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Sailors mistaking a whale for an island. It basked in the sun so long it's grown flowers on its back.
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A sea-hare. Its poison can be nullified by drinking water mixed with water frog ash.
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Hedgehogs climbing a tree to knock down fruit. They'll roll along the ground, sticking fruit on their spines to carry home.
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A griffon capturing a horse. It is found either in India, Ethiopia or the Hyperborean mountains.
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The caladrius lives in the home of a king. It has the ability to tell if someone will die of illness.
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Not sure why but this made me laugh
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Crocodiles always cry after eating a man, though their tears are insincere.
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The asp knows to block its ears when someone tries to enchant it. The man on the left wears a Jewish hat and is hitting it with a stick rather than a sword, suggesting he's a magician attempting to use magic on it.
He's become accustomed to his own malice
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Though the smallest of all birds, bees are very human. They follow laws, elect the noblest as king and go to war with each other. Lawbreakers will sting themselves to death so the king needn't enforce the law.
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Owls are dirty and lazy birds that fear the light. Other birds will harass them during the day to betray their location.
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Ostriches are camel-footed birds that can digest even iron. They immediately forget their eggs and allow the sun to hatch it for them.
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The vulture can live a century and has the ability to predict how many men will die in battle. Supposedly all female, they're impregnated through their mouths by the winds.
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Bats are winged quadrupeds and the only birds to give live birth.
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Octopi are notable for being talented deceivers. Here you see a man tricked into an embrace.
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Sea-pigs come from the idea that every land animal had a fish counterpart. They snuffle along the sea floor searching for food, which is coincidentally how sea cows eat.
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Hippopotamus means river horse so they were depicted as horse like with fish tails. At night they leave the river to graze.
me on the left
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Pearl oysters absorb sun, moon and starlight by opening and closing to produce a pearl. Agate gems are attracted to pearls so you can drop one in the water and follow it to the oyster.
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great thread
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A plain chameleon. They cant turn red or white though.
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Satyrs are club-wielding ape men and are like a more monstrous version of the wild-man. They're said to be native to Ethiopia.
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Ant-lions are the offspring of lions and ants. Because lions can only eat meat and ants eat grain it inevitably starves to death.
That article is really interesting. Where can I read about the gay statue animation?
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Sea turtles are a kind of armoured fish. Its bite is stronger than any other animal's and naturally grows knight-like protection.
I cant find a translated version of the decree but
>“Afterwards they sit down to a meal and when they have arisen from it, from a certain statue, which is usual in a sect of this kind, a black cat about the size of an average dog, descends backwards, with its tail erect. First the novice, then the master, then each one of the order who are worthy and perfect, kiss the cat on its hindquarters”
So Gregory IX was talking about a Luciferian cult that apparently animated a cat statue in a ritual and kissed its bum in Germany. There was also a peasant revolt over taxes there so it may have been an excuse to have a crusade against that.
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The female ape always gives birth to twins, one of which she loves and the other she hates. When she carries her young, she holds the one she loves in her arms, but the one she hates must cling to her back. When the ape is pursued by a hunter, she tires from running while carrying her two children; when she is in danger of being caught, she drops the child she loves in order to escape, but the one she hates continues to cling to her back and is saved.

Apes love to imitate what they see humans doing, and this can be used to catch them. A hunter sits where apes can see him, and takes off his shoes and puts them on again. He then takes them off and leaves them under a tree as he hides nearby in the forest. When an ape puts on the shoes the hunter runs out and catches the ape, which cannot climb with the tree shoes on. Another method used by hunters is to pretend to smear sticky lime on their eyes; when the apes imitate this they are blinded and easily caught.

There are five types of apes. The first is called cericopithicus and has a tail. The second, with rough hair, is called sphinx, and is docile, not wild. The third is cynocephalus, with a head like a dog and a long tail. The fourth, the satyr (satyrus, described separately here), is lively and has a pleasant face. The fifth, called callitrix, has a long beard on its pointed face, and has a wide tail.

Apes are happy at the new moon but grow sad as it wanes. At the equinox they urinate seven times. Apes are said to be ugly, dirty beasts with flat and wrinkled noses; their rear parts are particularly horrible.
Pelicans are assholes and the chicks peck their mom. The mom inevitably gets mad pecks them to death. After 3 days she gives them her blood out of griefs and revives them.
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I think it's neat how Ethiopia, India and Hyperborea are where all the weird creatures are. Someone probably saw an elephant tusk for the first time and was certain griffins were out there too.
Storks and pelicans like to live near people on rooftops and chimneys. When they have a nest they go fishing and throw up the predigested fish for their children to eat. In the good old days people thought they picked at their own breast and fed their offspring with their own blood, as a sacrifice, similar to Jesus shedding his blood to save mankind from original sin. Ever since, pelicaans and storks have been a symbol of selfless love.
Having a stork or pelican nest on your rooftop was a sign of good fortune and living proof that you live a morally good life. Even today people who expect children or celebrate newborns put an image of a stork somewhere in front of their house, expressing their desire to raise their children in that very spirit.
This thread is gold.
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I love the rich colors and gold in medieval art, that one is really well preserved.
Because hienas are hermaphrodites.
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The antelope is so wild that hunters cannot catch it, except in one instance: When the antelope is thirsty it goes to the Euphrates River to drink, but as it plays in the thickets of hercine trees there, its horns get caught in the branches and it cannot free itself. The hunter, hearing its cries, comes and kills it.

Its horns are like saws, and with them it can cut down trees.
This one is unforgivable.
Just a Scot.
Almost has a pokemon head.
Looks a little bit like quivern, but the fat is on the back.
That is derived from the trope of the 'osculum infame', the shameful or concealed kiss a Witch made with the Devil.
Where she'd kiss him on the asshole, the rear mouth, as part of making a pact. Others times only reference is made to the buttocks in general, perhaps as a means of propriety.
The Devil often was said to take animal forms, including that of a cat.
Looks like something a furry would make.
lovely snout would kiss (makeout)
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Literally me
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"The Cum-Beast". Who put a portrait of OP's mom in here? Mythical creatures only......hue.hue.hue.
"Axe hunting".....there's something you don't see everyday.
>Cat tools.

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