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Drought-stricken Botswana to kill, eat 20,000 elephants unless Germany takes them.
President of Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi says that if the German authorities do not agree to his proposal to accept 20,000 elephants inhabiting the country, they will be fed to Botswana’s starving population, the Bild reported citing a video address by Masisi.

"When people are starving, we must feed them. […] I’m afraid we will have to feed some of those elephants or even all of them to the people," Masisi said.

According to the African Wildlife Foundation, about 130,000 elephants, or one-third of all the elephants on Earth, currently reside in Botswana.
The Washington Post reported that the animals pose a problem for the country’s agricultural sector, frequently destroying farm crops.

What can an elephant actually do though? If you hug its hind legs it can't reach you with its truck, and its too sluggish to get away while you repeatedly pommel it from behind. If you stand to the side of its hind legs then it won't even be able to hit you with a back kick. If it raises its leg to perform a stomp then all you have to do is back off until it finishes its slam, then move back in to continue punching.
What european country could house so many elephants without them dying from exposure? Spain? Greece? Italy?
it can sit and someone has to tell your mom you died trying to punch an elephant to death
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Nah I'd win
What's "nigger behaviour" about wanting to kill a species causing ecological harm?
The same thing is happening all over the world, Germany has a problem with bunnies, the USA is having a problem with boars, and both countries choose to kill them.

Only when it happens to your favorite animal that you know from Disney movies and tear-jerker documentaries, do you show your fascist side.
It in no way solves the problem (one caused by excessive western support driving population well above carrying capacity) and is being done exclusively to try and get more of the aforementioned western support.

You know what else botswana has plenty of? Animals that you can eat which aren't arguably smarter than the native population. Why aren't they hunting the wildebeest population instead? Oh right, because they can use the elephant threat to get more money that will be spent by the president and his flunkies while the same endless hordes of starving stone age humans continue to starve.

You want to feed botswana? Go back to cannibalism.
Oh, okay. Do you have any proof that they are lying, or is this just speculation?
I never said they are lying about the drought, but they're choosing the highest charisma animal they have access to in order to drum up attention and support, which in great African tradition will be immediately embezzled by corrupt officials.

Or if it's about it not solving the problem, that's simple math. You can't feed 2.5mil people spread across an area the size of Texas with 20k animals, even elephant sized. That's maybe 5 days food each, max. And there's insufficient infrastructure to get that food processed and supplied to where it's needed before much of it goes bad, even if they tried it.
They’ve already started culling them in Zimbabwe to feed people. I have military training but I could hardly picture using it to defend ZOG—I would wholeheartedly be willing to help defend Elephants from African culling and poaching. Always been a dream of mine for years, but any of us who went would need the expertise of bush guides and people experienced with Africa, otherwise it would be like Che in Bolivia. I like elephants, and God likes elephants. So I’d like to protect elephants.
>the locals are stupid!!!!!!
But they're smart enough to threaten to eat elephants to get what they want. Check and mate, retard.
I'll have to look it up but doesn't Botswana have a surprisingly high GDP and HDI? I know one of those ooga booga countries has a really high mark for the both of them but they still eat locusts and other bugs because there's not much else to eat locally due to conservationist laws and lack of coast. I'll have to look it up
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why is it so easy to make westoids seethe by pointing out that they care more about idols than people?
I’d take an elephant over a bigger any day
>20,000 elephants
Wir schaffen das!
This sounds like a dumb question, but is animal conservation part of international law or something?
Like, can Botswana get an international penalty for not preserving the lives of le heckin elephants?
184 countries agreed to the CITES act in the early 1970s and it remains in place to this day. I forget what each letter stands for, but the act is about protecting endangered animals, yes.
I don't, however, know how binding it is or if there's any way to implement a penalty for non-compliance
Add it to the list.
is elephant meat even that good? only hear about people hunting them for their parts
Who is the president of elephants. I want to volunteer to fight on the front lines.
humans have hunted elephants for food for over a million years
I care more about elephants than I do about a gazillion Africans who keep shitting out more Africans and then wondering why there's not enough food.
It's projected there'll be 4 billion Africans on that continent by end of century-nigs will ravage that place and there probably won't be a single rhino, giraffe, or elephant left by then.
Then take the Elephants like he said, but you wouldn't do that now, would you? You stupid wigger. You'd rather complain about something that's not even your problem without offering even a single solution.
It's more merciful for the elephants to be killed for food than to slowly die of thirst -- and a culling would increase the chances for the remaining elephants, this goes for every species, the quality of human life always improve after a mass die off -- covid doesn't count because not enough of us died for rents to actually go down while wage goes up.

I think Big Agriculture is fucking up the weather system and it's not even carbon emission. It used to that rain goes into the fruit tree, human eat fruit and we pee it out not too far from where the rain first fell, now we are shipping high water content fruits out of arid places like South Africa en mass. Mass globalization of people and goods is just unsustainable for our planet. People use to migrate from across the world and that's it, they only return to the land of their grandparents several times in their life times, but now we have people flying back and forth several times a year. Instead of adapting to local cuisine they demand to have it ship over, for locals to adapt their culture so more stuff is shipped over. We've always had some degree of global trade and migration but for thousands of years it was small scale, foreigners used to be EXOTIC, as in rare.
Botswana should ship the elephants to India, that would solve a lot of problem...Hindus worship elephants so let's send them enough elephants for every wedding!
They know you do, but they have to live with elephants and you don't so fuck you.
Honestly, even threatening to do this warrants and imedieate invasion of that shithole nation and the execution of every government official in there.
Asian and African elephants are too far related to breed.
>ermmmm threatening ecological terrorism in your handout dependent shithole pretend-country is actually a smart thing to do!!
>doing what you want with your own natural resources is ecological terrorism
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>>your own natural resources
yes, animals in African countries do not belong to westoids no matter how much they shit their pants and cry about it when it gives them excuses to be racist
Elephants are worth far more than that.
Whites genuinely think that Africans are worth less than animals, telling them to not hurt the poor elephanterinoes in famine-stricken countries while whites themselves live the most luxurious lives in the world.

Genuine racism.
The president of Botswana wrote this post
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Whatever compassion they deserved ran out the second Idi Amin encouraged poaching.
well, yes
>animals in African countries do not belong to westoids
westoids have decided that slavery wasn't a moral thing to do. you're free
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This would be the only war that would motivate me. I don't want a elephant holocaust.
we should arms the elephants
no european country can sustain that kind of fauna.
yes but what about the elephants ?
>Kill the European lion
>Kill the British Island Wolf
>All because muh sheep
>Somehow get angry about the Elephant from a different continent
I unironically know the name of more elephants than I do of botswanians
all true save the last part. nobody give a fuck about elephants here.
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Other African countries like Namibia and Zimbabwe are killing elephants and other animals too to feed niggers/niglets because of droughts. It pisses me off to no end, elephants are a vulnerable species that are important to the natural world, starving unga bungas that pop out umpteen mini unga bungas a year are not.
>Y- you're racist!!
I do not care one ounce, animals and nature are much more important to me than humans. Proboscidians are one of a kind and we are no where near making them come back to life once extinction
>take 20 thousand elephants or we'll eat them
Master stroke of diplomacy, quite frankly.
So, are you going to do something about it?
Donate to conservation programs
conservation programs that pretend to help
Well what do you think I should do? Spend all my savings to go to Botswana, tell them to stop eating elephants, and then get killed and fed to little simbakubwe and menthuthuyoupi?
So you aren't doing anything, cool.
no. Spend all your savings to go to Botswana, then kill and eat little simbakubwe and menthuthuyoupi.
Every human possesses the same value. A life of one random African is just as valuable as the life of Mozart, Newton, and Shakespeare.
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>Every human posseses the same value
>I do not care one ounce, animals and nature are much more important to me than humans.
Are you vegan?
No, vegetarian
>elephant population in europe
the era of elephant colonisation begins
Oh, so you're fine with raping cows to steal their milk, as well as breeding chickens to lay an ungodly amount of eggs that take a massive toll on their body, just for them to be stolen anyway.
Not him but turning everything into plant monoculture to satisfy your fetish for eating plants, at the expense of having more diverse habitats like meadows full of loads of different types of flowers, with animals on them is perverse and anti-wildlife diversity. Not to mention the massacring of insects or some other species of creatures by the cultivation techniques.
Yes, exactly. I personally really the cows. And the chickens. And I don't even need to, I just like chicken clooc
This. While animal agriculture is terrible on the environment don't pretend plant agriculture isn't either, what about all those palm oil plantations that jungles in SEA & Polynesia are getting destroyed to make room for? Human agriculture at large doesn't mesh with the natural world
>make Africans reliant on gibs
>destroy their domestic industries by flooding their countries with cheap goods in the form of aid
>wtf why do they want more gibs?
Leave em to their fate. They'll sort themselves out. Foreign aid does more harm than good. Westoid meddling has caused more suffering in Africa than not. And we know it's to prop up corporate interests in extracting African resources
I've been saying it for years, Africa's population is about to go up by one billion+ before 2050. They will wipe out all wildlife in Africa like a plague of locusts. Every single large animal species there will be extinct outside of zoos.
African colonialism was a mistake and not worth it in the long run
Euro greed is being repaid. Call it karma or divine punishment from god. Non intervention would've been the better option. The cultural shock that African unga bungas endured is showing a rebound effect. They didn't go through the normal cultural evolution of tribes->kangdoms->nation states like other nations in the world so they're still stuck in a petty tribalistic mindset with modern weapons and amenities. The euro is their abusive stepfather. They hate him but they rely on him until they think they can get back on their feet
Why dont they cull their nigger population instead? Elephants are species of conservation concern (rare), while niggers breed like insects and are a disease on the earth.

Plus, isn't Zimbabwe literally run like a dictatorship? What's the harm with a few genocides every now and then? Or has it changed since Robert Mugabe was deposed?
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Cope. Euros and Americans have been arming tribal nogs for decades to steal their natural resources. Their penance is their former slaves flooding their country because they made it more appealing to flee to their country than making them improve their shitholes
I’d literally help fight Zimbabweans to defend elephants if I knew who to link up with. I don’t give a fuck. The seething thirdies in this thread need a new Operation Eland.
Oh, there's a solution, anon.

My solution can make it so they don't have to live with animals.
Or anything else, really. Or be alive.
I just need 10 nukes, and 1,000 men to help move the elelphants (temporarily) out of harms way.
Literally all I could ask for.
just nuke the cities. no elephants of worth hange out in cities.
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I wish they'd take the offer and divert any and all projects and money going to outside of EU immigration towards endangered megafauna conservation.
Imagine wildlife parks scattered around the mediterranean sea filled with elephants.
Invade botswana and make them not do this.
None of you are capable of moving your ass from your chairs.
Bait used to be believable
they don't belong to africans either.
Don't remember elephants eating sheep.
I love the white people NDF coming out in droves to defend their gods.
No, we need colonialism to save the elephants. Botswana should be turned into a colony so the wildlife can be protected. I'm sick of this 'leave these other countries to abuse their animals', it's stupid. Colonise them and make them protect the wildlife.
Colonialization without exploiting nature to get resources is dumb. Wildlife refuges is a dumb idea too.
I'm ancap and I know how the system should work.
>must protect sheep to feed your people so they kill wolves
>must protect your people by killing elephants and using them to feed the people
At least they're planning on using them for food, unlike what Euros did with the wolf. Also let's add the Eurasian beaver, the Eurasian lynx, etc. just from Great Britain.
You can check every campaign in Europe for animal extirpation and have fun. We hunt a bunch of species out of some regions for a long time.
>we need
You ain't doing anything but pretend keyboard activism.
Can you stop pretending like regular people can do anything to stop this stuff anyway, you'd need multiple governments banding together.
That's how you live your life, complaining in the internet so you can feel better about not doing anything, Bystander effect, someone else will do it surely.
if someone doesn't have any status or power, you're the type to blame them for not being able to do the things you need them to do. Like stopping trades of endangered animals in china. Even the chinese government hasn't stopped that. You think regular people can stop everything, but they can't.
Nothing wrong with that, but is dumb going around posting "WE should do something" when you wont do anything.
Okay then the UN should do something about it or the EU or the USA. Or any other country.
The US is too busy giving most of its and aid to Israel so they can blow up more children
Brown people are too unintelligent to farm. Charities give them fertilizer. They sell it for guns and ask for more. Then they ask why they are starving and for white people to do whatever they did to the land again.

We can blame them because dirt poor slavs dont have half their problems. They are TOO STUPID TO LIVE. Before we showed up with our charity they had sky high(er) childhood mortality rates from their general inability to plan ahead.
>from god
From a cabal of long nosed politicians that think this will prevent anudda shoah
>muzzie majority does anudda shoah
So fucking what. Animals have no rights. We preserve ecosystems so they can be exploited longer, that’s it. A chickens eggs can not be “stolen”. A chicken can not be “enslaved”. Chickens are not people. They are objects. We only give a shit about blatant torture because the same symptoms humans have for suffering predate the evolution of suffering and were originally just a way for a machine to signal damage and extreme danger to make the other machines flee.

Only higher animals like cows and dogs even have a chance at being able to suffer, and usually only for actual pain, not philosophical BS about freedom and property rights they dont have the mind for!
It's not just that the slaughtered elephants would be used for meat, they are removing elephants as a competition for water and crops -- that's why they threatened to send the elephants to Germany.
Germany should accept, they're big on importing megafauna that harms the natives and destroys the local economy.
To be fair, the kids had it comin'
Sure is weird how south asians have no problems feeding themselves.
nature conservation groups should do it
If they do send them to any country, what country should they send them to?
North Dakota in the US, it's huge and there's barely any people there anyway
Humans keep destroying big fauna, been this way since ancient times. Working our way down from the biggest towards the smallest. I see only one reasonable solution to this: we must genetically engineer humans to be really big. Once we are the biggest we will have to resolve this between each other and all the comparably tiny elephants will be safe.
I finally watched Africa Addio and man that was brutal
I would love to see elephants freely roaming the great plains
>cobra palm strike
I think we should send the elephants to India, enough elephants for every wedding. Just keep the elephants out of the region with trains to avoid competition.
>All the retards ITT not knowing gifting or herding elephants into a foreign territory is more of a curse than a blessing
Even if this dumbass would send the elephants and some other dumbass can accept them, the same dumbass would start shooting them saying they encroach on farmland
Why does Germany keep getting singled out and bullied lmao
because people know they'll bend over and take it
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Elephants aren't causing ecological harm retard

Africans need to figure out how to farm before bitching about elephants that they pissed off by poaching for chinese "traditional" "medicine" and luxury goods (primarily for china) in the first place
They're the de facto head of the EU and the ones sanctioning the most gibs from the EU
It's logically consistent. All arguments for foreign aid are also arguments for colonialism, because if we have a moral duty to share the fruits of our superior system with the less fortunate, that includes sharing the system with them too.
if you care so much about those elephants, why not demand your own government donate enough money to Botswana to keep those elephants alive?

If you're unwilling to have your own tax money go towards elephant preservation you have no right to complain about what they're doing, it's that simple
you are an infant.
Botswana Is literally 80% desert. You try farming in a desert.
I'm sure he's not bluffing when he threatens kill the only valuable asset of that shithole
>why don't you just pay the ransom to these subhumans?
they'll just do it again lol
Literally all the know how to do is fuck and eat, and we keep buying them lunch.
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I may be a racist but if there's anything I hate more than brown people it's hypocrites.
I'll just go back and tell my great-great-great-great-grandparents not to kill them way back then next time, no worries.
People manage to live in Nevada, somehow
Actually Botswana "up to 70%" desert, while Nevada is 75%.
Why do you people always have to lie? Fact-checking is always necessary when arguing with Africa-apologists.
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All the shortcomings of African countries are down to the inherent shortcomings of Africans, no matter how you twist it.
>Lord Rottschild
>can't afford to feed its people
>can send 20k elephants across the world
they already ate the elephants and are looking for a way to blame white people
i would kill millions of africans to give an elephant an extra piece of fruit
but only because i hate
Africans are so fucking stupid.
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>Whites genuinely think that Africans are worth less than animals
Yes? There are over 1 billion black Africans and less than 500k elephants. Those blacks live on the most fertile continent in the world. It's not the fault of the elephants that the blacks are too lazy and stupid to figure out agriculture. Bill Gates is right that Africa needs birth control. They will rape the entire planet in a generation or two by shitting out billions more kids they can't feed.
Brown bears are found all over the planet though. In fact I believe Romania has more brown bears per capita than any other country on earth. A lot of animals were hunted to extinction because people were complete retards about ecology and conservation until the 1980's, but two wrongs don't make a right.
Why Germany? Botswana isn't even their former colony in that region, that's Namibia. Ask daddy UK instead, the Royal Navy will be finally put to good use.
Test post sorry bro love you
>guy tries to domesticate zebras
>even now they can merely be tamed if you choose the right individual
>trying to domesticate a zebras is still just as hard and pointless as domesticating deer
You guys know there's like, different types of deserts right. The Antarctic is a desert too.
>Major challenges facing agriculture in Botswana include production volume and efficiency; lack of infrastructure and support services. Many of production farms are scattered and this made the fulfilment of infrastructure and provision of extension services slow.
And there was a drought not long ago.
the UK doesn't have the land to support elephants. They don't even have the land to support their humans, they rely on imports.
Just send them to Wales
People are more sympathetic towards animals they like than towards humans they don't like, what a shocker. And it's easy to like animals and hate humans. This isn't even a race thing. You ever talk to a dog owner? Or do you only use them as food and not pets where you're from?
remember when leftoids shilled this country like it was the next switzerland, lol
>Major challenges facing agriculture in Botswana include production volume and efficiency; lack of infrastructure and support services
TL;DR they're too stupid to figure out how to into infrastructure and it will never change.
Can you?
You could read the article instead of just the headline. Do you inform yourself exclusively by reading shitposts on this site?
What does this post mean?
Yeah its pointless. Because 1 we have motorized vehicles and 2 we have actual horses that went through the entire domestication process already. Zebras are truly wild because not only are they not domesticated - no one ever really tried.

It's good to note that Botswana has an average IQ of 69. Mental retardation is 70 IQ and below. This means that the majority of Botswana are mentally retarded.
Illiterate european peasants did it for thousands of years. stone age and bronze age societies like ancient egypt and the inca had boss agriculture.

>keep track of weather and time
>put stuff away for later instead of using it all at once, secure things before you need them
that's it!
Zebras aren't horses , they don't bond with a lead stallion, have an unpredictable nature and tendency to attack.
You can domesticate any animal. It just takes time and a lot of breeding.
No, even "domesticated" foxes aren't such. For successful domestication animals need to it a set of characteristics, otherwise you're wasting a bunch of time.
>The dog diverged from a now-extinct population of wolves 27,000-40,000 years ago
Given 40,000 years, foxes will be domesticated if there was a push to do so. But there's not, so they'll probably still be feral. Same with zebras. This isn't because they "can't" be domesticated.
>Trut wrote in 1999 "that after 40 years of the experiment, and the breeding of 45,000 foxes, a group of animals had emerged that were as tame and as eager to please as a dog."
with genetic engineering it would be even faster
>Even though there were significant changes made to the population’s behavior and physical appearance, the animals in the Russian Silver Fox Experiment are not considered truly domesticated.
>truly domesticated
Define that.
Eh... Pack animals, yes. Others, not so much.
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Is already defined on the linked article.
Ah yes, the independent nation of Nevada, which pays import tariffs on foodstuffs imported from the much greener neighbouring nations of Cascadia and Northern California.
You fucking idiot.
I take my work shirts to Two Wongs Dry Cleaning because Two Wongs makes'em white.
>However, in the end, domestication takes thousands of years, and “domestic foxes” still do not exist.
So they're just not "truly" domesticated, yet.
They can fold you in half like your bones are made of paper, impale you on their tusks, or turn you into a meat pancake by stepping on you
Not now, not ever. Not only is extremely hard even with most animals, you can't predict results for "a thousands years" from now, nor it's useful to humans in general.
>Not now, not ever
Except your own article implies it's perfectly possible and they've already taken massive strides in a mere 50 years. That it's purely a matter of time.
>b-but it's not useful ;_;
Irrelevant cope. It's not whether we should, it's whether or not we can. And we can.
>J-just 50 more years, bro
You confirmation bias is amazing, you should invest on crypto.
You got btfo by your own article. Sneed.
Nice to see you started with the buzzwords for coping. Good luck.
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Well, they do have farms in Nevada.
Since you think that anyone who believe foxes can be domesticated can be disregarded out of hand, why did you link that article and use their definition of "truly domesticated" when the writer also believes they can be domesticated with further time.
Holy shit please call this bluff. They don't have the infrastructure to move that many elephants and they're hoping to kill them and sell them anyways - can't sell body parts you don't own.
you can domesticate every plant or animal. You can make a zebra evolve into a fucking squirrel creature if you breed it enough
I assume they want germany to go there and take them, not send them themselves
Botswana Internet Defense Force over here.
Yeah that figures.
>Earlier this year, Germany's environment ministry suggested there should be stricter limits on importing trophies from hunting animals.
>Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi told German media this would only impoverish people in his country.
>He said elephant numbers had exploded as a result of conservation efforts, and hunting helped keep them in check.
>Germans should "live together with the animals, in the way you are trying to tell us to", Mr Masisi told German newspaper Bild. "This is no joke."
>Botswana is home to about a third of the world's elephant population - over 130,000 - more than it has space for.
>Herds were causing damage to property, eating crops and trampling residents, Mr Masisi said.
>Botswana has previously given 8,000 elephants to neighbouring Angola, and has offered hundreds more to Mozambique, as a means of bringing the population down.
>"We would like to offer such a gift to Germany," Mr Masisi said, adding that he would not take no for an answer.
>Botswana's Wildlife Minister Dumezweni Mthimkhulu last month threatened to send 10,000 elephants to London's Hyde Park so British people could "have a taste of living alongside" them.
>Botswana is home to about a third of the world's elephant population - over 130,000 - more than it has space for.
Then make space. Elephants are endangered, Africans are not.
>"Yes Mr. President, why don't you just go on AND DIE"
You sure got em'
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Please send them to the US we can take them
The weak should fear the strong
based trampler
kind of crazy to think how many thousands or tens of thousands of years since North America has had a Native Elephant/predecessor to Elephants
>Botswana has an average IQ of 69
that pol jpeg is basically made up anon

>This means that the majority of Botswana are mentally retarded
that's technically not what an average means (e.g. almost everyone on earth has an above-average number of eyes)
Because of this, I looked for a satellite photo of Botswana. It's a lot greener than I expected so I retract >>4886742/>>4885752
I have no idea why they don't farm, then.
>that pol jpeg
What? It's from THE INTELLIGENCE OF NATIONS - Richard Lynn, David Becker.
>that's technically not what an average means
Do you know what a bellcurve is?
Is this even true? That they'd said they'll kill the 20,000? It doesn't say it on this site: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-68715164
The obvious answer is the elephants and anyone on /an/ the board of animals and nature who disagrees needs to gtfo.
Elephants are based. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.
It’s been 9-13,000 years depending on the location.
>freed American black ex-slaves enslave the native african population
>dress like Europeans while doing it
Damn that sounds like it would make for a great movie. Imagine the descends of those enslaved africans asking for reparation from other blacks.
idols are better than people, Al-Qaeda-sama
We don't care about people who are too stupid to farm, wear a condom, or realizing that raping infants does not cure aids.
Please, all arab-style islam ever did for africa was give them excuses to wantonly murder even more innocent people.

With buddhism or christianity they may calm down enough to learn to maintain a stone age irrigation system.
>why is it so easy to make westoids seethe by pointing out that they care more about idols than people?
>posts a statue representing peace and forgiveness destroyed by "people" who went on to brutally oppress and murder innocents for doubting their specific interpretation of the hearsay surrounding a bronze age warlord who notoriously raped an 8 year old girl, got his start as a literal highway robber, and wrote down in his journal that demons sometimes spoke through his mouth
*Had one of his friends eventually pass it on to someone that knew how to write that demons spoke through him
a domesticated animal obeys humans. those foxes are friendly to humans but they dont obey, theyre very destructive and chaotic. theyre just tamed enough to not try to kill us
>a domesticated animal obeys humans
I hope elephants go extinct, nobody will remember them in like 2, 3 days tops after they all fucking die.
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Obvious answer is "cause they stupid" but look. When you think about it, Africans actually fit into the ecosystem, sort of. They don't cut down every tree and domesticate every animal. That's kind of based. It's even more based that it's not because they choose not to, cause if this is a choice they'll choose different eventually. But no, it's by design. They literally just don't have the capacity to do that kind of shit and rape their land the way other people have done. The fact that they even make somewhat of an impact on their natural surroundings is purely because of Europeans and Chinese funding them, giving them machines and laying down infrastructure for them. Without these evil outside forces, Africans would still be living in huts. And actually that's entirely how it should be. No farming, no threat to the natural world, worshiping the stars and inanimate objects, getting eaten by lions and trampled by elephants with only a spear to defend themselves. AKA humanity's original place in the natural order.
We don't have a problem with bunnies.
anyone have an explanation for this?
It's trained to do that as a trick.
>Send the elephants to Germany
>Germany sends the elephants to Russia
>In two hundred years, we get woolly mammoths again
Fund it
Not just animals, you're forgetting all the plants and fungus that are worth more than Africans.
>"Africans are dumb" says anon who only reads headlines
You can’t develop thick coats in 200 years
as a Black man, why my supposed to give a dam bout some stinkin elephants? Africa belongs to the BLACK MAN not to elephants
Yeah, it's worse
He wants Germany and other countries to pull back their bans on trohpy hunting imports and laxer laws on ivory

He's not dumb, he's just a subhuman piece of shit
I though this board agreed controlled hunting helped conservation efforts and it's better than the real species killer (habitat destruction, competing introduced species).
Incompletely tranquilized and standing in a near-stable position. The flinch response from the slap was the tipping point. It's like when you're dead on your feet at the end of a shift but you're braced against your desk to stand up, then almost fall over when somebody startles you.
You're an idiot.
Nah, too many soft headed feelbots here for consensus to be reached.
The nog-elephant war is gonna be kino for sure, I'm looking forward to this
no he's just making a point that if Germany doesn't want to help Botswana in any way with the conservation of elephants, they have no right to dictate how Botswana does it, which is entirely fair

Not to mention that a country that allows farmers to shoot wolves and bears has no right dictating how the country with the largest elephant population on the planet treats it's elephants
Botswana has 100 times more elephants than Germany has wolves, and yet despite that, Germany has laxer wolf hunting laws than Botswana has elephant hunting laws
the story of how that got blown up is pretty funny
>Swedish NGO wants to restore the Bamyan Buddha statue
>it had been defaced and damaged many times over the last millennia
>raises a ton of money from other rich europeans
>goes to Afghanistan (run by the Taliban at the time)
>says he has a ton of aid money for restoring the statue and asks for permission to do so
>Taliban doesn’t really care about the statue and have left it alone, are receptive to the idea
>Taliban official asks if any portion of that money would be given to aid the current population of Afghanistan, who were chafing under sanctions at the time
>Swede is genuinely confused and says ‘uh… no, it’s just for the statue. Not anything else, sorry.’
>Taliban are so dumbfounded that westerners cared more about a defunct buddha statue than their current suffering population they decide to blow up the entire thing just to piss them off
Kino diplomatic moment
Why would you ever give aid to islamics? And make it look like their murder cult is functional for even a minute?

Islamics can not maintain a society without an endless supply of oil riches from western customers. Their religion is fundamentally incompatible with organized society. Quite simply, they can abandon the woman-beheading, wife-beating, child-raping shit if they want help.
>Taliban: Hey, you're going to pay us to keep throwing acid in womens faces for forgetting to wear bedsheets, right? You're going to fund our schools ran by terrorists who will shoot women for attempting to attend? Are you going to give us some money to misdirect towards our terror campaigns and siphon off to iran and their proxy militias so more jews can be shot? Can we say its for food, and buy ammo? I just wasted 30 rounds of ak-47 boolits yesterday. A woman was walking a dog. I had to shoot her dog and take her leg to restore allahs order. Now I need new 7.62x39 please.
>Swede: If you put it that way, we're just fixing the statue that represents peace and equality.
Kino diplomatic moment.
iranian shillbot btfo

imagine trying to portray reality: terrorists are sanctioned for a reason as “le west prefers statues to human life”. fucking axis of evil shills. whats next, russia was the victim of nato aggression because ukraine joining meant their plans to kill all the ukranians and annex their country would result in nato aggression? please shill your axis of evil agendas somewhere else. russia, china, iran, the taliban, these are bad people and when we help them they use our help to buy guns.
>muh women!!
Nobody gives a fuck if they want to keep their whores in line.
The elephants are more valuable than these people. Better to send squads to deal with them so the elephants get more land.
Every place that doesn't give women's rights it's a shithole, you're welcome to go live on them if you like it so much.
4chan, twitter, basically every social media/social media adjacent site doesn't give a shit about women and children. There were people actually defending child porn ownership on /a/ a couple days ago
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Letting third worlders have internet access was a mistake.
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This is amazing, who would reject a gift of 20,000 elephants? What kind of mismanaged unambitious shithole would throw this chance away? Elephants, rhinos, and lions used to roam Europe. You have a chance to bring that back.
>so more jews can be shot?
what are you, a goy? hahaha, goy! look at the goy!
>dim mak
>believing this bullshit
They wanted a bribe. Muslims want to blow up anything pre-Islamic all the time. There's one guy who is constantly demanding the Egyptian Pyramids be destroyed because they are pagan.
What about Mammoths
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>I think Big Agriculture is fucking up the weather system and it's not even carbon emission. It used to that rain goes into the fruit tree, human eat fruit and we pee it out not too far from where the rain first fell
if eating and drinking a ton, then pissing it out is supposed to increase the amount of rain, explain the west coast of the US. wow they have droughts too, shocker
>There were people actually defending child porn ownership on /a/ a couple days ago
what does that have to do with anything? you can be in favor of child porn ownership while "giving a shit" about children.
Pretty much all true except for the Iran thing. The Taliban has always been firmly tied to the Saudi terror networks instead of the Iranian ones. Iran made diplomatic overtures to Bush about joining the Afghanistan coalition back in 2001, but AIPAC wouldn’t let America accept them.

Yes, Saudi terror networks exist and aren’t just the work of Osama bin Laden, the export of jihad and wahabbist mahadrassas is a critical program of the House of Saud, required to keep their native radicals from slitting the ruling family’s throats for apostasy.
Sounds like I'm being threatened with a good time.
We'll take the 'phants but they can keep the "people"
The question about how much human involvement what's a a leading cause in the extinction of the mammoth is still a debated topic, specially because there were different species that got extinct at different points in time, the examples above whoever were 100% proven to have human as a leading cause.
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The Taliban/Al Qaida aren't people so we don't care what happens to them. The statue has more value to humanity than anyone in those groups
Doing more than you are, unless you count bitching on 4chan and defending corrupt dictators "something"
>One of the strongest democracies in Africa
>Having a dictator
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>Nobody gives a fuck if they want to keep their whores in line.
You look like this and say this, but, elephants?

We should round up regressive thirdies and incels and put them in a park with botswanas elephants and no clothes or tools and find out how plausible anthropogenic mammoth extinction really is.
>muh wimminz!!
Nobody cares.
>but muh middle east shithole
Yeah and? Nobody cares about the middle east being a shithole either.
>Doesn't want to watch elephants stomp all over incels and cavemen
your loss
>doesnt hug hind legs
>doesnt pommel it from behind
its like he didnt even try
Are you dense?
You can see the tranq in the video.
It would definitely be a better use of those trillions of euro they put into invading Europe with barbarians
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Australia, and the United States are probably the best options for developed nations that could support "wild" populations of the animals. South America would probably be the best enviromentally wise, especially since it is experiencing a population collapse so there are fewer poor people to try and eat them, but at the same time population collapse will cause economic collapse which may lead to those starving poor people to eat the elephants.
I value the life of a single elephant more than a million bantoids who quite literally cannot sustsin themselves without Western intervention
It made sense at the time. It wasnt insane like its neighbors, it cut its AIDs numbers in half by promoting safe sex, and it didnt have an insane birth rate... Now it's a slightly wealthier than it's neighbors, but with a replacement rate almost as bad as Europeans, and is headed toward extinction as illegal Aliens from South Africa swamp the country.
I just made an argument that you had no rebuttal to so you just post reaction images because to preserve your online dignity.
>The elephants are more valuable than these people.

How do you know those Africans won't grow up to be brilliant scientists, artists, engineers, doctors, etc.?
bro, it's not "a thousand years" of random chance, it's just selective breeding. we can very much predict the results as we are the ones selecting the traits we want to change. there is no set timeframe that has to elapse before they magically become domesticated, it's just however long it takes to affect the necessary genetic change in the population.

you're getting way too bogged down by stupid definition shit. not to mention seriously underestimating how quickly genetic change can happen with a strong enough selection (in this case far stronger than you would typically see in nature in a short timeframe)
Jews must find their way into any pro-life space and try to undermine it because they fear Nature.
Only savages are cruel to animals
If Africans are starving then they have the right to eat the elephants. No elephant is worth than a human.
Dumbass antiwhite cretin.
One of my favorite parts of Islamic tradition is that Gabriel revealed the Quran to Mohammad, but he didn't know how to read, so Gabriel began stranglinging him. But Mo still didn't know how to read, so Gabriel strangled him again. When this failed to make Mo literate a second time Gabe began dictating the Quran to him like a toddler.
Actually mohamed knew how to read. He was just feeling kinky
based only man was made in Gods image. other creatures are mere pray.
If your country has an average IQ of 69 then it is safe to assume the majority of inhabitants are below the retardation line
>Above average # of eyes
False, because you would round up the average to 2, since having less than a whole number of eyes is not really a thing.
Same as the classic 2.5 children bs.
This really just proves mean is a stupid value and median is superior.
>Controlled hunting for conservation
>Killing off 5% of the global population of an endangered species because your corrupt government cannot into economics
Pick one.
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What is this /news/?
my question is, can an elephant fall over like that without breaking at least something?
Yes they do
how much damage would 20,000 hungry elephants do to the agricultural sector in the us midwest if they magically appeared out of nowhere
So much outrage and not one solution offered. Great thread.
it's certainly not reddit
You keep saying that, and yet
autistic fantasies are not a solution. Also you have to be 18 to post here
Do you expect Germany to take on 20,000 uneducated, free-loading elephants?
There's so many elephants in Botswana they keep giving them away to other places, is the place with the most elephants in the world with over 130,000.
>frequently destroying farm crops.
Keep bee hives around the farm or use speakers to play bee noises. We've known this for a very long time.
thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6tQ26jUObs
You do know elephants can learn, they're really smart and they wise up to that shit eventually.
thing about the elephants is the amount of crop damage they cause as well, its not just for the meat but to reduce threat to villages from pubescent bulls and to reduce crop damage.

ignoring this on purpose?
What a fuckin ashore.
Yes, I'd rather have 3rd world humans starve to death than have 20k less elephants in the world. The world needs more elephants and less shitters anyway.
South Asians aren't starving from living alongside elephants.

And yet, africans are.

What do South Asians know that africans do not?
Asian elephants are smaller than African elephants plus, there's currently fewer than 50,000 Asian elephants compared to the 130,000 you gen in Botswana alone.
No they don't. They learn not to go over there because there's a shitload of bees. Especially if you actually put bees there.

Current research on the bee sound effectiveness seem to be clouded by the companies trying to sell you bee sound boxes.
This is morally repugnant. Shame on you.
that symbol is pronounced "no", it's the Japanese word for "of"
It's good to pick up basic hiragana. You'll do it naturally if you hang out here long enough.
People can only handle so much bullshit before they start losing empathy. Blame the absurdity of the situation (and African military dictators who systematically impoverish their own people and never take responsbility for it), not anon.
Botswana it's a democracy, and their over abundance of elephants it's because of the successful conservation efforts in the country.
No different than when in America you allow wolf hunting when it's decided that the wolf population in the state is stable.
Perhaps the elephants can be rigged to detonate when eaten
>their over abundance of under abundant elephants
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Let me put it in a way you understand.
>How do you know those Africans won't grow up to be brilliant scientists, artists, engineers, doctors, etc.?
Unironically more likely to happen from the elephants.
>kill elephants
>feed nigs momentarily
>nigs get hungry again but this time without elephants
i say bring cannibalism again if they can grown food
There were no humans a million years ago.
It's not conservation if the animals aren't reintroduced in their native environment.
Go live in his country
That doesn't mean they have too many.
How is that an overabundance?

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