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File: JP-3edit.jpg (341 KB, 600x799)
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>Lions look white
>Wolves look white
>Bears look white

>Penguins look white
>Mice look white
>Rabbits look white
>Cows look white
>Elephants look white

>Chimps strangely look white
>Both red and gray squirrels look white
>Junglefowl, blue jays, etc. look white

>Fish look white
>Even deep sea animals look white
>Buffalo also look white
Real, actual diversity. They live and fight together in a very interesting ecosystem where their battles are noble and have intelligent, tragic themes to them on every side of the conflict.
i legitimately have no idea what your point is
His point is that niggers are lower than animals
thats retarded
It's true though
Birds have a higher IQ than all niggers
groupers look like blackpipo thougheverbeit
you know thats factually incorrect. just say you hate niggers like a normal person you autist.
A mouse is smarter than a nigger
False flag to make us look like our aversions to niggers are frivolous and unsubstantiated. Not convincing. Go back, tranny.
and yet noone really cares. cause blood is red and animals are bio-mechanics that act out on the procession of life, and that little passion that those intelligent tragic wars need, is just enough to parade their claws and their furs patterns and some days to lift up their head towards the dull sun to squint leniently and then panting; just to feel the fresh breeze around their dried blooded mouth and their rough tongue -but is it air that they breath?- to continue their noble, side of their conflict. and so on, and so forth, sundawn and morning and aint it life and aint it fun and aint it beautiful and sometimes just..wearysome. but its the boring ones that are bored. have my faith for one more 24 for your animal white kingdom.
But I'm being serious. Niggers are below mice, who are a noble ancestor to humans
you dont like niggers, we get it
You are projecting yourself into the animals in the weirdest way
zamn my pussy is WET
I've never seen a grouper or mouse put gorilla glue in 'they' hair
my conclusion, niggers are less intelligent that the aforementioned animals

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