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>Do you feel in charge?
oversized rats are not dogs
just like baby murder machines
Fuck off, small dogs are great.
Terriers are retarded.
that's not a terrier my man
sure they are internet tough guy
Cat always wins in its weight class so it is an unfair matchup
Absolutely brutal mogging
depends on how passive the animal is.
Suddenly the toxo started talking
Toxo makes quick work of these dogs
this reminds me of how my rat terrier and 2 cats would play growing up
terrier would get a bit agro, the cats would smack it around a bit, and it would calm down and hang out normally
>real dogmunism has never been tried
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>redditor cant figure out how to convert his imgreddit URLs to webms
Nobody but fags and women like those stupid yappy ankle biters. Let me know how great they are when one of the little retards runs under your foot and you accidentally break its leg.
people have been selectively (in)breeding for generations and you don't think certain races aren't fucked up? I forgot the name of that British dog that can't even breathe properly because of their fucked up skull but at least it's pwettyyy :3
it's still a dog
And you are a categorybrain
>Dogs are bad.
>No, most aren't.
>But pitbulls are dogs. Dogs are bad.
>That's only 6% of visually distinct dogs.
>Strays in india have rabies and kill 60,000 people. Dogs are bad.
>Those are strays in india infected with a disease because hindus are prey animals and can't control their natural predators.
>No. Dogs are bad. You have to hate the 94% of dogs here because of this 6% and these diseased strays in a shithole.
>-reddit logic
that's console war logic

if sony released one bad console, all sony consoles before and after are automatically bad because by being on "team sony" you are condoning everything they did. so yeah, redditor logic because only redditors play video games after middle school and /v/ is basically a reddit colony.
I love seeing small dogs get humiliated by cats post more
Console war redditor logic be like
>catredditor: dogs are bad because of rabies in the third world
>Hey toxo, first world toxo deaths.
>catredditor: You are fucking brown! Toxo is only a problem in the third world! Only brown people hate cats, my fellow based maga 4channers! I am not from reddit you are from reddit! Cat website you fuck dogs!
>one race, the dog race
thanks for putting my thoughts into words
>/v/ is basically a reddit colony.
>brings up /v/ shit out nowhere
the irony is astounding. reflect on this.
I'm not even gonna engage with disingenuous dummies like you. you know what I mean when I say certain breeds aren't dogs.
you can shit and piss your pants and use all the erroneous analogies you want, it's still a dog. it's still canis familiaris.

see that's the cool things about facts and reality. they're true whether or not (You) believe they are.
>a pen, pencil and marker are all writing tools
>wtf why can't I use this eraser on a pen or marker???
exactly your logic
just stop before you embarrass yourself any further
>you know what I mean when I say certain breeds aren't dogs.
No, no one knows what you mean. Dogs are dogs. There are different breeds of dogs with different characteristics, but they're all dogs. One can like a breed of dog and dislike another, but they're both still dogs. (You) don't get to decide what is and is not a dog based on your own internal schizo "no true dog" headcannon.
I love them
It's a dog, but what does that matter?

That's just one big category that covers radically different things you an tell apart from a mile away. It's like saying "uhm, team cat loses because big cats attack more people than bears and they're feliforms and caniforms ok, accept your teams failures cuck". /v/brained.

Yes, we can tell what you're trying to imply. It's part of the console war. It's how it works in every console war. "TEAM X HAS TO FUCKING OWN IT, ONE OF THEIR PLAYERS IS SHIT" but thats not how the world works.
go back to your reddit colony bucko.
Dumb analogy because all domestic dogs are the same species, canis lupus familiaris. If a catfag tried to claim that Maine Coons are the only "real cats" then it would be equally retarded.
and yet another stupid pointless analogy.
see how fucking mad they get when they know they're wrong but they need to somehow squeeze in the last word because of their bruised ego?
Scientifically dog is an arbitrary classification applied to several different paleocene wolf derived subspecies that may sometimes have admixture from other wolf subspecies

There is no hard scientific reason we should say a pomeranian and an akita are the same species. They will never breed in nature. Human intervention is required. If that makes them the same species, lions and tigers are just two different breeds of the big cat race because with human intervention they can produce fertile offspring.

You could easily call pitbulls their own subspecies even though they can and do breed with other dogs. There are bird subspecies that are separated out for fewer differences than you can find between a pitbull (an unhinged, predatory man killer that shows no aggression) and a german shepherd (a defensive and fearful animal but not a natural born man killer). There are bird subspecies solely separated by regional frequency and the color of a single feather. Can pitbulls be canis lupus poorfaggus then? It's possible.
>small dogs aren't dogs because uhhh....BECAUSE THEY JUST AREN'T OK
>pitbulls aren't dogs because uhhh...BECAUSE THEY JUST AREN'T OK
what is it with dogfags and being unable to accept reality?
point out why it's stupid then instead of sperg out
and who the fuck is "they" you schizophrenic. you can just say dogfucker or buttsniffer like the redditor you are
you can have last word and explain why it's stupid. I'm done talking to you because you're clearly mentally unstable
not being able to take metaphorical things as such, and only in a literal way is a sign of autism. nothing makes a low functioning autist seethe more than calling him autistic lol
Small dogs aren't dogs at all because they can not naturally breed with most other dogs. At best they form a ring of subspecies. is "dog" now a clade that starts wherever wild wolf stops? When are we going to properly classify them all then?

Pitbulls aren't necessarily dogs because they differ more from most other dogs than a lot of natural subspecies differ from each other.

The decision to call them all one species is political, not scientific. The correct judgement, that dogs form a multitude of subspecies and we may even want to restrict the use of the informal "dog" to some group of them, and decry others as rat-dogs or shit-beasts, would highlight how ethically disastrous the selective breeding of pets has become. Imagine the public reaction to "dog breeders have created new species purely out of vanity, from the original and actual dog, which their creations no longer resemble"

I propose this: Domesticated wolf -> half-wolves, rat-dogs, shit-beasts (-> smashlings), dogs
>point out why it's stupid
i already told you: they're still the same species. what about that true statement enrages you to the point of shitting your pants?
>they're the same species according to the politically biased "experts"
But in actuality they do not produce fertile offspring in nature any more than tigers and lions do
>Small dogs aren't dogs at all
they are. you lost. cease posting immediately. you're a low IQ autist mad because reality doesn't match your convoluted headcanon. not reading the rest of your novel.
>They are
Wow, that's totally how people act when they are correct and have an unfalsifiable viewpoint. Not how people act when their establishment installed headcanon has been systematically steamrolled at all.

You lose.

Next up you call me mentally ill, trans, fat, a virgin, what else?

Chihuahuas and greate danes are not, by any sane standard, the same species.
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>appealing to nature when discussing domesticated animals
>shut up
>you're stupid
>im not listening
he btfo you pretty hard
small dogs and large dogs are not a single species
small dogs, medium dogs, and large dogs form a ring species arrangement and it is scientifically feasible to label dogs that have different phenotypes and societal/geographical barriers between them different subspecies.

just wait until you find out about teacup cats. there is no scientifically valid reason to say a dwarf cat is the same species as a housecat in its standard size range. they will not, and can not, interbreed. there is more of a species barrier between them than some accepted species barriers in nature. its 100% people afraid to say something that makes the pet industry sound evil. they made a new species for human vanity.
>t-they aren't dogs b-becau-ACK!
begone low IQ autist. i told you, you lost.
Not appealing to nature. Pointing out a natural species barrier.

Are tigers and lions the same species whenever they're kept in a zoo? They can produce fertile offspring with human aid so they are the same species.

>*funny voice* "they arent do-ACK" wow look, you just fucking hung yourself. i win the argument. you are stupid and mentally ill. i told you to shut up already. i win. leave! shut up! leave!
Yeah that's how people act when they're right and not when they believe something so wrong it touches upon, or descends into evil and have been revealed for the delusional and nasty creature they are.
>starts airquoting and not replying directly
typical toxoredditor
>Are tigers and lions the same species whenever they're kept in a zoo? They can produce fertile offspring with human aid so they are the same species.
Lions and tigers are naturally-occurring animals. Dogs are domesticated wolves that were developed into different phenotypes by selective breeding through human intervention. That's why we classify them by "breed" rather than "subspecies."
reminder that the shiteating potstirring troll brought up console wars, /v/ and reddit out of nowhere >>4888242
that says enough about their mental fortitude
Irrational and religious or spiritual in nature
Ad hominem

Chihuahuas and great danes are not the same species. Humans are part of nature. Clades dont take on a new meaning when a human watches two animals do it.
>Ad hominem
>even more redditspeak
I'm not gonna engage with a 12 year old. instead I will call it as it is, and remove myself from the conversation, just like I'm doing now
Great danes and chihuahuas arent the same species

maybe your religion told you “durrr humans arent natoor, muh gawds imaj, speshul creatur” and somehow if an animal evolves in your backyard its subject to different species barrier definitions as a consequence, but your delusional belief that you are not part of the natural world is simply not true. Humans are part of nature. Species barriers dont change because some spiritual schizo says an animal isnt natural “because it is so!”. Either animals that dont interbreed on their own are different species, or they are not. Pick one.
look how fucking fuming it is lmao
Look at how the redditor acts when it gets btfo with facts and logic

Either lioms and tigers are the same species because they are mostly captive, or small and large dogs aren’t.
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Imagine being this pedantic just because you don't want to acknowledge that dogs are dogs.
I admire that cat's way of handling shit.
>>>Strays in india have rabies and kill 60,000 people
About 100% of those killed by rabid dogs in India are Indians, so literally NMP.
>is "dog" now a clade that starts wherever wild wolf stops?
Wild wolves can breed with medium to large dogs fine.
>>Are tigers and lions the same species whenever they're kept in a zoo? They can produce fertile offspring with human aid so they are the same species.
A better example is polar bears and brown bears aka grizzlies. They can produce (actually) fertile offspring and have been known to rarely do so in the wild. The main reason they don't do this more often is because their ranges barely overlap.
I like Maine Coons
Pound for pound cats mog dogs hard.
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>lions and tigers aren't the same species, so that means pitbulls aren't dogs!
braindead dog fucker logic. i'm outta here.
Pitbulls are canis lupus dindu (shitbeasts), chihuahuas are canis lupus rodentia (anklebiters), and border collies, german shepherds and the like are canis lupus familiaris (dogs)

The taxonomy is quite clear
>Chihuahua is a terrier
Blah blah all dogs need to be trained. And there are many different small dogs, a mini pinscher is different from a yorkie is different a schnauzer etc.
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>Leave the cat humiliation to me
why the fuck is he putting up with that shit parrots about to take his eye out
Even worse is the person recording, notice how abruptly the webm ends.
Cat probably lost an eye.
>itt: /an/ learns why sub-species is a thing
holy shit yeah some one recording this and just letting it happen not trying to stop it. Also no cat would put up with that shit. Is he restrained or drugged?
the more I watch it the more it looks like the cat is drugged like a zombie like its not even looking at the parrot acknowledging it or reacting. though its eyes are wide open like its freaked and in a daze. A cat would either do to thing run away or swat at the parrot not just sit there all dazed looking
That gentle touch
>Calm down schizo
why are the catfags in this thread so stupid, I mean literally of them

the little dog in the op was just trying to play, but it suddenly realized cats are mindless and got spooked
A couple of my aunts bred Chihuahuas. We had a quite a few in my household most my life before I left home. I only know of one broken leg which was when the skinniest one we ever had jumped out of my mom's arms. Never broke cat bones either despite them being even worse about getting under you. You weigh 300 lbs with a shit reaction time?
Least mentally ill dog butt sniffer
>why are the catfags in this thread so stupid

It's how catfags are
The little shit was the only one having fun, fuck it.
You should kill yourself too for defending that little rat's behaviour.
I thought the little dog wanted to take over the chair. Either way there was nothing wrong with these 2's interaction. If the cat was not in the mood to play that's fine and the dog understood.

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