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Why do pigs get such a bad rep?
Imagine the intelligence of a mid dog with the sociopathic proclivities incels wish they could go through with

Kind of like pitbulls! But worse.
Their digestive tract (not that of a ruminant) is susceptible to parasites.
they’re fucking assholes.
people love to go on and on about how they're sooooo much smarter than dogs but i've never seen it. they sure as hell are more selfish than dogs. they also can't be potty trained.
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The entire hog family is psychotic.
Pop sci with hebrew leanings told them that

They are definitely not smarter than dogs. Maybe labs specifically. Labs are dumb as fuck.
Because they're giant bad tempered monsters that kill and eat anything they can.
Wow, they're just like us.
Pigs are far more intelligent than dogs.
Pigs are more intelligent than dogs and cats
It's usually vegan documentaries that always say that about pigs
I think the answer to your question is pretty obvious: pigs roll on the mud and enjoy eating shit.
And dogs don't?
Cats also eat shit:

No, not really. Dogs can eat poop but it's abnormal behavior that typically indicates abuse, improper upbringing, or an inherited neurotic disorder. The fact that coprophagy rates consistently vary by breed and spay and neuter status should tell you something about its causes. Pigs just eat it because it's food.

Pigs are definitely not more intelligent than ALL dogs. They are certainly more intelligent than SOME dogs, but they do have smaller, simpler brains in larger bodies which means they're limited to excelling in some skills and falling behind in many others. Hence, you're not finding many border-piggies, porskies, or porcine shepherds. Normal fat dogs will have to do.

Scientists are also weirdly unfair to dogs in the studies they typically select to compare to pigs. They tell me dogs can not even use mirrors to locate an object. I have seen multiple dogs do this, repeatedly. It turns out the dogs they use range from feral to abused to highly dysgenic but they never consider using a german shepherd that has had a chance to develop its mind living on a farm. This is like studying human cognition based on african children who were raised mute.

I wonder why?

Maybe because a disproportionately represented religion in academia forbids eating pigs and keeping dogs that are not chained up guard animals or selectively used work animals.
>They tell me dogs can not even use mirrors to locate an object. I have seen multiple dogs do this, repeatedly.
Yeah I found that weird. The boxer I had a few years ago was able to identify himself in a mirror, obviously not at first. But it should be obvious to most people who own dogs that even mid level intelligence dogs are capable of identifying themselves in a mirror.

Also I highly doubt that a typical pig is going to be more intelligent that the 10 most intelligent dog breeds. There is no way that they are smarter than a german shepard or border collie.
Whenever "science" is studying animal cognition they will bias the results in favor of politics. It's a very soft science or pseudo-science anyways unless they're doing neurological studies.

Science is currently in near unanimous agreement that the working class should not own pet dogs or eat meat. We can only maintain current economic trends if those activities are limited to fewer people. Science is currently also in near unanimous agreement that continued, little restricted access to dogs as test animals is needed for science to remain investment grade and saying something like "dogs are almost as self aware as chimps" would most likely be the beginning of the end of that.
nobody calls pigs 'gross' or 'uses it as a derogatory term for law enforcement' only city people
>only city people
that's literally most of the people
And most of the actual food production employees

Shit farm owners dont even live on the farms anymore, they live in the city.
can't blame em, farms and ranches smell incredibly foul
Even the farm laborers live in cities

And everyone farms depend on to turn their products, inedible grains and decaying carcasses, into food. Most people have never eaten fresh meat. The rotten and injured parts are just cut off and sent to dog food plants along with a load of dead shelter pets and diseased/injured livestock carcasses that were too nasty to cut up for people.

If you value your health and food security get some backyard chickens.
Cause they're twitchy and will beat you up for looking at them the wrong way, and they're usually on the take, and don't actually do anything that would improve public safety, like go after gangsters and drug dealers, and mostly go after people they know they can squeeze for every last cent, and act as enforcers for our mafia-like politicians to go and fuck over people they don't like. Even if they do actually bring in a crook, the revolving door justice system (the real crooks if I'm honest) will just let them right back onto the street with a slap on the wrist.

Ooooh, you meant the animals. Uh, they'll eat anything and a lot of it, and like to roll around in mud, I guess.
>roll in the mud
>enjoy eating shit
Completely false. Unlike other livestock, pigs will pick one specific area to use for shitting and otherwise avoid, and they will refuse to eat food if it's been contaminated with feces. Just because ancient Chinese sick fucks apparently used them as toilets or that a a very tiny percentage of maladjusted mentally ill farm animals become coprophagic doesn't mean it's close to normal behavior.
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you know nothing about animals outside of buzzwords and media sensationalization
No they aren't. Different patterns of intelligence. In some ways they're about as smart as dogs, in other ways they're fucking stupid as shit compared to even the most retarded little ankle biter out there.
T. Pig (x2) Owner
Yes, correct.

T. Pig (x2) owner.
>because the jews
otherwise its usually because theyre dirty, because they roll in dirt, so thats what it used to mean, until a bunch of communists brought it back in the 60s to refer to the police, which is both metaphorical because dirty cops, and ironic because hippies were literally dirty like pigs
>Muh anecdotal evidence
Pigs consistently outperform dogs in problem solving
>Sociopathic tendencies
Dunno how you raised those pigs
>Yeah I found that weird. The boxer I had a few years ago was able to identify himself in a mirror, obviously not at first
And how did you determine that? Did you try the mirror test when you put a mark on his body that he can't see without the mirror and he tried to remove it after checking the mirror?
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>completely false
Anon never said they eat pig shit. Pigs eating human shit was extremely common up to the 20th century.
The mirror test isn't a valid SA test, it's a "do you care about having shit on your body so much you need to poke at it" test. It's as related to primate specific grooming instincts as it is to self awareness. Dogs only groom intermittently and not to target superficial spots, usually itchy dirt deeper in their fur, so they'd never care about a spot.

But if a dog knows the mirror is not another dog, and can use the mirror to locate unseen objects, then they recognize themselves in the mirror and understand it better than some humans (that it is reflecting whats in front of it and not a portal to the spirit world showing your spirit self)
But they don't. Pigs consistently outperform cage-reared beagles. Pigs would also outperform cage-reared socially isolated chimps and feral humans.

Pigs are born self sufficient. It's common for social animals to be permanently mentally stunted if not taught just how to think.
I don't think you understand how testing works.

Just because a negative result doesn't prove a lack doesn't mean a positive result doesn't prove a presence.

I wonder what percentage of the human population is like you and can't understand simple nuances like this?

I also wonder if you're a woman.
any fool can pretend to fail a test

no fool can pretend to pass one.

most of /an/ fails basic tests of cognition like this one.
>Totally unrelated reddit space rambling
Go away therapodology anon.
>A positive result doesn't prove a presence
This is also true of the mirror test. Animals have instinctively pantomimed for it and "passed".
>This is also true of the mirror test.
does NOT mean a positive result does NOT prove a presence

the double negative was too much for you to understand.

I don't know if this is a reading error or a mental failure. However your failure to know the truth is mental inability rather than linguistic.
The Hebrew Pork taboo was a program of economic exploitation designed to help the Jewish upper class in Judea pay the increased tribute demanded by Assyria after the Israelite rebellion and subsequent destruction of the northern kingdom by Shalmaneser V. Prior to the rebellion of the northern kingdom, there is no recorded pork taboo and pork was more ubiquitous than mutton (second only to goat). But goat and mutton take more land than pork, so pork generated less taxable revenue for the government, and the pork taboo was invented to raise this revenue.
it does mean a positive result does not prove a presence

if the test can be passed by a non-self aware animal instinctively pantomiming grooming behavior then a positive result does not prove self awareness. period.

also, you are stupid, poor, and not like me. i am successful and smart. you are too dumb to understand my post. wanna see my dads property taxes?
>if the test can be passed by a non-self aware animal instinctively pantomiming grooming behavior then a positive result does not prove self awareness. period.

that doesn't happen, but if it did you'd be right.
It did happen with bugs and fish.

Also, humans are obligate carnivores. We need meat to survive. Dinosaur cladism is entirely made up based on a useless incomplete fossil record. And dogs are smarter than cats. And pigs.
the problem is that if an animal looks in the mirror, sees a spot on their face, and then grooms their face, that's a pass

they're not going to groom their face by random chance after seeing the spot in the mirror

if they normally groom their face all the time without looking in the mirror we're going to put the spot somewhere they don't normally groom.
It's very easy to tell if they passed the test by ruling out false positive behaviors.

You don't want to admit this because you have an emotional attachment to the idea that dogs are just like people. Why you have this attachment I don't know, but your bias is obvious by your inability to understand the mirror test, and your constant invention of fake reasons to doubt it. In reality an animal that passes the mirror test almost certainly displays self-awareness. That's the point of the test. If you can't understand this, I assume it's because you really don't want to.
>It did happen with bugs and fish
oh, you mean the ant study nobody would publish?
None of that rules out false positives. Instinctive pantomiming is not accounted for.

And none of this actually has to do with dogs because not passing the SPOT test does not mean a dog is not self aware. If they can locate objects in mirrors, which they do, frequently, then they pass

What should get you asking questions is why don't they do this thing everyone says they do in the context of science

And when you ask that question you should also ask what conflict of interest there might be, when pharmaeceutical research depends on cheap access to lots of dogs with very little red tape
>Someone paints a spot on my forehead
>Ignore it because i dont fucking care, i never bathe, it'll fall off on its own
>not self aware
oh my science
grooming doesnt necessarily mean conscious self awareness either. an animal can recognize itself without actually having a subjective experience of life.

we just like to assume, without any evidence, that things that act like us are like us.
>Instinctive pantomiming is not accounted for.
sure it is
I already said

if the animal instinctively grooms some part of its body, then grooming that part in front of a mirror isn't a positive. We move the dot. Or find a different way of testing.

>What should get you asking questions is why don't they do this thing everyone says they do in the context of science
I have asked that, lots of times right here on /an/

dogs and cats both seem to pass on tiktok. Why not in the lab? presumably because the test is too rigorous in trying to spot false positives

>when pharmaeceutical research depends on cheap access to lots of dogs with very little red tape
got it. You may have told me your reason in the past and I forgot it.

academic research has tons of red tape, whether it's dogs or cockroaches. So they just move r&d to china where it doesn't matter anyways. Other cultures don't give a fuck if a test animal is self-aware they'll test on it anyways.
The west doesn't care if they're self-aware, the red tape exists for animals that clearly aren't at all aware.
>I don't think you understand how testing works.

If I fail my math test it does NOT prove I don't understand the math.

however if I pass it, it DOES prove I DO understand it
You do not know what pantomiming is

>On tiktok
And in real life, as anyone who has actually lived a life (that's not you) has observed.
>Why not in the lab? presumably because the test is too rigorous in trying to spot false positives
Presumably, because the animals are traumatized, underdeveloped, and anxious. Because growing to its average weight doesn't mean its grown to its normal cognitive ability. Because animals are not perfectly rational actors who see food, get food, no matter what they feel, because "that's natural" - especially not domesticated ones.

It is clear to everyone else that dogs and cats are self aware

"Science" is just now growing out of the idea that they don't even feel pain.
>You do not know what pantomiming is
if you're saying they see a spot on another animal and then groom themselves in response,
that's pretty easy to test for also

not sure about your animals, but if I put something on any of my cats or dogs, the others aren't going to groom themselves in response.
i have personally observed every single dog and cat my family has ever owned locate things entirely by looking in the mirror, as in, they walk past something that is hidden from view, without so much as a sniff, stand in front of a mirror, then turn around and find it immediately

the way they behave in general indicates self awareness. if scientists can't get them to do this maybe they should revise their test protocols and realize they're essentially dealing with mentally ill ESL children that will never behave as they are expected to.
this is the same science that said pigs are smarter than dogs to the pop sci rags, but forgot to mention that by the same standards, chimps and orangutans are both smarter than humans.
>by the same standards, chimps and orangutans are both smarter than humans
to be fair they probably are.

the average human is remarkably dumb.
They are clearly not. A little more inherent spatial reasoning and working memory, but just because it correlates with general intelligence in humans doesn't mean the relationship remains the same in a subhuman. A simple calculator is also "smarter than a human" in at least some ways, but it can not even think independently.

They are the pigs. We are the dogs.
>maybe they should revise their test protocols
I think the other anon has a point about how lab animals are raised.

if we raised humans in cages they would fail the mirror test also.
depends on the test, as you say

dogs are far smarter than wolves in lots of ways, but afaik wolves beat them on most tests of reasoning.
Dogs have fewer cognitive barriers than wolves. That doesn't mean they're smarter. It means they get the chance to think in strange situations that a wolf would never encounter anyways.

They are a bit dumber, and also strangely fucked in such a way that they don't empathize with their own species as much as they empathize with us, and went from forming stable monogamous pair bonds with the opposite sex of the same species to doing so with individual human and mating with dogs prolifically. Domestic cats have reverted to a prior mammalian state and went from solitary animals to colony animals like a rodent horde. Domestication does strange things to behavior.
>Domestication does strange things to behavior.

I see similar changes in humans. Different cultures produce different sorts of intelligence, but if we count surviving in the jungle without speech or writing as a form of intelligence, humans have mostly lost it.
Until a hog can create a nest as complex as a wild chimpanzee can, I won’t believe that they are intelligent.
yes. It is a mistake to measure whale behavior by how humans or dogs solve a problem. The solution only has to be novel, not the exact same as other animals.
>unprompted nonsense about dead featherlizards
Hey look guys it's Poopdickschizo!
It's satire, and he's confusing me with at least 2 other anons. But that's the fun of anonymity.
also he doesn't realize that "cladism" isn't a word so it's pretty easy to ID the person or people that use it.
Ever since I heard they will literally eat you if you pass out while taking care of them I give them the side-eye.
>Ever since I heard they will literally eat you if you pass out

This is also true of dogs and cats lol
More proof that cats are truly the Redditor's pet:

>That said, what do I care? I'm dead. If my pets need to eat me for sustenance, I would rather they did it before they incur major kidney or liver disease.

>Yeah, I care about my cats a lot more than most people. If I'm already dead and my little princess is starving, I'd rather her go ahead and have at me than die.

>This. I have no objection to providing my cat with a meal even after I've died.

>Hell of alot more useful then whatever else people were gonna do with my body.

>A friend used to check in occasionally on an elderly man with four cats. One day she came by and found him dead and his cats had been nibbling on him. She said it would’ve made him very happy to know that even after death, he was still able to look after his cats until someone came to rescue them. I don’t know how long he had been dead. I believe it was at least several days. I would feel the same way and want my babies to live, rather than slowly die of hunger.

>So what. I’m dead. If I can save my pet from starvation from beyond the grave, you bet my ghost is standing next to kitty egging her on before I decompose too much.

I was hoping for cute pig pictures ITT
get used to disappointment.

OP is a muslim or a jew countertrolling. They hate pigs and dogs. And probably cats. Half the people on /an/ come here because they hate animals.
No, cats dont until you actually die

Dogs wait until you begin to decompose. The worst thing ever was a small retarded dog eating sleeping mans entirely necrotic foot.
This is the single time the answer is unironically jews
nobody here is gonna click that
I'd be so embarrassed to own a cat
Too similar to humans.
He literally addressed that in his post, since this was only popular in Asia.
>reddit space
why do people just ruin their arguments with this shit?
genuine incel here. it irked me that you called us sociopaths. that's all but I do understand where your thinking comes from
rabbits also eat shit for a living and they have been one of the most ancient human sources of food since humans lived in caves
Pigs are smarter than a German shepherd or border collie.
>pigs roll on the mud and enjoy eating shit.

So do hippos and giant pandas.
Only savages eat rabbits
Pigs are more intelligent than cats, but not dogs
Heres some points I just pulled out of my ass.
Perhaps people have bad and gross connotations with pigs because pigs display many aspects that both encourage anthropomorphization, and are associated with actions seen as sinful, to general human sensiblities.
One important base of anthropomorphizing pigs is that the domestic ones we work with almost always lack full coats of fur like other farm mammals have. Instead they are naked with very sparse body hairs, just like us. This allows us to see their skin, which often matches the colors of human skin, especially for the standard pink pig having white skin, which is especially rare to your averarge white person (to have an animal that shares your white bare skin type)
This alone can blur the subconcious line humans have between their kind and animals. (humans being so unique in the animal kingdom is physical proof of their seperation from beasts, so when a beast resembles them it may be uncanny)
Pigs resemble humans in some ways, both good and bad, just like they have good and bad beastly aspects.
Pigs differ from other farm mammals in their feeding methods. Most of our majestic livestock graze grasses. Pigs root through the mud and stuff themselves with whatever they can dig up, which brings us to their diet habits, aka literally anything. Acorns, tubers, rotting table scraps, slop, human remains, eachother if one is wounded or dies. They are gluttonous in our eyes, especially because they naturally grow fat in captivity. Being as familiar with pigs as we are, its a given that we would be reminded of their visage and behavior when seeing especially gluttonous or gross people.
As many say, they are very smart animals. They travel in ragtag familial groups foraging similar to how our ancestors grouped and behaved. Intellect also breeds cruelty, and invites humans to subconciously judge their beastly actions (just as we judge dolphins for theirs). This further associates pigs with humanity and immorality.
Pigs also resemble humans in other ways.
Pigs are known for their reaction of squealing at anthing that scares or hurts them (like a human infant or child), with a squeal that strongly resemles a distorted infant's scream.
This is cute to us when they are piglets, as it is emotionally symetrical with our child care instincts, but they do not lose this habit when they mature into fat and grotesque looking adults. This makes things emmotionally incongruent for us (I think thats what it is called). A large gross fat thing that reminds us of an ugly fat human (the opposite of something we would feel parental sympathy for) is screaming like a human child (something we are hard wired to feel parental sympathy for). This may ellicit social feelings of being tricked and manipulated, and also may evoke the adult child archetype, both of which may ellicit feelings of anger or disgust towards the source of those feelings.
Pigs even taste like people, by the way.

Tldr I think there are a lot of human traits we see in pigs, and especially many of those human traits we assign to them are bad ones in humans
Finally good posts
You are my favorite kind of animal. Please stay safe.
Prove it.
I have yet to see definitive proof of pigs supposed advanced intelligence.
Fucking this
Most mammals have self awareness and known what reflections are.
I mean they even dream and play pretend, which proves they also have a fucking mind's eye.

When you think about it, LuLu's real-life feat the morning of Aug. 4 was much more amazing than any of Lassie's fictional rescues because LuLu can't bark. That didn't matter. Smart pig that she is, LuLu did the next best thing.

She laid down in front of a car on the road outside the trailer and then led a disbelieving motorist to Altsman, whose ordeal lasted 45 minutes.

Had 15 more minutes elapsed, doctors told her, she likely would have died.

"Pigs are very, very smart," Altsman, 57, said. She is recuperating from heart surgery she underwent Sept. 15. "They're a lot smarter than dogs."

Dogs do this shit all the time. Dogs also do a lot of shit pigs can't, like interpreting english to the point of consistently understanding grammar correctly, and having social structures more complex than "single moms fighting off hungry males".

A pig has about as many neurons in its cerebral cortex as a golden retriever, less than a german shepherd, malinois, or border collie. They are mid, relative to dogs, but have specialized more in non-social cognition and less in social congition to better fit their lifestyle. Pigs have better spatial reasoning than dogs. A lot like how chimps have better spatial reasoning and short term memory than humans, but they're in cages, and we have nukes because social cognition is OP.
anon you're recounting a feat even cats have achieved. you can google around and find dozens of stories of cats leading people to unresponsive persons. this is just basic animal shit, and it only impresses people who genuinely thought animals were automatons.

even rats can try and lead help to fallen friends. rats. they have a recognizable utlrasonic signal that is calling for help. asking for help might just be basal mammalian behavior.

Are Pigs More Intelligent Than Dogs?
Research shows that pigs are at least as intelligent as dogs, and in many cases even outperform dogs on tests of cognition, memory, and other measures of intelligence. For example, not only can pigs be taught how to fetch like dogs, they can also differentiate between objects, for example a ball vs. a frisbee. In fact, when it comes to problem-solving, pigs far outperform dogs.

Interestingly, we share about 98% of our DNA with pigs, compared to only 90% in cats and 82% in dogs. This makes us about as closely related to pigs as to chimpanzees, who also share 98% of our DNA.

>dogs cant differentiate between objects
But they can? They can also learn word order, adverbs, generalized terms, etc. Lets check the source
>end factory farming propaganda
Real unbiased source there pal.
Satanic organization. God puts man over animals. Satan puts them on par with them. Just ask his own religion, hinduism.

The factual account is in a laboratory setting some farm pigs outdid some cage reared lab dogs of unintelligent stock in some working memory and spatial reasoning test
Which would also happen with chimps vs people, especially cage reared slave children.

Every fact and anecdote indicates that scientists are very poor at studying canine cognition in no small part due to their bias against recognizing breed differences in intelligence, and pigs are somewhere between a golden retriever and a lab in intelligence.
>They can also learn word order, adverbs, generalized terms, etc.

Anyone who trains them to
Check the see also. If you attempt it you can get dogs that are both smart and motivated up there. Itll probably be a herding breed or a herding breed cross. Others might be smart but are hard to motivate to develop specific skill and perform it for the sake of performing, and others are too dumb even though they desperately need to please.

no one ever acknowledges the huge distribution in canine intelligence. just the stubbornness spectrum. maybe it would make people ask questions about the ethics of breeding genuinely dumber dogs (see: bassets, pugs, greyhounds) so they avoid the topic outside of trying to rank the top 5 smart+motivated breeds every now and then. meanwhile i dont think pigs have changed much with how easily they go wild, so they’re probably all around the same level (mid tier dog).
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hahah pig have cookie
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>genuine incel here
>the ethics of breeding genuinely dumber dogs (see: bassets, pugs, greyhounds)

My greyhound is highly intelligent tvvm
Why are pugs dumb?
low oxygen intake
Greyhounds aren't dumb
>but if we count surviving in the jungle without speech or writing as a form of intelligence, humans have mostly lost it

That's because it gets passed down from families to children as a necessary survival skill. Once it's no longer necessary to survive, it's no longer taught. We could learn most of those skills again within a few years of living in those environments.
too powerful
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thoughts on hairy pigs? (not wild hogs)
Orwell ova here
Man I don't want to sound too psycho and won't go into too much detail but I had a short insomniac phase where I stayed up for almost a week and everytime my eyes would close I would see nightmareish "hell imagery", and one thing I saw was a pig-human like warrior creature staring directly at me.
There is the german term "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" which basically describes like an allround type almost mystical creature that lays eggs, you can milk, get wool from and yeah, is also a pig
No, but they remind me of you
>that wikipedia picture
what in the god damn
That's german folklore for you, shit is wild
no, rats are actually cute and I would never harm one
>and one thing I saw was a pig-human like warrior creature staring directly at me
The Government has been experimenting with pigmen since the fifties. It's a military thing.
>capable of altruism
>actually experiences genocide on a daily basis
>never kicked out of any countries (one canadian province is arguable and doesn't count)

I guess you might think they control all media if you mistook them for mice, but otherwise no not really.
arabs don't like pigs. so this is only a thing in areas influenced by the abrahamic religions. if you go beyond the Abraham sphere you will find that pigs are simply looked at as you'd look at a cow or a chicken. this is a generationally reinforced hatred of swine which has forgotten the original disdain for pigs. my name is anon nymous, and I hope this short explanation helped you understand the human condition
>tfw you stay awake so long you enter the nether
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I'll post it since I'm not a gigaretard too busy choking on dicks to make a good post.
Such a cute little guy
Because hogs are genuinely disgusting and deserve that reputation and it rubs onto pigs
Platypus is a eierlegende Wollmilchsau
>anecdotal evidence is irrelevant!
>....unless it's an anecdote from a guy wearing a labcoat, THEN it counts
Why are hogs disgusting?
Hogs are adorable
tha's me wife
Are pigs actually sociopathic
>Cause they're twitchy and will beat you up for looking at them the wrong way, and they're usually on the take, and don't actually do anything that would improve public safety, like go after gangsters and drug dealers, and mostly go after people they know they can squeeze for every last cent, and act as enforcers for our mafia-like politicians to go and fuck over people they don't like.
Reminder that it's not racist if its tru-
Ooooooooo, you meant the police. Uh yeah, they shoot people who maybe don't need to be shot sometimes, sure.
lol stupid people say funny things
Thanks for the history lesson, Rabbi
>my daddy's richer than your daddy!
Call me that again and i'll poop on your dick fucker
>This allows us to see their skin, which often matches the colors of human skin, especially for the standard pink pig having white skin, which is especially rare to your averarge white person (to have an animal that shares your white bare skin type)
pigs are confirmed white supremacists, so this checks out
>Satanic organization. God puts man over animals. Satan puts them on par with them. Just ask his own religion, hinduism.
You literally sound like you have schizophrenia. You should actually see somebody about that. Not even memeing
>religious opinion
Watch out, we got a mid 20th century soviet state psychologist over here.

The commies actually used to diagnose people as schizophrenic for being religious or believing capitalism was better lmao. Calling hinduism satanic and extending that to all animal rights nutjobs is milquetoast and pretty standard for Christianity. Hindus and buddhists do, in fact, fit the biblical description of pawns of satan and followers of false prophets. And the church of satan is, in fact, vegan friendly while Christianity, Islam, and Judaism explicitly give man total dominion over animals as they lack a full fledged human soul. This means that any religion the affords animals moral standing is in direct opposition to God.
Would a guinea pig or hamster be able to do this
would marry a pig over a readitard anyday
same, would marry a pig over a catfag as well
Who raped you anon?
>Pop sci with hebrew leanings told them that
>the religion that hates pigs spreads propaganda that pigs are good ackchually!
You're fucking retarded, not everything is da joos!!
They don’t hate pigs they just aren’t allowed to eat pork. They want goyim to hate pigs so that we eat bugs instead, durr.
They don’t hate pigs. It’s just a spiritual ill to farm and eat them. Remember, jews cant hunt animals. They can only farm, or capture and dispatch without any cruelty, which practically limits them to farming. Do they also hate cats because they cant raise them as food? Go on tell me muslims and jews hate cats.

You know which animal they do hate in those religions? It’s the one that mysteriously is dumber than a pig despite many of them being smarter and making pigs look high average.
not that anon, but personally I know plenty of religious people who, unlike you, don't sound schizophrenic at all
I have religious family members who are generally capable of going a full sentence, even multiple sentences, without asserting that several random groups are organised satanic conspiracies
winston churchill once said that dogs look up to you, cats look down on you - only the pig sees you as an equal
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They still do this in some parts of India and China. Nasty

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