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Big cats thread

Previous: >>4866060
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>that feeling when you have a 50/50 chance to live for over a year thanks to your ancestors autistically running around instead of evolving the means to kill the prey
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Why are they staring at me
>walks into snep saloon
>piano stops playing
>everyone's head turns
>your kind ain't welcome 'round these parts, best be on your way if ya don't want no trouble!
this is my version of trad wife in a wheat field.
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Do not the cat.
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this is anon's version of an american wife
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the heart wants what the heart wants.

i bet shes great for cuddlin'...
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Found a big cat print. not life size but good enough to have behind my monitors
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Bros... Why is it looking at me like that
Congratulations, you're catfood now. Lucky git.
nta but i'd have no problem being eaten by an exquisitely beautiful female
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hello, fellow mountain lion enthusiasts
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Was it ever decided which big cat is the best?
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>"mountain lion"
>posts a jaguarundi
how do you do, fellow 4chan meme knower?
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the image said it was a puma, retard
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Lurk, faggot.
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i tried to book a table at this restaurant but it was too expensive to be worth it
Where's his tail?!
cat got it
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>Hmmm, today I willlll...zzzzz
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BIG cats...
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>i'll need the biggest cat you have
>no that's too big
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Fucking adorable.
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Cougars are like that one guy in the family whose three feet taller than everyone else.
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Tigers are so cute
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i like it when cats have the little eyes
How did cougar come to be slang for sexually active middle-aged women?
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boo these are all reposts from the last thread

chat is this real
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Probably from ‘sex kitten’ but instead of a young cat it’s a big cat
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If that's not gay, I don't know what is. How can you explain homosex between males and chasing of a female?
The "I have relationships with women, and sex with men." mindset permeates society to the point that people will look at two male lions bumfucking each other and go "It's not gay, it's just bonding as seen in any health masculine relationship."

Well I've got news for them, that means the lions are gay.
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that's too big
please delete
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>big cat
>yet clearly is smol
why is this so?
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for most animals 'a hole is a hole'
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The body is round
I hope all these lusty comments are just ironic shitposts
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Yeah, who would like to screw with a frickin animal haha. Such weirdos haha
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I can belly rub a tig-ACK
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>cat bats a $200 locomotive onto the floor and subsequently derails a 16 car train causing several boxcars to hit the ground and revert to kit form
Lesson learned. I appended the UCOR with a new rule that prohibit cats in the layour room.

Dammit.. first day with my new fingers.
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we need to domesticate these guys like last decade

cheetahs by a country mile, googers are a distant second
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So regal!
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Cheetah coat upgrade: complete
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It's not fair. Why are they so fluffy and yet so hilariously violent?
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Just how they are
>pussy falls asleep on huge pecker
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ywn come home to this
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Snow Leopards are downright perfect. The perfect balance of size, skill and cuteness.
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The tribunal has found you wanting
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Hi, I would like to request webms of cats being angry. Could you please post some?
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this is the only one i have
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Thank you anon.
post hidden sneps
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/an/'s favorite cougar is still alive at 17

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