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/his/ here.

I am sick and tired of these fuckers. Every year they kill dozens of humans and we just sit around and fucking let them. When we train these fuckers in captivity, they never fucking learn, they are retarded and they have no emotions. Why can't we just genocide all the sharks and replace them with orcas or some shit.

Hear me out. I know just killing the sharks my have bad biodiversity impacts but like whats the worst that can happen? The worst I can picture is the seal population shoots up but can't we just breed more orcas and polar bears to cover the extra hunting load?

What are your guys thoughts. Can we wipe out all the sharks and still live peacefully on this planet? We already killed all the dodos and tasmanian tigers, and they didn't deserve it worse than sharks ever did.
>When we train these fuckers in captivity, they never fucking learn
Wat? It’s not particularly difficult to train sharks; the same techniques that work on cats generally apply just as well to sharks. The lazyfucks in the Caribbean will even lead you to wherever a lionfish is hiding so you’ll spear it for them.
Only great whites, bulls, and tiger sharks are dangerous
From 1958-2023 there were 633 fatal shark attacks. Somewhere in the region of 100,000,000 sharks are killed by humans every year
>I am sick and tired of these fuckers. Every year they kill dozens of humans and we just sit around and fucking let them. When we train these fuckers in captivity, they never fucking learn, they are retarded and they have no emotions
That's not an african
this is not the board for you
>Laughs in Oceanic whitetip
Never trust a Mako, hammerhead or lemon either.
Machines kill more people than sharks do every year. So why don't you try to get those taken down? You whiny karen
this but dogs
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your point will make more sense once sharks are enslaved to the degree of an efficient 21st century assembly line
This but cats
Sharks are among the smartest animals
>oh no muh heckin dozens of humans out of billions! we need to kill every shark on the planet!!
You deserve to be chummed
Has anyone here actually tasted shark fin soup? The chinkoid insects go crazy for this shit. Isn't it just cartilege? Does it really taste that good? They had to make laws and shit to prevent it. If it tastes that good, I might be OK way genociding sharks.
633 reported shark attacks
How many "lost at sea" deaths were shark deaths?
>uh uuhhhh sharks don't like the tase of us
can you hear how stupid you sound?
It has no flavour, it's pure texture. It's also a rich poor person commodity, like an iphone or sneakers
>How many "lost at sea" deaths were shark deaths?
>willingly enter predators territory
>"wtf why is it eating me?"
sharks scare me, no animal in the world has the lifeless look of a shark. They're like murder machines.
Just stop swimming in the ocean if you’re not a professional underwater welder
Cars are machines. Are pothead teenagers driving sharks while texting and going too fast to make their loud exhaust sound cooler?
Sharks don't eat people
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Admit it, your goal was to get someone to post it.
Sharks and bears both should be semi-domesticated with food. Orangutangs should be employed as cashiers and paid in snack tokens.
They are like the black people of the ocean. They can kill who ever they want and just get away with it
Blues are biters too.
You guys are lame, sharks are cool as fuck. We swim and bite and aren't afraid of anything. Maybe if you actually swam in the ocean for once instead of sitting out on Pussy Point, you'd realize how safe the ocean actually is.
If anything we should be making use of sharks to curb human overpopulation, feed 9/10ths of Africa, India and china to the sea
Which of those countries were responsible for creating modern industry
none of them
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Sharks are nothing. The other day I was out on a boat and I wanked right into the ocean none of them even tried to stop me.

Bunch of fuckin jizz eaters lmao
Gordon Ramsay said it tasted like absolutely nothing, if you care about whatever he has to say. Worth considering that large predatory fish are not really great for long-term human consumption either, due to their high mercury content.
damn when did /his/ become on the same intellectual level as / tv/?
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>tiger sharks
A what?
probably about a month after it was founded and got co-opted by /pol/yp posters. that board is nothing but religion console warring, hitler fellating and arguing over which european country is/isn't white
>Orangutangs should be employed as cashiers and paid in snack tokens.
I fully support this idea.
Orangutans have been known to rape human women
I fully support this idea.
>100,000,000 sharks are killed by humans every year
See? It's impossible to exterminate these fuckers, the menace is real for US.
If you manage to get eaten by a blue shark then you deserve it
based ocean jizzer making fishes his bitches
No one tell this motherfucker about ants
brainless retard moron piece of shit idiot son of a fucking smelly hateful whore asshole dickhead faggot
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only if we let the cool and gentle ones alone
that whale shark is a baby
Are you fucking stupid nigger? Sharks kill only 5 people per year
Your post sounds worst than some ragebait in /pol/
>Report for bullying
Is this a thing on 4chan?
Yes, gotta keep the site clean
>He either got reported for being a fag or he deleted the post
tickle my balls faggot

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