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If we nuke ourselves into extinction, Dolphins will become the new masters of the world.
Crows will figure how to move underwater first.
I for one, welcome our dolphin overlords
that would be otters
No. Warm blooded animals will go extinct with us. It will be The Age of Reptiles Part 2.
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I’ll be too dead to care
It would be raccoons actually
I read an old sci fi story once where humans knew they were going to be wiped out, so they left instructions for otters to eventually rebuild society. Just as the last man is about to die, the otters revealed that they were hyperintelligent all along and they had orchestrated the extinction of humanity.
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>sci fi story
it's reality
They can't be masters of shit without hands

Apes will rule
>I read an old sci fi story once where humans knew they were going to be wiped out, so they left instructions for otters to eventually rebuild society. Just as the last man is about to die, the otters revealed that they were hyperintelligent all along and they had orchestrated the extinction of humanity.

The story is "Like Young" by Theodore Sturgeon.
ty anon. good story.
stay on /lit/ bookfag!
>humans die out
>tree supremacy is unaffected
>sun turns into a red giant and swallows up the earth
>trees are incinerated without humans to bring them to another planet
Marine mammals are based. Maybe they'll create Seatopia and resurrect Atlantis.
And that's a good thing.
dolphins are fucked by living in the water, I'd also give it to crows or something like that
Planet is 75% water anyway. Global warming will have driven that number up further long before we're wiped out.
Makes you wonder who's ruling Europa don't it.
Hella yeah. Ocean Kingdom Earth here we come.
>implying humans are masters of anything
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The age of rats is upon us, yes-yes!
I mean it kinda rules out every option that made us what we are today, like fire or writing. But maybe they'll figure out something different
All the more reason to keep our species alive. Those rapist sea-goblins deserve nothing but extinction. If it weren't for retarded dolphin-fucking "environmentalists" covering for them and protecting them from the consequences of their actions those horrid beasts would have been killed off by the course of nature by this point.
not at all. They can't use fire. they live underwater.
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what about raccs?
anything that wipes out humanity is likely to wipe out all advanced species
not true
this is true
cope tranimal
Corvids and some other bird species could probably survive.
No they won't. You can't make tools with flippers. If anything octopi have a better chance.
You mean like that one Simpson's episode?
Kill yourself dork sucker
>You can't make tools with flippers. If anything octopi have a better chance.

Aren't you forgetting someone?

Why would they need fire?
Sharks have been around longer than dolphins
Fun story


Is Archive dot org still down?
Clever girl...

I don't see the problem here
Dolphin overlords! Based!
Cetaceans will never take over the world because they can't move around on land. They'd have to evolve into an unrecognizable terrestrial species again.
Archive is back up by now
Rats are easy prey for both meso and apex predators

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