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why no wolf thread?
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what a silly wolp
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i love wolves so much its unreal
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We're not allowed to anymore because of >>4893431
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i want this to happen to me.........
surely wolves must be large enough
>a fucking wolf is more calm about having their shed fur brushed out than my dog
God damn it.
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you like vore eh?
im a simple woman, i want a wolfs maw on my face
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what about men?
what about them
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do they also want wolf maws on their face?
idk id guess maybe ?? some of them???
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ah okay. thx for helping me bump the thread
thank you for the wolps :3
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no problem
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the best of friends
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cool image
You'll never believe who tops (the answer may shock you)
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all foxes are bottoms
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where are the awooers?
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what about them?
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not enough of them
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are they tasty?
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Wolves love cake
did he dies?
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God i wish that was me
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>>4896945 meant for >>4896855
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Which one?
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awooer woofers but as doggos
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wolf. i want to be a cool and beautiful wolf bitting some fox butt
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why is he so angry
cat thread is over there cheif
>seething sheep rancher
i mean you basically described ranchers

their minds are warped, they think they are an important part of the food supply, society coddles them and puts their wants before ecology because "we must protect our rural folks way of life instead of forcing them to move closer to cities and get real jobs because this is america and we got cowboys hurr". they basically live in a movie or a cartoon about the old west.

in reality they are 1-2% of the meat supply and a really expensive part of it.

the same story also goes for hunters. they're coddled. they think they're important for conservation. they're actually just a really bloody, accident prone alternative to higher gun and ammo taxes that sometimes shoots hikers and their dogs. not on accident. because their dogs "SPOOK MUH TEN POINT BUCK". like when a montana hunter magdumped his ar-15 into a guys pet malamute because it spooked a deer he wanted to kill. fully warped by republican coddling when they're so useless that in most other countries, professional aerial hunters do organized culls and they raise money by just taxing idiots on needless purchases like tobacco and guns.
I guarantee every wolf lover in this thread wants to have sexual intercourse with wolves.
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I just wanna post wolf pics you're the one talking about seggs muh man.
yeah bro these civvies don't get it we're fighting for survival out here
semper fry
wolf thread is my favorite thread.
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what a sleepy boy
nice tongue
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White women post here?
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sadly yes
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big black boi
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bros, why are wolves so beautiful?
mother nature's eternal fascism

T. Hitler
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Do you feel in charge now?
fun wolf facts: wolves are named after wives because they only put out once a year, but the spellings havent kept pace
>wolves, wolf
>roll the o on top of the l
>wives, wif
therefore the singular should be wolfe
i actually went to a wolf rescue sanctuary a while back. took some pictures. would any of y'all like to see?
Oh fuck yeah.
god i wish i had a wolf to pet me
yes plz
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here's one of the female wolves of the pack (i believe, at least). here she is anxious to be fed and is about to do tricks. her male packmate is nearby, and i believe i have a picture of him as well.
(im anon 4899458, i'm not sure if it'll say automatically. apologies, i'm new to 4chan)
The wolves in these sanctuaries always act and look a lot like huskies

>the state of phone cameras
Please bro, in the future, you should avoid your photos looking this deep fried. Get a cheap real camera like a sony rx100va or a canon r50.
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What beer is this
get your own thread foxgoy
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Fine I'll post wolves.
Nevermind I figured it out
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idk, looks like some russian beer
Should I breed Anya to a wolf dog?
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let the lady choose whoever she's most comfortable with
>thats it
its joever
you don't got no pics that are closer up?
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My dog mutt
No. I believe in eugenics.
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lens distortion and distance played him bad
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I have a bad feeling about this image
they do act a lot like huskies, or domesticated canines in general. it's pretty cute, ngl.

also, yeah. my camera's kinda crunchy but it's all i can afford rn. hopefully i'll find something better soon. i wanna try my hand at nature photography and my shitty phone camera won't really cut it.
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why's your theory on why wolves act like huskys?
they're just skittish monogamous dogs
ahahaha i was trying to reply to another post. my apologies. wolves in captivity do, at least.
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maybe they act that way to get more affection and rubs.
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I have a theory that dog and woof might be related
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thats not a theory, thats a fact
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because modern wolves are all filthy d*g bloods
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only black dogs have been significantly dogged
imagine beefing with a literal animal
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black wolves*
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how would you do that without raping the animal?
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easy, you just bend over and if something happens it was consensual
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would an wolf like belly rubs?
In the only ethical systems where it is definitively proven that bestiality is wrong, it's not possible period. Either you're secular, and rely on the importance of informed consent and preserving human dignity, which means even being mounted by an animal is immoral, or you follow judeo laws and bestiality is an abomination that DEMANDS the public execution of the zoophile, yes, even if you're christian.

I'm secular myself because animals are not aware of the risks and pecularities of interspecies sex they can not demonstrate informed consent so all bestiality is wrong, even if it's smart like a dolphin or way bigger than you like an orca. Animals don't know they're meant to ask if you have mutant species hopping syphilis turbo AIDS first, for example.
Only the goyish ones that are constantly around hoomans.
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wolp bump
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>from apples bear to apples wolf in 15 years
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how does wolf know what apples is?
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wofl like apple?
I should do this for my dog, not apples though.
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hey /an/
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>allready on page 10
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posting wolf penises would get you permabanned instantly for good reasons anon. and i dont think anons on here are gonna be forthcoming about how wolf knots are different from dog knots.
I heard they're bigger.
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how bigger?
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it's not hard to imagine when you consider how much larger wolves are in general
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Canadian wolves especially are enormous and i'm jealous. Our european wolves are like scrawny grey german shepherds in comparison.
Dogs have big penises relative to their size compared to wolves and other canids.
the thread has fallen... millions must be banned
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I really like red woofs bros why did we have to kill most of them and let the others get YOTED
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thats all wolf bros
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where are the other awoo posters?
wolf as fuck
Wolves are just homeless huskies

Adopt a wolf today
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big huskies
That's adorable.
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it was funnier in my head
you can't fool me
that's a llama
Eh, not bad.
Grey splatter on the wall might elevate it
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>thread on page 10 again

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