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>he doesn't have a favorite tree
luv ginkgo
I do, and you posted it.
It's not Halloween yet, why are you tp-ing /an/?
>outlasts humanity
>politically neutral
>lives even when it's dead
>fucks your girlfriend
The obvious choice.
I do. It's Paulownia tomentosa.
My favourite tree is this one willow tree at the park I walk through to get to work :]
the live oak. extravagant beyond all belief. fell in love with them when i loved to texas.
I lived on a street with nothing but giant ginkos. The fruits they drop fucking stink.
I remember climbing this as a kid and carving my name in it.
I live 20 minutes away.
It's just a tree
My favorite tree was a red maple at my parents house, perfect for climbing. They cut it down last year because it got a blight :(
Browneopsis ucayalina. I would take a photo of mine but it's night no point.
You will never see the fruit for sale because the fruit melts 2 hours after being picked. Taiwan sells them but they flash freeze the fruit and keep them frozen until sold.
I like Redbuds.
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>giant 100 foot tall tree
>tasty berry looking flowers
>trunk covered in giant spikes
>has sticky sap running down said spikes
>has giant exploding fruit which gives it its other name, the dynamite tree
>also poisonous
>leaves can be used to treat eczema
>still poisonous though

what the hell is its problem?
That's why civilized countries only plant males.
>from seed to monumental 100t+ megatree within a decade
>breathtaking blooms of purple/blue/lille flowers
>drains entire lakes worth of water
>can live anywhere in temperate climates
>hogh CO2 absorption means it can turn a shitty industrial landscape into a hyperoxigenated forest within a couple of generations
we called them puke berries and used to throw them at each other. good times
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Other trees are nothing more than ladders. Strangler figs are the greatest
this was a major us city. I guess the city planners 100ya were tarded
i like cypresses. they're cool.
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In southern New England where I live we have a lot of young forest that used to be farmland. These great big white oaks with massive low branches were grown as solitary shade trees for grazing animals 200 years ago but now they're surrounded by forest. Seeing a massive snag or even better a still living giant white oak in the middle of the forest unexpectedly is amazing. I have a few of these trees I regularly visit when I run the trails near my house.
Yellow birch, because the bark smells good when you scratch it. And I got a ton of it around.
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Sometimes you just get sick of dickbag animals eating parts of your body.
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I am partial to this one.
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for me it's the humble american sycamore. honorable mentions to quaking aspen, gingko, and the american tulip
The Longleaf Confederacy is no more.
The Lobeira or "wolf tree" in Brazil, nothing special about it, looks ordinary, flower is kinda pretty and the fruit is kinda tasty, but nothing crazy.
But if you have one near your house, your chances of seeing a Maned wolf become several times higher, they are crazy about this fruit, which is why we call it Wolf Apples.
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This and also pic related.
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For me, it's chocolate marzipan
If your Number 1 is not the noble Larch, you are a retarded child.
It is acceptable as number 3 as well.
Horse chestnut is also good.
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Giant Sequoia mogs all other treelets
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Enough positivity.
Are there any trees that you *hate*?
>Enough positivity.
>Are there any trees that you *hat-ACK
I do not have favorite trees but I have favorite kinds of wood.
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white mulberry tree, it looks cool, has good climbing branches and best of all gives a shitton of berries
They're very pretty but it sucks every single part of it is extremely toxic.
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I eat these all the time.
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FUCK Callery/Bradford Pears. Stinky invasive asian pieces of shit. Landscaping companies are retarded.
its the monkey puzzle tree for me
What you don't want to be constantly smelling semen when you walk outside in spring?
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This white motherfucker spreads pollen in winter and thrives after fire and basically you are fucking stupid
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There is only one tree in this picture, and he is my favorite. I hope to visit in person one day.
I'm an old soul, more a moss man myself.
I enjoy conifers as a whole, would need to think about which is my favorite. Maybe coastal redwoods.

My mom's was weeping willows.
>his favorite tree isn't the silver birch
stop starin at me with them big ole eyes
high on shrooms on a forest with these is definitely an experience
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I do, and I have 10 of them in my backyard. A little boring, I know, but they just cut such a striking, deliberate form. They don't quite give off the same aura with such an ominous backdrop, I must say.

Gum trees aren't far behind. There's something so invigorating about seeing the rolling hills painted by with their gangly stipped-white branches contrasting the Hawkesbury river every morning/evening on the train. If you look west (while you're still going through the mountains) they go on seemingly infinitely, but I swear you can still see their trunks and branches beckoning you through the foliage.
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Sorry I don't have any better photos of the river surrounds, but yeah. I love seeing the rock faces peek behind the trees; there are little crevices in some places and I can never help but wonder what kind of cretins call such places home
Old, humble European Spruce
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This seems like the treest thread active right now so I'll ask here.

Anyone know what species this is? She's built like an oak but fucks like a pine.
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