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>slow as fuck
>struggles to get up if they get on their back like the dumb fatties they are
>eat random pieces of plastic
>they still thrive
How do they do it????
>has an impenetrable armor made up of a million sharp knives
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lol, lmao even. Do Hogcels rlly???
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Please don't make fun of hedgehog funeral rites.
why are they so silly and dumb???
I had no idea they hatched like this.
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>słów as fuck
OP they're literally fast???
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Amy the Hedgehog
ppl make actual gardens for them to survive. with carrots and all. they are generally liked for their sweet demeanor but roadkill by the same. tale old as winter
I had one of these. I drive 250 miles to a breeder and paid $450 for one. I built a sawdust-filled playpen out of signboard for it. I bought special hedgehog food. I did the research.

But nobody ever told me these things can just...die. Like, randomly. I came down and found the thing dead. All that work and research and it still fuckin died.

Never again.
They are NOT slow, Anon. Where did you get this notion?
they're not slow at all, have you ever seen one? also they make lots of noise because they know most animals won't bother a ball of spines
our gardens were and are full of them. they procreate like crazy, if it weren't for the cars in the street, their main predator, we'd be walking knee-deep in hedgehogs.
Dunno about other countries but in the UK hedgehogs definitely aren't thriving. Functionally extinct in many rural counties, due to a combination of heavy insecticide use, mechanised agriculture and no safe road crossings. Their numbers have fallen drastically over the last 30 years alone. Sad stuff.
Land sea urchins
That is sad. I don’t know if its bullshit or not, but I read once that Victorian Londoners sometimes kept them as pets and let them roam around the floors eating beetles as a form of pest control. Very charming, I assume the native ones there must be less cantankerous than the African ones they sell here in the US.
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>most animals won't bother a ball of spines
I think they relied a little bit too much on that defense, to the point that it made them straight up retarded
The solution to all animal endangerment: domestication. Lift the ban on domesticating wild animals for hedgehogs and I will keep them in my house, care for them, and they will eat the larder beetles under my sink. We will live in perfect symbiosis.

>Be covered in spines
>Basically immune to threats
>Become dumb as a sack of bricks as a result
>Find a bear
>Bite it
>Try to sexually assault it
>Crushed to death by a bear butt
Hedgehog sitcom when?
I leave all the backdoors open most of the year so critters come and go as they please. Had to childproof all the wiring because the hedgehogs went straight for it. Apparently the insulation is made from vegetables or something and they just go mad for it. I know a chick who had to the same issue with her pet rabbit.
I think they are nice little spikepigs and I'm glad to have them. They also help managing the Spanish slugs.
Fellow backdoor leaver-opener. Where do you live? I was in California, back door stayed open 24/7. That's how I acquired my orange cat, affectionately named Retard. I'm sure he had a daytime house, but he'd come over and chill in our living room at night. Then he started sleeping in my bed with me, and at that point I knew it was over.

Retard brought me the biggest dead rat you've ever seen, and deposited it on the carpet for me to eat. I thanked him for his gift, but I made him take it back outside. Good ol' orange Retard, I miss that little idiot.
did you remember to give it water?
They're the good guys
The first time was a mistake, and I get that, we all make mistakes and can move on. But after that he was more than asking for it. I don't enjoy videos of animals getting crushed to death, but COME ON! like literally, poking the bear?
probably mistook it for some duvet layed out for freshening up in the garden. also weird of the house owners, to make their garden declare a cozy, safe sweet place, for games and hanging out, but why they keep a bear?
cant blame the hedgehob, an animal that has 9 inch radius to look up.
When the big tuft of moss moved and looked at it with big forward facing eyes that should have been the sign that it was not good nesting material. Just no chill on this guy.

Plot twist it's the bear's house.

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