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what ecological niche would de-extincted velociraptors fill?
Food for large felines.
Human men
Terrestrial kleptoparasite.
They would compete with foxes and small cats.
Roadrunners on a larger scale
They'd get BTFO by more advanced modern birds outcompeting them for food and feral cats would eat them
birds would tear out their feathers for nest building
total cat / coyote death (best ending desu)
Human male companions
whatever coyotes are doing
Same as wolves
Probably the niche that small carnivorous mammals took after they were gone. Coyotes, possums, raccoons, cats. Scavenging and preying on mice, rats, other small mammals like vole and shrew, as well as insects, small birds and bird eggs, reptiles, and amphibians. I bet they'd get into your garbage like small mammals too.
cocksleeves for human men
You're out of your mind, feral cats would definitely be on the menu. Velociraptor was about the size of a turkey and was estimated to weigh at least 4 times as much as a cat. Any felines smaller than a lynx would be BTFO. How many coyotes have you heard about feral cats taking down, as opposed to vice versa? The differences would be similar.
Feral cats kill turkeys.
You're arguing with the dog buttsniffer. Don't.
Toxotards are truly a fucking plague upon this board. Go sniff a litter box instead of shitting up threads not related to your pwecious furbabies please. Feral cats kill turkeys. OK, and I said to look at coyote v cat statistics, you know, an actual larger predatory animal, which maybe you would have recognized if your brain wasn't misfiring from parasite infestation.
You made the turkey comparison.
Bipedal onahole
Toxobrain, if you truly loved cats, you would cease associating them with how insufferably retarded and reddit you are.

A cat is JUST A DOMESTICATED ANIMAL. Not a dwarf tiger. They have all the fanboy appeal of a pomeranian. Wtf are you doing holding unironic, seethe packed cat vs velociraptor console wars where you brought up dog butts for some reason?

This is what we get for getting a few dozen kitten killers on the news. A bunch of warrior cats reading furfags from reddit who think we’re a bastet cult.
>palmed a quote and ruined my greentext
I made the rough turkey size comparison, you or some anon like you was retarded enough to ignore/forget that turkeys don't have carnivore teeth, claws, and instincts. Besides, their body mass is thought to be closer to coyotes than most turkeys.
None really unless you also bring back giant oviparous, perhaps they would eat ostrich eggs but thats way to limited
Can the samefagging zoophile get the fuck out if this thread and make himself an hero please?
We have plenty of animals that fill the niche of quick medium-small carnivore that velociraptor probably did in its day, best idea is to look at their habits.
thats a sexy utahraptor not a velociraptor you retard

velociraptors also had thicker necks, covered in heavy feathers for protection, claws on their arms, a generally superior build, and a more self determined nature.

theyd easily kill coyotes and wolves. if they didnt eat cats it would be because it would be a waste of energy for very little and likely diseased meat.
Your console war bullshit is retarded but a Velociraptor would 100% kill a cat
Ehh maybe
Not a chance, real velociraptors would just be food
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Feral cats would eat velociraptor chicks, but cats would be likely to become prey of adult raptors.
At the end raptors wouldn't thrive in the modern world with the more advanced mammalian and non-avian dinosaur competition. Heck even the smallest of the terror birds got fucked up and went extinct once they had to face real predators and the new environmental conditions.
Foxes, coyotes, etc. Easily domesticatable.
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You're the minority here, reddit tourist
>thinking it's a samefag
>on /an/ of all places
he probably doesnt know about the weeb furry connection yet
>bestiality is legal in japan
>wherever you find weebs you find furries
>monster hunter op
>they gave it humanoid thighs and modeled it from the back
Hope you never see the fox, dog, and horse woodcuts from the samurai days. That island is WEIRD.
Can't forget the fisherman's wife.
It's not degenerate, it's elegantly cultural and classy.
>eel porn and groping capitol of the world (just ahead of india)
in japan, rape is like saying hello!
>what ecological niche would de-extincted velociraptors fill?
None. The niches they could occupy are full.
Why did they give this bird sexy human-like thighs, an expressive face, and attractive plumage? And then show it from the back at just the right angle to let you imagine where and what its genitals are? And make it a character in a game series where it's established that monsters can be smarter than humans? Specifically in a role where it has a ridiculously close bond with the player and automatically knows what they want?
>Birdfuckers aren’t real. Its all dogfa-
I am not a horsefucker, but you could say most of those things about horses irl. I think you just have a thing for big birds and big birdlike creatures.
>sexy human-like thighs
They're large thighs for running, they're not human in any way
>an expressive face
It has an eternally blank fish expression
>attractive plumage
It's just feathers
My diagnosis is that you were molested as a child and this mutated into a mental illness
You guys are less degenerate than the /v/irgins at least.
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Have you seen bird legs ever? They dont have muscular legs.
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You’re a tard.
Honestly this is basically the exact same as the /v/ threads, which surprised me
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God I hate furries and Capcucks.
>yiffnigger calling anyone else a tourist when he doesn't understand site culture
Go back. Verification not required.
Inspect element, ip switching, erasing cookies
You know you're not locked into any one board, right?
the term is "furfag", newfriend.
Look at bird legs and then look at that thing. The thighs and calves should not be built like that. It looks too human.
>you have to robotically cling to cringe buzzwords from 30 years ago you HAVE to
Go back to /trash/ you smelly arab.
Newfag cope
/an/ is the only board left where retards arguing about nothing is still funny. Never change, faggots.
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At this point, somebody would have already posted porn if this was /v/.
[spoiler]Also, I always post this image.[/spoiler]
must be new here then. this console war shit-flinging is in more than half of the threads on this board and it's so fucking tiring. it's been like this for the past 5 years. i blame our ineffectual jannies. we need the /ck/ jannies over here, they don't fuck around at all.
She's best girl.
Breirb is a close second.
>spec evo creature design goes x rated
all 600 people who like this need to be gassed
I guess something akin to foxes. You do know how small they are, right? They'd just be ground birds that, instead of flying away (because they couldn't) would turn around and be aggressive at you. Think a caracara or secretary bird, but aggressive and pesterous.
No u.
Fine, as a compromise: nkaanmykiunsuns is kind of cute and could grow on me but you’re still a nasty snake fucker and it’s not real love if she can’t strangle you, bite your face, kick you in the nuts, and give you a handy all at the same time without losing balance. Absolutely fucking disgusting. Pathetic. You might as well die a virgin if you don’t want the full experience.

being my wife
Sekiret more like Sexiret
I don't agree, but I can respect that.
If you or someone you know has thighs that are covered in scales and rough pebbled hide, they should see a dermatologist immediately.
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>Chocobo, but real
>Even has the desire to be bred by human men.
I'm so ready bros!
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>too much meat on the drumstick
If anything, it doesn’t have enough on the front of the drumstick.
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It's a dinosaur
Nice view
Lol a golden eagle can kill a wolf, a 18 kg raptor would be eating your dogs and cats.
You really don't know what it does don't you?
anyone screaming that shit doesn't know shit, but you're on 4chan so what the fuck are you expecting?

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