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How often do you think about your childhood pets?
When I'm angry at my parents for always having cats and trying to teach me to hate dogs.

They were. So. Full. Of. Fucking. Shit.

Life tip: Don't be born a fucking jew.
Kek i always secretly pitied the cat kids
I had dogs growing up and got a cat in adulthood. I don't really see why there has to be conflict. They are both great animals
obvious false flag.
Every day. Had a parrot from when I probably 6 to when I was 30 he was like a brother to me.
All the time.
I miss my grandparent's dog. I made sure to give him a long hug before I last saw him. He was put down the next day. I did not begin to understand the preciousness of time and of my elderly loved ones until that point. I am glad animals die so soon in a way. It helps teach young people about death
People who had dogs growing up are pathetic.
my cat died in 2016 and I still think about her every single day.
don't care too much about my childhood dog, because he was a dumb fuck and it's been 30 years already
Every fucking day of my life
I had cats and my grandparents farm had dogs which lived outside. The good one was half golden retriever and half border collie and the other one was full border collie. My wife has a dog that is a chihuahua terrier mix which I hate. It constantly tries to kill itself by eating poison. Once it jumped up and got into another womans purse and ate a bunch of dark chocolate espresso beans. That was a $500 emergency stomach pump. Another time my friend gave me dark chocolate from italy and she jumped on 3 objects to climb up to the shelf it was on and eat it all. She tries to get into the garbage to eat onion skins every time I peel them as soon as I leave the room so I have to deliberately smash them down where it's harder to reach. We have a child gate to keep her from eating cat shit which she tries to jump over. One time we came home and she had managed to jump up enough to the high shelf to tear her bag of food onto the floor which she then gorged on and she tore her acl doing so. Another time she knocked the bread maker off the table by bashing it and then ate raw dough which she puked up for hours as the yeast fermented in her stomach. Now she has cushings disease and will be dead within 2 years and I will not be allowing my wife to get a dog again unless it lives outside which means we will need a few acres of land at that point. Another time the dog ate my wifes weed chocolate she bought in colorado by leaning from a night stand to tear it off a shelf and then stared at the wall and pissed herself meeting the machine elves for 24 hours. She also will eat racoon shit, garbage, bones while walking her so you have to keep her close. And one time she bit a japanese womans face.
Same. My parents were toxobrains. They kept telling me dogs were stupid, slavish, violent, smelly, and only owned by criminal wannabes who beat them and that cats were our fellows, highly intelligent, apex predators, and the only thing standing between our home and a mouse plague.

They were wrong on every count. I have dogs now. I have never been wounded by a dog but their cats sometimes crawled out and bit me.
Did your parents grow up in an isolated rural shithole? Usually these views come from thinking all dogs are farm larpers neglected mastiffs.

Most dog hate in the history of the west is basically just descriptions of mastiffs.
dogfucker falseflag. thread S&H
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my cat died a few years ago, i still fucking miss him
the cat vs dog bullshit on this board is insane people have all sorts of pets as animals scorpians and fucking poisonous snakes who gives a fuck, id rather see someone have a pet animal that i didnt like than be a souless npc
only cool story here sorry bozos
yes I waited 900s to say that
My family had two dogs who died 7-8 years ago. My parents got them before I (first child) was born, and they were kept outside for as long as I can remember. I always feel a wave of guilt when I think of other people with their dogs, it makes me think of how much differently our dogs could have lived. Even when I was a young kid, I asked my parents several times why they were outside when other people had their dogs inside, but it usually never went anywhere. They weren’t neglected, my parents cared for and loved them, but I look around and realize we have very few pictures of them, and I can’t remember the last time I touched them. It’s not like they didn’t exist to me, I cried over them, but something fundamental was off. I don’t think we’ll ever get another dog for a number of reasons, one being that we now own a bunch of cats. Even if I promised that things would be different with a new dog, it’s like the damage is already done, that guilt will always come back up
Rarely to never. It was 30 years ago, but I sometimes feel bad for the shit living conditions they had to put up with. My mother had 13 cats in a two-bedroom apartment, no air-conditioning in a town that hit 110F daily in summer, and she was a chain smoker. Many of those cats died of cancer.
ty for sharing anon
Sorry for your losses
Have you ever interacted with a living human being in your life? Nobody sane says stupid comic book shit like this.
All the time. I constantly have dreams where my cat is back and I'm so relieved yet so sad and guilty. I couldn't be there when he passed away and that's one of my biggest regrets in life. I miss my dogs and other cats as well but Rhett was special and my best friend in the world.
>when youre so mad you carry a meme in your pocket to prove you arent
I had a dream of him last month. I dreamt that l woke up but was still lying in bed, just as if l just opened my eyes and it was still dark. I heard claw sounds on the floor, then a jump, a weight and something warm on my legs. I went back to sleep(in my dream). It felt very real due to the nature of the dream and l was quite happy about it
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>having a dream
>childhood doggy is alive
>wake up
>wish i realized the chance and fully enjoyed of being together again for a moment
Not very often, but when I do I remember all the good times had.
So long as you think about them they're never dead
Absolutely asshurt coping retards, lmao.
>t. coping cat-tard that has no friends and never goes outside
>nobody sane
people dont say crazy cat lady for no reason.
A chihuahua being retarded doesnt mean dogs should be outside, ya medieval fuck.
>Same. My parents were toxobrains. They kept telling me dogs were stupid, slavish, violent, smelly, and only owned by criminal wannabes who beat them and that cats were our fellows, highly intelligent, apex predators, and the only thing standing between our home and a mouse plague.

Damn, your parents were smart. Shame you decided to become a toxoredditor out of pure contrarianism.
Dogfag larp
Technically my only childhood pet was my mums cat who was older than me. She died at 27. We eventually had one dog for several years after that who had to be put down after an accident I fortunately didn't see but often think about. Then later had another two cats and second dog for 14 - 15 years, and one by one had to be euthanised for medical reasons. That was 8 years ago for my second dog and I still feel sad (and a bit pissed off) about it sometimes.
why would they be smart if they tried teaching their child straight lies?
What you wish were lies are the pure truth. Filthy people love filthy things, simple as.
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All the time nigga
Met him reincarnated.
Was a weird experience.
Miss him but he's an adult and I'm 10+ years older
>They kept telling me dogs were stupid, slavish, violent, smelly, and only owned by criminal wannabes who beat them
that's true for a lot of dog owners thoughbeit
They are, however, lies. Cats are fucking filthy, stupid, and slavish animals without will. There is no need to train them for there is no will to mold or extinguish. They are automatons. Lowly. Reptilian. Below the realm of voluntary thought. Wind them up, let them go, and enjoy having a box of dirt, piss, and shit in your house and the necessary fuzzy feet tracking it all over. They don’t even have distinct personalities because the requisite complexity to vary would require twice as much brain matter to be managed.

Dogs are so much better its unreal. More independent, polite, thoughtful, conscious. A superior predator and a superior animal. An exemplary demonstration of having earned ones higher station on the food chain. But with an animal that actually had a mind and a will comes an animal with needs, and wagies can only fuck that up. So lowly minds incapable of ever fully seeing the world mistake the poorfag and his mastiff-terrier mongrel for THE dog and owner.

Also see, cheetahs. Cats that are as good as dogs for once.
Dogs are significantly smarter than cats
Varies by breed. There are also codependent and OCD cats.
All cats are more violent than most dogs thanks to their dramatically failed attempt at a pest management career.
Varies by breed, while all litterboxes are disgusting.
>only owned by criminal wannabes
Dogchads count among their ranks Richard Feynman, Robert Oppenheimer, Erwin Schrodinger, Charles Darwin, Samuel Clemens, and most US Presidents.
>who beat them
Colonel Most’s methods were aberrant in the context of history and were primarily applied to military, police, and performing dogs during a dark age where most american and european adults were suffering from severe lead poisoning, which lowers intelligence and heightens aggression. Today and in the pre-TEL gas earth dogs were treated well while cats were the subject of target practice, like pigeons
Its funny catfags sole problem is their animal is not big enough to be very smart and confident instead of a panicky lil retard. Its like if all dogs were yorkshire terriers
>yorkie “moms” unironically have dogs that shit in litterboxes
Maine coons are getting to the ok zone. They are much nicer to live with than lesser cats.
Less and less over time, but now that you bring them up, man, I'm sure they've all died. Even if we've had to separate, it's still sucks. A part of my heart is still for them. I hope they lived happy lives.
>Cats are fucking filthy, stupid, and slavish animals without will. There is no need to train them for there is no will to mold or extinguish. They are automatons. Lowly. Reptilian. Below the realm of voluntary thought. Wind them up, let them go, and enjoy having a box of dirt, piss, and shit in your house and the necessary fuzzy feet tracking it all over. They don’t even have distinct personalities because the requisite complexity to vary would require twice as much brain matter to be managed.
>Dogs are so much better its unreal. More independent, polite, thoughtful, conscious. A superior predator and a superior animal. An exemplary demonstration of having earned ones higher station on the food chain.
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Every now and then. The memories after they first leave start out painful but they calm down and become more pleasant as time passes
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The only one I ever was real close with was Buddy.
I'm not a "cat person" but when we went to get my wife's cat a friend this guy instantly relaxed and fell asleep in my arms shortly after picking him up.
20 minutes after opening gifts last Christmas I went outside for a walk and before I got a minute a way the wife called screaming hes dead.

Apparently he just let out a howl randomly and was dead instantly, no idea how it happened. Last Christmas was not a happy one.
Just realized I missed the childhood part of the OP and thought it was past pets.
Honestly a lot. I adopted a feral cat with a fucked up tail, either from an accident or abuse. He was a big fucker though, the vet said he was the strongest cat and had the biggest teeth that he had ever seen. They even used him in one of their advertisements.

I would stay outside everyday from school and feed him and see if he would come closer to me. Eventually, he would let me pet him a little. It took years for him to even come inside of our house.
But he ended up becoming a great companion. He would follow me around the neighborhood. He listened pretty well, he would come when called. he knew what time I came home from school, he would meow until my mom would let him outside then wait outside the house for me. He wasn't a typical cat, he didn't play, he didn't use a litter inside (he just would ask to go outside), he wouldn't let you pick him up, but he loved pets and would always be next to me, whether I was playing video games or doing homework. He didn't like too much cuddling, but whenever I was upset or down, he would always find me. He was a real bro. I miss him and I think about him a lot. But that's ok, I'm happy I got to grow up with him. I enjoy remembering him even if it makes me sad, the only thing I can do for him now is to remember him and how great he was.
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Still alive and kicking.
because people think the two have
>same body language
>same mannerisms
>same training processes
>same petting styles
so when the cat doesn't like someone acting like a retard they think cat = le bad, and when the dog needs more attention than a cat then doggo = baddo. basically retards being retards
>weed chocolate
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i wish i'd taken more pictures of her.
then again i may have just lost all pictures from my first couple cell phones
You should see what the Germans used to do with it

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