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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their spooky goings on?
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swallow this
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Perfect for ripping into the flesh of a pomelo, and letting the juices run down your chin.
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Oo oo ah ah fellow pongos. Say, does anyone remember how to get to our secret watering hole? I seem to have forgotten.
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right back the way you came
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everyone enjoys a pumpkin
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Let me tell you folks, Gunung Mulu has the best durians you can find in Borneo-the best!
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>we're gonna build a giant electrified fence around Indonesia
>and we'll make the chimps pay for it
>Mr Moskovy Monke is a bigly good friend of mine
>we will be able to sort out the baboon wars - that I can tell you
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Impressive desu
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Went to the library today, surprisingly they only had one primatology book.
handsome chap
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it's time to Man (of the forest) Up
They can rip little gibbons in half effortlessly but instead keep them as pets when they're introduced to each other. Imagine doing this with a chimp? Those little gibbon bastards would be in 20 pieces within a minute.

What about gorillas? what do you think would happen then?
gorillas are cannibalistic so I wouldnt give the gibbon favorable odds
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You can see the intelligence in their eyes. Only a handful of animals like that.
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I wonder how common white sclera is in orangs.
I feel like this with elephants too
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Behold: Oshine's next baby boy (right)
his name is Sibu Junior
What happened to him?
baby pongos always have a shocked/amazed face. wrinkly wide-eyed babies.
i love them
mother wouldn't nurse, so Dublin zoo had to hand-rear him
all orphaned and rejected pongo babies get sent to Oshine (or in one instance, her slightly less motherly-inclined neighbour, RoRo) so they can grow up happy and healthy
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he's seeing everything for the first time
it's bound to be interesting
Oshine is like a sister to me
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Oshine is my waifu
little ears
Bhandar looks displeased >:^(0
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Bandar looks like a proud dad :^3O
>luv me missus
>luv me bairn
simple as
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baby Doofus BULLIES Jarang, disrespects him because he is jealous of his hair.
there have been reports from Blackpool town of pinching and biting and general LARKING ABOUT.
Jarang practices his climbing to escape the little bald homunculus.
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Orangs are not knuckle walkers like chimps and gorillas are.
jarang is like a whole year older than rufus and yet they’re still the same size
how is this possible
poor boy is pretty sick
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imagine what knowledge he's passing on
Momma looks proud
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What's wrong with his eye?
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his step-dad got angry with him one day, so he thumped him
his eye started to get better
but then he got thumped again in a play fight with one of his budding harem
the eye itself is fine, he just can't open the lid all the way
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pongo parents can be so cruel…
especially since amy rejected him as a youngin' as well
Anyone else really love adult pongos, but want to pity the babies? Pongo babies just look like fat nig children. Although listening to a baby pongo cry is heart wrenching unlike a macaque screeching.
don't feel too bad
he got to ride the pongo vest
we shall never feel such joy
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look at this chunky munky
such a silly girl
I want to take a damp flannel and clean up that mess she's making on her baby bump
this always
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I recently learned more about orangutans and I started to really like them. I think for a Christmas present I will try to adopt one. Also, why do you guys call them pongos here?
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>Kopral was kept as a pet in a cage until he escaped, climbing an electricity pole that electrocuted him and burned his arm.
>Unfortunately, his condition was so severe that both his arms had to be amputated when he arrived.
>Despite this, he was an outstanding student at forest school, climbing trees and building nests with his feet and mouth.
Brave lad.
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Pongo is their genus name, and it’s much quicker to type than Orangutan.
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at least show our lad with his Giga Flange
have you seen orangutan jungle school? that turned me into a full blown pongo fanatic.
harapi is such a uniquely ugly baby pongo. still love him though.
>Despite everything, he became a flangechad
Truly inspiring
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Thank you
I thought that picture showed off his arms (or lack thereof) well
I just started watching it actually. I'll definitely donate to them when I'm able to. It would be a dream come true to volunteer for orangutan care someday...
You think so? I thought he was uniquely cute! How about Onyer?
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Here’s a Pongo picture from Monkeys & Apes, A Portrait of the Animal World by Paul Sterry.
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>You think so? I thought he was uniquely cute! How about Onyer?
maybe calling him ugly was a bit mean. he’s just a bit goofy looking. he just needs a good dental cleaning. still cute! i love onyer and all baby pongos. from the BORA rescue i think i'm partial to mabel.
beautiful mum
Nah, he's is a ugly little fucker. Since all pongo babies look like worse case possible downs syndrome nig babies with hair gene disorders thats saying a lot. Even the retarded baby jarang isn't that ugly.
Harapi is a embarassing embred hillbilly pongo
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I think all pongos are cute
they are
unfortunately pityfags like to camp out in these threads. it’s best to ignore them.
Why do they have abocado skin?
i’ve always wondered this too
do guys reckon kopral will have kids in the future? iirc he has his own little island
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Well, he seems to have a thing for Lesley.
>Kopral and Lesley have lived together on the island for quite some time, after first meeting in Forest School.
>They have a very close relationship, as evident in their behaviour; Lesley always waits for Kopral to come and eat together at the edge of the island
>He is a charming flirt, making kissing sounds at his friend, Lesley
I think it would be really nice if he had a kid someday.
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a controversial opinion
but one that I share
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Hell yeah
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And that’s the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so!
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very facts body indeed
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>Did you know that blood transfusions for orangutans are quite rare but vitally important? Orangutans, like humans, have different blood types, and finding a suitable donor can be a challenge
>When a transfusion is needed, veterinarians often turn to healthy, compatible orangutans living to donate blood. The process is quite similar to that in humans, involving careful matching and monitoring
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Coming up with filenames is hard.
what if you used human blood for a transfusion? and vice versa
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I love how graceful they look even when doing the silliest poses
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How tall can they get?
5 feet is considered a tall male. However they are much wider than people
why don’t the orangs and rillas have a censor bar?
Their junk is too small to be seen amongst all that hair
rude :(
It is sad but true
Sumatrans are my boys
What they lack in flange they make up for with beard
Behold: Oshine's next baby girl Kiwi on the way to Monkey World to join the creche alongside her adoptive baby brother Sibu
Damn no carseat?
She's straight ballin'
look at that hair
she’s perfect
imagine taking a ferry and you sit in the same aisle as a baby pongo
imagine being that lucky. i’m jealous.
>"I'm sorry to inform you, your seat is next to a baby"
>"a baby Pongo that is!"
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So it's pretty much the same situation they had with Rieke & Bulu, right?
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Here’s the spookiest of all pongos:
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Is that the Florida Swamp Ape?
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That’s the story. Allegedly someone mailed two pictures and a letter into a sheriffs department in the year 2000.
Dear Sir or Madam,

Enclosed please find some pictures I took in late September or early Oct of 2000. My husband says he thinks it is an orangutan. Is someone missing an orangutan? It is hard to judge from the photos how big this orangutan really is. It is in a crouching position in the middle of standing up from where it was sitting. It froze as soon as the flash went off. I didn’t even see it as I took the first picture because it was so dark. As soon as the flash went off for the second time it stood up and started to move. I then heard the orangutan walk off into the brushes. From where I was standing, I judge it as being about six and a half to seven feet tall in a kneeling position. As soon as I realized how close it was I got back to the house. It had an awful smell that lasted well after it had left my yard. The orangutan was making deep “woomp” noises. It sounded much farther away then it turned out to be. If I had known it was as close to the hedge roll as it was I wouldn’t have walked up as close as I did. I’m a senior citizen and if this animal had come out of the hedge roll after me there wasn’t a thing I could have done about it. I was about ten foot away from it when it stood up. I’m concerned because my grandchildren like to come down and explore in my back yard. An animal this big could hurt someone seriously. For two nights prior, it had been taking apples that my daughter brought down from up north, off our back porch. These pictures were taken on the third night it had raided my apples. It only came back one more night after that and took some apples that my husband had left out in order to got a better look at it. We left out four apples. I cut two of them in half. The orangutan only took the whole apples. We didn’t see it take them. We waited up but eventually had to go to bed. We got a dog back there now and as far as we can tell the orangutan hasn’t been back.
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Please find out where this animal came from and who it belongs to. It shouldn’t be loose like this, someone will get hurt. I called a friend that used to work with animal control back up north and he told us to call the police. I don’t want any fuss or people with guns traipsing around behind our house. We live near I75 and I’m afraid this orangutan could cause a serious accident if someone hit it. I once hit a deer that wasn’t even a quarter of the size of this animal and totaled my car. As the very least this animal belong in a place like Bush Gardens where it can be looked after properly. Why haven’t people been told that an animal this size is loose? How are people to know how dangerous this could be? If I had known an animal like this was loose I wouldn’t have aprotched [sic] it. I saw on the news that monkeys that get loose can carry Hepatitis and are very dangerous. Please look after this situation. I don’t want my backyard to turn into someone else’s circus.

God Bless

Don’t know how I feel about it though. I don’t how someone could mistake a larger than man monster for a pongo.
looks way more chimplike in the face than pongo
I really hope so
everyone needs a friend
to be desu, with doc antle and his ilk running around Florida, I wouldn't be surprised if a pongo was out in the swamp in the early 2000s
If it was a real ape I always went towards animal lab escapee. Florida is rife with unregulated ape research labs both foreign and domestic even now a days. Now imagine early 2000’s. I doubt it was actually ten foot tall, I think the “old woman” probaly overestimated.
I can see someone being scared and seeing it as 10 foot tall. Could even have been standing on top of a tree to appear that height. Once i went to the zoo with my friends and one of them could swear the silverback gorilla was at least 8 feet tall even tho it obviously wasn't
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Can someone tell me why orangutans RAPE so goddamn much? They're one of only two species in the entire animal kingdom for which rape is a common aspect of their behavior. Orangutans are practically RAPE MACHINES.

Disgusting animal!
Rape wouldnt evolve as a reproductive option if women didnt enjoy it so much
The definition of rape is absolutely bullshit. Females are attracted to male calls, and will readily approach the calls of a flanged male. If the copulation appears 'resisted' afterwards, that's just human projection. They willing approached and sought it out.
Unflanged males also have resisted copulations, and this could more feasibly be called rape, but it's FAR from rare.
Additionally, presenting rape as rare is a gross misrepresentation. Bottlenose dolphins and chimpanzees are also mammals who rape off the top of my head, and if you include the animal kingdom rape is the standard. Among insects for example rape is the common method of reproduction. Ducks are another famous example.
Then there's the question of what even can consent? Almost all plants reproduce sexually, but I don't think anyone would argue they're raping each other despite not having any real control over being fertilized. Likewise, can a bug really consent?
Furthermore, true rape is much more dangerous than what we see in orangutans. Some snails' sexual reproduction can and does result in death, particular of virgin partners, due to their love darts.
In fact, the only intraspecies killings I could find for orangutans were infanticide (extremely common among largely solitary animals such as themselves) and a female on female adult murder.
>rape is the standard
absolute bullshit
retards call cat sex rape too, just because the overstimulated female screams - there is no rape in any of the female species

mallard rape is the strategy of the leftover males, most mallard mating is also not rape
*feline species
courtship behavior of mallards, selected male
rape behavior of mallards, high female mortality, insemination may be avoided by labyrinth vagina
"No" means "harder"!
You're a disgusting useless retard and you need to get euthanized.
People like you need to get neutured.
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I just think they're grand
Rape is the standard, but mostly because of bugs.
People tend to forget that like a quarter of all species are fucking beetles.
It can also be argued that resisting is just the courtship ritual; if the male isn't strong/fast enough to pin the female down and inseminate her then he failed.
That would just mean even more rape. No child support checks, less evidence. Booyeah!
At this point you deserve to get the whole thing removed
haha. look at them go!
>"so, Mr. Flangelet, how do you respond to these allegations?"
>"they enjoyed it lol"
When your mom makes sure you look your best for school picture day.
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orangutans are truly the 4chanimal
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20% off for skin care products is a pretty good deal desu
I'd stock up while the prices stay low
lumify is so expensive but it's the only one that works
wise and frugal pongo
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i didn’t know they could be blonde
I'd assume the hair darkens with age like in humans
Peanut flavor pongo
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>ywn kiss the peanut butter pongo
why live?
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>brazilian jersey
do you think if fruit grew in abundance there would be more pongo families and pongo papas sticking around?
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I certainly do
I remember reading a theory that Pongos had family groups similar to gorillas in the distant past, but as food became scarcer and more spread out, every member had to go further and further away from the group's core to ensure proper nutrition
I also think this has been beneficial though
it means only the clever smart boys can keep track of where all the food is and what times to seek them out
an easier life would bring down the standard of Pongo and I for one wish to keep them as smart and cheeky as possible
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Always together, Arto and Harapi
harapi actually looks quite cute here
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I feel happy when the babies hug eachother because they have friends
but I feel sad when the babies hug eachother because they have no mother to hug
how to solve this quandary?
You know, since the pongos in jungle school become more social than wild ones. I wonder if a couple of years all the released pongos could find each other again and live in troops like the other great apes
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So who are you, anons?
I too am morturbidly obese
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>She enjoys splashing water at photographers until they leave!
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I want to help orangutans, so I've been avoiding unethically sourced palm oil, but I don't know if it's actually helping. I don't know what to do regarding palm oil. What do you anons think?
Even if you stop it won't matter. Even if everyone in the country/world stopped.
If they didn't tear down the rainforest for palm oil, they'd tear it down for rubber or coffee or anything else because peat swampland is just that miraculous and they're just that desperate.
Unless you are an Indonesian or Malaysian, there isn't a damn thing any of us can do alone or together.
Donating? And I guess if you can afford to go volunteering in Indonesia or Malaysia.
So what i'm hearing is that the only solution is to kill all south-east asians. Correct?
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So is it Monya or Monyo?
stop being mean to baimah :(
oshine was/is fat too. now she’s the mother theresa of pongos.
>oshine was/is fat too. now she’s the mother theresa of pongos.
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It’s said to think that an animal that lived all throughout SEA is now confined to two islands.
pay them with what?
fruit and hugs
vegetables and kisses
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friends, do any of you know where to purchase the 2025 BOSF calendar?
and preferably ships within the US so my calendar doesn’t require several gallons of jet fuel across an ocean to reach me?
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Pongo Claus wants to know what you want for Louiemas.
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a smelly durian to share with friends
I always buy two from the UK everu year and they only ship me one. It's hard to complain since I feel it offsets some of the damage
Also this is the first year the IAR calendar doesn't feature Budi.
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oh no, pongo!
What is happening?
His majestys spy got captured by Palmfinger
lol penis

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