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Maru edition.
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What do you call this pose?
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Good early morning from me and the boyz
I enjoyed American McGee's works in Doom and Quake, I should really try these games.
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The squirrels outside are up to somethin
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She was watching the stream I was part of
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NTA but I liked the atmosphere of the first one, but the platforming sections were aids.
Your cat looks like it's about to pounce
Adding to the discussion from last thread:
I had a cat with bowel lymphoma. I was told she would deteriorate within a year, the main issue being she wouldn't eat and couldn't process the food she ate well
I blew cannabis vapor in her ear every day for basically the rest of her life
She lived another 8 years.
After the first few times she would run up to me waiting for her share when I turned on the volcano
any cat chew toys/toys that's kinda like a zip tie? my cat is addicted to zip ties but i'm not comfortable w her potentially choking on plastic or eating too much microplastics . .
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Hi, /an/! I don't come here often, I don't know much about animals, but I could use your knowledge.
You see, we noticed our boy cat has been chewing off his fur. We've given him thorough baths and comb him, etc.. he's indoor only, and definitely doesn't seem stressed, we spoil him like a king. Still, his fur has been getting worse and worse.
Any ideas what his issue is? Any advice is welcome. His name is Tabby, uncreative, I know, but I want to help him get his handsome full coat of fur back.
He's fast asleep with Mommy right now.
We're wondering if we should try getting some sort of kitty skin lotion/oil for him. Maybe he has allergies? We've moved recently, but his fur was still bad at our old home, but it's gotten worse at the new one. Neither of them have fleas, they're indoor only. We bathe and comb them a lot.
Oh yeah, he has a sister, but she's under the blankets with my wife right now, so no picture atm.
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Forgot pic
you don't know if his wife birthed a cat
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>any cat chew toys/toys that's kinda like a zip tie? my cat is addicted to zip ties but i'm not comfortable w her potentially choking on plastic or eating too much microplastics
Good luck with that. You can get silicone chew toys with catnip or treat inserts. One of my cats loves the toy with the catnip insert, but neither of them care about the one with the treats in it. You can also try silver vine chews. Cats are supposed to like them more than catnip. Pic related.

Do any of you know where to get a live silver vine plant? I've been looking for a long time to no avail. Western US if that helps.
"Paint me like one of your French girls"
Allergies are a possibility, especially if it was happening before, you could experiment with trying new foods to see if there's any difference.. If you only just recently moved he might be over-grooming even more from added stress even if he's acting mostly normal.
Is he chewing the fur off of his stomach? That's usually stress related, especially since you say it got worse when you moved. You can try new toys, more regular treats or wet food, more regular catnip or silver vine, or letting him go outside occasionally. Make sure you watch him the first few times he goes out so he doesn't run into the street.
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I've only had her for a week but I love her so much it's unreal
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I had a kitten that loved shit like that, and I bought her some plastic cat toy 'coils', they are incredibly cheap and are larger and stronger than zip ties, but if your cat ingests it it still won't be great.
Stress, allergies, hyperthyroidism, flea allergy dermatitis are my first thoughts. FAD would be the easiest to treat, just get him on a good quality flea medication. Stress can be a pain in the ass because cats are autisitc. Hyperthyroidism will require blood tests to diagnose and either medications or a procedure to make the thyroid glands smaller. Allergies.... just suck. There are allergy medications that may help, otherwise you're looking at doing food trials (assuming it's even food) or expensive allergy tests.
Will any silvervine sp work? Because those are Kiwis, which may help your search. to be fair, when I see Kiwi plants for sale they get snatched up pretty fast, probably for the fruit.
You got so lucky with that cat. Most cats I foster take much longer to chill out.
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>take much longer to chill out
She's perfectly comfortable in my bedroom but still a bit nervous about the other rooms in my apartment. She slowly followed me into the kitchen but got spooked by the noise of the washing machine. I'm planning on moving her food/water bowls and litter box into the hallway today so she can get more experience going out of my room
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Point a dot, and the servile cat stumbles and wheezes to amuse yo

But do the same before my snake and she will eye you with coolly polite bemusement

And just as the inferior animal that scampers about simply because someone has string falls in with the lower classes of society, the noble and discerning serpent is most at home with humans of greater intelligence.
What is the best way to feed pills to cats? Mine is having a difficult surgery in about a week and needs to take very important meds but he spits them out all the time. His teeth are messed up which is why he is getting surgery but obviously that is also why he does not like people messing around with his mouth. So far i have been taking the pills and soaking them a little in food so they are easier to swallow but even then he is spitting them out. His condition is getting better and he is showing less signs of pain but i still need a reliable method to administer him. I still manage to give them to him but i just discovered that he spat out a pill a little after i gave him instead of immediately so he is learning to avoid them. I really need advice as calming the infection is very important before he sees the vet.
Grab cat with arm securely.
Use the same hand to pinch open the mouth of the cat.
Drop pill as far back in mouth as possible using other hand.
Gently hold mouth closed for a few seconds.

How back is far back? I am very anxious about my cats getting hurt and i am worried that 'far back' might block breathing. When i game him his meds just now he resisted and moved his head in a way that the pill got on the top part of his mouth. It looks like he swallowed it immediately and i am looking like a schizophrenic for pills that he might have spat out but it looks like that did the trick. Is that also an ok method? Again he has learned to keep the pills in his mouth for a second and spit them out when i am not looking.
Mine usually closes off the back of the throat with her tongue. I would say in the back 10ish percent. If you don't drop it far enough back they can spit it out, but if you get it right they'll just automatically swallow it.

>>4902868 posted pic in wrong thread, but this general area is where you want to aim. You see how the tongue goes up and blocks the back of the throat.
>but if you get it right they'll just automatically swallow it.
He did that when the pill was on the top part of his mouth. Is that also a known strategy or did i just catch him off guard?

That is where i am aiming at but as you can guess i dont hit that part very often. I am just lucky that he lets me learn a but by not resisting in any real capacity. The most he does is walk away after a failed attempt instead of biting or scratching which would be very bad with a 4,7kg beast.
Not sure. I think that dropping it past a certain point just guarantees that they'll swallow it. Atleast that was my experience.
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ask your vet to give you a pill launcher, my cat really really really hates taking meds and won't fall for any tricks so I have to force her, last time I took her to the vet and she used one I was fucking mindblown how fast it was
How are these any different from doing it by hand besides avoiding the risk of biting?
it's just way easier and faster, so you don't have to struggle with your cat twice a day which is better for both of you
If at all possible, crush it or open it and mix it with wet food, assuming he eats wet food readily. Make sure with your vet that it is ok to do this; some medications are slow release in the gut for a reason.
If that isn't possible, look into towel restraint and a pill gun. It does get worse every fucking day though so find a more 'fear free' approach if this will be long term.
Also never 'dry pill' a cat; they have pretty dry mouths/throats, so try to syringe some liquid after the pill; otherwise the pill can get stuck or cause some damage in the throat while it makes its way down.
>avoiding the risk of biting
that's kinda the point. There's this nerve a lot of animals have in the back of their mouths near the throat where they just chomp down, to prevent choking or someone shoving a fist right down the throat or something. I've watched my completely unconscious dog bite straight through a vet's hand that was examining her throat because he got too close to that nerve.
The pills made in a way so you can break and dose them so they are very very unlikely to be any kind of sensitive or slow release meds. I just let them soak a little in wet food which makes their outside a little slippery which prevents the dry pill issue i think. I also always have water available for him and massage his throat to stimulate swallowing.
>It does get worse every fucking day though so find a more 'fear free' approach if this will be long term.
This will last for at least a week. Besides the pills he also needs liquid painkiller but there are no issues with that one. In any case i think it will be impossible to feed him hard things like pills after the surgery although situation has improved. So if he needs other medicine after that besides the pain killer its likely to be liquid or maybe slow release injections if those exist for his case.
> I've watched my completely unconscious dog bite straight through a vet's hand
I have been looking through some reviews of these pill launchers and i have seen some people complaining about the thing falling apart inside of the mouth and as previously mentioned i am paranoid about any choking hazards as both my cat and i got very close to very bad things happening in that area. Although i will be a lot more careful about touching anything besides the tongue now even if he has a lot of restraint otherwise.
love kots like you wouldn't believe
This. Ever touched a kot? They are super soft and nice, and they even like it when you touch them! They're the fruit of the sensory world.
I need advice for my cat, he's 15 and about a month ago his vet found a lump on him which was determined to be cancer. I decided against surgery for him as I don't think it would prolong his life much and I don't want his quality of life to suffer. I've been trying to just spoil him and give him a good end of life.

Over the last couple of days his eating has gradually decreased, he still eats but very little. Behavior wise he is still active, still vocal, and still doing some of his favorite things. Sometimes he will isolate himself and hide under the bed.

The change in eating habits concerns me that he might be in more pain than I though, and I'm considering calling his vet to schedule putting him to sleep. I don't want to wait for him to deteriorate more and suffer but I also don't want to put him down too early. What do
There's no way to know for sure. If you are concerned you are jumping the gun, then at some point you have to accept that some pain will enter into it because it's a guessing game. My impulse would be to see if the cat isolates a lot or just a little, when normal functioning has pretty much stopped I'd see that as time to end. You could ask a vet, and maybe pain relief is an option? Painkillers might be a good way to spend your last few days.
taking my boy to the vet today.
he keeps shaking his head and scratching at his ear. hope its nothing too serious :(
This happened to my cat when he had an ear infection. It cleared up pretty easily with meds.
thank you that makes me feel better. he is still active and eating but very easily annoyed lately and runs when I try to comfort him.
The pill guns I use come straight from patterson and have no frills like the handles. But if you can, use the option of least resistance and give it to him in his food.
Eating is like one of the main QOL factors I look for. to me, an animal can be active, drinking, mobile etc but if it refuses to eat, it is not long for this world if something doesn't change. Cats especially can go into fatty liver if they become anorexic.
Pic related is a QOL chart, there's several out there though if this one doesn't mesh with you. I would advise talking to your vet about it, maybe there's a stronger pain med out there for him but also maybe that pain med will affect other areas of his life.
Oof enjoy those ear meds, that's the worst shit to apply because it is so painful and feels so weird.
I actually just found a chart like this after I made that post and made an appointment with his vet to put him to sleep next week and they said I can take him in earlier if he declines suddenly.
>an animal can be active, drinking, mobile etc but if it refuses to eat, it is not long for this world if something doesn't change
This is exactly whats starting to happen to him, seems tired but overall still active, but will barely eat tuna or any food I offer him. My other cat passed about 2 months ago and I waited too long with her, I don't want this one to be in the same state that she was in.
Taking my cat in to get some teeth pulled. I'm hoping it's closer to $300 than $500 but it's got to happen.
the cat was fat.
Is a whining sound cat for I need to pee? If my doors closed my cat will meow to be let out, but if she whines is she just whining for being whiny
TL;DR- No, but if she makes that sound whenever she needs to pee then yes.

Cats don't really audibly communicate the same way humans do, we make a noise and then tie it to an action, then try to create that connection in other creatures (ma, ma, ma, pa, pa, pa). Cats have a limited amount of vocalisations and they will use the one that corresponds to the issue they have: for example whining for a kitten means 'pay attention to me' whether it's for food, toilet, loneliness, fear, etc. When they try to communicate with humans they will cycle through their sounds (often over the course of days or weeks) and see which one gets them the response they want. So while cat-human language is similar within households, it isn't outside of them.

Meaning that your cat will whine until you open the door, and some day try a new noise and if that works better, start using that one instead. The language your cat uses for you is tailored to you, and can be different on a per person basis. These rituals can get very complicated with some cats, as they work on a trial and error, and if the cat believes it needs to make a serious of sounds at a certain volume, at a certain frequency, while doing certain movements, then it'll do those.

TL;DR 2: Whining is to get your attention, she is using her body language and her proximity to objects to try to communicate what she wants. If whining gets you to let her out when she wants to pee, then whining means she needs to pee.

Sources used: My ass.
$500, but they all said she's exceptionally healthy for her age and encouraged me to keep doing whatever I'm doing.
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How much does it cost to have the teeth to be extracted? They said that they have to determine what can stay and what doesn't but in any case want 1200€ minimum. Looking around i found cases very similar to mine but they paid half than that. It cant be because they cant keep him under control as he is very passive. Some sites say that costs but to 3k are normal but i cant find people talking about paying these prices. In any case he is getting surgery but i just want to know if i am falling for a hebrew trick or not.
Also he is getting even better. The period where he licks his teeth after eating is getting so short that it nearly stopped.
>be me
>get a free "European shorthair" aka mutt cat kitty from people out in the countryside
>only issue is she's gotten a little fat and I'm controlling her diet rn
>be my sister
>buy a Norwegian forest kitten for €700 from some bitch raising them in her house
>at 6 months of age it has developed FIP and has tested positive for a parasite and several other diseases transmitted by infected droppings of other cats
>currently on a black market cure that is going to cost €2000 because it has to be imported from Germany
Outdoor chads win again
Breeders deserve the rope, quite frankly. People need to stop treating living things as fashion statements. For every breeder who is ethically and humanely keeping a breed going and selling the product, there's 99 that churn these things out like a factory at the expense of the animals. Fuck those guys. Sadly we are more likely going to see mutts die out than breeders.

(Also using terms like mutt and breeder in their intended way on 4chan feels really weird.)
Call around and expect a drive. I found a place that charged me $500 for a dang extraction on a cat over 10 years old. Like half of that was blood work and exams. I could have probably found a cheaper option, but they also had the soonest availability.
So my old cat was really sick and apparently it was best to euthanize it. Just did it and she's sitting lifeless behind me. Really sad. Now I'm not sure what to do with the body and what's most respectful. I don't have a place to bury her, so if I go that route I'd have to drive to a random forest somewhere and dig and leave here there I guess. Other option is a cremation agency or whatever. They can give me the ashes back or just cremate her and leave it at that. I'm not sure if just giving them to her and being done with it is the right thing, but at the same looking at her jar of ashes every day I don't think I can do that. I'm so mad. She didn't deserve to suffer but at the same time I feel guilty I basically shortened her life. Don't know what to do now.
cremate and put ashes in a locket and wear it around your neck
What the fuck are you talking about schizo retard? Shut the fuck up and die.
That's just brutal. I can't do that.
>the worms are in my brain! DOGS! DOOOOGGGGSSS!
this is why you wash your hands after scooping the litterbox
Speaking of litter. Your cat box will smell a lot better if your switch your liter with pine horse bedding and give your cat wet food mixed with crushed lump charcoal and water once a day. Add a small amount of Greek yogurt to improve their digestion.
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Ask for an itemized estimate and see what all they are offering for what, and make sure the cheaper places aren't skimping out on pain meds especially post op.
Canines and molars are going to be more expensive to extract. I've only really dealt with American vets so I can't gauge whether that is a normal price - even in America prices range widely based on where you are ie bumfuck nowhere Missouri vs San Fran CA
>encouraged me to keep doing whatever I'm doing.
well, what ARE you doing??
>FIP in a purebred cat
Sounds like your sister got that animal from a kitten mill, which is actually impressive because they aren't that common anymore. While the cause of FIP is not completely understood, it happens a lot more in hoarding cases, feral colonies, and mills; the disease is just a simple coronavirus which many cats and kittens overcome, but something in these certain cat's DNA changes the coronavirus to FIP.
Unrelated note but I worked with a girl who kept buying Burmese kittens from the same breeder - she went through 3 cats in 5 years because they kept getting Cardiomyopathy and dying, and she was too retarded to understand it being hereditary means the next kitten she gets will get it as well. The breeder knew what she was doing though, offering steep discounts for the next litter meant guaranteed continued business.
Cremate and spread ashes somewhere. I've never been at one of those specialty crematoriums, but I worked at a municipal shelter that had a crematorium attached; it is illegal to dump dead animals in the landfill, and you have to cremate them before throwing them out to prevent zoonotic disease. So I am now paranoid that the 'special places' these crematoriums have for ashes is just going to the dump.

I do the pine bedding out of cheapness, but it doesn't smell better. Then again with clay I spot clean daily
>add dairy to improve digestion of a lactose intolerant animal
Is spreading the ashes moral though? Throwing them away like garbage...
I'm so sad man
>well, what ARE you doing??
Mostly just tending to my cats needs. I only use medications when it's clear there's a problem. I give them wet food mixed with charcoal and water in the morning. I freely offer dry food throughout the day. I encourage going outside and hunting, even though there's a risk of disease. I spend a good amount of time making sure my pets are happy by giving them affection, grooming them, and making play things for them. I lay out a jacket near the head of my bed for them to sleep on at night. When they show signs of stress I comfort them and try to address the root cause. Just what I consider the normal things to do. For some reason my cats are twice the size of cats I see at other people's houses. One cat can stretch all the way up to my belt when he greets me. They're common breeds. Tabby and a tuxedo cat.
>add dairy to improve digestion of a lactose intolerant animal
Lactic acid bacteria is the main gut flora for most animals. You just need enough yogurt to inoculate the charcoal and it will supplement their existing gut flora as well as begin predigesting their food. If you aren't comfortable with that you can also use yeast from lightly shaken apple cider vinegar (with the mother, obviously) but yeasts don't live long in the gut.

It is not related to morality.
Keep some to remember her by and spread the rest somewhere she liked to play. Otherwise bury her and plant something on top of her grave to mark the spot. I'm sorry for your loss.
What is the quick list for everything I need to know about taking care of a cat for someone whos never cared for an animal before?
>Litter box
>Regular grooming and play time
>Comfortable places to be (like a cat tree)
>Understand that hiding can be a sign of injury or illness
Cats aren't as hard as dogs
Anything needed to be done about pet proofing the apartment?
Make sure you don't have things your cat can break by knocking them off of things. Make sure that none of your plants are poisonous to your cat or that they're somewhere they can't access. I can't grow any chives where my cat can get them because she loves to eat them and alliums can cause organ failure. Introduce changes like food or litter slowly so it doesn't stress out your cat too much. If there's a problem you don't expect then learn how to deal with it. For the most part you shouldn't have too many issues.
So I looked into this and from what I can tell from a brief skim of google results, it seems that human ashes are bad to spread around plants because they contain so much salt, but I feel like that shouldn't be as much of an issue for pet remains, especially a small animal. Aside from that sodium ashes would normally be beneficial to plants. I don't quite trust the AI summary telling me otherwise, I think it might be mixing stuff up. Your cat didn't have a high sodium diet did it?

My thinking is that if you have a little garden or yard you can scatter the ashes around, you're returning them to the earth, helping new life grow. Do it in a way that helps you feel ceremonial about it and not like you're just dumping out trash. Though as I say that, we still have all our pets' old ashes stored. My dad recently made nice wooden boxes for them all (they're in sealed bags inside the boxes for the record).

Are you raising a kitten? Expect them to be a mischievous little shit for a while, they'll try to get into everything. You might have to discourage them from getting into places they're not supposed to get into for a while (I can't remember how many times I had to drag my cat out from behind my bookshelf where he literally couldn't actually get back out from on his own but it was more than once). To this day when we open up the coat closet in the hallway we have to make sure to leave it open because of how many times he'll appear out of nowhere to slip inside to sit amongst all the assorted blankets and such packed in there. He's gotten locked in numerous times.

It's a learning experience but if you're careful you should be okay. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
start doing cable management behind your PC, hide your cables, protect them anyway even if they're hidden. do not let too many things in the open for your cat to knock around, make sure you do not have plants that are poisonous to them lying around. really it's mostly cables you need to worry about. trim the claws from an early age, give them cat tree (and maybe a scratching board) so it won't use your couch as a place to scratch. close your windows when they're in the room or use a catproof window net
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it's good you're going to the vet. since I was overwhelmed with other stuff IRL, I didn't pay too much attention to my cat for a few days. he scratched his ear and shook his head heavily for 2 days due to the otitis he developed in that exact time frame, which ended up in a hematoma that ruined his ear. I wasn't TOO late to the vet, otherwise his right ear would've crumpled completely into a cauliflower ear. now it's just bent
my grandma passed recently and I got her cat. she does NOT like my house and she's been hiding in a closet not eating for about 12 hours. is there a way to get her acclamated to her new surroundings?
Make sure she has food, water, and a place to pee all within comfortable closet range. Preferably in the closet. Be nearby and don't make any disruptive noises, but make sure she is aware you're out there. If this closet is in your bedroom then once you go to bed she might come out to take a peek.

Just make sure she isn't being given undue stress and see how it goes. It's traumatic to lose a family member for cats as well, and moving the house is probably exactly what she did not want. She will probably need more time. As long as she hasn't gone days without eating you're alright. If she doesn't find it disruptive then reaching in to give her a pet is also a good idea, make her accustomed to the idea that this is a good place to be.
I'm glad he's okay but that ear is extremely cute
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i love it when they spread their toes
Put my old man Sam to sleep today. Tonight is the first night in a long time that I've been without a cat. My apartment feels very lonely now.
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me too bro. put my boy down today. he was 16. i miss him so much already.
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Sorry anon. Mine was 15.
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Took my cat to the vet in regards to some concerns (likely undescended testicle that wasn't removed during neutering). Vet noted that his penis was very small for a cat. Is it over for him kotbros?
Should I try petting my stray cat?
About an year old ig, knows me well(for 3 months now) I have never petted a cat before anons.
What can be done to help my cat drink more? My 13-14 year old stopped drinking water completely a few months back, I've been giving her cat milk and lactose free milk since then, but she's been throwing up a little more recently which I'm worried is because she's dehydrated. We had her at the vet a few months ago when we discovered she drank less, the vet didn't feel anything and she even had a blood test which came out perfectly fine, I know it's most likely just age, but I still wanna help her out if I can
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Picrel of him. He seemed to be licking his dick excessively and crying a lot so I took him in. Was worried that something was terribly wrong. Turns out he just rubbed himself raw from trying to cope with whatever testosterone he has flowing in his blood. The vet can't confirm a hidden testicle until they do investigative surgery *per se* but vet noted penile spines and elevated T which should not be present in a neutered tom
Feliway spray/collars can help but it is normal for cats to struggle at first. Give the cat plenty of food and water and time in a small room to acclimate. I got this guy for free off craigslist awhile back and he barely ate for three days but eventually adapted
Water fountains are worth a shot. Mine is terrified of water fountains but he's a moron
>Water fountains are worth a shot. Mine is terrified of water fountains
Yeah no, she's an anxious mess so the two we tried weren't of any interest or too scary for her
give him food to get him to trust you first
Offer treats
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Sorry about your grandma. If you haven't already, make sure you're closing her off to one room. Exploring a whole house is stressful. When she gets used to your one room you have her in, you can start slowly opening doors throughout the house.
Same advice as above, start with keeping the cat in one room. A big house might be stressful at first.
No open flames unless you're literally watching it like a hawk. Always check your dryer for sleeping cats in the clothes before starting it.
Unironically this is actually relevant if he gets bladder stones. Because of the smaller penis/smaller urethra, stones will be even harder to pass. Make sure that fucking cat stays hydrated.
HydraCare from Purina is a water additive that makes water more viscous and adds a liver flavor, which helps cats drink more. It contains osmolytes, which basically helps cells maintain equilibrium with water. It was designed originally for kidney disease patients to get the most out of what water they will drink, but I believe it is now OTC because over-hydration is like a non-issue
My cat has an oral tumour and where it's growing one of his top teeth often punctures it and causes it to bleed. What's the best way to keep it clean? Just a wet cloth and give it a wipe? I have some alcohol wipes but they feel overkill and I don't want to hurt him more than I have to
I asked the vet and she brushed me off saying he wouldn't let me touch it anyways
Leave, zoophile.
Purina is one of the few things she still willingly eats with glee so I had already had a look at what other stuff they made and spot the Hydracare stuff, was already planning on ordering some but good to know it's already a respected product
She threw up for the first time on her blanket, is she sick? I changed out her old dry food yesterday
Cats just do that sometimes. It's only something to be worried about if she's doing it often or there's something off about the vomit itself like the colour
It was the color of her dry food, so nothing odd color wise
Thanks for letting me know
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My dog brought me a stray cat alive this time. What should I name it?
I like this suggestion. I would also suggest a similarly themed cat name. Chewy, Ragdoll, Bones, etc.
He eats all the cats he catches. He made multiple thread on ck about it.
Then I would recommend 'dinner' or 'entre'. Strange hobby.
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I've never mentioned this even once in the chicken thread actually.
Thanks for the hed up about the possibility of bladder stones and the size of his pp. Will do. He had a urine sample taken at the vet the other day so we'll see how that turns out.
Could be due to eating too quickly or a food intolerance. My last cat could not tolerate anything with brewer's yeast as she got older. She would instantly vomit after eating it.
Name him Coolio
It's female.
Cat got the zoomies and I feel real bad cause I know it's cause I haven't been able to play with him much. He has three other cats in the home and tons of toys though...
Anon cats are kind of inexplicable. Sometimes they just do shit like that.

One of ours gets zoomies every time he jumps out of the litterbox. We have no idea why. None of the other cats bother him in there or give a shit.
I decided to name her Delicia.
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She just showed up one day. I saved her life from an inevitable death by livestock guardian dogs. She is the most confident cat I've ever known, and everyone that meets her immediately loves her for her looks and demeanor.

She has never been afraid of dog, human or anything really, and will happily relax on the shoulders of anyone who let's her climb up.

Multiple people who have met her have wanted to have her bred for kittens.

Anyone else experience this incredible luck with cat?
Just saved a kitten that was getting into people's engines in the drivethrough at Whataburger. Had to chase it into an adjacent parking lot, then it went into a guy's BMW and we spent another 25 minutes trying to get it out while the guy patiently just let us bang around in his engine. Finally found it and it mauled the hell out of our hands but we got the little fucker. Now he's in a box eating shrimp.
I don't know much about cats, is this rabies or is it just a fucking feline pitbull?
Some bouquets containing lilies have come into my possession. I've moved them to a room my cat doesn't go in for the time being - do I need to worry about any pollen that might have shaken off? Just how sensitive are cats to this stuff? Is having them in a closed off room or moving them enough to get a cat sick? Thankfully she's not interested in chewing or sniffing plants so that's good. Maybe I'm just being overly paranoid but I don't want her to get sick. I've wiped down any countertops they touched but do I need to mop the floors too?
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Posted about my senior buddy getting diagnosed with cancer a week or two ago.

We'll be making the call to put him down this week. He's deteriorated so much in so little time, and can barely even walk anymore. Friday will likely be the day. We're giving him as many treats and forbidden foods as we can in the meantime, and spoiling him rotten.

It's been a really hard few months. Just wanted to pop in here and give an update because the anons who responded to me were so nice. Thank you all for helping me feel better that night.
You done good anon, one of our cats got fucked up like that as a kitten before we got him. He's alright all these years later but his paw healed weird so it's like a weird clubbed foot now.

I've had aspects of those qualities in cats, but never all in one cat. Really hit the jackpot there, anon.

Is there any way to arrange someone coming to the house to do it? To save you having to put him in a box and take him to the vet? We did that for our old dog and while it made my dad a blubbering mess I know in my heart it was objectively the right call for her. If that's not an option just make sure you've got, like, a towel or something that smells comforting and familiar to wrap him in when you transport him, and just be there for him. They understand that kind of thing, I think.
>Is there any way to arrange someone coming to the house to do it? To save you having to put him in a box and take him to the vet? We did that for our old dog and while it made my dad a blubbering mess I know in my heart it was objectively the right call for her. If that's not an option just make sure you've got, like, a towel or something that smells comforting and familiar to wrap him in when you transport him, and just be there for him. They understand that kind of thing, I think.
It's what I wanted to do, but he's my wife's cat, and she doesn't feel it's best to do it in front of the other cats. Especially since all three of them are skittish around strangers at home. He doesn't do well with car rides, but is actually fine at the vet, so I'm trusting her judgement, and not trying to make the decisions for her.

We definitely have plans to bring his blanket and bed with him though. The least we could do is send him off while feeling like he's at home.
Okay, yeah, I hadn't really considered having other cats around. That's a fair point. Sounds like you've got it planned out right, then.
my cat eat peanut butter
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cute he may be, but I can't stop thinking that I've failed at something that I could've prevented
Shrimply a hero.

Condolences. Go gently into the night, oldkot. It is a good thing to have someone that cares about you watch over your interests when it comes time to go.
He's probably embarrassed. Both of my cats felt shamed by using the litter box which made litter box training more difficult. One of them grew out of it, but the other one still rockets out of the box.
Just keep them from munching it. A single bite shouldn't kill them, but if they eat some then observing them overnight should be good enough. If they have more than just an upset stomach or you're worried then take you cat to the vet.
Everyone thinks she's a lost cat, I keep getting calls from the local vets to tell me they found her.
Cats shouldn't be free roaming outside anyways
For all the usual reasons plus this new reddit bullshit of the "cat distribution system" where they just steal people's cats off the street
There's someone in this very thread that steals, tortures, kills, and eats random cats and dog they find on the street.
I genuinely don't have the space to keep a decent cat tree for her yet (her scratch post is literally on top of a table) so going outside is her only way to get physical activity or she becomes destructive.
She's only allowed outside when I'm around anyway.
My neighborhood isn't shitty enough to have an issue with missing pets so I'm not concerned.
>She's only allowed outside when I'm around anyway.
Judging by the fact you're being constantly called to come get her I doubt that
People have been keeping indoor only cats forever, cats absolutely do not need to be outside at all. Buy some toys and play with her
There are maine coon kittens in the personal ads pretty regularly. They're one of my dream pets but I worry if I can provide the care they need.
Does anyone with first hand experience have any advice of anecdotes about what it's like to raise these weird chirpers?
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Our neighbor's cat is super friendly to everyone and wanders around the block. It's a fairly quiet neighborhood and everyone kinda just knows him at this point. She tried keeping a collar on him but he kept losing them so she just stopped bothering. There's a neighbor that fucking hates him but after one failed attempt at trapping him it's not likely to work again.

Personally I advocate keeping cats inside, but the little bastard is a fucking sweetie and selfishly, I'm glad he roams around because every time he sees me he comes RUNNING to me. Lets me pick him up and cuddle him and everything. Really the biggest risks would be him getting into a fight with another cat or getting run over. There aren't that many outdoors cats in this neighborhood anymore and he's smart enough to run out of the road when a car is coming, so hopefully he just keeps on living his best life.

There was another cat in the neighborhood at one point that just never really left her yard. Every time I saw her she was just out on the front porch, or slinking along the backyard. Another cat liked to adventure out a bit too but I only ever see her in her own yard now. I think after a while outdoor cats kind of just get a sense of their own territory and stay near where the food is. Fine and dandy in a big suburb but if you're in a city or something that could be tough.
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that probably needs to see a vet if it isn't already. Cats are really prone to gum disease. Try not to fuck with it too much, irritation will just build. Just water, and only as needed. Avoid alcohol and H2O2; these will just irritate/kill healthy cells and also the cat is likely to ingest some.
As others have said, could be from a lot of different reasons, even something as silly as an empty stomach.
There was this one orange cat who was honestly the friendliest cat I have ever met. He'd run up to give you cuddles. If you picked him up and he saw another person close by, he'd reach to them for cuddles. He was just the most loving cat I've ever met. EVERYTHING was on the table for potential cuddles.
Likely over-stimulation, actually not uncommon in cats. Have you ever seen those autistic kids that are fine one second, then seemingly nothing happens and they flip shit? Same concept. They get over-stimulated by something and can lash out, sometimes with little to no signs beforehand depending on how severe the stimulation was to them.
Supposedly even a speck of (easter? day? i cant remember) lily pollen getting into their drinking water can cause renal failure. I would just change out the water, clean food bowls and call it a day. there's only so much you can worry about. When they die and you go to throw them out, put them in a bag first before leaving the room with them. Pollen is more likely to fall when they're dead/dying.
Sorry to hear that anon. It's the last kind thing we can do for them though.
Someone will actually steal your cat one day, and it's not going to be a good owner that brings it to the vet because I assume it's getting found via microchip.
99% of the time the 'Maine Coons' you see are just large tabbies. The ones that aren't tend to die young of heart disease. Look for breeders that do related heart health tests on breeding stock.
It’s a diagnosed oral tumour. He’s too old for surgery so I’m just trying to keep the guy comfortable until it’s time to say goodbye. The last thing I want is it getting infected so I occasionally clean it with a cotton wipe and water
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>Have you ever seen those autistic kids that are fine one second, then seemingly nothing happens and they flip shit? Same concept.

So cats get "overstimulated" the same way autists and aspies do? That's hilarious.
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Get a breakaway collar. That's a collar that pops open if the cat gets it stuck on something so it doesn't strangle your cat. You don't even have to put any tags on it. Even idiots who can't tell strays from owned cats know that collar=owner.

Terrible advice.
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my MC was pretty easy to raise because he did almost nothing deatructive, but i was also pretty strict about cat proofing my house. he never meowed at me to beg for food (not very food motivated) and if i wanted to sleep alone in the room, he never meowed or scratched at ny door. very weird cat, can't guarantee if it's because he's an MC
Any advice for brushing a cat's belly? While my cat is usually really friendly and sweet, if you touch his belly anywhere he goes into rough play mode which makes brushing close to impossible.
The rest of his coat is fine and I don't brush it often, but his belly really looks like it could use a good brushing.
cats' bellies are sensitive and most don't like them being touched at all. mine is weird and tolerates rubs and hand scratching but a brush is too rough
Keep your cat inside retard.

I have no qualms with cats getting dogged and dogs getting pigged if they roam (based cops), only qualms with people who let them roam
Yes please do. It makes it so much faster for me to get the collar off once i bait them into my house, shut the door, and adopt my new cat.
>breeders hate him
>never pay an adoption fee with this one weird trick
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your cat will be coyote food eventually

keep her inside, retard
Far more likely to be eaten by a dog 2 miles away in the middle of the night.
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how do i train a cat to scratch me?
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I'm finally at a point in my life where I can have a pet and am thinking about getting a cat from the shelter.
Anon it doesn't matter. Even if they love you they'll still forget to pull their claws in when they put their paws up on you.
yeah but i want it to purposely see me and use me as a scratching post. i've never had a cat before, but do they do that already?
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Update: Urinalysis and bloods came in. All clear. I took him in for a second checkup because he was crying a lot and I was really worried about him. ER vet's final verdict? Nothing wrong with his bladder or kidneys. As suspected, he injured his dick due to beating/grooming it too much (an attempt to deal with the hormones due to having internal testes).
I feared that something was terribly wrong with his kidneys/bladder because he would cry while urinating and howl in pain. Nope, just beat his dick raw from masturbating excessively. He'll need surgery for cryptorchidism when I follow up with my primary vet.
For now, he will have to wear a cone to avoid doing more harm to his already raw dick and take painkiller/anxiety medication for the next couple of days.
Goddamn, I guess it happens to cats, too.
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>Go to check up on him tonight
>Find him with my youngest like this
Fuck, I'm going to miss this guy so much.
Is it normal for cats to "cough"? Not sharp and violent like a human or dog's cough, more of a wheezing, forced tightening of the diaphragm.
I've never known other cats to do it, but I have one who will wake up to cough most nights. Usually only once per night, and it's just 1-2 coughs, not a fit, and he goes back to sleep.
I mentioned it to the vet but they dismissed it since it's infrequent and he doesn't seem to have any other breathing difficulties. Can cats get sleep apnea?
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Yup. The other night all he could do was cry from the discomfort and gnaw at his groin. The only way that I was able to lift his spirits was by giving him some warmed buttered corn.
Very relieved to learn that he's a very normal boy albeit in some discomfort from his hormones. Granted I am pretty mad that the veterinarian who did his neuter procedure didn't bother to check for internal testicles.
>99% of the time the 'Maine Coons' you see are just large tabbies. The ones that aren't tend to die young of heart disease. Look for breeders that do related heart health tests on breeding stock.
This is solid advice in regards to any purebred cat imo. Heritable diseases are all too common among purebreds and it is important to take that into consideration when choosing a breeder. I had a pair of Siberian cats and sadly one of them died due to a heritable form of cancer in 2020. The breeder didn't do genetic testing.
Hang in there anon. You're doing the right thing for him by giving him plenty of love and treats. I'm sure it's helping him feel at ease. In case if you feel like things begin to get too difficult for him (again, your call), making an appointment with an oncall veterinarian for at home euthanasia or going to an emergency vet is a viable option. My last cat deteriorated very quickly so I went the latter route and the staff was excellent.
By the grace of god there go I.
Do it. Older shelter cats are easier to deal with than kittens
Oh no! A cat snatcher! So scary! Good thing anon's cat is chipped. The vet will take the cat from you and charges can be pressed for anything that happened in your care. Go troll somewhere else.
Do you actually believe this shit lol? Taking a cat to the vet? Lmao. You don’t have to take cats to vets for the same reason you don’t have to keep them confined to your yard. They are mammal goldfish. Probably 50% of cat owners know cats don’t need to go to the vet.

If it were an issue i’ve removed chips before with a reader to locate and benadryl sedation (on a dog i found and kept for 2 years, in case the owner was a karen)
I've brought in 3 strays to the vets and all 3 times I specifically had to ask them to check for a chip.
The first time they tried to check the battery in the scanner was dead.
Every vet I've ever gone to has checked for a chip as a part of the general checkup. Do you live in an exceptionally poor area?
Nope, middle of a big tourist city.
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>Is it normal for cats to "cough"
No but it might still be benign or just minor allergies. Your vet may not be worried unless you express concern or other symptoms start to show; generally vets are concerned about keeping things low price because that is what the client wants 99% of the time, especially the past few years, and this issue doesn't seem to be severe.
If your vet still doesn't care even after you express your concerns again, then you might want to look for a new vet.
I imagine they would probably want to do chest radiographs, a round of maybe steroids, and maybe send out blood to be on the safe side. But that's all conjecture.
Very interesting; I don't normally see cryptorchids unless we're actively fixing them so I rarely get to see the effects of it. So that's news to me! Hope your boy feels better soon.
When you go, make sure you're ready to take a cat home that day, because it is very likely you'll want to take one home.
I have never had to schedule a euthanasia like that, I have no idea how hard that must be the days before.
The worst part about this is that the good owners that would have brought your cat to the vet and cared for it, will not be the owners that keep your cat. It will be the shitty owners whose animals have never seen the inside of a clinic that will keep these cats.

I had a friend that did exactly that; her animals were born and died without ever seeing a vet, corpses thrown in trash. She was a moderate hoarder of trash and would take every cat she saw outside and trap them in her house. She never brought them to a vet, so they could never get checked for a chip.
It is kinda nuts how everyone ITT seems to think EVERYONE brings their pet to a vet at all, let alone regularly. Probably a good 10-15% of the population (the very poor/raised very poor) will never step foot in a vet office, and that isn't including all the mentally ill like hoarders and paranoid schizos.
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>Very interesting; I don't normally see cryptorchids unless we're actively fixing them so I rarely get to see the effects of it. So that's news to me! Hope your boy feels better soon.
Glad that I could be informative in some way haha. He's been neutered before and I have the documents from it, but the ER vet believes that whoever did his neuter did not check for crypto (despite that it is a routine practice). He'll be going in for his follow up with the primary vet in a few hours.
Using the cone as an anti masturbation device seems to be helping. He hasn't been crying while urinating - something that he *had* been doing as a result of the damage to his dick. (The peeing stuff is why I panicked and brought him straight to the pet ER.) Granted he still tries to give himself a blowie through the cone even though his dick is raw.
On a related note... My female cat has been absolutely disgusted with him as of late. I think it's due to the odors associated with his hormones. His piss smells like toxic waste.
Should have called animal control. That's theft and animal abuse.

>Probably a good 10-15% of the population (the very poor/raised very poor) will never step foot in a vet office
I'm very poor and raised poor and I take my cats to the vet regularly. This month I've spent more on vet visits than groceries.

You sound like a shitty person.
I miss my cats so much. The loneliness I feel without them is unbearable.
I'm sorry, anon. I might have to put my cat down soon. It all depends on the next couple days.
Just put flea drops on my cat as a precaution as it's starting to get warmer here but I missed a few drops. Anyone know if that means the treatment will be overall less effective, or it'll run out faster and I'll have to do it again a bit sooner? He doesn't have fleas and I don't believe he ever has.

With a rough guess I'd say I got about 3/4 of it on my cat's neck. Bravecto, not sure if that's an international brand or just an Australian one.
You're supposed to spread their fur apart and put it directly on the skin, you shouldn't be able to miss with the tip that close. It's probably fine though.
Yeah, I did that - got it on his skin and he took it well. My stupid ass went to throw out the dispenser, gave it another squeeze and a few more drops came out.
I just realized that male cats also have like 6 nipples. Really blew my mind. I never realized it before but it's so obvious.
Bravecto has a wide margin of use, but I wouldn't recommend doubling up on it, It can cause a pretty bad toxicity if your cat gets too much. It will likely be fine, but if it's not just suck it up for the time being until the next dose is due.
Fun fact, being cheap and halving the doses or incorrectly dosing out Frontline for a decade has actually made the active ingredient Fipronil absolutely useless in the US now due to the pests becoming resistant. That's why it's been OTC now for a while, because it doesn't fucking work and we're already resistant.
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Have you ever seen a comfier animal in your life?
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guys, why do cat lovers always get so mad every time I mention giving my cat a little bit of ham sometimes? why is that bad?
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Happy family :D
It's not, I give cats ham or turkey slices and cheese all the time, they like it when it's rolled together
Because the sodium in those foods literally kills them.
sorry anon :'( i'm sure he had a nice life and was a great buddy
mine got diagnosed with mouth cancer 2 weeks ago and i'm gonna put her down tomorrow
it hurts so much to watch her wanting to eat but being unable to. since this morning whenever she actually eats something she starts bleeding from the mouth :(
Too much sodium kills them the same way it kills humans. A piece of ham or cheese occasionally does nothing to affect their health.
why my parents are so mean
always hated me for owning cats
they joke to sell my cat
they say "yuck" or "ew" everytime a cat is on tv
they tell me they will buy a new cat
then buy a taxidermy cat just to fuck with me
based parents
>Feed cat ham every day
>"I'd rather she happy than hungry even if it does shorten her life."
>16 years pass
>Cat wont fucking die and is as fit as she was 12

Even assholes have kids.
only with ham daily? or do you usually give her something else too?
My childhood cat lived to 19 and got food handouts all the time, I think as long as it's not making up an entire meal it's fine, regardless of other people saying otherwise.

As it is right now I share shit like sushi and other meat with my current cat and he's in perfect health.
Ham on top of her normal diet.

She has permanent access to dry food, but she gets wet food twice a day (she's a picky eater and eats little and mostly goes for the sauce). She'll nibble on dry 1-3 times a day. We rotate catfood, get it from the pet store. She drinks quite a lot of water, more than most cats I've known or had, usually well-water with high limestone content. She'll ask for ham 1-2 times a day, if she doesn't get it she'll eat dry. She used to eat mice as well, but she started throwing them up so I think she stopped around age 8.

Does any of this matter for her good health? Probably not. I think it's just good genes (luck), lots of exercise, and stays hydrated. But she's in good health, has been all her life, and that's the important part.
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lost my kot 6 hours ago, she was ~14-15 (not sure of exact age, ex-stray), euthanized, kidney failure
feel like pure shit, first pet i was ever super attached to
alcohol numbs the pain somewhat at least
Condolences. It'll be easier tomorrow, and then easier again the week after. It is good she had someone looking out for her, kidney failure is a bad way to go without it.
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damn I'd rather listen to anons like you guys than those overdramatic vegan vets
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"To be healthy you need to drink only water, no alcohol, no caffeine, no salty food, no fatty food, subsist on bread and raw vegetables, run 10 miles a day, and meditate 2 hours a day, as well as sleeping no more than 6 hours a day."
"But, doctor, then life becomes a living hell, what possible benefit do I get out of that?"
"You'll live longer."

Healthy living is well and good, but life's for living. That cats can live long, healthy, and happy lives on traditionally 'unhealthy' food is no excuse to feed them unhealthy food on principle. But in the end if all you care about is how long your cat lives then you've got the wrong priorities. Eat, drink, and be merry, and if you can try to be healthy while doing it. Goes for cats as well as people. Feed them less when they get chonky, feed them more when they get skinny, love them, play with them, and encourage them to exercise - and doubly so for people. If you're not enjoying it then what's the point?
thanks anon
To be frank, your vet has to tell you what's right for your cat. None of them are going to go
>yeah, a little x and y every now and then never hurt any cat
In case it does in which they become liable.

There are objectively dangers to your cat eating human food, but it's all incredibly low risk. Just make sure that as well as the occasional treat of human food, your cat is also getting proper cat food, drinking water and you're either playing with it, letting it outside where it can exercise as it chases shit or is has enrichment around your house if it's in-doors only.
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I miss my little guys back home. I just moved to be with my gf and her apartment doesn’t allow cats, even if they did it’s a studio and too small for one and our lease isn’t up for another 9 months, but it sucks knowing there’s strays or shelter cats that could use a good home
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So more news about this horny bastard. I got a second opinion from another veterinarian at the emergency clinic and they explained that his symptoms could be due to a testosterone secreting adrenal tumor. The vet initially assumed that his symptoms were due to crypto and residual T production, but after they checked his old vet records which seemed to indicate that he did not have things like penile spines present (unlike now). This would also explain his itching, hair loss on both sides of his hind legs (primary vet ruled out other cutaneous issues), sudden ravenous appetite, increased urination, and occasional vomiting all of which have coincided with the increase in libido.
In addition his sexual behaviors were very rapid in their onset unlike what would be seen in a cat with crypto. Granted it's quite uncommon for cats to develop things like this but it's beginning to look like it's within the realm of possibility. The sad thing is that testosterone producing tumors like what he *might* have are usually malignant.
'm still waiting on his AMH results and now looking into scheduling an adrenal ultrasound. So the question now is it balls or is it an adrenal tumor (possibly cancerous)? I guess we'll know within the next six days because AMH will indicate whether or not he has cryptorchidism. The ER vets around here don't have ultrasound techs present 24/7 so I'll likely have to schedule it through an outpatient provider Either way this news has me worried sick about him.
Will be interesting to hear more. General reminder that cryptorchid surgeries and tumour excision are not that different in terms of stress to the body, and even if it is malignant it is probably just some slice and dice and it'll solve the problem for a long time, possibly forever. Keep your chin up.
Try mixing a little bit of crushed lump charcoal into her wet food. Your litter box won't smell as bad and it will improve her digestion. Consider using pine horse bedding for litter too. Its cheaper, doesn't produce dust, and it's naturally pine scented.
Sorry to hear that, anon. I'm taking my cat in for kidney failure today. I'll find out if it's time to put him down or if I can save him.
>There are objectively dangers to your cat eating human food, but it's all incredibly low risk
That doesn't apply to alliums. Don't give your cat anything with onions, garlic, chives, ect. It can cause organ failure.
I'm going to crush lump charcoal up your ass, mate.

A general problem with giving advice is that some dumbass will go "some cat people on the internet told me cats can have little a ham, as a treat - I assume this is true for chocolate as well." and assassinate their cat. The secret sauce to all decisions is to be well-informed before you decide what to do.
I like to ask reeves before feeding my cat or dog anything.
just crush up the charcoal for the littler box
i wish my cat would respect me
meh, you can easily make it work with 2 cats if you got enough vertical space for bookshelves, cat trees, etc.
>ultrasound tech
FUCK i was almost gonna be an ultrasound tech too and decided there wasn't enough demand.
Well let's hope it's balls-in-tummy syndrome instead of adrenal cancer
I know a fucker who feeds his dog a grape nearly daily for years. Granted said dog did recently die at the age of 10, no necropsy, but I would have thought it would have died a lot sooner. Doesn't mean I'll start feeding my dog grapes though.
I know another guy that feeds his fucking cats protein shakes daily - every fucking one has died of renal failure before they hit 3y. He still doesn't believe it's the protein shakes. It's not like he doesn't care, that gymfag cries like a baby every fucking time.
Gentlemen, an extraordinary kot has been found in Siberia. He's around 30,000 years older than most of the other kitties in this thread.

I had to put him down.
I saw a cat run into traffic today. He didn’t make it across the intersection
My cat was rescued off the streets when I found him scared and confused in a parking lot after crossing the road
My boy will never understand why I brought him so many treats after a treat from the grocery, or why I held him so tight tonight
I meant trip to the grocery
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I'm stumped
Yesterday and today she's gotten into the habit of constantly scratching at my bedroom closet mirror and my glass cabinets in my living room. Is it because she sees her reflection? Even if I yell or make noise she'll only stop for a second. I play with her at different intervals when I'm home so it's not like she's under stimulated, but whenever I wasn't paying direct attention to her today or in bed like last night she does it. Is there any way to get her to stop? I tried putting a blanket over my mirror but she pulled it off
Fuck, anon. Hope you're doing alright. As well as you can, anyway. Don't really know what to say that doesn't just feel empty or shitty, but I saw your post and felt bad for you, for what it's worth.
she could just be autistic and likes scratching glass
get her a glass scratching post
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My understanding is that if it's adrenal, the risks of surgery (particularly hemorrhage) are fairly high due to its location and surrounding organs. So it's a worrying prospect to be facing at the moment. We'll know once he gets his AMH results back. Should have them in another five days or so. I wish that I could get them in sooner, but the reason for the wait is that my vet had to send in them to a lab in California. There weren't any who did the test locally.
Even if it is "just" balls-in-tummy syndrome, I'm worried about how this is impacting my spayed female. I adopted them together under the impression that they were a bonded pair. One of the things that I immediately noticed upon adopting them is that she seemed quite sad, disinterested in play, anxious around him, engaging in defensive aggression, occasional diarrhea, and so on. The vet initially thought that she was just a bit depressed and that her bouts of diarrhea were psychological.
As it turns out he has been butt raping her (the spayed female), which has been causing her to experience diarrhea and rectal bleeding. *If* he has balls-in-tummy syndrome or botched neuter (ie testicular remnants), it would take around 4-5 months postop for his testosterone levels and penile barbs to completely dissipate. So basically I would have to crate him away to prevent him from causing any more harm and I'm not sure if that would be good for either one.
I think if it does turn out to be balls-in-tummy syndrome, I'll opt for surgery and subsequent rehoming. I'm very heartbroken by the prospects of this, but I need to take her wellbeing into consideration too. I don't think leaving him caged 24/7 would be good news for him. There's also no guarantees that this behavior will completely dissipate upon surgery.
This has all been a fucking nightmare. My place constantly smells like piss from the tomcat hormone odors and shit from her bouts of anal rape induced diarrhea.
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This is my female cat - the butt rape victim. She's become increasingly agitated with him as time goes on and appears to be disturbed whenever he urinates (presumably due to the horny pheromones in his urine). She is spayed and is understandably not sexually interested in him or his pursuits of her. She spends most of her time on the top perch of their cat tree and doesn't particularly enjoy much of anything. I think she likes the top spot because she feels safe from him there and can swat him away / defend herself. She seems on edge and anxious a lot likely due to his hormones and the butt rapes. She's not really enjoying life like she could be. I also saw her wailing in pain recently which led me to discover the injuries to her butt and the cause of her bouts of diarrhea.
I'm just so angered and saddened by whatever this could be. If it's a botched neuter or crypto, it's a shame that the veterinarian who performed it didn't notice. I checked the Google/Yelp reviews for the clinic who performed it and found out some very worrying things. Quite a few reviewers mentioned deaths from botched surgeries and one in particular mentioned that their dog died due to the anesthesia being performed by an unlicensed technician (dog wasn't intubated). Scary to think about. If botched surgery is the case, I might look into suing the clinic in small claims court for his surgery or at the very least filing a formal complaint against the clinic.
As you all know, both have been incredibly anxious and he has to wear a cone because he's been orally masturbating so excessively to the point of beating his dick raw. So they're in a lot of discomfort right now and the prospect of this being due to a botched surgery is overwhelming. But we'll know within five days and I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions now. And the other option is an adrenal tumor which is really scary to think about given the risks of surgery. Thots n prayers would be appreciated. We're all miserable here.
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lol why is it so cute
Your cat is getting vain.
Can you just give her a mirror that's her mirror to fuck up? In my experience they get bored with it after a while.
If it makes you feel any better, it is extremely rare for cats to truly be bonded pairs. I think people use a lot of anthropomorphizing and think 'oh wouldn't it be nice if this sibling/family/household pair moved together'. A true bonded pair is a pair where one or both animals go into a mental decline so bad that it affects their health (like not eating) or causes behavioral problems (constant vocalization). There's a really good chance that your cats will be fine separated. I also think that your cat will be fine being QT for a few months and your other cat can put up with feeling uncomfortable, too. It comes down to what you want and what you can handle.
You can do that, but the dust is bad for them and they could track it out of the box. Charcoal can be difficult to get out of rugs
I'll manage somehow. There's been a lot of death in my life this month.
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You're completely right about bonded pairs anon. My childhood cats were bonded siblings and incredibly close to each other. The one that lived longer was rather disengaged and lonely after her sister passed (as you described in the case of "true" bonded pairs) until she befriended the Pomeranian next door. I went out of my way to look for a supposedly bonded pair of cats in an effort to fill that emptiness in my heart after she passed. I made the mistake of assuming that they were the same.
If I'm being entirely honest, I'm being selfish by trying to make this work between the two of them under the supposed guise that they're inseparable. They're not. If anything, this arrangement is causing both of them to become incredibly stressed. The presence of a female (albeit a spayed one) is likely exacerbating his hormonal woes even more. My attempts to keep them together are about the idealized life that I want and attempts to project my past experiences, not the life that they have. I need to consider what is best for both of them.
I couldn't shake the feeling that the girl cat appeared sad when I first got them. Now I know what's going on between the two and why she regularly exhibits signs of defensive aggression, frequent bouts of explosive diarrhea, and so on. Thanks to him, she had another bout of anal rape induced diarrhea on the walls earlier that I had to clean up.
As for vet and I's suspicions regarding a possible botched neuter, I looked at his "castration" record and it doesn't seem to state that his testicles were removed (just testicular vessels and cord ligated). If my suspicions are correct and his testicles are in fact intact, that might explain why he appears to be producing ejaculate. Will know when AMH comes back.
I'm really worried by all of this. I also found out that the same vet and unlicensed tech who killed that Yelp reviewer's dog did his surgery too. It seems that something very suspicious is going on at that clinic.
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My thought on having a tom who was neutered, but likely actually wasn't. It's a lot like having a retarded kid. It's a tragedy in its own right. You can learn to love them and care for them, but you won't necessarily *like* them. Let around being around them. Especially when they're in heat and your entire home suddenly reeks of piss and shit thanks to anal rape induced diarrhea, tom piss seeping through the floorboards, and hormonal changes. Wiping down the litterbox daily with Nature's Miracle and letting it sit for 10-15 minute each time is the only thing that's helping with the piss odor but it still wafts into my kitchen and makes me gag.
You have to go to extremes like equipping toms with cones to prevent them from hurting themselves from masturbating. And sometimes they hurt others (be it animals or people).
They constantly smell like shit due to testosterone causing excess ammonia secretion from the skin. Like tard kids having bad hygiene. And they have next to no interest in grooming due to being constantly horny.
They scream and yowl incessantly due to being in heat. Good luck getting sleep at night. I've barely slept for the past three days. It's a full time job taking care of this dipshit.
I've always told myself that if I had a retarded kid I would just dump it in a field and tell them that they're free now. Probably part of the reason why I'll never have kids. But I've got two tard cousins who were put away and to be honest there's a strange number of parallels to this situation. This was the last goddamn thing I wanted. I made it very clear that I wanted a pet who was fixed. But it appears that for whatever reason he's got some issues going on and assuming his neuter was botched well I might be pursuing litigation against the neuter clinic.
Cat man do
The nice lady at the very expensive clinic explained clearly the FIP issue yes. The good news is the cure is taking, and even better the puppy mill cunt is paying for the medicine. The family vet has mentioned that the cat was likely saved by a previous medicine it was taking for a mycosis, which used to be the only (low) chance for FIP cats. After the poor little bastard heals, I will be sending all info about the breeder to the biggest animal protection entity in the country and let them deal with her
so i found a starving cat at my work depot
20 days trapped in the place, no food, and the air is barely breathable.

i took it home been nursing it, i'm not convinced it will survive since it may have internal damage of the non-0 chance of death have. it gained some weight back and is plenty energetic and i've been dealing with the flea situation. if it lives the week and the senpai likes it I may consider adoption.

but jezzus christ this thing SHITS. 4 times a day, never in my life i imagined a cat could smell so much worse than a dog much less shit like 1/5th their volume in a single day. I had to buy a box or it was literally play find the poop all day.
>of the non-0 chance of death have
What's the life expectancy of a female cat who never goes outside and has relatively high stress and low-ish quality diet?
Not much, cats develop gastrointestinal issues if they are subjected to too much stress
She already has gastrointestinal issues and takes meds every day. But she seems healthy otherwise.
Post-starvation shits are pretty nasty, for cat as well as human. It'll get better, the body has a lot of chemicals to flush out. If it's running around, eating, drinking, and looks to be in good spirits then I'd put my money on it living. Good job, Anon.
Lower than a cat with low stress, and high-quality diet. Try to improve those two parameters.
She's 7 but she's had issues in the past and it's the only food she tolerates
I've been told (not by a vet) that she won't live to 10 but that seems excessively pessimistic
what "high stress" are you talking about?
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>be me, working from home in a regular suburban neighborhood
>my cats are 50/50 indoor/outdoor
>they're siblings, one male one female; both fixed, full claws(yes they have scratchy stuff)
>I bought them collars with nametags and GPS trackers on them
>the male gets bored easily so he likes to roam and explore most of the day
>the female is a scaredy cat and sticks around the house 99% of the time
>hear a loud shriek from a woman outside my window randomly while working
>go check it out
>this older looking 5ft tall 100 pound woman is standing on the sidewalk with her two HUGE goldenoodle dogs, each is bigger than she is
>they're barking at my female cat who's in the grass with her back arched up hissing & growling
>the woman is barely able to hold onto one dog who's not even trying to move, while the other is free and barking
>baka women
>stand between the dog and my cat
>neighbors come grab the other dog while I get my cat inside
>she's growling for the next 20 min, roaming around the house trying to find a place to relax
>spot blood on the ground
>inspect her and see dried blood on her rear paws.

Thankfully no other injuries just mud on her fur.

Women should be banned from owning large dogs. If you can't hold your dog back or overpower it physically, you should've have it. Just get an ugly little rat dog.
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She's just anxious all the time. No real reason.
My cat is 14 and has, what I assume is, an anxiety disorder. Rummage around in a cupboard and she runs to hide. Wouldn't be too concerned about that stress, other than trying to minimise it as best you can. Continue giving the cat the option of a varied diet, might just take some time. I've had cats that refused anything but dry food, but after a few months are willing to try wet. It's easier if you have another fat fuck that will eat the wet food that the other one wont eat.
Thanks anon.
Starvation hit it hard. Not sure how cat anatomy works but he can't purr anymore and unless it's mewing loudly for food, his vocalizations are notably raspy. Damage is likely permanent, plus he has basically no bodyfat around the hip. Not fat, actual bodyfat. He's probably gonna look wiry for the rest of his life. That said - recovery is surprisingly fast.

Seem to be a house cat that got lost less that a year into it's life and has been learning the ropes of street cat life by trial and error.
Broken canines, a missing incisor, scars everywhere, hides if left alone but goes ballistic if he sees another cat. Like half the claws are broken but I think those are from failed escape attempts at the depot.
He's not castrated, I guess puberty made him stupid, escaped for tomcat reasons and never made it back home. I'm half expecting it to bolt from here when he recovers, not a bad outcome given he could barely jump when we found it.

If you think the poop situation is from eating again after starvation, i'll be happy if you are right. Started off with hemorrhoid's but now has a mean diarrhea, projectile diarrhea.
Give it some wet food mixed with crushed lump charcoal in the mornings and his shit won't smell as bad. I also recommend using pine horse bedding as litter because it's cheaper, dust free, and naturally scented.
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>cute fluffy black kot I've never seen before hanging out on my porch
>slav squat and gently call it over
>sprints the fuck away as soon as it sees me like I'm a demon or something
Life is pain
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my uncle burned down my late grandmothers house and left his cat to die. i never met it but i went and searched through the wreckage of the house tonight and found it.

the cat wasn't burned, i think it died of smoke inhalation.

i hate him so much bros. i wish he had died in the fire and his cat had escaped. i havent spoken to him in 7 years since i learned his previous cat had "disappeared." it was a young orange cat named tigger and was full of joy and the last time i had seen it it was skin and bones and i wanted to take it to a vet but couldnt. he claimed it had "left him too" when my grandmother died.

he's been a severe alcoholic for like 60 years, i dont know how he is still alive

i'm just so sad for the cat, i cant imagine how scared it was, hoping he was going to come and rescue it. he didn't even give it a name. but apparently he did love it a lot.
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bless you for saving him. i know its expensive, but if you can, please get it to a vet for a lookover.

if he went without water for even a couple days, he likely suffered internally.

it's not a death sentence, but they might be able to give him some medication
i'm sorry anons, it's always hard to say goodbye. my cat just got diagnosed with early kidney disease. the vet refuses to check his blood pressure even though it is highly correlated and damages the kidneys even more.

i put him on special low-phosphorus food and bought some phos-bind in case we need it to stop the phosphorus from building up in his blood.

the phosphorus builds up in their blood and makes them nauseous and feel very ill, so they stop eating their food thinking that's whats causing it.
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To the janny that keeps banning me for linking to an animal rights group, this is not solicitation as the site doesnt ask for donations. Now that youve run out of excuses, stop harassing me.
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Been doing my research on some possible treatment options for this horny retard. So my primary veterinarian said she doesn't feel comfortable performing surgery assuming it's cryptorchidism or a testicular remnant because she is concerned about the possibility of the operation failing (e.g., missing a very small testicular remnant and leaving it behind). Primary is *pretty* sure it' due to testicular related stuff and to see out surgeons in anticipation of AMH result.
From the looks of it, the only place around here that's willing to perform such an operation on him would have to book it several months in advance, charges around $3-5k, and it would take another 4-5 months postoperatively for his testosterone levels to dissipate. So if pursuing surgery is the chosen option we'd be looking at another 6+ months of incessant horniness, pissing, yowling, butt raping, stinkiness, and cone-wearing to prevent him from beating his dick raw (not to mention risk of surgery failing).
I've been doing my research on possible alternatives to surgery for what's likely going on and I think I've fond something that looks fairly promising. It's a chemical castration agent called Suprelorin and is approved for use in ferrets (at least here in the US), but it's occasionally used off-label here to treat cats/dogs with similar conditions with great success. It's also approved for chemical castration in cats/dogs basically everywhere else. The reason being that it isn't approved here for cats and dogs is that for whatever reason us Americans' inclination is to head down to the Chop 'n Shop for all of our pets' castration related needs. But I know now that doesn't always work.
So, to summarize: I think the next appropriate course of action will be to find a veterinarian willing to trial a ferret drug off label to help him. Its mechanism of action means that it would alleviate his woes much faster than crypto/remnant surgery sans surgery booking times, costs, etc.
Rip Saber tooth kitty
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Some thoughts on Shrodinger's Neuter. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't overwhelmed by this situation. It feels like every aspect of my life has in some way become enveloped in his tomcat piss-soaked bullshit. Speaking of piss, I believe his urine from spraying in the bathroom has officially soaked through the floorboards for good. Leaving Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer to set in doesn't seem to be working. The ammonia and piss are still emanating from the portions of the floor where he sprayed (new behavior).
I read that the only way to mitigate this once it's soaked in is by ripping up the floorboards and replacing them entirely, which at the very least will cost me my rental deposit. There is also the prospect that if the spraying issue gets severe enough and becomes widespread, I could potentially face eviction. Having been homeless in the past, the last thing that I want is an eviction on my rental record. The odor is making me feel ill and it wafts into my kitchen whenever I make something to eat. Gag worthy.
And let's be real here for a second. Sure, the vets said rehoming is an option. But who the fuck wants to take in Mr. Anal Piss Rapist who likely needs specialized surgery that may not even work and takes several months to schedule? That sounds lovely in theory, but I can't stand the false words of reassurance. For him, there's no happily ever after through a shelter or rehoming. The shelter would either euthanize him due to behavioral/hormonal issues (plus additional medical needs) or end up lying about his history in an effort to adopt him out. That's the last thing I want happening there given that the verdict is still out on whether or not he can still reproduce.
I know that he was neutered and have his records, but there's no real way to know what happened until he gets imaging/surgery done especially given the apparent production of ejaculate. The idea of a botched neuter is appalling, yet it looks like the most likely scenario.
this is bizarre fetishposting
this is not how tomcats act
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I'm beginning to think that botched neuter is simultaneously best and worst case scenario. I've been in touch with the Yelp user who pursued legal action against Chop 'n Shop (where Mr. Anal Piss Rapist got neutered) for killing their dog. As it turns out, the same veterinarian and unlicensed technician that led to the dog's death were also in charge of my cat's neuter operation. This is a worrying discovery given that his records falsely claim the latter individual was a "veterinary anesthetist" when they in fact were not licensed in any way whatsoever. In theory, I might be able to settle the costs of his care in court if this turns out to be the case. And hopefully the floorboards that he pissed on.
In hindsight, I was in a rush to get these cats because I was trying to discredit my own grief. I had lost my beloved Siberian of 17 years just nine months earlier. My family told me "Just get a new cat. a pair. They'll be just like your old ones. Cat dies? Just get a new cat!" Agatha and Gracia weren't "just cats". They were my family. Family is irreplaceable. To try to convince myself otherwise was a massive mistake.
If you've lost a pet recently and are debating getting a new one, I'd recommend holding off until you feel that you are completely ready. Otherwise, you might find yourself grieving more than you would have anticipated.
And if there's anything that I've learned about the adoption process (or buying from a breeder), veterinarians, costs of treatment, pet insurance, acquiring pet histories, getting medical treatment, and so on throughout being a pet owner: It's that you will be at some point guaranteed to be fed blatant lies, nickle and dimed, and given false words of reassurance every step of the way. Good luck trying to mitigate that because it's next to impossible to do when all you want is the best for your pet. Especially when the guilt, conflicting opinions, false promises of something better, and pleas to emotion are looming over you.
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You're that fuckhead who is infatuated with Servals and found his frustration amusing when I first began posting about it here. I know exactly who you are. You told me to breed him because he's a purebed even though he's a Manx and a genetic fuck up and terrorizing his supposed buddy. Telling people not to neuter their Toms is incredibly cruel and if anything advocating for animal neglect. A life indoors is not a good life for a Tom and it causes them extreme anxiety.
Anyway here is the summary from his visit to the veterinary ER for what turned out to be masturbation related injuries and soreness to his dick as well as vet notes indicating penile spines, indications to wear cone, etc.
>masturbation related injuries
he just like me fr fr
>to confirm this suspicious.
>in the mean time
>season allergies
Is your vet from india or china?
I think Anon lost it.
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post sleeping cats
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idk if there's actually enough studies on stress, dogs or cats, to really quantify that. I know for indoor vs indoor/outdoor there's like a 6 year discrepancy. I don't think there would be a big difference due to the fact that we'd notice it by now and start harping on it, like the outdoor cat thing.
With moggy cats, a large part of their life expectancy is winning the genetic lottery, unfortunately. I always tell people that if nothing else gets to their cat, then the renal failure will. Anecdotally it seems like kidneys are the first to go especially in cats; once they begin to break down, they can't repair themselves like the liver or heart. And cats are notorious for not staying hydrated.
That shitting will happen after a cat doesn't eat for a long time then suddenly eats a lot. Make sure it's not eating too much to make itself sick. Don't bathe it until it is more stable, you can cause hypothermia.
>broken canines
You might want to start saving up to get that looked at. Depending on the break, those canines might loose blood flow and become necrotic over time. If nothing else, might be quite fucking painful
Could also have a bad case of worms, and/or a disease like FIV that is flaring up. I would put money on that cat having FIV as an unfixed tom with scars. Does he have FIV cheeks? pic rel
Damn that is rough anon. He sounds like a piece of shit.
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I just got Ip range unbanned after like 5+ years so I can post again, feels good man

Here is my old ass kot, he was badass, called him Don Corleone, loved him lots, so smart. He died many years ago cause my neighbors poisoned him, cause the they are bunch of mouth breathing low IQ regards. I burned half of their crop fields "on accident" that summer, but I feel that was not enough vengeance desu
Pouring one out for Don!
So my cat basically just gave himself surgery
We noticed he had what looked at first to be an infection or abcess of some kind on his lower lip that had started growing. We took him to the vet about a week ago and it turned out to be a tumor and it's been growing noticeably since then, oral tumors are apparently pretty aggressive so it makes sense. Cut to a couple hours ago and I guess it was too itchy for him and he scratched it, managed to catch it with his claws and ripped basically the entire thing off his face. He didn't seem to be in any pain at all he didn't even make a sound when he did it and just walked in to the room and lay down chilling until we noticed the blood, we wrapped him in a towel and put pressure on it until it stopped bleeding and then cleaned it. He lay down for a while recovering from the trauma of being encased in a towel and then got up, asked for food and is now sleeping
Guess I'll just keep an eye on the guy, keep it clean and see what happens
>Ip range unbanned
Very curious what your approximate location is.
We've had several shitposters in the past that obviously got rangebanned.

The guy that calls random posters "paleoschizo"
Multiple discord spammers
Personal army requests that continued for weeks even after the perpetrators already got caught
The chlorine dioxide spammer
That One Guy from /mu/ (I will not type out his name, he scans the archives for mentions of himself)
The guy from /horse/ that posts NSFW webms of horses doing...stuff
Opera snapshot/dogsbite spammer
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Wisely said Anon. Speaking of food.
i had to have my sick dying cat put down yesterday, i miss him so much
stopped reading there
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Glad to hear animals attract as many species of annoying autists as ever!

I'm in Central Asia, land internet here comes through yandex/russia. I think the unban happened on 4chin side mb they've changed owners/admins or smthng, since I needed to verify my email b4 posting and you can buy 4chan pass with credit card now, not just crypto. Both of these didn't happen before, around a year ago since I last tried to post.
>Could also have a bad case of worms, and/or a disease like FIV that is flaring up.
If the worms are visible, i ain't seen none of them.

Now that FIV thing scared me something fierce. Just 20 minutes ago I played with it a bit and noticed his cheeks are a bit larger, but I attributed it to gaining weight and no longer looking like a walking skeleton with sticky hair. I'll keep it in mind if I decide to adopt - the family comes back next week and we'll talk it out. my money is on no - we have kinda lost the will power to raise pets. As for myself, if the poop situation normalizes I won't have any reason to not keep it.

On a side note either the fleas learned to hide real good or that anti-flea pipette thingie is more effective than i initially believed.
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>wake up
>nearly land on shit
>go to the bathroom
>he dropped shit gobblets while drinking from the toilet
>and shat himself on the couch
>shit gobblets on corner direction of the house
>then shat on the litterbox litterbox and missed again
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Male cats when they hit puberty and are unfixed will have slightly larger cheeks, too, pic rel. FIV cheeks (not a real term mind you) are just excessively large. But those cheeks can be really large for a number of immune responses, not just FIV.
FIV is actually being considered much less of an issue than previously thought. FeLV is a problem, though.
Hookworm is one of the most common worms in cats and dogs; it's commonly stated that virtually every kitten/puppy has either round or hookworm (which is why good breeders always deworm their puppies). Hookworms are invisible to the naked eye.
There's also Giardia, whipworm, tapeworms too - while tapes are visible, most of their lifecycle they won't be visible.
This amount of shitting is really excessive
That's a lot of drama for a fucking board about animals wtf.
Is the /mu/ guy the one that used to cross link to /mu/ posts all the time here?
Be real careful with that; cat claws have a lot of bacteria and that shit can get infected fast. An infected mouth can become pretty bad pretty quick. Look out for teeth discoloration too.
I'm sorry anon. It is a much more painless way to go out. The last kind thing we can do for them. Just take it day by day.
>This amount of shitting is really excessive
liquid diarrhea, worst thing it's raining today and I can have him out. just fuck my shit up.
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Just dropped off my cat at the emergency room for the second time in two months. She ate part of an LED strip both times. I feel like such a retard for enabling that retard. They're putting her under and I'm really anxious. She's young and doesn't have any other health problems but I'm scared
Don't some unfixed male cat's not develop chubby cheeks? Kinda like how some male animals have less of a specific male physical trait, usually to get past dominant males
welp, she's ok at least, surgery had no issues
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feeling a little better now but i keep imagining the bell on her collar ringing whenever i get up and step into the hallway to take a piss
fuck sake
>Got cat desexxed as a kitten as soon as it was appropriate to do so
>Otherwise completely fine, doesn't spray or go into heat as he shouldn't
>Will occasionally jump onto my bed at night, bite the loose skin on my hand, sorta half-way hump at my arm while pulling at the skin on my hand. Doesn't put any effort into the humping
>Not encouraging it, but let it play out so see what was actually going on
>Nothing comes of it, he just does it for a bit, meows/trills a bit and jumps off
Anyone know what this is? He's just under 2 years old. Almost looks like he's acting on instinct but doesn't fully get it because he was desexxed.
We have one that would do that a few times if he got into a manic moment. I think they kinda grow out of it after a while, but I would say discourage them from biting at you either way. Mine has this thing where if he gets all snuggly wuggly baby mode he'll bite my nose - i think he tries to suckle off it on reflex or something. We got him as a VERY tiny baby, so he's always been pretty immature. But he's MY baby damn it.

Point is, I wouldn't worry much about it. Like you said I think it's a reflex thing. Neutered dogs do it too sometimes.
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posted in shelter thread earlier, looking for names for this silly girl

also i may as well ask here; this cat's been sneezing and having a raspy meow for the last 3 days. vets are closed on weekends and i gotta work starting tomorrow. i should bring her to the vet, right? an acquaintance of mine told me they always get the sniffles/sneezes the first week they are adopted, and it goes away within the second week
is it bad that i sometimes get the urge to pick up my cat and launch her into the air so i can see her land back on the ground? i haven’t but the urge is there
I kept going to open the door to see if my childhood cat wanted in for months, after she died. Thought every bird was her chirping. The loss sucks, and I wish I could give you some advice as to how to make it pass, but I don't have any. One day at a time, as the cliche goes. I feel you though.

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I'm worried that maybe I made the wrong choice with my new cat. I noticed she's quite restless even after playing with her, if I sit down to read or eat she starts scratching my closet mirror again. I do play with her but then she gets bored of them after a bit and after sitting down for like 2 minutes starts walking around again. Even when I'm trying to pet her she'll move around a lot. Since she's always looking in the mirror I wonder if maybe she wants a playmate or something, but my apt is too small for another cat. I don't want her to be miserable but I would like some time to relax. I'd feel terrible if I had to take her back to the shelter because she seems very attached to me. She's 1 yo so maybe she'll grow out of it I'm not sure, I heard cats start to calm down a bit around that age. She seemed more quiet and demure when I first met her at the shelter
My cat used to pound on mirrors. Sometimes it was to signal some want or need like going outside.
Get a harness and take her out for walks
>heard cat purr for the first time
wtf i thought she was retarded; all this time she was merely pretending
>Going outside
She's an indoor cat and I live on the top floor of a building, there's no garden for her to go out in
I highly doubt she'd like being put in a harness or going for walks. I do like the idea of putting her in one of those pet carriages and taking a bike ride or walk with her.
I'm not saying that's what she's asking for, I'm telling you that she might be trying to communicate a need or want. She's probably bored. A lot of cats like to be walked. Try the harness before you strap her to your bike.
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Relatively new cat owner here - How do I get my cat to shut up? Her meowing is incessant and extremely grating, I'm seriously thinking of getting rid of her. She's 7 years old, I've had her for about 7 months. I give her plenty of attention, food, water, litter, play, etc. but it's just never ending. It wouldn't be half so bad if the meows didn't sound so sad and forlorn.

>pic related
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So a happy update regarding this horny bastard and possible treatments. I'm still waiting on his AMH results to come back to confirm the presence of testes (being remnant/cryptorchid), but it sounds the most likely scenario given his increased T levels. There's one possible differential diagnosis for this issue (that being horny cancer as previously explained). However, my vet is pretty sure his AMH will come back positive. Fingers crossed.
From the looks of it, it would take several months to even get him booked for surgery. However, I found a specialist veterinarian in Canada willing to chemically castrate him using Suprelorin. Suprelorin is at least approved for this use in dogs under Canada's equivalent of the FDA, so veterinarians there are more comfortable at the prospect of using it in cats unlike here in the US (where its sole indication for use is treating adrenal disease in ferrets).
Chemical castration would be his best option in this scenario given the issues with surgical wait times, having to constantly wear a cone to prevent him from beating his dick raw, the anxiety from pent-up sexual urges, and so on. Not to mention the spayed female that I adopted him alongside with is disturbed by his sexual behavior and male odor. (The odor of a Tom is unmistakable... It's like this really musky combo of oyster sauce and ammonia that seeps through their skin.)
Assuming the best case scenario and his AMH comes back positive, this retard is going to Canada for treatment. I can't give up on him and attempt to jump ship and rehome. As I've stated before... It's like having a retarded kid. But I can't deny the fact that pets are family and that it's my responsibility to provide the best I can for him. He's *my* special little retard.
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So as for the prospective trip to Canada (assuming he doesn't have horny cancer). Fortunately for him, the border isn't too far from here. The flight would only be around one hour nonstop and the airline (Alaska) would allow him to fly in cabin as long as I made arrangements in advance. I am now looking at cozy places for us to stay there.
As I've learned from all of this, hormones undoubtedly play a huge role in pets' emotional health. Unfortunately for some pets with special anatomical considerations or the like traditional spay/neuter surgery doesn't always work out.
With all of the talk about him getting corrective surgery, risk of remnant being too small to operate on, and extensive wait times... I have this overarching feeling that veterinarians here are mainly out for my money as opposed to his wellbeing. They don't seem to care about how the wait times and risks of surgery failing would impact him or his buddy.
My primary vet has been outright dismissive about this ordeal. She called me irresponsible and accused me of never having him neutered, despite that he doesn't have a sack and I have his surgical record from his prior owner. She also suggested that I surrender him to an animal shelter under the false pretense that he would be happily rehomed. He would definitely be killed given his medical needs. (Let's be real. Unless his inclinations are sorted out, this guy is more likely to be found on the National Sex Offender Registry than PetFinder.) The pleas to emotion on her part were disgusting and left me feeling guilty about this situation.
Now that I've found a veterinarian willing to treat him through less invasive and more reliable means (plus faster onset), I think things are looking up. I think surgery is still a reasonable prospect for him, but chemical intervention should hold him over mentally for the time being. Here's to hopefully less horny and happier times in Canada.
some kot very quiet purr but if you lay your ear all the way up to their little chest you can hear prrprrprr
hug your cats for me bros, had to say goodbye to my princess today :(
Was looking for some advice in introducing my new cat to my existing girl
>got new cat last sunday
>very very friendly, jumping on my lap and purring loudly
>all changes when she realizes there's already another cat here
>do scent swapping, feeding at door, limiting visual contact, feliway, playing and feeding at the same time
>new cat starts to run out of the door starting on friday when I open it, sees existing cat
>they hiss and growl at each other
>separate them when they get to close or are getting angry
>existing cat starts running into new cat's room, still more anger
>new cat wanted to explore, existing cat scared her
>they both swatted each other
is this normal or am I fucking this up? neither of them want to stay in a room but I don't want to rush things
That's pretty normal. I don't have any useful advice. Good luck, anon.
After a while I think they just have to be allowed to figure shit out on their own. Eventually they'll realize they're stuck together and prison rules will take effect.
I feel for you, anon. I had to put my little man down recently.
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My brother in christ, just get rid of the LED strip. Glad to hear she is OK
I'm sure it's on a scale. Cats are so inbred on a whole that there is surely some variety there. It is just a common tomcat thing.
Odd, might be just a lizard brain thing going on.
Still like BloodBlood the Face Shredder.
Anyway yeah it's common but probably should see a vet. URI is rampant in shelters, and any place that will have a fuck ton of cats. I wouldn't bother with an ER vet, but definitely a vet. Look at your adoption contract and see if they will treat your cat for free - a lot will have a clause that if they get sick within a few days, they will treat the cat.
Mirrors are sometimes used in shelters for mental stimulation. I wouldn't think too much about the mirror situation. Being a little restless is common for a newly adopted cat, they will be a little unsure of their life and routine for a while.
It isn't uncommon for animals to 'shut down' at the shelter, where they basically dissociate and will be more sedate and quiet than normal.
If you do this, make sure the carrier has enough ventilation. Those things get hot.
Some cats are just more vocal. That doesn't look like a siamese, but siamese are very well known for being super vocal too.
Yeah rehoming a moggie cat with this severe and complicated of a health issue is basically a drawn out death sentence.
I probably would have waited a little longer to actually let the new cat out and explore, and when I did the first few times I would probably put the existing cat in another room, and eventually switch the existing cat and the new cat's places while they explore. I also usually have the 'exploration' on a routine. I do a lot of fosters, so it may be overkill
Anyway, make sure they both have ample places to hide both up high and down low, separate areas to eat/drink, and litter boxes in different spots so they can't stalk them.
>Sick in bed with some kind of flu
>Cat snuggles up to me
>Ask a family member to give him his night food as I can barely get out of bed
>Leaps offf, eats, immediately returns to my bed afterwards
>Spends entire night with me
Love my boy like you wouldn't believe.
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also sick with a bad cold. I live alone so I can't ignore him but he repays with all day cuddles and emotional support. male cats are the best bros you could ever have.
I lock my cat out of my bedroom because she wakes me up 50 times throughout the night when she jumps on the window sill above my bed.
Mine's nice in that he jumps up onto my bed, settles his little ass down and sleeps peacefully.
He does wake me up a tad early for breakfast some mornings though.
One year? Yeah I reckon she'll settle down eventually. Maybe one of those little cat boxes with holes and jingly toys hanging on them? There's some simple stuff out there for that. On a similar note I also recommend those little corrugated scratching pads, like little cardboard blocks. It'll necessitate regular cleanup but it gives cats an outlet for scratching.

In my experience my male cats have been more likely to be shameless cuddlers and my female cats have been more demure and shy and tend to prefer vigorous and nearly violent headbutting to show affection, but can be cuddly when they want to be. But the female cats I've had were a tortie and a black cat respectively, and the latter was a late addition to a household with a cat who'd already claimed me as his snugglebuddy.

The tortie was my baby when I was growing up, she slept in the bed with me all the time, either curled up on my legs or a polite sphinx-pose on my chest. She'd be my little ninja witch girl, always following me through the house but always just off to the side, behind the nearest doorway. Fair warning, I'm gonna be a downer here for a minute, but I was holding her swaddled in my arms in a towel getting ready to take her to the vet when she finally passed. I think she was 18, or at least 17, either way she'd lived a long and happy life and to actually feel the life leave her was heartbreaking, but I think in a way it was kind of reassuring. I'd been with her all her life and most of my own, so it felt right that I was holding her at the end. She'd always had a habit of sitting with anyone feeling sick or distressed.
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I captured this incredible image of my cat harassing my dog last night.

She does the same, and when the mood strikes she will come under the covers with me and be little spoon. she always jumps up/down to the window sill right next to my head and it disturbs my sleep. It bums me out, but my sleep is more important than her cuddles.
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>cat gets cuddlier when it's cold
>intentionally keep the thermostat low
I have had two Torties before, I find they tend to do better on their own and prefer people over cats. She's just playful, the scratching is because she wants your attention and knows it makes you stand up and go over to her. (Alternatively it's because you don't have a scratching post for her, but I would hope you'd know better). Just keep her as your only cat and spend more time playing with her. Eventually she'll run out of steam (faster than you might think) and go lay down for a bit.
I currently have one cat, I’ve had him for 3 years. If I get a second cat, will this one stop meowing for attention at 2 am?
Why is my bigger and stronger kot so much shyer?
He might scream for help from the stranger instead.
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Posting my chubber 15 year old kot. I'm so thankful she's still around and healthy, even though I have to buy her some anti-flea medication and I'm broke as fuck...
I don't know anon, I give my kot little pieces of ham from time to time.
Obviously giving a cat an entire packet of ham is insane, but giving them a small treat shouldn't hurt.
I'd be more worried of giving a cat something that isn't meat, like milk or cheese or even wheat products. My ex's cat used to love eating cookies for some reason.
The cat was orange, if it's of any relevancy.
I'm truly sorry anon. Losing a pet is traumatic even for the strongest adults. Some asshole in my neighbourhood has been poisoning cats and even kitties, and someone even managed to shoot a cat with a rifle some time ago. I will never understand assholes who hate innocent animals who don't do any harm on purpose.
I just hold the ham under running water for a second to wash away the nasty salt juice
Another cat numbs the pain harder. Sorry for your loss.
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Why is he laying like that
to cool down
don't use laser toys, fatty
How do I get my cat to stop eating duct tape off of things Im so sick of her
>haha i love tuxedo cats, they're so [personality traits x, y and z]
Big orange cat energy in this post
tabby paws wrote this post
>Tuxedo cats are playful\reserved\cheeky\mischievous
>Top Cat looks away and prepares to leave
>Tuxedo cats are formal
>Top Cat is smiling and his hat flies off, he has dollar signs for eyes
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what do you think of my cat?
A little blurry, but cute.
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what do i do with a cat that doesn't want to play? he just sits there and paws at me (with his claws out, he always has them out). when i try using toys he just doesn't react to it. react in any meaningful way other than moving if i dangle his mouse toy over him, gently sway it, try to get his attention. i'm beginning to go nuts because all he does is paw at me and scratch me
pet him
same, he wants me to play with him but he doesn't like toys. he might swat at them a few times but then he follows the stick or string back to my hand and loses interest when he realizes it's just me
he does like to play fight with me though. I can put on jeans or thick sweatpants and get him to chase me around, attacking my ankles. he seems to know not to do it on bare legs
Train cat to not see human hands as playthings, because the human hand is infinitely better than the most elaborate cat toy, but also very fragile to being torn apart by ravenous felines.
I love my cat, her night time routine is so set in stone. she comes into my room and goes to bed on the rabbit mat around 9pm every night. I wish she would sleep on my bed but I guess she's comfy
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this is totally something a tortie would say
handsome boy
They likely wont get along right away, and not necessarily.
Size doesn't mean a more extroverted cat.
Is he pawing at you to play, or pawing to get your attention? If he's playing, he may have been taught that human hands are playthings and you'll have to train him off of that. You just ignore and redirect when he tries to play with your hands. Might have to use gloves at first to help wean him off. If he likes food, you can try lick mats and food puzzles. but if he just wants attention that might not help. Try trimming the nails, maybe even get some kitty caps. If you can't trim them, some groomers will trim and apply caps for you.
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This is my grey bear
He is my best fren
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Yeah agreed. I wouldn't call his condition severe necessarily given that it's treatable but it certainly manifests in that sense for him. Fortunately I called around a shit ton of places and found a place willing to use Suprelorin off label for him so we won't have to go to Canada after all.
Also he's been a good sport about taking his pills to keep him sane which is a relief. Gabapentin seems to be helping with his urges for the time being. He gets excited when it's pill time because he thinks they're treats. Well as long as they're not gelatin capsule pills. He doesn't like those. He is definitely a retard but that is the most endearing thing about him.
Very handsome boy
>prison rules
>you dropped your kibbles, pick them up bitch meow
He has the contented scowl of a grizzled old cossack.
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Brought my cat to the vet for a wellness check after picking one up from the shelter a week ago. Vet came in to put in his two pieces: first, the cat was healthy and fine. One year old, not two years old like the shelter said. Second thing he did was go on a tangent about taking care of a cat. Lived with cats my whole life but I was open for advice, as this was my second cat I ever owned alone. He had some weird pointers, like

>saw my cat making biscuits on the chairs in the waiting room, advised me to declaw (i will never do this)
>told me if a cat does not like being picked up, does not like wet food then to show it "tough love" and it will adapt (i was taught the exact opposite, i.e if a cat hates being picked up then don't do it)

I just nodded my head and said "ok" everytime he made a pointer. Left the office with mixed feelings on the matter, but after getting home I thought to myself I might go to another vet. Is this guy a quack doctor or does he make some good points?
>Is this guy a quack doctor or does he make some good points?
sounds like a fuckhead, in my experience "tough love" never works on cats at best, is animal abuse at worst, you gotta play good cop with em - also if a cat doesn't like being picked up then just don't pick it up needlessly, be respectful
and obviously declawing is fucked up, maybe his other advice holds some water but the two points you mentioned are complete shite
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cat sit
Yeah don't declaw. Trimming is one thing, our vet does a bit of that for our older cats - one has a fucked up paw and the other is just old and can't pull his claws all the way in - but you're usually best off providing them a decent scratching post or something similar for them to use to file down their claws naturally.

And yeah, some cats just don't like being picked up. I have one cat that just does not get the concept at all. She kind of likes sitting in my lap, though, so if I'm brief about it and just pick her up long enough to sit her in my lap, she's okay with it, but she doesn't want to be held. Meanwhile the neighbor's outdoors cat will run right the fuck up to me and let me scoop him up and snuggle him (he smells like he sleeps in the laundry). Cats just have different preferences and you'll all be happier adjusting to suit those.
Cats always look goofy in the bright
You have good instincts anon. A vet should never advise declawing. It effectively amputates the lower portion of a cat's paws and causes lifelong pain. Declawed cats often end up with issues like biting or inappropriate elimination. Sounds like that vet is out for your money. Sadly all too common. I have seen some very bad vets and at worst they brought my kitties immense discomfort. Also completely normal for some cats to not like being picked up. Cats can also be picky about brands of wet food and types of meat. Pickiness is just survival instincts for them.
Some vets are fucking idiots. The last vet I say stressed my cat out to the point of panting by holding him wrong and nearly dropping him and then was like "see how he's doing that? That means he's pretty sick. You haven't noticed him doing that?" Nope because I don't swing him around like a fucking baby monkey.
I actually go to two different vets; one for my dog and turtle, and another for my cats. Some vets are just not cat savvy, especially the older/rural ones. The treatment of cats honestly lags really far behind even exotics, I think partly because they are almost seen as a pest in a lot of areas. There are 'cat only' clinics, which are hyper cat savvy, but ime they are kinda expensive.
Don't declaw unless literally medically necessary (cancer on a digit, neuro issues). It will cause worse medical and behavioral issues down the road, namely refusal to use a litter box which causes a lot of them to be surrendered. You can trim nails and put on claw caps if clawing is an issue. Some groomers will even do this for you. But 'making biscuits' is a very normal behavior, it's a self-soothing behavior and feels good to them.
Don't force your cat to cuddle or be picked up, it will just cause the cat to dislike you. If you need to change food, do so gradually by mixing old and new food.
>if you lay your ear all the way up to their little chest
my cat would just claw me if i tried to do that...
Do you want to hear the purr or do you want two functioning eyes? You gotta choose.
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he's a mat now
spray her with water, that's what I do if my kot is doing something she shouldn't
beautiful handsome proper boy
I don't know if it's something that all gray cats have but the gray cats I've seen have chubby cheeks.
>asked me to declaw
>tough love on a cat
where the fuck did that vet study cats, this is literally insane
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I can imagine some older or heavier cats wouldn't be able to switch theirselves in the middle of the air as well as some young and skinny cats could. Just because cats are flexible and have fast reflexes doesn't mean they're rubber toys.
Man, and I feel guilty as a cat owner when I have to take my cat off of my stomach or ass.
My kot allows me to listen in on her tummy and her chest, although she doesn't really like it. She prefers being the little spoon.
the food thing is true, cats get accustomed to eating one meal and will needlessly refuse anything else. just leave the food out for them and let them get hungry, they'll eat it
breaking a cat off of kibble is challenging, it's like junk food
so he has made a full recovery, and is looking pretty good

but there's something i can't make heads of tails of: He can't purr, but breathes very fast when he's in "interact" mode with me. I don't know if this is a side effect of inability to purr or something else, but at times it really feels like he's having trouble breathing. happens exclusively when he and I are mingling for any reason.
my cat has one perpetually gooey eye. what's up with that?
Eye infection, vet will give you eye drops for it.
Suggestions on blacklights to check for piss?
thread almost dead but hoping someone sees this
I'm on about week three of having my second cat, and my resident cat is not cooperating. I kept them entirely separated for about a week, but then the new cat started bolting from the room whenever I opened the door and it became an impossibility. Since then, they've been having mealtimes together and supervised playtime/exploration time a few times a day with basically no issues. Started with hissing and some swatting, but nothing horrible and everything was going well. The past few days, the resident cat started charging at the new cat whenever the new cat was exploring and she did not like it. Now, it's become extended swatting matches, and the new cat is getting visibly scared and hiding with this happens. I still have them separated most of the time, but my resident cat is really pissing me off. I have diffusers (which do fucking nothing) and I have them eating treats/meals out of my hand right next to each other, so I'm not sure why the resident cat is being so aggressive. I just put her in "time out" for starting another slap fight.
Both females, both around a year old.
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sitting pretty
Good luck, anon. Some cats never accept new cats in their home.
You could maybe try to get the older cat accostumed to the new cat's smell to make her feel more accostumed. Try bringing some toys or fabrics near the new cat and share those with the older cat. Maybe that could work.
Make sure you have ample areas for both to go hide, up high and down low. Good idea to have them isolated again for a bit to give them time to cool off. Make sure you've got food and water and litterboxes in separate places - this ensures there's less stalking or fighting over resources. Try to add a bit of routine in their lives - if the one cat isn't bolting as much anymore, maybe switch the new cat to explore the place and lock the resident cat in the room, and try to do this around the same time daily, increasing the duration slowly. Other routines like feeding at the same time, playing at the same time, etc helps build confidence in both cats. Make sure they are both getting proper stimulation. Scent swapping is a good idea, you can use the same brushes on them or a damp cloth on scent gland areas like the sides of the face and base of the tail.
Try to keep an eye out for when these fights happen, what's happening, where they are at etc to see if you find any patterns. For example maybe one chases the other whenever it gets close to a window - that may be a resource it is trying to protect. Maybe hissing happens when one gets too close to you, because they are protecting their attention resource. etc. Maybe there isn't any pattern, but it may help. I used to keep a little notebook for it
those feliway diffusers are not meant to completely change personalities, they only help take the edge off a little bit. Place them in areas the cats spend a lot of time, maybe areas where they like to sleep.
A lot of this is just going to take time and patience. Good luck!
>want to train my kittens
>every resource online says to use treats
>My kittens like treats, but they won't come running for it, not that excited
Any advice /kot/bros?
try churu, toys, or start using affection as a reward?
If you're trying to teach your cat to come, you have to do it in baby steps. Like be very close to the cat, reward for coming on cue, very slowly increase distance.
I feel like I procrastinated too much, as they're 6 months old now (had them at 3 months, nice 12 weeks with mom). One can sit down sometimes when getting treats. Affection isn't really a thing, they like being around me, but one of them doesn't like being touched too much.
>Try churu
Will do fren
>vet advised you to declaw
he is a monster who just wants money. You should NEVER declaw a cat except for medical reasons as advised by:
>Don't declaw unless literally medically necessary (cancer on a digit, neuro issues)

For me, a vet who even performs declawing is an automatic DQ. I can't imagine how I would react if a vet actually told me to declaw a cat.

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