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> This female grey wolf and male brown bear were spotted every night for ten days straight by a Finnish photographer, spending several hours together between 8pm and 4am. They would even share food with each other.
What causes this behavior?
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Coyotes and badgers hunt together as well, for them its because their cooperation is beneficial to both of them.
im sure these guy employ spotter crows too, very clever
>What causes this behavior?
high intelligence, instinctual social behaviour, high dietary overlap
Aren't wolves at least supposed to be pack animals? Why isn't she simply hunting with her pack?
You just know
Big Bear Cock
may have been just been a lone wanderer from the pack
or the sadder and likely possibility that the rest of them died
malegreywolfbros, the forest has fallen…
well it is in Finland so it's possible that rural retards shot her pack
Bears can suck their own dicks
Do any animals even practice fellatio?
Bats practice (auto)fellatio.
>high intelligence, instinctual social behaviour, high dietary overlap

Bears are not social animals. Bears also kill and eat other bears all the time, like what happened during Fat Bear Week.
I heard humans do it although I haven't been able to confirm it so far
coyotes only gather in big packs during mating season

the exception is urban coyotes that move into suburbs out midwest that seem to stay in large groups all the time
they can be when food sources are abundant
She's a coal burning whore
Wolf cels......its litterally over......
Why do wolves look so much better and more dignified than dogs?
>Bears are not social animals
not really. That's a huge simplification to the point of being incorrect.
They are not obligate social animals, at least in adulthood, and they are mostly solitary, in adulthood. But they don't detest the company of others and in determinate circumstances they can enjoy it too.
plus as in all animals there is huge variation between individuals, some are more solitary than others, some are more social.
>Bears also kill and eat other bears all the time,
they do but not "all the time"
but then wolves also kill other wolves, and lions kill other lions.
humans also kill other humans "all the time"
chimpanzees also kill and eat other chimpanzees
domestication made dogs brains smaller so they became more retarded to serve humans
one of them followed human scraps
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These two are from bear safari. Safari workers leave lots of food (sheep/cow/pig/deer/moose leftover meat) all year around for lure wild animals in area. Its purely tourist attraction business. There is plenty food and animals don't need fight for it. Bears learned tolerate each others and wolfs. There are speculating, that female wolf is not pure wolf. Maybe that's why she is loner.
Dogs are more intelligent than wolves.

Lack of wolf hating mastiff breeders trying to erase all natural beauty and make the most repulsive animals possible, and best of all, women are not influencing their selective process.

Kill all mastiffs and ban canine dysgenics (its dated, we have guns for self defense now), roll back womens rights, and dogs will get significantly better.
sometimes ya just want a fren :)
>im sure these guy employ spotter crows
wasn't that proven to be total bullshit?
so the reason they're not fighting for food is because it's fucking Yogi Bear?
>not pure wolf
looks like she's half coyote mutt to me, it's the face that gives it away
The female wolf is a chubby chaser

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