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I see how normalfags wouldn't be able to understand why we should stop breeding pitbulls, but I think they're genuinely retarded for owning pugs.
>yeah I know we humans bred this species to suffer from severe breathing problems, hip dislocation and 15 other genetic health problems, but tee hee my pug is so cuddly and friendly, he just looks so happy to be here even though he's constantly suffering ^.^
How can you see how evil and selfish you sound when you say shit like this? Fucking psychopathic assholes.
An animal that has always suffered is the same as an animal that has never suffered
Man does not suffer for his lack of wings
>le constantly suffering!
Constantly reposting it doesn't make it true, reddit.
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I know right?
>as long as you give them a good quality of life and take care of them it's okay
At this point, if they answer something like that I believe they're genuinely retarded.
Aren't pugs being bred to fix their nose issue now?
Yeah, their brains are so damaged by oxygen deprivation they’re not even conscious of how awful their life is. Its totally ok. Like blinding you as an adult is bad, but surgically removing your eyeballs as a newborn is fine because you’ll never know the difference

Yes i do support circumcision. Yhwh demands it you know.
I knew a girl who owned a pug way back in high school and always felt bad for the nasally noises it made
Bering a contrarian retard doesn't make you interesting.
Reject modernity, embrace tradition. Get a husky and use it properly. If you want to lay on your couch 24/7, get a cat instead of a pug. If you like pugs, get a retro-pug and support healthy breeding.
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Poor pug. It's innocent, but still an abomination to nature.
My sister is a vegetarian/pescetarian and a bleeding heart when it comes to animals
Meanwhile she owns a french bulldog and a pug
I'm a bit autistic and so I have trouble controlling my emotions but one time I was having lunch at my sister's house and her pug started making these awful gremlin noises and my sister sighed and said 'poor X' and I got angry and told her she shouldn't have got a pug if she felt sorry for him suffering like that and I lost control of myself and started tearing up and told her her dogs are suffering and that I don't know why she's such a hypocrite about them and that they're terrible breeds
Anyway I'm retarded but I still think pugs and french bulldogs need to be banned
incredibly based anon, you did the right thing by standing up for your morals
>get a faggot psychopath for a pet
Fuck that
>get a cat
No. I don't think I will.
>nooo you can't have this animal as a pet that did nothing wrong besides being born you fucking MONSTER
Holy autist
weak bait
you did the right thing anon
>I'm a bit autistic and so I have trouble controlling my emotions
That's not a bit.
i had a male pug growing up it would pull me on my scooter it was pretty athletic and slim its sister that lived down the street was obese as fuck with a bunch of rolls
five night freddys
I just like the look of brachycephalic breeds. My current Boston has a longer snout and is rather large for his age. Dunno what exactly the breeder did to get her Boston's to be this way but think it's overall better for the breed's health.
Also got a Frenchie for free and he doesn't do jack shit besides fart, snort, and eat.
i agree. we should genocide all pugs
I hope your child comes out brachycephalic so you can get all the cute pictures you want.
nah it was a good read, zoomer
No one cares.
Why do I have a feeling this was made because of the posts in /toad/ gen?
Second to the chihuahua, pugs are the worst breed of dog ever. Pugs serve no purpose in the world. I would advise we use them to clear land mine fields by letting them loose and forcing them to cross the field.

Pugs are a breed of dog in need of serious correction. Much like their cousins, the awful chihuahuas.
based beyond belief
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>this animal is terrible because it serves no purpose
>lets give it a horrific new one
Cannot fool me chang, I know how east asian morality on animals works.
It's like the king charles spaniel that has a permanent migraine due to being bred to have the smallest skull possible.
Reddit adores pugs, it's their most popular dog breed
R*ddit adores shibas and borzois too. Whats your point?
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Reminder that this thread along with >>4904019 was made by an OP who was seething about losing an argument in toad /gen/
>this desperate for attention
You're actually more pathetic than i thought lmao, this is getting entertaining for me now.
Don't reply to me.
Sure heres a (you).
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I do.
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I suffer everyday for my lack of wings.
>being tortured from birth is the same as never experiencing torture
Literal psychopath post
Torture by definition has highs and lows. Its more like a disability
Pain is just overwhelming sensation, is it not? A man who has never felt anything at all might feel "pain" at being in your shoes. Suffering is obviously relative
I don't think an animal that has had trouble breathing it's entire life is suffering to itself
You could observe it and think "aw, poor thing" but you're an idiot if you think the dog thinks that way
Screenshot or gtfo
You know compared with other generationally inbred dogs with a host of genetic defects
it’s a fucking miracle that those things live from 10 to 15 years if properly exercised
Somehow the American bullies a vet freind has had in have had more severe lethality on genetic issues than pugs
With most of the pugs being easily fixed by affordable surgery
Real wonder of nature that we have created a dog that deformed which still functions 80% fine
kill yourself
this is like saying the same about ppl who eat meat. its fucked ig but its just human nature to not care dawg idk what else to tell u

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