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I would squish it, unfortunately dinner plate sized spiders is where I draw the line
please be patient he has toxoplasmosis
Well, I guess it's spider o' clock.
arach o' clock
it's his house now
Imagine if it's female and you wake up one day and it's hundreds of them.
>I hope you take responsibility, Anon.
one of these was on my bedroom wall last night
i haven’t caught it yet
Do they ever crawl on you bed, and then you accidentally roll over them in your sleep?
these things run away the moment they detect a human
they can go from one side of the room to the other in a single second
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I'd tell spiderbro to keep killing all the bugs he finds.
New fetish unlocked.
Spiderbro shall eat ze bugs, and he will be happy.
So they're terrifyingly quick, but at the same time quite polite? Were do these guise live?

that clock. in 1980 it will cost you like 25 cents. that spider is the most expensive shit on that wall
nope, accidentally swallow them though
That's a huntsman, they are non-venomous and giant teddy bears. Very docile, don't carry any disease, and get rid of pests in your home.
I would pick her up and take her outside. She did nothing wrong.
probably ignore it until it disappears and then forget it ever existed
There's this lil jumping spider that lives in my bathroom and I love him so much. He looks at me curiously when I interact with him, one day I'll gain his trust enough for him to crawl on me...
How do you accidentally swallow something the size of a wall clock? I'm not gay, so my experience is limited to accidentally getting flies in my mouth if I ride a bike.
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How do you pick up such a huge spider? Won't it resist and try to get away? I use a bit of toilet paper to gently pick up the small/normal sized spiders we get inside here, but they will fight me all the way to the door. Do you use a beach towel or something for those huge ones?
Poster paper and leather welding gloves from work.
most people seem to only like jumping spiders
If they were in a high risk or traffic area, I would definitely try to handle them directly (rather than use objects that could injure it), to move them to some safer area, and honestly I would probably not even take them outdoors at first -- it's possible they came inside and found it better for them than outdoors. Huntsmans seem fast enought to get out of your way so I wouldn't mind them in the house
The spider watches you shit.
Press clock against wall
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if you're big you die, simple as.
Wait to you see one carrying thousands of baby's on their back and the babies scatter in every direction once you try and get rid of it.
This was my fear too but considering how many spiders live in my room and that I found zero squished ones in my bed I'm sure that would be a freak accident.
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Ignore it. There was a small one about palm size on my ceiling recently
Why does that man want to inject that horse with honey?
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Poke it. Give it a good scare and watch it gallop away.
>Inject that horse? Honey?
>seeing a huntsman move
You poke it and it'll just blink out of existence and then you won't know where it is
get a broom and scare it away from home?

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