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File: Dimetrodon_incisivum_01.jpg (2.42 MB, 5277x3274)
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I understand that dimetrodons aren't dinosaurs, but what is the reason they closely resemble dinosaurs? They look very reptilian for a supposed early incarnation of mammals.
didn't even know that they are an early incarnation of mammals. But yeah, I guess if lizards slowly turn into mammals, alot of shit that comes at the start of that process is still going to look like a lizard
we're both amniotes in the end. dimetrodon and early reptiles both resembled stem amniotes which were lizardlike with a sprawled stance. we diverged just prior to the permian and dimetrodons developed in the early permian.
If you think about it the earliest shared ancestors we had were semiaquatic lizard-like animals and that sort of sprawled stance is kind of like an intermediate stance between the fins on the side of the body you see in all aquatic animals and legs under body stance that modern non-aquatic, non toadline mammals have.
this bitch got ribs in his neck
prior to 1975 Dimetrodon was a reptile

this didn't work with the idea of cladistics, so in 1975 scientists got rid of the class reptilia

the public kept using the term reptile, so some other scientists in 2006 tried to bring back the class reptilia but leave out the mammals

/an/ supports this move completely
but scientists mostly ignore it because any class reptilia has to include mammals.

Reptiles aren't a real thing anymore. But if they were, Dimetrodon is a reptile.

e.g. this anon
who's mostly just making stuff up. Nobody knows how or when the split between synapsids and other reptiles happened.
I do know. I was there. Blood memory.
Ha ha ha ha ha oh yeah!
theyre so early on the evolution of terrestrial vertebrates that their 1st cousins were the ancestors to dinosaurs and reptiles with the only real difference is they have one less hole in their skull, its like how one lineage of deer eventually became whales and one stayed as deer, and thats how we classify as "mammalian" lineage now, is whether it has 0, 1, or 2 extra holes in its skull, otherwise, its basically a "reptile" and at a certain point it became a "mammal" while the other line stayed as "reptiles"
Convergent evolution; I would imagine things like having the belly closer to the ground to hunt similar animals, or for similar temperature regulation.
this is correct
this is not
Before evolution can converge it must first diverge
It never diverged before dimetrodon. It looks like a reptile because it was a reptile.
I get what you're saying, I suppose 'convergent' wasn't the right way to say that, I'm just saying the conditions probably selected for them to have similar features to their ancestors after the environment had become similar down the line.
>I'm just saying the conditions probably selected for them to have similar features to their ancestors after the environment had become similar down the line.
that would be convergence

conditions didn't become similar down the line, they never changed.
>everything is a fish
same reason plesiosaurs and pteranodons aren't dinosaurs

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