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Egg edition

Does your dog deserve one farm fresh egg, and if so, how frequently?
Do's and don't's when playing tug of war? I'm in my chair, and my dog is pulling really hard. i dont wanna pull out a tooth or let go when he's pulling hard and send him flying
Don't swing him around off the ground, side to side movements are better, and try to practice a drop it command if you can.
he's good at dropping the toy when i tell him to, even when he's having fun. i dont think i can swing him around luckily lol he's like 70lbs. Sounds like I'm doing it right. Thanks bro
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Annie is with Mom now. She made it ten years. Still going to be weird not having her around. R.I.P. girl.
My dogs both get 1 fresh raw egg a day with their dinner
It's been about a week now for me and it's still weird, the places she used to sleep are so empty.
I thought /dog/ was a small community. How come every time I come here, someone's dog has left them? :(
Have you considered adopting a miniature dachshund puppy?
One thing I heard is good is putting your hand around their face while tugging to get them used to not biting people while playing. If he's not a pup anymore maybe don't do that though lol
Two frozen ones a day for my husky.
Do you give them with the shell? I've heard it can be good for them but I don't think I've ever actually given my dog uncooked egg. Not worried about salmonella the eggs in this country don't have it (or rather the egg laying chickens don't).

Uncooked and frozen?
Yeah he's 3 right now, so idk if I can do that. He's pretty chill around people, but I idk what to really look for if I wanna know if he's aggressive around strangers
It's not so much to stop aggression as accidental rough play with soft-skinned humans.
Yes but I don't have enough pockets.
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My parents own 2 already
(Pardon the shit photo I can't remember how to fix image roation when 4chan scrubs the exif data)
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Does your dog catch food/toys in their mouth?

All the LGD I know do not catch food in their mouth. If I try they just let the treat bounce of their head.


Yeah, shell and raw. The membrane between shell and albumin is super good for the joints. Works for humans as well.

Slightly crop your picture.
My dog catches the food I throw, butbhe usually tries playing with it
My border collie is smarter than this girl I met on tinder wtf?
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Large piece or new type of food he will take it to my bedroom to investigate/eat(extremely cute). Smaller piece he eats quickly.

Do you think catching food in mouth is breed specific, or just a trait that is learned from an early age?
I'm not sure. I know nothing about dogs. What I do know is, my dog loves to play and will play with literally anything if I let him
I owned two and they were the most stubborn dogs I've had.
>Raining outside
time to pretend to go potties outside and then come back inside to piss/poop
>leave for a trip to the store
piss/poop in the house because they didn't like that
>have the smell of another dog on you
time to piss/poop inside because I cheated on them
now with that being said they loved to cuddle, one slept near me head while the other slept between my legs. And on really cold days I would put one in my shirt and the other one in my sweats while I lounged around.
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Happy jindo mutt pup.
All he wants to do is lay near me, sometimes get closer for pets, then lay back down again. Completely indifferent to various treats, food, and every toy I've tried. He likes to walk until he sees other people, then he starts shaking and hides between my legs until they go away.
How do I make sure he's not completely dependent on me? He's never gone into his big comfy crate and even closing him behind a door for a few minutes makes him cry, and in a couple days I need to leave him to go to work...
>How do I make sure he's not completely dependent on me?
Jindos bond with one person and that's it.
I don't need him to be a golden retriever and love everybody he meets, and I can already tell that one-person bond is forming. I just don't want him to start on the wrong foot and move towards separation anxiety. Clinginess is the problem.
Everything I've read on how to curb that is based on leaving him with toys or food, but neither of those catch his attention for any length of time.
My dog loves my roommate more than me and it makes me feel so sad. She never whines and thumps her tail so hard so you can hear it from another room for me... She never sits by my door waiting for me to wake up... I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
She also won't let me get near her face at all but my roommate puts her face right against hers and holds her in place while doing silly sounds (which my dog whines at and acts like she doesn't like but once my roommate backs away she wags her tail and is super excited and friendly) D
How does she do it?
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thoughts on eating your companion after he dies?

"This feast was unquestioningly given to us as the most undoubted evidence they could give of their friendship. Knowing the spirit in which it was given, we could not but treat it respectfully, and receive it as anything but a high and marked compliment. The dog feast is truly a religious ceremony. The Indian sees fit to sacrifice his faithful companion to bear testimony to the sacredness of his vows of friendship." - George Catlin
You should have researched the breed before getting one. They're guard dogs, korean kids generally fear them because they exclusively obey their fathers and are not very affectionate to anyone else.
You've got to give him a task because he views you as his leader.
It's really crazy to me what passes as good/normal dog ownership. Just went over to take care of some people's dogs. One dog was in a crate without any water or bedding. They had a small dog that wouldn't let me touch it, which I'm used to, but letting it outside in their yard I found the owners had several holes in their fence that the small dog could get out of, but in areas I couldn't reach.
>lol yeah she gets out sometimes, we just wait for her to come back
I'm here for an hour I don't have all day, and if it got hit by a car it would literally be flattened. Had to actually herd the fucker back into the house.
Jindos are one of the few dogs I would not recommend for most people for this reason. A lot of the asian breeds are really aloof, especially ones that haven't been 'Americanized' like the akita and shiba have been over the years.
I would advise getting into contact with some jindo breeders for advice because working with seperation anxiety for a dog who only considers your attention as a reward is going to be tricky.
How long have you had the dog? Is it purebred or unknown/potential mix? If there's a possibility it's mixed or not a jindo, take breeder recommendations with a grain of salt.
For the time being I wouldn't force him into a crate but instead use a dog proof room; expect it to be thoroughly fucked. If you haven't had him for a long time, you might be able to see if you can get an experienced dog walker over (not some high school kid) to see if they can't take it outside, and that way you can teach the dog that not all strangers are bad too and get them a little used to other humans. If you've had the dog for a while though, I wouldn't jump straight to a dog walker.
Combine it with training, like a leave it command, so you're not just showing them that every time you want something from them it's a tug game. Also don't pull them up and get their front legs off the ground and shit - awful for their teeth.
>leofag stopped posting his cousins husky
>now he’s done with his wife’s german shepherd and is getting fond of the chicken dog
NTA but how do I go about giving my dog a task? Like how do I know when I've successfully given my dog a job/task. For example, I have my dog paw at my backdoor when is free-roaming the house to let me know he has to go potties; is that considered a job for my dog?
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What form is this canine?
One appears to be of the collie variety the other appears to be of the hound variety.
Weird by modern day american standards but is actually quite beautiful.
Wrong, next.
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Those are clearly two goobers.

Not true. :(
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This is my doggo, Crash. He's 3 years old and next year he might become father. My parents and a couple where we live both wants doggos, both dogs are collies and free of genetic issues. My mother is praying for a brown one.
I spy with my little eye, 3 goobers.
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Very well done.
>My mother is praying for a brown one.
fucking liberals baka
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My dog brought me a stray cat alive this time. What should I name it?
that's the dachshund experience, they are so dumb they are barely house trainable, and a mini is even more dumb and inbred
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My dog doesn't like showers.
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>if human good, why bath?
And I can't see at all
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad
I decided to name her Delicia.
Have you tasted her?
No, but I find her delightful.
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A task is generally something that your dog is often 'on' for. It can either be passive (guarding livestock, sniffing for drugs at airports, etc) or active (herding, flushing animals for hunting, etc). Telling you it needs to potty, or sitting quietly for dinner, or not barking at guests, are more learned behaviors rather than work for them to do.
Pic related has a day job as a mechanic
Fetch, scent work, high level obedience are all great ones.
it could also mean he finds her hot. He is a disgusting zoophile after all.
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What color would you describe my pup as? I usually just put brown, but I know there are more specific names.
Brown does the job
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OK, that’s what I thought. The lady at the desk was giving me shit and saying “that’s mahogany!” Bitch wtf is mahogany???
Love a mal, but I would never own one. Extremely based of you to take on the responsibility such an awesome dog.
Mahogany is woman speak for brown lol
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Mine accepts his fate for the most part. You should remind your dog that they could be tied up outside getting hosed down with cold water like mine does.
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Cute doggo while black and white is my favorite variety of the border collie i'm quite fond of the EE red's too.
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>Jindos are one of the few dogs I would not recommend for most people for this reason. A lot of the asian breeds are really aloof, especially ones that haven't been 'Americanized' like the akita and shiba have been over the years.
Aloof is fine. I just got him three days ago to intentionally spend a four-day weekend getting him acclimated. He seems very happy and so far is friendlier with strangers than I expected (within reason). He likes people if I speak to them, and never responds with aggression to anyone, though he seems to have a fear of kids or old men and will run between my legs when they walk by. I don't blame him for the old men - I live in Busan and the older generation here tends to hate dogs. They give me a death stare when they see him and a lot of older Koreans see dogs as unclean and/or livestock.
>How long have you had the dog?
Today is only day three. He's eating much better today and is responding to treats a little bit now - I guess I just needed to be more patient and wait for him to build an appetite as the stress went down.
I've already taught him his name, he housebroke himself immediately as soon as he decided this was his home, and he knows a few phrases like "let's go" when we walk.
>Is it purebred or unknown/potential mix? If there's a possibility it's mixed or not a jindo, take breeder recommendations with a grain of salt.
Absolutely a mix, just a rescue from the street. No telling with what but his coloration, and especially his sister's, are not kosher jindo. She was white with large black patches, he's got light sandy patches.
>For the time being I wouldn't force him into a crate but instead use a dog proof room; expect it to be thoroughly fucked.
I have a whole bedroom set aside for him and convinced him to enter his crate there today with the door open. Now his water is in there too and he seems to move in and out fairly comfortably. Going to attempt to leave him alone in there tomorrow morning for a short while.
>Also don't pull them up and get their front legs off the ground and shit
For smaller lighter dogs as well?
Yeah, I would imagine. You gotta get on their level

t. The guy who initially asked the question
would teaching my dog to be a cuddledog be similar?
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Honestly color is often breed specific or breed related. This color in a doxie for example would be badger, but that means nothing for what I assume is a belgian mal. Belgian mals come in Fawn, Red, Mahogany, Silver, Grey, Cream, Black, Blue, Liver, Brindle, Augouti, and some really rare ones that are disputed like Black and Tan and White. Your guy is likely a shaded sable mahogany or fawn. Either fawn with a lot of shading or mahogany with very little shading. Sable being the pattern, Mahogany or Fawn being the color, and 'shading' are the black tipped hairs that can be seen in varying degrees, from nearly none to so much the dog appears black. I'm not really all that big on dog colors though.
Being a stickler about 'Mahogany' vs brown though is fag shit. It really does not matter unless you plan to breed or show your dog. In fact I'd argue 'brown' is the better descriptor because the general layman will hear mahogany and think much more red, like the wood.

CoatsandColors is a good place to go if you're curious about the genetics behind it
Unfortunately yeah; they're light to you, but for their tiny teeth it's still the whole weight of the dog it's supporting. Smaller breeds are also prone to more dental issues, although I don't know if rough play would actually effect that at all. It is also still a ton of pressure on their neck and spine, which isn't meant to endure that kind of stress.
Might be a bad analogy but think of yanking a human up solely by their arms; that is awful for their rotator cuff, regardless of how tall or short the person is. You're also not supposed to do it to little kids either due to the pressure you put on the socket and scapula.

Pic semi related is a very extreme outcome - broken canine that was fixed using a cap. Kinda cool though.
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You might want to look into the 3-3-3 rule, but yeah you haven't had him super long so he has a long way to go before he will feel completely comfortable. Sorry about the pricks in your area staring you down, iktf. Sounds like you got shit down pat though. Even though it isn't a puppy, I always advise people to start training new dogs as if they are puppies. Maybe look into kikopup or zak george on crate training (you can always sub the 'crate' for dog proof room). Kikopup can be a little slow for me. Zak george does a lot of shilling, but if you aren't 8 years old you should be able to understand that you don't need THIS SPECIFIC LIVER TRAINING TREAT to train your dog, I just ignore/skip the ads. He also has a free app that is more structured with daily training.
ngl I expected you to be an American that got a korean dog from a rescue. I can not tell you how many times I've seen someone adopt a korean dog overseas sight unseen expecting these ancient asian breeds to be like golden retrievers, then bitch about their feral dog of an aloof breed not being able to handle parties or go out to bars with them. All because they wanted a cute jindo or meme dog.
So i apologize for the assumptions.

It could be I suppose, if it is literally trained to follow you and perform a task. Almost like a service animal at that point. You could claim your medical issue is chronic suicidal ideation. That would actually be hilarious.
>I live in Busan and the older generation here tends to hate dogs. They give me a death stare when they see him and a lot of older Koreans see dogs as unclean and/or livestock
Whoa wait WHAT? Wtf I hate Korea now!
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>leave dog out in room
>dog has chew toys, bully sticks, beef tendons to chew on
>chooses to chew on furniture
why is this? Surely wood covered in paint doesn't taste better than the other things he has
Texture, they actually sell wood safe for dogs to chew on. Forgot what type it is though.
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When does he become an asshole
I was expecting more difficulties with a Shiba
They only recently outlawed dog meat farming, as in literally earlier this year, and we're still in the grace period where some farms can butcher dogs. I think there was a steady increase in taxes and oversight that led to that because many (maybe a third to half) of rescued dogs here are specifically listed as pulled from illegal black market meat farms, including mine.
Younger Koreans see dog meat as distasteful because they care more about other countries' perceptions but most of the older generation don't give a fuck and see the crackdown as kowtowing to foreigners. It's rare to see restaurants that would serve it in major cities like Busan but out in the countryside any small town will have a place. One of my friends almost ate it by accident about two years ago when he ordered by pointing at pictures on a menu until he got a weird feeling and translated the name of the soup.
Makes sense. Thank you.
dogs are objectively friends, not food. sometimes other countries are right
pigs arent food either btw
or horses
cows can go too
we need more gmo snake farms producing endless ribs
I got pigs recently and their eyes are freakishly human like. Fun little dudes.
I agree but should replace pigs with cats
Cats are a horrible food source, and a horrible working animal

I don’t see why they should be kept domesticated instead of returned to the wilds of northern egypt and the levant. It’s not like they left. They’re pure instinct, there was never anything to domesticate. We should swap them for some kind of bird, like a purpose bred ratting turkey. At least then they’d provide eggs and make funny gobble noises.
I like turkeys. A flock of wild turkeys hangs out around my property. It's funny seeing them out of my windows randomly.

I think next year we are going to raise a bunch for thxgiving.
I think my gf is a cold psycho
Her old dog died earlier this week and shes already over it and and trying to discuss getting a puppy
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:( That sounds tough. How much of a concerted effort have you made to become friends with dog? Is it your dog or someone else's? Small dogs can be very one person and the aggressive behavior never gets corrected because they're "harmless" and "small"
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Too slow. Damn.
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Can anyone help make my dog get along with my dad? I adopted a one year old rescue dog 5 months ago and its been wonderful. She's really gotten comfortable, she loves to be with me, she loves other people and is starting to socialize with other dogs now. But the issue is I moved in with my elderly parents to take care of them and she is terrified of my dad. I thought she'd get over it in time but its gotten worse, she won't even take a treat from his hand anymore. He loves dogs and it really upsets him that he can't pet her or sit with her. He hasn't done anything bad to her other than being loud and old. I don't know what to do to resolve it.
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The symptoms began oct 11 and she left oct 18.
It hurt something special for a few days and it's been followed by a slow sadness that gets a little better every day. This part was expected and I accept it.
What bothers me the most now is that somehow everything feels the same yet there's a vague feeling of frustration upon remembering that she was real and not very long ago. I was half expecting the world to end that day but it didn't. But the world is moving slower now; the past month felt like an entire year. It just doesn't feel real.
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Some people grieve differently. This is not an uncommon form of grieving dead pets. I kinda think it's people trying to push down those feelings immediately and filling the hole with another dog ASAP so they don't have the time to sit with their feelings.
>she won't even take a treat from his hand anymore
Wait, did she at one point and then stop? If so, any ideas why?
Is he able to provide any care for her, like a short walk or feeding? If so try to make that care routine. A lot of it will be patience. Don't have him bend over to pet her, that can be intimidating. Instead try to be in a chair and let her approach.
I want to get a Staffy so bad but I don't want to get a dud. Also people say my insurance will increase but how will they find out I own a Staffy.
When you take a dog to the vet, they ask for the dog’s breed and that ends up getting reported to your local humane society. If you ever end up filing a claim, they’ll find out you lied about your dog’s breed.
*if you lie about its breed to your insurance
my dog
wtf maybe this happens in britain or australia but that isn't how America works. No one is reporting your dog anywhere, unless it bites then it gets reported to the hospital you go to if you don't have a specific animal control.
t. work in both vet clinics AND humane societies
If your insurance comes to your house they will find out that way, or if you just tell them. It also does not matter if you call it something else, or even if it isn't a pit bull type; if the insurer considers it a pit bull they will call it a pit bull. I have a cattle dog/husky mix with DNA and vet records that the insurance agent decided was a pit bull so we switched, and next time insurance came around we just boarded the dog.
he started feeding her in the morning to try and soften her up to him and she's only more scared. the one big thing i think that was a mistake is i used to have her kennel in a room away from everything but he demanded i put it in the living room so she would stay near him. She won't even go into the kennel anymore.
Have you tried walking her with your dad?
>they ask for the dog’s breed
just lie dumbass
no, thats a good idea. its hard to leave the house with him because one of us usually needs to be there in case something happens to my mom, but maybe during her nap we could do that.
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Is it finally over?

My old dog, a poodle, got a tooth infection about 2 months ago, i took her to the vet and he sedated her, then while checking all her teeth most of them slid out. He told me these things happen due to age (she's 16) and tried his best to patch her up.
I gave her nothing but soft foods, she just deteriorated, after a week her mouth stank badly, which prompted me to take her to the vet every single day for 3 weeks straight, once again the vet did his best, but even with human cares to her teeth, she just ate the gauze every time.
I tried everything to save her, nothing fucking worked. And she's getting even worse by the day, about a week ago she stopped eating and just slept all day, but still got up at night to drink her entire bowl of water, puke and shit. Yesterday she refused to do even that, she tried standing up to take a shit and her legs just gave out, i had to give her a bath and carry her to her bed. Today she had a seizure, basically rolled on the floor and puked. Now she's just lying on her bed and i'm crying beside her, she no longer even tries to lick my hand, just looks at me and tries her hardest to stay awake. What am i supposed to do now? Even though she's no longer the dog i loved (as horrible as that sounds), i refuse to put her down, i don't have the balls to do so. She stopped greeting me at the door about a month ago, but i still knew i could scratch her belly and hug her whenever i wanted, and she'd reciprocate. But now she's just lying there.

Is it always this hard? She's not my first pet (i think we had another dog when i was little, but my parents refuse to talk about him), but she's special.

I took her home the day she was born.
I let her sleep on my shoe, shit on it and drag her dirty ass all over the floor.
I took her to my bed and let her sleep on it, until she no longer could even make the short jump to it, because she didn't stop crying as a puppy and it broke my heart.
I genuinely cannot live without her.
> most of them slid out
that happens with old small dogs, they tend to get awful dental disease. sounds jarring but it's more common than you might thing
>she just deteriorated
getting thin, not eating? deteriorating how?
>she just ate the gauze
I'm a little lost here, what was the gauze used for? Was it necessary for recovery?
>a week ago she stopped eating
That's not good at all
>puke and shit
You don't want to limit her water intake especially an older dog who needs more water for renal function, but at the same time drinking too much water on an empty stomach can cause vomiting.
>her legs just gave out
We sit down when we shit so we don't realize it, but leg muscles are used a lot when pooping so this actually isn't too uncommon for older animals with muscle atrophy.
> i refuse to put her down
You are going to regret this when the agonal breathing starts.
I have dealt with family members refusing to put a dog down. Being in animal medicine, of course I'm called to 'do something', but we can't live forever, there was nothing I could do. But they refused to put her down. So I had to sit there and pretend like I could offer any bit of reprieve from her convulsions and painfully gasping for air. She was dying for about a day, but the struggling to breath and intermittent spasms probably lasted an hour or so. And there is nothing you can do to ease that pain or make it go away, without euthanasia. It is the last kind thing we can do for our pets.
Anyways that dog's passing will scar me for the rest of my life. Perhaps a more layman would not have recognized how much pain she was in at the end, but I knew too much and understood what was going on.
>Is it always this hard?
Yes, it never gets easier. Yet I still do it to myself. I still open my house to more dogs, despite knowing their lifespan is like 3/16th mine and will certainly die before me.
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I'm allergic to dogs anybody know if there's a breed that's more hypoallergenic than others ? If not I'll prolly go and get treated for it in a few years
Should male dogs be neutered? Doesn't their testosterone start decreasing naturally at some point like in people?
Yanking again and again is bad if you’re yanking on their teeth but a solid strong pull is fine if you know what I mean.
Baki did it so it’s cool with me.
So I took my dog to a relative's house and they have a dog as well
The two dogs have played together but my dog is quite a timid and small dog whereas theirs is a very boisterous dog and they typically need some time to warm up to each other
Anyway my dog was pretty timid as is usual when I got through the gate but one thing I noticed was that my dog would occasionally whimper and he was definitely whimpering when I was playing with my relative's dog
Was he just overwhelmed or is this a sign of jealousy?
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So QRD I want a puppy but they’re impossible to get.
My dog is a well-trained, smart dog who does whatever I say (german shep/lab). We hunt, we herd my livestock (ducks), she’s the perfect dog but she’s old.
Years ago I got a puppy with my ex-gf. My current, old dog was a pain in the ass puppy and took a lot of work. This new puppy fell right in line and was housetrained overnight and etc. Easy to train. So I need my dog to pass on her knowledge and train a new puppy for me. Also, she needs a friend for when I’m not home.
All that said, I want a dog like her, a German shepherd (guard dog) and a lab (hunting dog) mix, but I can’t find one. Only dogs in shelters are not only automatically fixed even though they’re little baby 9 week old puppies which is fucked, but every dog there is a pitbull which I obviously don’t want, I want a smart, good dog.
So I guess what I’m asking is #1. which breeds should I keep my eye out for? I was thinking great pyranees but I don’t know much about them or their temperament. Half-pyranees half-rotweiller sounds cool. I don’t want a stupid friendly dog like a golden retriever either, definitely want it to be protective of me and the birds and the property. #2. how the fuck do I go about getting a dog? $1,000 is like, my max also. Shelters seem to be off the table because they castrate the babies (I don’t want an adult dog either it has to be 8-10 weeks old puppy) and I don’t know how the fuck to search for dogs online. Like how do I find them?
P.S. “spay and neuter your pets” who is the fucking douchebag spreading this propaganda? Oh there’s millions of stray dogs who need homes we have a dog epidemic, NO we fucking don’t there’s no fucking dogs to be found anywhere I’ve been searching for months. And yeah, pitbulls don’t count there’s obviously PLENTY of them…
One last thing how the fuck do I make sure if I get a German shepherd it’s not one of the fucked up, handicapped AKC ones?
I think I understand. I should be like a tree or something hard that gives a little, not something that's pulling him forward
>that happens with old small dogs, they tend to get awful dental disease. sounds jarring but it's more common than you might thing
I didn't know that, after most of her teeth fell out she caught a pretty bad infection in her gums and that ruined her. I did everything i could, but either the vet didn't give a fuck or the situation was simply unsalvageable and he was just humoring me, she was 16 years old after all.
>getting thin, not eating? deteriorating how?
She got worse over time. 4 months ago i noticed she could no longer make the jump to my bed and thus went to sleep in the floor. She never needed her own bed, so i bought her one just so she could sleep a bit more comfortably, it was a necessity as she always woke up at around 3AM to take a piss. Then she started walking funny, as if her legs were stiff or something, the vet told me it was due to age. On her last month she could no longer even walk properly, all she did was lie on her bed.
>I'm a little lost here, what was the gauze used for? Was it necessary for recovery?
Never had a tooth extracted? The dentist will put a small piece of gauze with some kind of medicine in your teeth hole so it can heal. When the vet noticed she just wouldn't heal on her own, he started doing this to my dog.
>You don't want to limit her water intake especially an older dog who needs more water for renal function, but at the same time drinking too much water on an empty stomach can cause vomiting.
Her bowls were always full. Still, on her last days she didn't want to even drink water anymore, i guess it just hurt too much. I selfishly helped her eat and drink because i didn't want her to die, but not even 30 minutes later she puked and defecated it all. So i stopped doing that, and all she did was dry heave, couldn't even puke or shit anymore as she had an empty stomach.
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Forgot to mention her, her teeth fell out roughly 2 months ago, the timeline goes something like this.
>month 1: lost her mobility
>month 2: teeth fell out, i only noticed when she stopped eating like usual
>month 3: stiff legs, couldn't even walk properly anymore, mouth got worse but still ate
>month 4: just lied on her bed, looking at me and breathing with a lot of difficulty
>You are going to regret this when the agonal breathing starts. I have dealt with family members refusing to put a dog down. Being in animal medicine, of course I'm called to 'do something', but we can't live forever, there was nothing I could do. But they refused to put her down. So I had to sit there and pretend like I could offer any bit of reprieve from her convulsions and painfully gasping for air. She was dying for about a day, but the struggling to breath and intermittent spasms probably lasted an hour or so. And there is nothing you can do to ease that pain or make it go away, without euthanasia. It is the last kind thing we can do for our pets. Anyways that dog's passing will scar me for the rest of my life. Perhaps a more layman would not have recognized how much pain she was in at the end, but I knew too much and understood what was going on.
Don't worry, i had to put her down today, she woke up crying in pain and all i could do to help her was just stay by her side and comfort her. The vet (i took her to a different one) told me there was nothing he could do anymore. Even though i will miss her forever, i honestly wish i had put her down earlier, her last week was miserable, but i just didn't want to let go.
I failed her.
>Yes, it never gets easier. Yet I still do it to myself. I still open my house to more dogs, despite knowing their lifespan is like 3/16th mine and will certainly die before me.
It just doesn't feel real, just a few hours ago i was still holding her in my arms, now she's gone forever.
What you're likely allergic to is a protein that dogs create, Can f 1, which is produced and excreted in saliva, skin, fur, urine, mucus, and dander. There are NO studies that support any one breed of dog produces less of this allergen. It all seems to vary greatly from one dog to another.
Now you can get a dog breed that doesn't shed as much, like a curly coated breed or a breed that has continuous growing hair, but keep in mind with these breeds you will need to be more hands-on with routine grooming which may exacerbate your allergies. You could also get a hairless dog, but same thing they need a lot of skin care and their skin is still producing that allergen. The hair and skin and dander will still produce the same amount of protein, and still piss and shed skin, but there will be less hair to clean up around the home with those types of dogs.
Breeders will tell you their dog is allergen friendly, hypoallergenic, allergy free etc because most breeders are lying scumbags or really fucking dumb and repeating was was said to them.
Bad news is there is not breed that is going to be necessarily better for allergies. But the good news is, since the production is a gamble, you can in theory find a dog of any breed that just so happens to produce less of the protein on average. But there is no dog that produces none - the protein is necessary for cellular function
>Doesn't their testosterone start decreasing naturally
No not really. They may become older and have less energy, but test is not affected.
Neutering should be done if one/both testes are cryptorchid, history of testicular cancer, history of penis injuries, or prostate problems. Beyond that it is largely a lifestyle thing.
Hard to tell from just a text re-telling, but given your info and the fact that your pup is often timid, I'm kinda leaning towards your dog being overwhelmed and that's how he chose to deal with it. But it could be many things.
My dog doesn't exactly love being pet(unless its on his terms) but he literally cannot bear NOT being in the same room as me.
Name a worse dog breed.
Don't be a weenie and go for it. I'm allergic and even slept with the dog. After the second week I noticed my allergic symptoms (runny mucus/itchy throat) became less and less Now I don't even think about it anymore.
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>Don't be a weenie and go for it.
Speaking of weenies...
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I found this sheep horn and gave it to my dog. Turns out this is one of the best long term chewing treats I've ever come across. As he chews it it kind of melts and disintegrates. He's been chewing on this one 6ish inch piece for multiple weeks now. Hours of fun and it works super well to clean his teeth.

This one is completely solid throughout. The ones I've seen at the store are hollow. Haven't tried the hollow ones out, but I assume they are inferior.
Can you please post a photo of leo licking a camera? It’s for my little bro. He has cancer and likes dogs, licking, and cameras.
What kind of camera?
Do dogs recognize themselves on tv?
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are snow dogs good for you?
Why, yes I'd prolly get desensitized before still
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>get off work at 10pm, shop at the local supermarket
>go home, ride elevator to my floor
>elevator opens, get jumpscared by a tiny dog waiting with his nose to the door
>walk around with him for an hour, check every floor of the building, no doors left open, no owners looking for him
>have pet hospital next door, closed
>buy some dog food from 7/11
He's skin and bones, his eyes are greying, and he's really hard of hearing. I had to pull the food bowl away from after he wolfed down the first half. He just keeps wandering around in circles around my apartment. I've seen him walk right into things at least 5 times now. I tried to set him up on this beanbag chair that I have, but he won't rest anywhere that isn't my lap. I'm going to hit up the pet hospital again tomorrow before work. Also, I left a paper with my phone number in my broken second language (I'm overseas). What should I call him in the meantime?
Update: The owner messaged me like 15 minutes after this. She lived only two doors down. She seemed very thankful (I really gotta learn the local language). Anyone know what kind of dog he was?
>Encourages daily exercise
>Does not respond well to disciplinary training, teaches empathy and understanding
>Rids your property of disease spreading pest animals
I live in a arid climate so they're not good for me, I actual dislike people who own Huskies around me.
That is good. Dog could be Havanese, Bolognese, or a Coton
husky's coat is great in a way that even in the warmest climates, they're not being put under extreme strain - the double coat traps a layer of air that insulates their body
making them exercise in such climate is still completely retarded, but as long as someone puts in effort to cool them down regularly it shouldn't be grounds for animal abuse
I'm an expat living in Korea and I've made friends with a Bosnian who's been living here for almost 15 years. His in-laws (Koreans) own a small plot of land about 45 minutes North-West of Seoul, so he and his wife bought the tiny plot of useless land right next to it. He uses it for some farming as a hobby and his wife for burning trash. One day he went out there about 3 years ago and found a small 20ish pound dog tied to a pole. His in-laws bought it and just told him to ignore it.

It's been 3 years now and the dog has never been off leash. I've visited the farm 3 times now and every time it was clear that she was desperate for attention. She's severely underweight and covered in bugs. All she eats are a few scraps from the in-laws table once every couple of days. About 18 months ago, she had puppies presumably from a stray father. iirc, she had 5 or 6 puppies. The Bosnian visits the farm once every two weeks or so, more if he can. After the puppies had been there for about two months, he noticed that they started to disappear one by one. 3 months later, they were all gone. Apparently father-in-law has a taste for dog bone soup. Here's the kicker, though. The dude's supposedly a vegetarian.

A month or two back I made a 3 hour one way trip out to the farm that takes like 5 connecting buses and a train because it's so far into the middle of nowhere. I let the dog off the leash and gave her some chicken breasts hoping she would run off. The Bosnian told me the next day that the only affect I had was that they bought her a tighter collar. To be fair, that was the only home she knows, so I kind of expected this. That, and there are a handful of dog farms very nearby, so she very well could have just been picked up by them. /rant
My dog ia going through his teenage phase and it's beginning to get under my skin. When he was a puppy it was understandable he didn't listen because he didnt learn yet. But him being a teenager, hearing me say a command and he just fucks right off is really rustlin' my jimmies. Heavily considering getting him neutered soon.
That isn't going to do anything... You should spend time every day practicing obedience drills. 15-30 minutes is all it takes. Also do not build resentment towards your dog because he is not a robot. You will regret it if you start to act on it.
>own a husky
>tell it to not play and exercise
That is animal abuse. I understand people moving with their huskies or adopting a husky that is already here, but people that breed them here should absolutely kill themselves, along with the other cold climate and fairly active dogs like pyrs, eskimo dogs, etc. I also live where it is humid and wet on top of being hot as fuck, which causes unreal amounts of matting if you don't keep up on grooming.
Dogs go through learning periods just like fear periods. That's pups for ya. Getting fixed won't necessarily fix this issue, unless there's maybe a lot of female intact dogs going in and out of heat that's distracting your dog.
Teenage phase passes, and one day you'll look back on your stubborn dog's rebellious stage fondly
Hips and heart testing is a must, look for gsd with the drive you want. Do not fall for the meme of the "handicapped" gsd.
The testing is done on the parents just to be clear. My showline has moderate hock angulation, but he also has a very straight back and very minimal downwards hip rotation. He is from an award winning line of dogs.
Hes very athletic, easily outruns the great pyrenees and akbash he hangs out with.
A little sad since I spent like 600 at the vet to see what's wrong with my dog and didn't resolve the problem fully. After some bloodwork and a recheck they said he's fine even though he's shitting goo and blood. Sent me home with some meds. At least he's drinking water again and not puking anymore. It's probably over though, not looking forward to losing another bit of feeling.
I just rescued a pup from a family looking to rehome him awhile back. Intact male and anytime I sit down when he is chewing a chew, he stop comes over to me and begins to hump me and then tries to bite me. I push him away and he lets out a growl. So I decided to hump him and now he looks at me funny.
You can try buying from a hobby breeder I got my Border Collie from a breeder in PA I found on lancasterpuppies.com which has listings for PA and the surrounding states, theres also pet classifieds which is nation wide. The wicked expensive dogs with the mandatory spay/neuters are likely from people who value their dogs bloodline which is the premium you are paying for.
How old is this dog? Bloodwork is often the first thing vets go to because it tells you so much, even if it isn't fully diagnostic it can usually point you in the right direction.
Sounds like an IDEXX full panel, must have been really grasping for answers. Probably already thought of this, but dewroming? allergies? You can't get a proper fecal exam done on just goo and blood so that's out of the question.
Unrelated but I got so sick of the retards at work wondering what the significance of finding pollen in s fecal sample was (there was none, its an artifact but they couldn't grasp that seeing something doesn't always MEAN something) so I let them think that more pollen in the feces meant they were having allergies to get them to stfu. I wonder how many other retards they went on to teach that to.
>Puppy site
This screams puppy mill.
If not bait, the parents should have all OFA recommended health tests (they keep track of more than just hips.). If it is a mix breed, each parent should still have their breed's recommended health tests. it's not cheap. That is the only way to really guarantee a healthy dog.
Anon I think it was just your pup's time. Unfortunately they can't live forever. Dental disease is a bitch and can get really bad in small breeds. And your dog was what we call a super senior; well past even it's top range life expectancy.
>When the vet noticed she just wouldn't heal on her own, he started doing this to my dog
That makes more sense, we usually don't send dogs home with gauze. I've had work done, but I'm also not a dog and won't eat my gauze even when high on ket.
Take it one day at a time. I know it sounds cliche, but as much as it will hurt tomorrow morning, it's going to hurt a lot less than it did today.
You guys got any crazy dog park stories? I've been watching a dog YouTuber react to dog fights and a lot of them happened at dog parks
7, maybe allergies or parasites since he had a bad reaction when I pulled a tick from him like a month before all this, got bumps all over his head afterwards. Completely forgot to bring that up at the vet, was too worried about everything else. Dang it. Think any of that would've shown up in the blood?
It has been nearly a year since my dear old dog passed away, and even now I still miss her a lot. It's especially bad when I'm the only one home, sometimes I've talked to myself out of desperation.

When is it okay to start looking for a new dog? Should I even do it? I don't want to go through the pain again and I feel like I'd be betraying my old dog, but the silence in my house is deafening and noxious.
>dog shit into the home compost
Thoughts? Good or bad idea?
>after he dies
sounds more like he killed it as a sacrifice.
Bad. Dog is not a grazing animal first of all and even grazing have to in separate compost.
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My old dog died and I'm miserable. My aunt had a little pug when I was just a preteen and this was the friendliest most loving dog I've ever met. When I was sick with the flu I'd stay with my aunt and she'd sleep right against my head on the couch. Sadly she died of parvo. Are pug crossbreeds like puggles good dogs? Looks like they can actually breathe.
What if it is thoroughly layered and mixed with green kitchen waste and garden waste? Friends of us, who are agronomists and viticulturists by trade claim it ads to the quality of the compost and in practice is not different than chicken shit. But, yeah im also suspicious.
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my dog got these white spots near her tits, is it anything serious? she's old and neutered.
Could just be skintags, which dogs get as they age. I am not a Vet, however
Holy shit so many dogs dying on this episode of dog gen.
just fights and scuffles. I don't actually join dog parks so I don't get any of the human interaction which I hear is the worst. I think the worst I've seen was a husky/mal running around with a small dog in it's mouth, and an old lady and fat man were completely unable to catch the husky type dog.
A sudden allergen will usually show up as an influx of basophils, a type of white blood cell. But it depends on what type of blood tests they ordered. They are the least common blood cell so if they are only looking at white blood cells as a whole it won't likely show. Other white blood cells may be responsible for allergy responses though.
>bad reaction from tick
Do you live in a lyme or rocky mt spotted fever territory?
There is no right or ok time to start looking; it's just whenever you're ready. For me, it just kinda happens because I pick up strays...
Not good, check out the larpsteading or homegrownmen threads on /out/. You share a lot of parasites with canines, there's the chance of various pesticides and antibiotics that are flushed out in feces, and is very high in nitrogen.
If you do it anyways, I would advise having a separate compost for it, and don't use it for stuff you're planning on eating. High nitrogen will require a bit of planning on what to do with it.
Not really, avoid designer dog breeders because people breed them solely to cash in on fads and scam people. Just because they look healthy doesn't mean there aren't other medical issues. In my experience a lot of organ failure, liver shunt
Look into Retro Mops instead, they are actually being bred with a modicum of care and forethought. Pic related.
>she died of parvo
Do not ever bring a puppy on land that parvo puppy was on. Your dog will catch parvo. It lives in grass and permeates porous ground like concrete, wood
Were these tick bites? Kinda reminds me of the lyme rings
>Do you live in a lyme or rocky mt spotted fever territory?
Nowhere near either.
I'm in town staying with my dad, his wife and her granddaughter for 2 months for work, and his wife got a mauxie puppy for the granddaughter, but I don't think they're ready at all to raise or train a puppy and they really haven't tried at all, any advice? Poor pup is basically in the kennel 17 hrs a day and for the few hours he's not they're keeping him in his lap instead of letting him expend energy, and they have already started hitting and screaming at him for being annoying. I feel really bad for him since I can't do it all myself but when I do have free time I try to keep him engaged, and have taught him a couple commands using food such as his name, stay and "no", and he will let me know when he has to go potty. At this point he only listens to me but I want to set him up to be more responsive to my dad's wife and her granddaughter but idk cause they don't seem to really give a shit.

I leave in 2 weeks so I fear that they're literally going to end up killing this puppy from neglect or end up with a dog they don't like when I'm gone and they haven't taken any of my advice whatsoever, very frustrating overall, I'm not sure what to do, am I just worrying to much? I dunno what to do, but I've suggested they rehome the dog to people who actually care about dogs and they got mad at me for bringing it up. Sorry for blogging, I just feel really bad.
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I'm try to tell my family that patience and being calm on top of obedience training will lead to better outcomes in the behavior of my mom's dog but they get extremely upset when I say that almost as if they enjoy screaming at him. What's worst is my stepdad has been trying to talk my mom into hitting him and buying a shock collar and he's even got mad one day and said he wants to shoot him :( Idk what the fuck to do.
He loves you in his own way :)
wow nice meme
just rape him
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Thanks for the responses, boys. After months of searching just now this morning I happened to run into these guys and I might be getting one, they’re a state over from me. Australian shepherd/labs and they’re under $1,000. I’m in talks with the lady who made the post now, we’ll see what happens.
Lab stink in a poofy aussie coat? Dear
God those dogs must reek
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I want a german shepherd mix but i can’t keep holding my breath for one. I already have a lab/shep and she smells good. Ideally I want another lab/shep but what’s the deal with Australian Shepherds? I assume they’re like border collies, right? Are they cool? Will they be protective like a German shepherd might? Rex from the movie Babe was pretty bad ass and looks like he could fuck shit up. Like if a coyote/coywolf shows up on my property my dog will go get em but will this Australian shepherd be driven to anger and chase like my German shepherd/lab would? Does anyone know shit about Australian shepherds? Can I teach this thing to hunt like my other dog?
Australian shepherds are like more aggressive, more stubborn border collies. But they're too small for that aggression to be useful on a farm, unless you are driving cattle.

Basically they are mogged by heelers in every way except fluff
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I wish I was meming...
>dog ate toxic plant
hopefully he lives otherwise oh well
what dog should I get next if he passes? need a smart dog that is easy to train that isnt stubborn. Or should I just get a cat?
me too bro... men too....
>Lab stink
Is this a thing?
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Playing quells a high prey drive, right? What if that doesnt work, and he still wants to genocide cats and squirrels?
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I posted here a year ago to ask about getting my doberman's ears cropped and yall were very harsh with me and for good reason. Everyone around me were saying he would look weird and that he wouldn't have the "doberman look" and yall provided me with a valuable alternative perspective. Now I couldn't be happier with my decision to keep him intact. He's my best friend and thinking that I even considered it sickens me. Thanks for putting us on the right path /dog/.
It’s not that big of a deal getting the ears cropped but it’s probably best to do it while they’re young so it heals back better. I wouldn’t advocate for mutilating animals like I’m even leery about getting them fixed but getting your Dobermans ear pierced so it looks cool like the cartoons who cares. Don’t do it now but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.
He is very handsome
labradors were bred for being around water a lot, and as a result their skin produces more oils than other dogs. which results in smell
I regret feeding my dog cheese.
His farts are making me nauseous.
send help.
Sometimes these things just take time. The fact that there is no aggression is a good thing, it means you can just take it gradual. Your dad needs to stop being insistent with the dog, that's a big part of your problem. You need to tell him to try to ignore her and just let her exist. If they spend enough time just around each other not interracting she'll warm and then he can offer her treats or pet her but only after she comes to him.
More than pitbulls I think staffies are what you make them. If you don't have kids or small animals and are semi-competent with dogs I can't stress enough that you should rescue one. If you're worried you can find one that has spent time in foster care and has a confirmed good temperament.
My boy is a staffy x who spent the first three years of his life tied to a tree and was abused. Despite that he has never been anything but a sweetheart. They're incredibly hardy too, he's nearly 18.
Can dogs eat croissants?
Factory Dobes are funny they immediately look goofy and non-threatening.
Very sophisticated falseflag. I knew you toxotroons were just self hating dogfuckers lmao.
>such a pervert you try and pretend anyone from here goes there
that turn you on? Go back.
the litter on the carpet is just the cherry on top. you relish in disgusting things.
This site is psychotic
Lotta genuine schizophrenics here
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Very cute, very based. I think I remember you posting about him. :D
How vets treat dirofilariasis (heartworm disease) in your area when immiticide shots are not available/affordable?
Vet, retard. Is this another falseflag?
Not a bad shot actually. Idk how you managed to get low without him looking at you, then again GSs love not looking at the camera when you're trying to take a picture of them
why do people let their dogs wear collars inside? I snecer understood this. Is it an american thing? It's certainly not germanic.
You're absolutely not supposeto take a puppy the day it's born. what the fuck is up with animal wellfare in all you people's shithole countries?!?

And Im not even gonna mention sick fucks who cut of the tails and ears (effectively killing the dogs ability to communicate), I bet it's the same retards who mutilates their infant sons because their culture believes it is "hygienic".

I'll find a better animals forum.
Technically it is hygienic, but you're whining like a bitch, so I don't care to argue with you
If I get this Australian/lab is it going to do what I say? The dogs from Babe were 10/10 good dogs.
Also, labs are known for being silly and rambunctious but they’re hunting dogs. How do I nurture that instinct in a lab?
pull out all of your teeth too, youll never get a cavity anymore!
whining over animal well being is a chad move btw
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Tried to get some full moon pics last night with the dogs, but none of them turned out great, oh well
You need to use manual mode probably, or atleast a tripod, or a flash.

Camera on tripod. Use flash to light up dogs then have them move out of scene while you continue exposure to light up moon/surroundings to your desired levels. This way you can take a long exposure without making your dogs stay perfectly still for too long.
Technically, yes. This isn't a hard concept to grasp
I usually don't plan on taking pictures, just do it in the moment, but maybe some day I'll play around with improving my photography skills.
Immiticide is definitely the go-to for HW disease, the American Heartworm Society has treatment plans that most vets are going to follow. It is preferred because it is the fastest; the longer the worms are in there, the more damage they are going to do. I've also done this treatment personally on some really old and unstable (high level CHF) dogs without a single hitch so far.
You have a slow-kill method of keeping the dog on heartworm prevention, and also giving a long round of antibiotics like Doxycycline (daily for a few months). The vet med joke is they call this slow kill because it slowly kills the dog. In this scenario, you're making the environment hostile for worms with the antibiotics and hoping that will kill them off slower.
Then there is the 'do nothing' approach, which people often confuse for the slow kill method. It is the absolute bare minimum an owner can do - just give regular heartworm prevention so the heartworms don't multiply, and wait for the heartworms to live out their natural life of about 7 years.
There's a new-ish treatment called Moxi-Doxi (moxidectin and doxycycline) that cropped up as a result of the pandemic and seems to be used in mostly shelter and low-cost settings. I haven't looked into it much. I do know it's efficacy is between melarsomine (immiticide) inj and slow kill.

Question; is the unavailability like a made up scenario or are you not US? Boehringer can get you Immiticide in about a week if you order. I will admit that shit ain't cheap though, something like $80 for 2ml?
This is like the rule for a lot of things. People with intact dogs, people with working dogs, people with breeding dogs.
Playing gets out energy, training controls prey drive. Teach focus and leave it.
Hell yea uncircumcised dobe. Most online dog forms I see are very pro docking/cropping so I'm glad to hear /an/ held out.
Thanks. I was asking him to look at camera, but there was something more interesting. He's actually fairly aloof for a gsd. Been like that since he was a puppy.

It can be fun. :D
This one's for all you lurkers who don't have a dog, this is what it's like to snuggle with a German shepherd on a Saturday morning and give head scratches.
Hey guys, I'm looking for the WebM of the drill attachment which is used for taking off excess fur. I think it's a brown lab. The guy's using it and the dog just absolutely loses it with his back leg.

Anyone got that?
No, not at all

You simply need a real camera instead of a phone. Even an ancient canon rebel would do a better job than this but DSLRs are gay so get a fujifilm and be based
you lucky dog you
trying to teach my puppy to snuggle for more than 30 seconds, he can't stand to not be in the same room as me but when I want to snuggle him he's like "fuck off"
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Mine loves to snuggle but he doesn't like getting on the furniture or the bed, so I have to lie down on the floor and get completely covered in fur
I now feel lucky that my dog likes to hop on the couch and get on my lap
>want to take dog on quiet walk though the park
>there's a dozen assholes using it as a dog park

Goddamn this shit pisses me off, we HAVE dog parks FOR dogs. The closest one is like 5 blocks away! Fuck!

Fucking cunts
How do I stop my older puppy (8 months) to stop biting my younger puppy (4 months) privates? Also how to teach him to play nice he is always high energy and roughs up the younger puppy. timeouts dont seem to be working.
Leo spotted! Xd
Everyone is gonna get mad at me for saying this but when I was a kid I watched a documentary about a preserve for wolves or something and this woman was the caretaker for this entire pack of wolves and when they did something bad she would squeeze them by the nose and be like NO and they all obeyed her so that’s what I always did to my dog if they were food aggressive or anything like that, I’d attack them like a wolf and get them by the nose and be like NO. Perfectly behaved.
I saw a Cardigan Welsh corgi today. Absolute long dog.
>Teach focus and leave it.
Thanks bro. You're always so helpful
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Wtf how did you get my dog? That looks almost exactly like my dog
Also saw a saluki. Truly a blessed day at the farmers market.
> Boehringer can get you Immiticid
> or are you not US
This and I'm not the owner of a dog.

> Moxi-Doxi
Want to suggest it to the vet, that's why have asked here hoping someone already tried it.
Dog parks are for scum, you’d fit right in.
dogs don't exist, I just made them up.
Own land and it will never be a problem.
> I've also done this treatment personally on some really old and unstable (high level CHF) dogs without a single hitch so far
Btw, both moxi-doxi article and immiticide treatment plans warn about possible pulmonary complications due to decaying worms bodies stuck in lungs blood vessels: were any of these or considerations of such?
Heather died
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Prove it. Now.
An eagle just carried my basset girl away :(
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My dog walks around the room (from his kennel, to bed number 1, to bed number 2, back to his kennel until the stranger leaves) when company comes over. What does this mean? He's also doing that silent bark thing
He's patrolling to make sure you are safe.
But he never goes to my door (I don't actually have a door since I sleep in a gameroom) and look outside of our room
How would you feel about owning a dog like this?
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You can tell a lot about someone by how they treat their dog
Technically any heartworm can clog the pulmonary artery; even when you do the 'do nothing' approach, the american heartworm society whatever they call themselves actually recommend low activity for the full 7 years of the do nothing approach, or the couple years of the slow kill, and obviously the few months of the faster kill options.
So it was a concern with every patient, we always tell owners to keep the dogs low energy and keep shelter dogs as calm as possible, because the more strenuous activity from the heart, the bigger the concern a dead worm will block something important. But owners suck at compliance and just didn't listen. and shelters are an extremely stressful place so there was no change there. And I have never actually had a dog die during fast kill. And we're doing CHF dogs that are fucking coughing up blood and worms.
Our protocol involved 2 weeks of doxy and steroids prior to the first injection, and then tapering off steroids after the first injection and continue antibiotics for another 2 weeks, then re-do it at the 2nd inj. I wonder if that protocol has helped any? Or I might just be extremely lucky.
I heard from some Maddies Fund webinar ran by the doc that I think originally pushed moxi-doxy that they actually do not require the animals to be low activity at all? I might be remembering it wrong and I can't find it now.
But I have now come to the conclusion that yes, the dogs need to be kept 'low activity', but low activity is basically the normal household. I think people who are crating their HW+ dogs all the time and drugging them to keep them low activity is likely overkill. I just tell people now that they can play with their dog, walk their dog, etc, but don't run a marathon or go on a 10 mile hike with them.

TL;DR - Yes it is always a consideration for any HW+ dog, moreso for ones in faster treatments, but I also wonder how common this is, and am concerned the degree of low-activity is a bit of fear mongering
ARA nutjobs are spreading heartworm by importing masses of infected stray shitbulls up north
This sounds violent for some reason, maybe it's the 'drill' bit
iktf. It is probably a group of people that think they are too good for dog parks (since dog parks are garbage) and looking for alternatives. I wont lie I do that shit too but we use areas that are fenced in still so it doesn't bother other dog walkers.
Try re-direction and make sure the dog is getting ample play time to tire him out. Time-outs tend to be less effective when the problem is more geared towards lack of stimulation/wanting to play, because you're kinda making the issue worse. Now when the dog is over-simulated, that is when 'time outs' shine. I try to think of it less as a punishment and more like giving the dog a chance to de-escalate and calm down.
Your younger pup isn't likely old enough to tell off your older pup when it's playing inappropriately. If you know of a good helper dog to teach your older pup good dog manners, you may want to set up a play date with them or something.
wtf is it with rare dogs at the farmer's market? I saw two curly bois; a Belgian shep (not mal) and a bedlington terrier
Unless you own a lot of land, your dog will still get bored of it day in and day out; it's nice to have the mental stimulation walking elsewhere
>t. own a few acres
This sounds oddly stereotypic behavior, like how zoo animals get when they are bored out of their skulls. Does your dog get really stressed when people are over?
That's the weirdest looking dog
Is that a brittany spaniel?
>any advice?
There is a lot to unpack here and it sounds like you already know some steps to take, but the people you're working with are Neanderthals. I'm not really good with training people (it's why I stopped dog training) so I don't have much advice. People tend to react terribly to re-homing, at best you may be able to offer to take the dog once it becomes a shithead.
>Does your dog get really stressed when people are over?
I suppose. He certainly isn't calm. He paces around the room and jumps on my bed like he's a groom on his wedding day
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Wtf its real
Are German Shepherds obnoxiously clingy? I enjoy having a dog follow me everywhere and not being able to get a full night's sleep because the dog is cuddling me so aggressively that it gradually pushes me out of bed.
Mine is not, but ymmv. Pick a puppy that isn't an attention whore.
Best way to get an intact male poodle from someone else to mate with my mutt? Is there a dating app for dogs?
Akc breeder and a big bundle of cash.
Thanks. I was being sincere about enjoying clinginess though. Oh well.
Oh, you enjoy it. Did not read it correctly. Then choose a puppy that won't leave you alone!
Neutering increases prevalence of prostate issues other than benign prostate hyperplasia.

There's basically never a positive health "trade off", except for pyometra and breast cancer in bitches (and obviously you can't get testicular cancer if you don't have any)
When is the optimal time to get my dog circumscribed
the clingiest breeds on average i have met are bassets. But they are vocal about it. you won't be able to shower alone.
.... do you mean neuter?
My German Aussie is incredibly clingy, so idk wat the other guys are talking about
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Anyone here likes bull terriers?
I miss my gal
how big? 1k enough?
Probably. I think 500-1k studding fee is fairly average last time I heard.
500k? wtf? cloning a dog is 50k dude.
500 dollars, el stupido
oh okay. thx.
Both wrong. 500k pesos.
so that converts to 25k
Wait no... I meant 500k-1000k won.
I live in South Australia
When I get back I wanna get a Shiba Inu, probably a female
It'd mostly be a companion animal as I'm disabled and I'll be home most of the time

I'll probably walk it at least half an hour a day and play with it
There's a (human) park near where I live that I could take it to every day
Would that be enough?
I know people here in Tokyo keep them in apartments, so I figure it would be ok

Also I come from a family that doesn't crate
Should I build/buy a small dog house to put in my room for it, or would a dog bed on the floor suffice?
I'd probably never shut the dog inside there, it would just be a little home it
Of course it's perfectly welcome to sleep on the bed with me, but I feel like it should have its own little place too

Any other tips? Like training?
For it's sleeping purposes, take a short box and layer it with the thickest blanket you have (I saw how cold it got in south Australia). Shiba Inus are very protective towards their owners and had been used as hunting dogs, so some amount of training will be required
I would say just watch training videos now, to get an idea of what you should/shouldn't be doing and have a better understanding of the amount of work to put in. Kikopup is good. I hate it when people get dogs and then try to learn basic training after they already have the animal, it is just so much more stress.
You don't have to put your dog in a crate, but I recommend crate training - there's literally no downside to a dog learning to not flip the fuck out in a crate. It is helpful for safe traveling and god forbid staying overnight at a vet if something happens.
Also get into the habit of walking daily right now. Don't wait until it becomes a necessity, because you'll be more likely to resent it.
>Should I build/buy a small dog house
Dog bed if it is going to be indoors. Anecdotally, I have never seen a dog willingly hang out in a dog house if they had better options and I've seen probably a few hundred fucking dogs refuse to use one. At most they will walk in to sniff around or hide toys in it.
>sleep on the bed with me
Do keep in mind that the far east asian breeds are like the most aloof. The Americanized versions a little less so, but definitely less affectionate than say a retriever. They generally aren't cuddly, tend to keep to themselves, and can become stranger aggressive.
Assuming neuter, that's a conversation to have with your vet. Smaller dogs can get neutered as early as 6m-1y, extra large breeds may need to wait 1.5-2y. Spaying is pretty similar. This might change based on your dog's individual health needs and your environment (ie if there's real risk of pregnancy)
ehhhh I don't hate them but their skulls freak me out, like I don't want to touch their head. Rough collies are the same way for me - it doesn't show up well in photos but a rough collies' eyes and head shape is just fuckin long and thin and the eyes are small and beady. I guess for collies though people are drawn by their pretty coat in photos
Shibas are a japanese terrier with the smarts and independence of a husky. That dog needs a job if you’re a cripple.
is it better to rehome a dog if everyone in the household isn't on the same page? Got a dog while I'm going to college, and I have no issue with the dog. However, recently I've been noticing him struggling with commands he use to have down. Only to realize it's other people in the household who've been poisoning the commands using the same words for multiple purposes. Which is leading to confusion for him. Example being 'down' command which I use for him to lay down but they all use it to tell him to get down from something be it counter surfing or getting on the furniture. Should I try to train him in another language? It's annoying having to tell these people over, and over, and over the proper useage of his commands. But no luck as they continue to do it, feels like they're more retarded than the dog at times.
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Looks very content
I was merely maymaying (I thought the intentional malapropism for circumcision would have given it away)
There is no time when neutering is better than not neutering, there are few absolute positives health-wise, and the "net" health effects are entirely negative. The only plus is if you keep dogs of the opposite sex entirely unattended. Neutering may decrease intact intersexual competition in males, but if you can't manage that then you need a much smaller dog or a gerbil or something. Neutering also increases the probability of uneven tempered neurotic dogs with a tendency to fear based human aggression. If you "need" to neuter a dog to stop it just breeding random mutts in the street, you're not mentally equipped to own a dog.

Spaying IS neutering btw (the sexed term for males is castration)
visiting family and seeing how they treat their dogs makes polshit caricatures seem accurate, it's kinda disheartening. Wish they showed more love to their pets
They literally have it entrenched in their minds that to be a good owner, you have to be perpetually angry and abusive or else you're spoiling them.
My vet said around 8 years is a good time to neuter. I forget why...
I thought maybe when you said not everyone was on the same page, that people just disliked the dog and didn't agree with having it. I personally wouldn't rehome the dog over that.
Dogs are generally considered senior at 7y, I'm wondering if they're considering that much older anesthesia will become more difficult if something were to crop up.
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Got to chill with this Lil herding dog today. She was chasing chickens back into the netted area with moderate success. It was really fun watching her chase them around haha. Very sweet and good dog.

Is she a border collie or mix? Small-medium size, floppy ears..
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It's sad seeing them treat their dogs horrible
>call dog to come
>dog doesn't come
>see them get angry for dog not coming
>spank dog
>next time I tell you to come you come!
I told them that's why he doesn't come because he doesn't trust you etc. which I received a shit answer of the dog needs to understand "im da alpha he needs to listen when I say!"
I got my friend's dogs recall to improve so much by being friendly with them and giving them a few treats.
It's crazy how some people don't understand that getting mad at your dog makes them not want to listen to you.
So my dog keeps barking when I'm at work
Annoys the neighbors
So when I come home I punch it in the face until it's quiet
But next day it does it again
What do?
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yesterday, I called my dog ,she came running, I thought she was going to pass to the right or left or even stop as usual
She ran into my legs and I fell on my face like that
>mutalating your animal for aestetic reason
why would you ever think about that faggot ?
>There is no time when neutering is better than not neutering
Cryptorchid males are one exception to that. Possibly the only exception.

>Spaying IS neutering btw (the sexed term for males is castration)
I like the term "desexing" because it sounds fittingly unpleasant.


I don't understand why anyone would cut perfectly good parts off of a dog. Especially tails, you miss out on so much body language with a docked dog.
how do I convince a family member to train their dog sooner? They think dogs don't learn until theyre older because I quote, "have a bigger brain to learn" why are people like this
>Don't train until later
>"The dog's untrainable!"
>Send dog to rot in a shelter
>Get new dog
Tale as old as time.
Also, how old does he/she think it needs to be? It is true that you should wait for certain milestones, for instance you're wasting your time attempting to litter train a puppy when they're like <4 weeks old and you shouldn't expect consistency until they have full control of their bowels at like 16 weeks.
family member thinks dogs aren't trainable until 6 months!! it's blood boiling stupid, and what is worse is how they believe it so firmly
>Mom sometimes plays with her neighbor's dog
>She got some dog biscuits from Aldi
>Gave it to the dog
>Dog immediately spits it out and runs away
Top kek
>>spank dog
This makes me incredibly fucking angry. What kind of dumbfuck logic do you operate on that makes you think hitting your dog is going to solve anything? When you do this it's obvious that you don't actually care about solving any behavioral issues or having a healthy relationship with your pet, you just want to take your anger out on it.
Sometimes I can peer pressure my dog into something after his initial sniff test.
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My dog has the most amazing fucking recall I have seen in a dog, because I have never fucking hit my dog when he comes to me. It really isn't that hard.
I hate anthropomorphizing, but it is really the easiest thing to imagine. Would you come to a person knowing that they are going to hit you when you do?
Docking actually can have legitimate reasons, especially in working dogs. Although I am pro long tails.
Cropping is purely aesthetic though.
lol idk that's like retard levels there, how do they even raise their children with that mind set?
Oh don't bother potty training until the kid is done growing and their brain is big, maybe like 13y
It is really fucking frustrating to read some of these posts trying to deal with retarded family/friends. At the end of the day, there isn't likely much they can do. Caesar Milan has ruined a few generations of dogs.
I will never forget all the dogs my uncle bought as a puppy, ruined with alpha rolls and muzzle clamping, and then surrendered to shelters once they grew up and became dangerous. He ruined a few labs, a golden, a duck toller, a vizsla, and then after fucking all of those he thought it would be a great idea to get a fucking akita. I think he's on another golden right now.
>I will never forget all the dogs my uncle bought as a puppy, ruined with alpha rolls and muzzle clamping, and then surrendered to shelters once they grew up and became dangerous.
Do these people never think about why the dog became violent? Why can't they keep him for his whole life?
And why would you take back a dog just after abandoning one?
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Dog? If dog, breed?
The only response they know is anger. If the dog isn't behaving the way I want, get angry at it. They won't even stop to think about or consider the possibility that they are the ones doing wrong by their animals. Also, telling them this just makes them angry because they think it's their god given right to treat their dogs any kind of way they want to.
What the other anons, said. Asian people are brought up in their countries barely having empathy for eachother, let alone animals. It's unfortunately a cultural thing.
they're brown
>rounded ears
>elbows up to chest
>puff cheeks
>black nose/lips/eye rims
>short round ears
I'm guessing some percentage wolfdog. Got any more pics?
The worst part is he wasn't particularly mean or violent guy, or lost his temper easily. But he followed a lot of dominance based alpha theory dog trainers. When they attack, it is blamed on the dog instead of the owner, and so he's done nothing wrong.
Relative sent me the pic another relative took after she picked it up off the side of the road eating a dead deer. This is all there is for now.
>two boxer dogs come running out of nowhere towards me and my dog
>me and my boy stand our ground
>literal stare off
>start to continue on my way while looking back at the two boxers
>dogs run off and hear car horn in the distance
I wish there was some more legality when it came to owning big dogs. I had a knife on me so it would've been an easy clean up, but I would've felt guilty after. But I was a bit spooked because they came out of nowhere. When dogs wander is it because they're bored pent up in their backyard?
>big dogs
I was walking my dog through the park and 3 big ass unleashed dogs sprinted over and surrounded my dog. The owner didn't even walk over to get them, he just yelled their names. I had to pickup my dog and leave and they still followed me.
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This is my fucking life. There's no leash laws and there's no ACO, sheriff will just tell you to shoot it but if you discharge your fucking gun so close to houses you will surely go to fucking jail for it. I can't even get the fucking mail without getting mogged by a pack of dogs.
Anyways knife should be last resort because of how close you have to get, you severely risk getting your face within biting distance. You have a huge advantage with what is basically unlimited range, so bring a walking stick and pepper spray.
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We were being retards today. After I dumped the water out I got him to sit and was able to wheel him around a little.

Teaching the "up" command allows for extreme goofiness. Highly recommend it.
Nice, we taught our husky how to sit still in a kayak. (We have a little pond)
Well one day she got loose, ran towards the pond, and jumped into the kayak like Tony Hawk onto a skateboard.
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Ayo /dog/ wassup, I need shibe reaction pics. Any and all shibe pics are appreciated.
They're just outright employing punishment (in the operant sense before someone has an autism fit) wrong, and essentially associating "come" with bad thing. Honestly dogs probably are smart enough to take the piss, and over rewarding "not doing" the "bad" behaviour leads to dogs smart enough to act up to get a "redirect" reward, but the above is a textbook way to condition the dog that going to their owner is bad and "this guy is sort of an asshole that just chimps out on me for stupid shit"
>dog low growled at guy walking past me on trail
how do I fix this?
you don't
Normal dog behavior for preventing aggression. It is dog for
>you are frightening/threatening, fuck off

You can teach him that strange men are friends. Or, more wisely, don’t.
that's a feature, not a bug
I changed my dog's diet because the store was out of his usual food. He seems to enjoy the change of pace but now he has horrible gas. This is awful. He's sitting right next to me farting, little tiny farts, but wet, the kind that might make you wonder if you left a skidmark. And they smell so fucking bad, just terrible. At night he sleeps under the bed and snores and farts. I hope his normal food is back in stock when I go back to the grocery store this weekend, I cannot take much more of this.
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Here. Take this.
Please help /an/ons
I go into my office to play games often, but whenever I forget to close the door to my room my dog gets in gets into my stuff. She got into my MRE collection, my shroom stash, and even destroyed my coffee cup. I can’t take this anymore! I can store my food items better but she’s going to keep destroying things if I forget to close my door (I have ADHD so this is an inevitability). How do I get her to stop doing this? She knows it’s wrong but does it anyway.
Stop doing drugs and your retardation will abate
I never even used them, my sister left them here and I was holding onto them.
Do more drugs then

Maybe on your trip you will realize animals are naturally attracted to anything they can derive one single calorie from.
t. lost 5lbs of beans to boarding a cat.
Yes, it ate raw beans. It had to go to the vet for it.
Find a way to remind yourself to close the door
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I knew we had the same dog

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