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About Jefrey (with one F): Possible half-Scottish Fold, male, found abandoned in some bushes, dirty, covered in fleas in mid-July. He’s growing up fast, and enjoys car rides, climbing trees, fetching his ball, playgrounds, and capybaras. He was named after the Pixies song “Space (I Believe In)”.

Originally posted him here back in July seeking advice for potential health problems due to his folded ears.

DOB: Probably 2nd half of June 2024

Back by popular demand (or at least the demand of a few anons), you can watch him grow up from infant to big boi here.
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Jefrey at the playground

First for peanut
he ponders his domain
he sees things that we cannot even begin to imagine
Kino shots
gay ass collar, poor peanut
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Festively gay
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Flashback to July
What a gremlin holy shit

How did Jefy react to the festive apparel that your wife lovingly chose ?
He looks so done with that collar (it's cute though).
You need to be very careful with him outdoors like this. You never know when some feral mutt will wonder in out of nowhere.
It’s a walled community, so there aren’t any. If there happened to be any though, he’s already scared of dogs naturally and would just run up one of the many trees nearby. But there are cats that live perpetually outdoors there for years and nothing has happened like that.
I’m done with it too, it’s a hanging hazard so I’m gonna take it off
Not much reaction to it at all actually, he doesn’t care
Hello again Jefrey with one F
Have other people ever commented on Jef going ham outside?
>Back by popular demand (or at least the demand of a few anons),
it's just me, 4 other schizos, and a few bots in this board, as long as 3 posters ask for something it's already majority
glad to see jefrey still doing well
>some feral mutt
It's China bro, I'm surprised all these cats are OK and not on the BBQ
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Not in particular but people walking by often comment about how cute he is and kids will try to approach him but he doesn’t like that much

It’s a slow board I know, but I doubt there are any bots, why would a bot be interested in a cat thread? To what end?

He really is
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I got some good news and bad news. The good news is that my wife bought him a collar the uses GPS tracking instead of the airtag. The bad news is that it’s even gayer. But Jef doesn’t seem to mind.
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that’s what I said
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>But Jef doesn’t seem to mind.
Uh, based??
>Captcha: GPSS4
jefrey coming out as gay, i'm not sure i can recover
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He’s not gay, he’s just metro
This lil nigga is looking ZESTY
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At least the new collar goes well with his nose ?
I didn’t even think of that, that’s a good point
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throw the little faggot in
There is nothing wrong with a straight man wearing pink or purple, just not at the same time (they clash horribly).
I saw the vague shape of the fish on the left first and thought Jef was out diving for some reason
I understand the collar but it's ridiculously big for him, the other cats will start to think he might be a glowie agent
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what's my name? Bumpaccino
So do you have a job or are you just a trust fund richfag
I have a job
Do tell
No, I'm not gonna reveal personal details here
It's kind of a gay collar but it does go with his colors pretty good so it's alright.
it's kind of a gay collar but it's kind of a gay cat so it's alright.
it looks like a flotation device
I wish Jefrey was gay for me, though.
lol jefrey is gay
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Nothing new to report. He stayed home today because the weather ain’t great. He had a bath.

That’s about all… Peace Out.
did he like the bath
we want his bathing pics
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No he hates it. He doesn’t scream or scratch or bite, but he constantly struggles to get away.

He’s way too difficult to contain one-handed, maybe next time if my wife helps
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Before Brooklyn gentrified, I saw a very trashy looking bitch coming out of a Dunkin Donuts in... I wanna say Green Point... and as she was doing so, a male voice yelled out from above me, some fourth storey window or higher (I don't recall how high the buildings were in that particular area nor even why the hell I was in Brooklyn at the time to begin with)
The woman, looking quite dejected, turned around and went back into the Dunkin Donuts, presumably to order said Dunkaccino.
>To what end?
The bitter end.
The fish should get its own thread. This is a Jefrey thread.
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Was it with a thick Italian guy New York accent?
You're lucky you live in such a safe neighbourhood. Bastet protect your kid.
Well, technically I don't live there, my wife's office is in there. We live in a shitty area with shitty people, so we don't let him outside around where we actually live.
weird looking
nta but that's how I read it and how I choose it to be.
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Any cat dentalfags out there? What’s going on with Jefrey’s teeth? does he need braces? I noticed twice today he was licking the air like he hurt his mouth. I opened it up and noticed some weird shit going on.

Super hard to get a good pic because he doesn’t like his mouth being forced open but it looks like he has 2 front right incisors.
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Ah according to Google he might just be in transition from baby teeth to adult teeth
Regular non-vet anon, armed with the power of a quick Google search here.

Given his young age, looks like Jeffy still hasn't lost his baby teeth. Look up "Retained Deciduous Teeth".
As a first step, keep giving him things to chew, maybe it will dislodge the old tooth naturally (Maybe a tougher capybara?).
If it still bothers you, you can try and ask for removal by the vet, when you'll go for neutering?
Thanks again for the pics, OP!
Thanks, I’ll give him some chew toys
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God, he looks so cute.
Maybe it's a parasocial thing ? He's a cat, and I know part of his story ?
Doesn't matter. Kot is cute, thread is wholesome, pics look great.
I grew up with a ton of cats. Too many to even count, because my mom was a crazy cat lady. But Jefrey is one of a kind in that he’s always down to go on an adventure like a dog. Also never had a cat with folded ears or creamy orange fur. Every morning I open my door to get up, he comes running up to me and expects me to pick him up so he can lick my face and purr. He’s just a great little dude.
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Still biting his capybara so probably needs to sooth his mouth
Do you think finding a (trustworthy?) vet will be a challenge, given your location and all ?
I used to go to one for my other cats, she was trustworthy but she went out of business. There’s one down the street I went to a few times for minor stuff and he seemed really legit, my impression was he was a quiet guy who really loved animals. Like 10 cats living in his little hospital, just roaming around freely inside. Might take him there.
>Italian guy New York accent?
No, Green Point is a heavily Polish area and I seem to remember hearing Polish all over the place before the dunkaccino incident. Heavy NY accent, but not likely greasy wop dego.
You're not too far off. The NY accent is mostly dead in Brooklyn and Queens now but it was still alive and kicking back then, though on the decline.
Poor capybara
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why is he naked?
Staying home past couple days
anon...i don't know how to tell you this but...animals don't wear clothes.
wish my cat had ears like that
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I bet you feel pretty stupid now, uh?
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lil Jefy in a bag, July 17th
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Jefy with a ball in his mouth
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Highlight of the morning
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Here’s a few just for you
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here u go
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and one more for good measure
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alien goblin
>"sir are you aware you're a cat?"
much obliged. Thanks for the blessing.
Keep us posted on the teeth situation
it looks like he made the floor collapse
Still has the extra fang. I guess we'll bring it up to the vet once we take him in to get neutered, if it doesn't fall out by then
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Clearly compensating for Ear-ectile dysfunction. Sickening.
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Ear-ectile dysfunction

OK I gotta give you credit for that, that’s the best thing anyone’s ever said about his condition
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btw looks like his extra fang fell out
cute paws
happy for him
Thanks OP
looks like the pun was so good it kicked his fang out. Careful if you tread barefoot in the house.
If you ever find it, keep it as a relic, symbol of hope and wholesome happenings.
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peanut's saying he doesn't like it
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He’s flourishing
he needs more faggy collars
Happy to hear it.

I love this random stranger internet cat so much.
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Pokemon encounter in tall grass
Why did you censor his peanuts?
Peafrey! I choose you!
It was too lewd
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One of these days he’s probably gonna fall and learn a hard lesson
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Jefrey found a frog today and wanted to play with it to death, but I grabbed him and walked him back toward my wife’s office. As I was nearing it, he got really pissed and bit my hand, and in turn I got pissed at him. He acted like an alcoholic whose liquor bottles I poured down the drain.
jefrey is being a rebellious teenager
lets hope it's just a phase.
curious, how do you get him once playtime is over? does he come to you like a dog? do you ever have to run after him? he doesn't wonder too far does he?
>he doesn't wonder too far does he?
pondering jefrey
I usually snatch him up when he's not looking. He does not willingly cut playtime short. If I openly even approach him too close he darts away, so I just wait patiently for an opportunity to grab him.

Gotta cut his balls off soon and hopefully he'll be more tame
Also he doesn't wander too far from me even if that means keeping enough distance for me to not snatch him up. But he lets his guard down and that's the opportunity for me to grab him
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he looks so sad
he heard they're cutting his balls
he is possessed by his master beelzebub
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Looking at some of his pics from around September, his ears looked normal. I find it weird that he went from folded, to normalish, then back to folded.
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Everytime I see "Jefrey" my mind reads it as "Jeffrey" and then autocompletes it to "Jeffrey Epstein".
I think "Geoffrey-frey-free-ree" from Fesh Pince
normal ears = goblin jef
folded ears = gay jef
Free him of his chains.
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Jefy playing with a red dot

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he attak
that's his alter ego, peanut.
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That guy gave that name a bad connotation, which is just another reason why it’s Jefrey with one F only
>as soon as his jaw got rid of the milk tooth, he starts biting
Little shid. But you were the stronger one, so hopefully he didn't get the impression that biting will let him have his way.
>captcha: MVP2P
You and your cat are the MVP.
Guys, Jefrey's breath is fucking god awful. I mean, the other two cats we have, their breath is bad too, but Jefrey's breath is worse than both of theirs put together. Is there something I can do to fix it? He's not eating anything different than they are.
Also just to give you an example of what I'm talking about, I'm sitting here on my laptop, and he's laying on my lap. He just yawned, and the smell immediately went straight into my nose like pic related. Fucking horrible, worst breath from a cat of all time. And the bad part is that he often tries to get up close to my face to lick me like a dog and I can't stand the smell.
not a vet so no idea, but could maybe be a result of the tooth that was stuck? it maybe infected the gum around and caused the stench?
Beautiful cat. These photos are good enough to have been taken with a camera. Did you take them with a phone?
I've noticed his breath has been horrible for a long time but it's getting even worse. Might have to address it with a vet. Wonder if it's his gut biome or something.

Thanks! Just taken with my iPhone. They're also screenshotted so the quality isn't as good, just to crop them and make them small enough to post on 4chan.
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"this nigga so retarded" aah face
Jefy fetching up and down the stairs

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He’s not sad, he lives a dope life. Right now he’s bored because he’s been stuck at home for a couple days.
You could use his head as a spirit level
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took me a few seconds but then i lol’d

I’m gonna be heading out for a 2 week vacation on Saturday. My wife will be in charge of Jefy while I’m gone, so I’ll probably end up posting whatever she sends me.

Also I took pics of his teeth and sent them to my old vet who works in a different city now. She said his teeth don’t look that bad. I gave him some weird plant based chew snack things and so far they cleaned his breath up a bit.

Pic related, he’s laying on me in bed rn
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One other thing of note, today I walked by the place where my wife found him, and noticed that there would’ve been no way he could’ve gotten there by himself as a tiny kitten, someone would’ve had to have put him there deliberately. It was in a planter right outside of an animal hospital. My guess is that somebody else found him somewhere else, tried to take him to the hospital, it was closed, and then just decided to dump him there.
bruh, you stole someone's cat. also take a pic of the place where you found him
this, I'm contacting the proper authorities.
Enjoy your jailtime.
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Sir, your cat has weird ears.
Head too small or body too big ?
Look at this fucking gremlin.
I mean ponder this damned rascal.
Yo, check out this hellish spawn.
Watch out for this furry goblin.
I mean, you should be warned about this devilish menace
Be aware of this whiskered maniac.
By god, run from this fiendish hellion.
look at that little bastard. he knows he shouldn't be doing that.
>I barfed a lil
hes evil
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Yes sir we already established that early on

a bit of both

Yes he does

A little bit of both

You have no idea. He makes so much trouble, but I love him anyway.
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Is it just me or is he mocking the bipedal posture ?

He really is developing an attitude, time to snip.
I hear jake Paul is looking for his next opponent
>Wh-what's happening
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Best part of wakin’ up

Is Jefy in yer cup
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does he still smell bad
jefrey is nice but should always be inside
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Yes he does, Satan. His breath smells like diarrhea and rotting fish. Gonna address it once he goes in to get neutered.
We want him to be a fun adventure cat. One we can take places. But since it’s heading into winter he’s not gonna spend a lot of time outdoors anyway. If my wife takes him to her office, I’m gonna reiterate to her to lock him in unless she supervises him.

Heading on vacation day after tomorrow for 2 weeks, wife will be in charge of him. I’ll post whatever she sends me during that time.
Yo, he plays the shamisen ?

Does Jefery break things, by the way ?
He looks like he bout to slap a bitch
That's a gremlin.
That’s a pipa

Nah he doesn’t break anything really but he just makes a lot of trouble by wrestling the other cars and chasing them and jumping up on the counters and table no matter how often I throw him down or tell him to get down, he just does it anyway
>and jumping up on the counters and table no matter how often I throw him down or tell him to get down, he just does it anyway
sounds like it's time for the spray bottle of water with a few drops of lemon mixed in
spray him when he does that shit, and spray the surfaces themselves so they smell unappealing to him
Damn, that tree's got a massive cock.
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>Jefrey plays the pipa

Zesty ass homo with mouth full of balls
jefrey likes men
i will never recover
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your mom likes men
I have my own jefrey but he's ugly and hates me if I'm not directly giving him food.
what do you mean
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Last pic of Jefy before I head to the airport and leave for 2 weeks
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Fun Fact, my iphone automatically detects Jefrey as being a Scottish Fold
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Have a fun trip, we look forward to more Jefery when you get back.
Much improved without that humiliation ritual of a collar
Enjoy your vacation, OP. (No, not in the 4chan sense of the phrase.)
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oh I will
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/an/ is an small board, how many people aré actually Jeffreystalking?
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My guess is like 2 or 3
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My guess is that the peak was at the second thread, where Jefrey's origins were the center of the debate.
Now, maybe it's half a dozen anons?
Speaking of origin, care to explain the accent you carelessly left in your post, anon ?

Would Jefrey be more popular in Europe, US or Asia? Place your bets, ladies /an/d gentlemen !
My bad, was talking about the accent from this post >>4911253
Probably just an artifact from phoneposting, hold a keyboard button for a second and extra options pop up.
I'm one such person and I don't even like cats.
I barely use /an/. Jefrey makes me check in on this board more often.
i'm peanutstalking
I hate this faggot shit I just check in hoping it died
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Stop being so tsundere Anon
this desu senpai
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I got news for you, you like cats, you just don’t want to admit it

What's the news on Jefrey back at home ? any shenanigans?
Do you plan to bring him (or the other cats) special treats/gifts from your trip ?
There's still a lot of remaining space on that gremlin for additional apparel of the gay variety.
Not much really, he isn’t going out lately because the weather is getting cold and my wife is too busy to keep a close eye on him.

As for apparel, I’m open to suggestions as long as it’s something I can source.

I’m in Thailand for about the next week and a half, I’ll have her send more photos and I’ll poast em’ here.
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I just leave this tab open so I can get my daily dose of Jefrey every morning.
more than you expect, most likely, for every active poster there's at least 5 lurkers
A lil smooch for the Jefrey
he needs more gay accessories
i just learned of jefrey's existence and i love him with all my heart. such a gay little goober.
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Jefrey loves you too
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His proportions are so wrong. Take It back and demand a better cat.
but that's what makes him unique. long long cat
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there are dozens of us, PeanutAnon.
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Found his brother
Who's the slampiggy?
why does he look like that
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Like what?

I don’t see any resemblance, Anon
Distant brother?
who the fuck is jeffery?
she looks like my ex 7 years ago :(
Sum random (underage) girl I saw walking past a cat cafe the other day
it's cool, i was underage 7 years ago. we never even got to second base. even now i feel the regret of letting her go in my chest moreso than my penis.
did you get her number?
Do you need to vent some more about the past, anon ?
I don't know if it's the appropriate thread/board/website/reality to do it, but feel free to try.
nope. this is jefery's thread
Video chatting with Jefrey. The only one of the three who react to hearing my voice over the phone speaker.
statuatory rape is a meme law put into existence by jealous post-wall roasties anyway
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It’s “Jefrey”
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A bit old but never posted this one
Mufasa, Simba, and Scar.
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All 3 of the cats thrust upon me have been orange. I’m not sure what the odds are. And two are female.
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An even older one
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Bless his soul and his cute lil face.
It's always nice to know that your pets notice you, especially cats.
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It’s Thanksgiving, so I’m going through and looking for unseen Jefreys to post for you guys. If he didn’t get so popular I may have been more cavalier about finding him a home with someone else. I’m glad I changed my mind. 3 cats is a lot, but luckily we’re moving into a much bigger place in a few months.
Put that little shit in a blender
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The first photo I took of him, the middle of the night after my wife woke me up telling me she found him, and right after we had washed him.
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Before I went to the airport on Saturday
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There should be a cigarette shopped onto this
he does look weird
he's devastated that you're leaving. Is he also a hyperactive gremlin with your waifu?
why is he so smug here
I was the one who played with him all day every day, he’s probably bored out of his mind right now

Scottish Fold, of course he looks weird, but that’s why he’s special

I haven’t really asked, but since my wife works outside the home, we have no way of knowing what he does during the day.

“Ain’t nobody dope as me, I’m just so fresh and clean”
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Another screengrab from the video chat

I have an even better one but I can’t find it, it’s like a needle in a haystack
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I got her insta, We (including her dad) had a quick chat and they seemed kewl so told them him me up if we're ever in the same country again.
>it's only begun
why'd you just post a picture of grass?
Look closer
i-i just see some leaves...
weird snake, ID anyone?
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Just thought you guys might like to know that Jefrey ate a piece of an orange… and actually liked it.
your chair is filthy
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His ears are normal here so this must have been before you took his F away
Yeah I brought it up before, he went from folded ear, to normal, back to folded
it's already too late, you're prey now
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One day Peanut will be no more
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OK Buzzkillington
And one day neither will you, and that gives all of us something to look forwards to
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he has seen some shit
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OP here. I don’t have any Jefrey news, but while I was out exploring the area of Thailand I’m in, I found this mama cat and her babies in an abandoned building on a beach. I went to a grocery store and bought a big ass can of cat food, drove back and plopped it down for them. I contacted a nearby animal welfare center who will come out and try to capture them, spay/vaccinate the mother and provide them all with medical treatment. Fingers crossed they pull through.

Thanks for reading my blog.
more goblins
I’m just a goblin magnet, aren’t I?
Good job, Jefrey's human, you did right by them
what beautiful little babies and he mother is pretty I bet they get adopted out fairly quickly once they're captured
you've never been to Thailand have you
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Quite a sad situation but I hope they get brought in and taken care of.
Actually that welfare center does adopt out about 5% of the animals, the rest are put back where they found them after spaying and vaccinating. Lots of tourists visit that place and then bring home an animal. So there’s a chance for the kittens at least, maybe the mom too.
gonna guess you're in a big city but usually these strays survive begging for scraps and pets and extremely rarely get picked up as a pet, which means they put a collar on it and regularly feed it but still outdoors. their life is not too bad anyway
Not a big city actually. But anyway, i took a tour of this place last week and saw the inner workings of it. If an animal is adoptable, they try to find it a home, even internationally. They even have volunteers who will fly the animal back with them to certain countries to home them with people who want the pet. And they even take care of all the paperwork for them. It’s pretty neat but runs entirely on donations.
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Look at this dude
kinda cool, then. quite the unicorn of an organisation
he cute
gonna make a new thread since this one is gonna die soon
Cat website newfaggots
Go the fuck back
Peanut already is no more. He is gone. Only Jefery remains.
stfu console war nigger

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