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You can't eat them
But why?
I forget
what a fucking retarded cult, with some luck they will starve to death very soon
i bet i could
I can understand some of the others as a primitive way of avoiding "dirty" foods, but why can't meat and dairy be paired?
But can I fuck it?
If there is a will there is a way OP
Sometimes traditions don't make sense or they made sense in a way we can't understand today. Shit like "our enemies like this recepy so we will say it is demonic to dehumanize them because war".
Human culture/religion is weird like that.

"You should not boil a young in its mother's milk" because it's, like, immoral or something.
But how do you know if the milk and the meat are related? Better just ban it outright.
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>no meat and dairy together

Imagine being this retarded
who the fuck eats vultures, eagles and owls?
You could probably trap and eat them if you're starving but they probably won't taste very good

I'd be displeased too if i had an intruder
>implying you eat more than half of those non-kosher things anyway
it's fascinating but ultimately really, really stupid
so originally there was some non-jewish levantine festival where they boiled a kid (baby goat) in its mother's milk to ensure a good harvest, so that was prohibited in the original text in the same way as a whole bunch of other "don't do what the canaanites do" type prohibitions. Now the romans kicked the jews out so they get scattered all over and eventually forget about this harvest festival shit and no longer speak hebrew natively, so then since they don't use all those words regularly they start arguing about what they really mean, and to be on the safe side everyone generally picks the broadest possible interpretation. One rabbi says that "kid" actually refers to calves and lambs as well, then another rabbi comes and says that it can refer to any baby animal other than a bird since their mothers don't make milk. Somebody else decides that bird meat and adult animal meat is not qualitatively different enough to leave them out. Another rabbi comes along and argues that because birds are banned too, mother's milk must actually refer to any milk and by extension any product made with milk. Another rabbi argues that the term previously translated as boiling actually refers to any kind of cooking.
So now you can't cook any meat in or with any dairy product. But why can't you eat them together? Here's where it gets completely insane. Since this "don't boil a kid in its mother's milk" thing appears three times, another rabbi decides that that means the prohibition must have 3 elements. He then worked out that if you sum up the values of all the letters in "don't boil a kid in its mother's milk" (all hebrew letters have numerical values) it comes out at the same value as "it is the prohibition against cooking, eating or deriving benefit", so now the three elements are that you can't cook any meat with any milk, eat any meat with any milk, or derive any benefit from such a mixture.
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by the way I'm not jewish, nor do I have anything against the jews, other than that I think their religion is kind of insane, I just have an autistic fascination with the kinds of convoluted, nitpicky arguments with bizarre conclusions you can have when you accept such a large body of text as absolute truth and decide to push it to its absolute limit, which honestly I think is where all these rabbis were coming from too
Isn't there a link between Ashkenazis and mental illness or is that just a /pol/ meme
it's probably a pol meme. If there's one thing I've learnt from autistically reading about jewish law it's that about 80% of what non-jews say about jews is completely made up (and the other 20% is completely true)
My Lord, Gandalf the Grey is coming.
He is not welcome.
>Look up this vid cause le funny animal noise
>It's not funny, he's literally speaking in his species' language and moving his mouth like a person
>He's visibly and understandably saying "GO AWAY" in the rock hyrax language
>Originally thought they were rodents
>They're actually elephants
Bros... could this be? The root of elephant that will turn sentient? They literally have language. Look up the vid, he's literally speaking, it's not the same as any other animal screeching. Both audibly and visually, he's very clearly speaking a language.
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reminder fucking bugs like grasshoppers and crickets are kosher but shellfish arent because reasons
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Thanks for new reaction pic.
This will come handy
The bugs are for the goyim
I've never seen a jew eat them
It's how they alert their rock hyrax buddies that a predator is near by
And it is adorably hilarious
>ceiling hyrax is watching you masturbate
Probably not I don't think most religions are cool with beastie
Time for breakfast who's hungry
What do they do with the back half of cow that they don't eat?
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If we're on about hyraxes, then here's some ancient ones.

For your collection
You can make it kosher by removing some nerves and fats (don't ask me why) but some just sell the hindpart to non-jews
they don't eat the backside because it's filled with their cum
Jew here.
I'm from a lesser known branch of European Judaism (the oldest extant population in the Western world, in fact) and we never signed off on the whole meat+dairy thing. We simply avoid dairy with meat of its source animal IE no cheddar on a burger, pecorino with lamb chops or Murcian cheese with roast goat.
Chicken with dairy is fair game just as fish with dairy is for the sephardim and ashkenazim and mizrahim
No, it's absolutely true. I'm >>4906242
Ashkenazim are more than twice as likely as the average of all other groups to develop schizophrenia and schizotypal tendencies in general. Also more likely to develop severe depression.
>no cheddar on a burger

This is just convincing me more that it's OCD masquerading as a religion...


We shouldn't normalize or ignore irrational behavior like that because it feeds into the disorder and makes it worse. But since it's safeguarded as "sacred" in those circles its probably not something they can talk openly about to realize how much of a problem it is and get help.
the arabs? god I hope so
all of the “the talmud says that the jews must ENSLAVE ALL OF US!” stuff is completely bullshit, but it does basically have this idea of gentile society and cultural norms not applying to jews, and that practicing jews should isolate themselves from gentile society and avoid integrating. This isn’t really a unique thing but it’s surprising that it’s survived in judaism for this long, most other strict ethnoreligions have either gone extinct or completely reformed, which i guess is sort of happening in judaism right now.
t. i study religion
>all of the “the talmud says that the jews must ENSLAVE ALL OF US!” stuff is completely bullshit
No, it's not. It's there, I've read it. Jews believe that goyim only exist to serve them, and that killing a goyim is not murder because goyim are not people. That's written in their holy works and that belief shows itself in their actions.
>I've read it
Strange looking dogs
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A lot of these seem arbitrary or just straight contradictory.
Can someone explain the deeper meaning I'm clearly missing?
just because some retard on 4chan wrote some text on an image doesn't mean it's true
No, the text presented is accurate.
You do know that those are lines of an argument between different rabbis, right?
Each line you've presented is refuted by lines before and after, arguments from other rabbis against the one proposing those arguments you've posted. The mishnah is not quite a guideline. It's a record of arguments in much the same way the US Supreme Court records both majority views and dissenting views.
Were it the majority view that "even the best of the gentiles should all be killed," Abram, Naaman, Rahab and Ruth, all gentiles in the Torah, would be immaterial to Judaism and they very, very clearly are not. If we had saints, they would be be among them
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It's not that it's the majority view. It's that it's a commonly held and acceptable view among Jews in positions of power and influence. Life would be better for everyone if the majority of Jews held Jews such as this guy accountable for his beliefs. But that never happens. You never see sane Jews speaking out against this behavior. They only ever cover it up and tell you it isn't happening.
An example of Jews jewing their rules in the opposite of the usual direction. The rule is not to boil a calf alive in its mother's milk, so they took that as meaning you can't eat dairy in the same meal as meat, rather than tone down the sadism a level.
If they held them accountable they wouldn't be in favor of genociding palestinians either.

Fun jew fact: A belief you often see on /an/, that no one shall own a dog for purposes other than work, and that dogs must be chained outside, has been directly prescribed in jewish tradition since the 12th century.
that doesnt have to be jews. male infant genital mutilation is also prescribed to jews, but white americans gladly perform it, defend it, and insist that everyone must agree that it is "safe and effective".

if you see anyone posting that hogwash, there's a greater chance they're an american who has been brainwashed into holding the ideals of the jews as to predispose them towards defending israel and global jewery rather than correctly recognizing them as an alien and savage race with whom we have nothing in common with except pigmentation.
I don't understand why non jewish doctors still advocate for circumcision in 2024
Because if you never bathe or use a condom, your pp will be 20% less germy. And also because some far west christians thought it would make sex leas enjoyable and keep people away from “sin”

Next we need to scald infant scalps to prevent lice and discourage vanity and lust.
Because doctors aren't actually taught medicine, nor are they encouraged to think for themselves about what's best for their patients. They're told that they must follow a checklist of pre-approved protocol or lose their medical license. Also that protocol checklist was written by a cabal of jews who also happen to be the CEOs of several different companies that sell drugs and skincare products.
Uh-huh. And why does this cabal only control American dicks then, fag? lmao
Did you really get confused because I wrote "doctors" rather than "American doctors"?
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not jewish or religious in the slightest. Here's my uneducated take;
A lot of this stuff was thought to cause illness way back in the day, and I'm sure some of it they found through trial and error was more likely to cause illness. Eating pork that isn't well cooked can get you very fucking sick. Sure chicken is also really bad to eat raw, but it is easier to get to cooking temp due to size and you're more likely to survive a bit of raw chicken, as a lot of the disease is also found in your gut biome. Raw pork causes Trichinella (i think eating raw rabbit does too) which can cause neuro issues as well as GI problems, which probably scares the fuck out of the public.
Shit that is seen as 'dirty' like bottom feeders and scavengers (im sure eating scavengers holds a lot of problems too) and the 'ass end' of a cow might be avoided as well.
I think stuff like >>4905708 is probably caused more by a phenomenon of correlation =/= causation, like they noticed people that ate meat and dairy together seemed to get sick more or something.
Pic also related, tapir is not kosher. This is more due to jews not knowing of their existence when making up the hoof rule I think. Not that anyone really wants to eat a tapir
Are you really arguing that this non-existent cabal of shadowy Yehudim somehow control all medicine the world over, from Aabenraa to Zyablikovo and everything in between yet only managed to convince doctors in one country that it's good to mutilate babies?
No, I'm arguing that American doctors are controlled by American CEOs. In fact it's not even an argument because this isn't debatable. It's a self evident fact that you can research yourself. Look up who writes these guidelines and occupies seats on hospital boards. The idea that it's a global phenomenon with a singular culprit is something you just came up with and injected into the conversation.
>The idea that it's a global phenomenon with a singular culprit is something you just came up with and injected into the conversation
>Also that protocol checklist was written by a cabal of jews who also happen to be the CEOs of several different companies that sell drugs and skincare products.
Guess these CEOs of multinational corporations are thankfully kind enough to only control one country's medical system lmao
bait or retarded?

did you have breakfast today?
Neither. I just can't get proper medical care because shadowy Shlomos cut off >>4907239's foreskin to sell me hand cream or something.
Nothing cute about an animal in distress, chang.
Honestly it’s probably also why so many prominent scientists and mathematicians were ashkenazi
Maybe one of the real secrets they had to being so successful was that they were autistic and highly strung
Truth can be stranger than fiction
>(the oldest extant population in the Western world, in fact)
are you romaniote?
For that matter, the pork taboo which leads to “has split hooves but doesn’t chew the cud” is traceable to the efforts of the Judean Elites trying to raise more money to pay the Assyrian Tribute after the rebellion of the Israelite against Assyria, the destruction of Israel, and the increased tribute demand in the wake of that war. Pork didn’t require pasturage like Lamb, Beef, or Goat, and so avoided paying the land tax. In order to increase revenues, they banned pork to increase demand for other meat. Prior to the revolt and destruction of the northern Kingdom, pork was something like 40% of the animal protein consumed by the ancient hebrews, as attested by animal scraps found in middens from the era, and it also took almost 2 centuries for the Judean state to stamp out all pork consumption in Judea.
Older. Italki/Bene Roma. Romaniote are second.
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It's ogre
you're almost there. those "prominent ashkenazi scientists" all stole their work with no remorse. they were able to do that because they're schizophrenic and lack morality. they didn't stumble onto some hidden truth, they're just ruthless and cutthroat and have no regard for human decency, so they don't hesitate to do what no one else would, such as stealing research and inventions and proceeding to live a lie.
It’s actually incredibly sad how that site turned into a tranny-infested hellscape. I remember when they were at least attempting to maintain a level of centrism back in 2016. These days they’re all troons and troon derivatives.
From whom were they stolen?
rock hyrax > rock lobster
Jews are completely insane.
There's no sense to make of it because it's from a genocidal desert war cult that cuts the tip of babies cocks off.
Probably the same made up writings where /pol/ claims there is a "prophecy" about six million Jews dying which proves the holocaust was fake.
Imgur is the same way, pozzed all to fuck.

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