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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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/an/ webm thread

previous: >>4897608
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I love videos of happy dogs!
damn I wish I could do that
That's a neat trick
me in the back
It would take me years studying fluid mechanics to understand that shit.
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What tf are those abominations?
Stikly waddlers.
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footsie aminal
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The larval form of the dreaded footfag
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>not a kitkat
>Your best friends when you leave the call
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237 KB JPG
you zoomers are gay as hell
S-so are old dudes with veiny cocks allowed on the call?
>"the call?"
>literal discord groomer turns up at the first mention of gay children
Can't make this shit up lmao
please woman think before you post
>haha i'm only joking! unless... owo
>rages at imaginary women for clocking him
It keeps getting better
File: symbiosis.webm (128 KB, 268x470)
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get a room, faggots.
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nta but if you can't see that he's joking you must be very autistic or a woman
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>blows you a kiss
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Hippos are surprisingly chill when raised outside the shitty neighborhood.
yeah, when they don't have to compete for food or territory, they're pretty docile
getting slapped on the whiskers must be very painful
he's a big guy
For you.
>new darwin award
>best way to lose your hand
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why are they like this
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they don't fly so good
The abomination in the clip is the asphalt.
These creatures are perfect for their locale, where some apes recently paved with asphalt
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File: Pervy Pongo.webm (3.2 MB, 480x782)
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File: Frog Attacks.webm (1.51 MB, 456x784)
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Poor guy can't even eat the bugs.
Based anti-coomer dog.
worm behaviour
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File: bear kick.webm (2.99 MB, 480x480)
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did the person behind the bear shove it? at :02 it looks like the bear's rear is pushed hard by the person. if its the case, they deserve it.
He kicked it. The guy survived too.
what a dick move. without more context, i see a bear trusting enough to let a person walk behind it, only to be betrayed by that person
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He stalked it for a while just to kick it and acted shocked when he got bit.
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anyone got that nice clip of the mama bear leaving her sleeping cubs with the dude leaning against the tree? she's so comfortable leaving her cubs with the human and goes off to find food. its very cute
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3.91 MB MP4
This is a .mp4 thread now
thank you anon, sometimes I wonder why I come back to this board, but your cute webm makes it worth it

Imagine being such a soiboy that you can't close your mouth to eat ze bugs
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2.88 MB MP4
Birds are so damn dumb
It's a juvenile, aka still basically a baby.
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It's not so much the fact that it's a turtle on a skateboard that is funny. It's how naturally it takes to it.
who raped you
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The magpie that invented the wheel.
wait wtf
when could we upload mp4's???
File: hoppy wheels.webm (2.02 MB, 720x720)
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Since like yesterday, new features remember?
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798 KB PNG
>still no sound allowed outside the gif boards
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they're called pavement apes for a reason
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why does he like that cat so much?
One must imagine Sisyphus happy
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3.64 MB WEBM
Vp9 webms are still the highest quality video format, but it should be quicker to make MP4s so we’ll see what proliferates.
the fuck is that and does it sting or something
File: Spider vs Cursor.webm (2.86 MB, 480x480)
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2.86 MB WEBM
Is that florida? Rare sight if so.
o fugg
googer :-D
Looks like sun spider (or camel spider if you prefer).
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Just how many time can they hold their breath? Looks like it could die stupidly in the process.
snakes have a separate breathing hole where their tongue is
why is there a dog there?
the one magpie that isn't an asshole?
Slipped and fell, I guess.
Same reason why there is a camera.
To record the skiing?
Attention whoring.
>mario 64 underwater air rings are real
It's like being granted a superpower.
thats nuts
I hate this so much but I also find it cute. Look at him go
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Why did they cut this together from two shots of two different frogs in two different places leaping?
Because it's hard to get good continuous footage, and this is supposedly representative enough. At least it's not full on hollywood with made up storylines and characters.
File: whales.webm (2.86 MB, 1280x720)
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Cheeky motherfucker.
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Shitposting at it's finest.
Imagine being a long noodles that's mostly digestive track who can only get one big meal you eat whole once in a while and you have to shit such a massive turd your jaw opens 180 degrees and you become a slingshot
>l you eat whole once in a while
Based Intermittent Fasting snek.
They are training for the uprising after what happened to peanuts
I-I'm on your side, don't shoot.
That hypoppotamous could rip his arm off eaay
Even the lab isn’t touching that (but he thought about it)
>(but he thought about it)
A German shepherd definitely would
It's a little sad that the owner isn't playing with him tho
>You can romance enemies
It's a bubble
Turbo chickens, from diemensia.

The lab is a janny
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this seems like a bad idea for an enclosure. could that hippo not just climb over if it wanted?
they have a dedicated on site hippo slapper to make sure that doesnt happen
How much does the position of "designated gator bonker" pay?
if you pee in its mouth will it attack?
>now surely we both will die
>lol, lmao
I like how the staff, seeing the shit cloud, immediately knew what was comming and scrambled to get towels
why are animals so bad at having thumbs
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>you see Ivan, by putting small bit of flat metal on end of stick I become undisputed apex predator!

This pleases the Nautilus
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What a magnificent being.
File: snow leopard.webm (3.3 MB, 848x480)
3.3 MB
That's not a lionfish.

Anyone who hasn't seen it, "the bobbit worm chronicles" is fucking crazy. Tldr, dude gets one on accident in his aquarium, tries to kill it with increasingly Wile E. Coyote-like attempts that basically all fail, up to and including feeding it poisoned shrimp with shards of glass stuffed inside.
they're cooler than spiders
>been showing my daughter these threads since she was a baby
>used to tell her what everything was or if I wasn't sure look it up
>time goes on and I have to tell her fewer and fewer because she remembers
>was stumped on this one
>that's a sun spider daddy they like living underground
proud of my /an/ obsessed 4 year old
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fucking coomer
Actually, he's not fucking.
>be fish
>walk instead of swim
Dumb fish
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2.46 MB WEBM
>eats salps and makes a little boat from their hide
Industrious little shrimp nigga
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Look at his moves
And yet when I do this I get arrested.
Why dont the sharks eat the bird?
looks like a free meal to me, they should be way faster underwater and the bird has no defense mechanisms.
Some scientists tried to teach reef sharks to eat invasive lionfishes, whish are much easier preys, it failed miserably, if it's not on their billion years old menu they don't hunt it.
no, it worked too well, to the point that theyll point out lionfish for divers to spear for them, this is unironically normal behavior for a lot of predatory animals down there, eels and groupers normally hunt together and now theyre getting pissy at divers not giving up the goods
Yes that's the point they never eat them on their own, at least last time I've heard.
>hands free fapping
Im assuming the bird is not invasive and thus the shark should not be confused wether it is prey or not as the shark would be with the lionfish which does get eaten by lots of predators in the pacific but not by the atlantic ones even tho in both oceans are the same species of predator.
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tony owl
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>task failed successfully
prostate examination

Some animals realize that they can get away with some degenerate voyeurism and the humans watching will be thoroughly entertained.
Fibers are good for (you).
He didn't want to just imagine the smell
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he needs rehab
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I wish I had rets
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3.89 MB WEBM
what're you waiting for
Just leave pizza on the floor, you'll get rets
Or roaches
Probably both
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it's not that unusual that this turns me on, right? ...
no you dont, theyre literal piss and shit vermin
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1.02 MB MP4
No it's not unusual it just means you are a zoophile like 90% of the people in this board
>sees a female
Good old story, shit return from dead like 3 times if I remember well
an angry turd
indian elephants
Since when has 4chan accepted MP4? I thought it was just webms.
New feature just last week. They are lower quality than VP9 Webms, but faster to make.
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669 KB
>Ay bby u want sum fuk?
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I mean, it's already in captivity
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942 KB MP4
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I wondered if it could fly
He's faster than expected.
Macavity, Macavity, there’s no one like Macavity,
He’s broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity.
it's sped up to 10x, you can feel it in the audio
Fun fact, it's called moonfish in French (poisson-lune).
>The French getting things ass-backwards.
Golly gee, I never saw that one comming.
>Its common English name, sunfish, refers to the animal's habit of sunbathing at the surface of the sea.[citation needed]Its common names in Dutch, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Russian, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, and German (maanvis,peixe lua,Poisson lune,pez luna,peix lluna,Pesce luna,pыбa-лyнa,φεγγαρόψαρο,holdhal,månefiskandMondfisch, respectively) mean "moon fish", in reference to its rounded shape.
Anon I...
>A bunch of europoors getting things ass-backwards.
Golly gee, I never saw that one comming.
File: pigeon face massage.mp4 (3.48 MB, 1280x720)
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3.48 MB MP4
why tho??
I'm fucking dying
My guess:
The owners ignored barking and snarling through the gate, but yelled and punished if anything happened when the gate was open.
>Hey, I was eating that!
It bothers me a bit that something like a dragonfly that can do basically missile interception can be predated by so.ething as clumsy as a frog.
ambush tactics can make anything dangerous
>everyone is dumb but me
I'll bet the englishman who named it was just a pissy contrarian
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Most animals don't fully digest their food the first time around (too difficult to), so there's still a lot of nutrients to get from giving it another go. Or in that case from your friend.
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>that one friend with 24% packet loss
File: sabotage_dog.webm (2.41 MB, 480x848)
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2.41 MB WEBM
What happened to snek?
Patchy internet
File: schlopschlopschlop.webm (2.48 MB, 480x848)
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2.48 MB WEBM
Sounds painful.

He thought those skateboarders were toddlers
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They are evolving.
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3.34 MB WEBM
>allahu akbar
>subhan allah

It's like they've made the pilgrimage to Cow'owbah in Moocah
In the high definition video you can clearly see a cube right in the middle.
Cause neither side wants to actually fight. Animals are aware of the possible consequences of fighting, so the second the fence is gone and they'd have to back up, as it were, what they were posturing about, they stop. The fence let them be aggressive without having to actually back it up and fight.
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It's what Moohammed wanted.
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I'm so glad to hear this. I always feel like I'm being too loose of a dad to let my daughter browse /an/ with me solely because its on 4chan. I use a chan browsing app so I can just scroll through the uploaded pics and there's a preview bar at the bottom to avoid anything inappropriate.
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589 KB MP4
Oh (rein)deer
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2.99 MB WEBM
when will they learn
She's mad at him because he can't reach it. She's trying to put that ass in his face but he's being a weirdo.
heavy, a lot of birds are like that too
when his height starts with 5
probably hungry or just wants to graze being bored in a zoo
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Animal frens are my favorite kind of weebums
is that cow blind? Is the dog his guide?
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Yakubian magpie
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481 KB
More like this
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what the 'walla doin
Can't you see they're both blind?
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isnt that really hot
Yes, but the cat is experienced in wax play and can endure high temperatures.
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1.85 MB WEBM
You just know.
Hair doesn't have nerve endings
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2.82 MB WEBM
No, I'm also blind.
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Fuck, they are devolving.
The idea of a prey not acting like one is deploy disturbing to some animals. It makes sense, it basically an indicator that something is not right.
Whatever floats your boat
He's trying to pet the horse! He's seen the human doind it and he's trying to imitate. That's adorable!
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AI is getting better. I had to look at this for a while before I spotted any obvious fuckery with animals merging together or disappearing
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Alllaaahhh snackbar
fishit spinner
makes me laugh every time when the other fish turns up
>bro wtf are you doin
i love these kind of vids. reminds me of the small guy being a dick to huge doods on /fit/ and they just cry like bitches. or the goose vs herd of cows. ive been using this tech since child. it works on everything. everything. bullies get rekt, so do demons, or charging dogs, angry hobos, karens, my crazy mother, bears.. even police as ive done it. just get in their face and yell at them, victory is yours. its hilarious.
That's just a Caterpie
Any guesses to the breed of these little fellas? The coloring almost looks like what baby lions look like.
abyssinian I guess
the hippo is still there so the strategy seems foolproof
god i wish that was me
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>when you don't steal anything shiny for a week
That's why they're so thin
why do they look so tasty
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Boy band lookin mf
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2.9 MB
WEF hands typed this post.
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Super sweet because the cat knows this is a treat for humans.
This cat loves his human
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Tard rage
What a fucking idiot. He's lucky to still be alive.
It's just an animal, anon, it doesn't understand the human is holding back.
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File: yes, its real.webm (2.08 MB, 720x1280)
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>yes, it's real
honestly, way more impressive than its table manners is its ability to spawn in a collar from thin air
You can tell it's not real because the cat is eating a shitty onions- based broth. Real cats only like miso broth
/r/ing someone feeding the cow an eclaire and he goes all O.O
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I know exactly which one you're talking about, but I can't help you. Unless you remember a bit of the filename.
File: file.mp4 (1.68 MB, 576x720)
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1.68 MB MP4
It starts with 16. Does that help?
Just keep posting videos. You'll eventually post the right one.
No, it doesn't really.
Doesn't seem to come up under "cow", either.
This is how I /an/.
>wife swap
File: cow_pastry.mp4 (2.24 MB, 640x800)
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2.24 MB MP4
chained up... how depressing
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1.09 MB WEBM
I didn't know Mecca even had a ghetto.
utterly impressive. I know why I prefer cats to dogs.

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