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why aren't animal rights extended to insects and arthropods?
They aren't mammals and aren't companion animals.
Honestly? It's because of lookism. They're considered ugly, therefore women (the elite zionist ruling class) decide that they are worth nothing. Kind of like human ugloids.
Same reason most things aren't laws aren't laws not enforceable or not profitable enough to enforce. Beyond that it's all moralizing qibbery and semantic circle jerking.
because anything that is distinguishable from another thing is inherently unequal.
Unprincipled exception
Because the men in charge decided otherwise, same as every other societal standard.
So what? You're the one asking the question.
Because they taste too good.
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Who uses a axe to kill a spider?
Good question.
>companion animal vs thing that comes into my house uninvited and bites me
I remove most bugs from my house nonviolently when possible and generally leave spiders alone but this is the dumbest false equivalency I've seen on here in a while. And besides, if a wild dog came into your house and started biting you you'd be well within your rights to hit it with a fire axe. To say nothing of a spider with a butt as big as your head.
>muh looks
>muh normies think my hecking qt3.14 spiderina is icky
>such injustice ;_;
I'm sure it's that and not the fact that bugs are the biological equivalent to a tamagotchi. They're soulless machines, barely a step above unicellular organisms.
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People that think dogs are the same thing as bugs or rodents are usually fucking weird.
We are butt-worms, they are mouth-worms. We have nothing to discuss with (((them))).
>companion animal vs thing that comes into my house uninvited and bites me
I remove most canines from my house nonviolently when possible and generally leave dogs alone but this is the dumbest false equivalency I've seen on here in a while. And besides, if a wild spider came into your house and started biting you you'd be well within your rights to hit it with a fire axe. To say nothing of a dog with a butt as big as your head.
Trvth nuke
(you) forgot to add jannie niggers like you
A lot of people keep tarantulas as companion animals
no their ability to feel is vastly different
Equality of life is a communist sham.
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Have you ever had a butterfly infestation in your home?
Doesn't matter. If the dog was feral, it would eat you alive given the chance, just like a giant spider would if it were large enough.
My perception is that some lives are worth more than others.
And it is correct.
Buddhists and hindus fear me. God loves me.

I befriend feral dogs all the time. God allowed them a spirit, a meager one, subhuman but still there. Again, not all lives have the same value. They are not your reincarnated ancestors. There is no karma. There is no reincarnation. There is no brahma buddha or shiva. They are just lower things, lesser creations, all the way down to mere self replicating chemicals. Less. Inferior. It is ok to admit that something is just a moving object or an inferior and less valuable mind. Only humans have the actual soul, the divine spark. The rest is our charge given to us by God.

Arthropods are just self replicating computers. If it is conducive to clean living them yes, smash them.
This, or if you’re an atheist, the only ethical consistency that doesnt require you to murder your nearest farmer is anthropocentric ethics.
well played
>Arthropods are just self replicating computers. If it is conducive to clean living them yes, smash them.
They were also given life by God, and I don't see how it is ok to destroy God's creation for no good reason. The taking of a life must always command a certain amount of reverence. Though i agree not all lives hold equal value, they still have value.
>And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand.
It’s hindus, who incorrectly call the demon of hell “brahman” by the name “God”, who say that creation is not given to us. And they worship satan, who was kicked out of heaven for taking issue with us being given free will and the earth, so of course he laughs when he memes some morons into giving up their birthright.
Animals don't have rights.

We have a system of pre-arresting violent offenders who we believe are practicing for human victims. We have standards to ensure pets and livestock do not become fearful and dangerous around humans. But we don't have "animal rights". Unalienable rights and unquestionable value do not apply to animals. It's all anthropocentric.

Reason being animals aren't even close to us. The smartest animal on earth is a mental midget compared to a 12 year old boy.
Why would you hit a spider with an axe? seems hard.
Bees have more rights than dogs
Note how I said "given the chance". Like, if you were: injured, sickly, or starved, odds are a feral dog large enough would try it's chances with taking you down if it were hungry.
You don't even believe that yourself. Your stances on things are contrarian just to be contrarian because your parents and friends never gave you enough attention when you were young.
>quouting the jew book
>dogs are the only animals with souls
ew, a catholic
The ability of sub5s to feel is vastly different. They are lower than dogs and retards.
I don't kill spiders, checkmate
>spider half the size of a dog
Aussies probably.
You 2, kiss!
I fucking love the elite zionist ruling class. Uggos have no reason to live.
Actually the dog is going to make a bigger mess
Because in the civilized world we got rid of wild dogs but not wild spiders. If pic on the left was an angry pitbull then 100% it would be the same
It's been days since you've come up with a rebuttal for >>4907584 therefore, I declare victory, and you concede by default.
>Verification not required
>jew book
Ew, a Pagay
Seems reasonable for a dog-sized spider like in the image.
Not everyone who follows God also follows the man in the silly hat while committing idolatry with saints.
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now replace the dog with a log
fucking kek
now add the paleo shark
This is the most mouthbreather post on /an/. Niggas you are arguing in a “nuhuh, yahuh, totally would, nuh uh wouldnt” fashion about theoretical battle shit. grow up.
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thanks dog
Butterflies are pollinators, we actively benefit from their existence
Meanwhile cockroaches fuck up your furniture and can even do structural damage if you let them live
Spider lethality is a meme. Sydney Funnel webs, which have a stupidly dangerous venom and come into contact with humans reasonably, has not had a reported medical death since 1981.

Nevermind the fact that most spiders are completely harmless.
Not defending on killing a dog over a spider, but just that killing a spider for "danger" is a retarded reason. Spiders are not appealing to many humans, other animals have been killed for less than "causes some people immense fear, even if not fully rational".
I don't get this one
That's the outline of a black widow spider. It's 15x more venomous than a rattlesnake.
You've never been to /v/ I take it.
How venomous something is usually doesn't equate danger, inland taipans have absurdly stupid venom. But they haven't even had a recorded fatality in the wild.
Spiders don't even do double digits in number of deaths per year at only *7, you're more likely to die from literal bee stings (*60 deaths) or getting struck by lightning (*20 deaths) than to die from a spider, even if you do get bitten and envenomated by a species that can. (Most people who do somehow die from a black widow are usually the elderly, and very young children. Sydney funnel web spiders are much much more venomous than either animal you listed, and they still haven't had a recorded death since 1981.

If we're gonna be pedantic, random and large enough dogs DO pose a much more serious threat to you and other people/animals you know than spiders ever will. Not to mention they can be vectors of diseases and parasites that spiders are not.

(*Using US fatality statistics)
*equate "more dangerous"
Lurk moar newfag
Oh fuck i'm dumb
And no, i try to keep what little sanity i have left
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I don't kill bugs, I capture them in a glass and release them outside :)
this post was made by 8 legs...
neithzsche was kinda a contrarian moron when I think about it.
Where's the lie though? Pretty animals (and people) are pretty well known for getting away with shit that we would never let fly with their less attractive counterparts.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The lie is that they ommit that cockroaches are a harmful pest. Had cockroaches been just wacky beetles that ran around outside they'd be beloved.
>The lie is that they ommit that cockroaches are a harmful pest
Well Nietzsche is also known for getting syphilis on purpose and then dying from it.
In the case of mosquitoes, they spread diseases that kill countless humans. Killing them amounts to self-defense.
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I saw a carpenter bee
It was prwtty neat
>Had cockroaches been just wacky beetles that ran around outside they'd be beloved.
You give (women) normies entirely too much credit.
theyre literally not wacky beetles, theyre closer to termites and mantises
a wacky beetle is a weevil with the schnozzle, and theyre an actual blight yet arent maligned that much
I don't kill spiders because they might eat me I kill them because I don't want them to be alive, they creep me out. dogs don't
Unless it's someone's pet, the spiders getting the axe.
>being scared of a spider

woman/9 year old moment
>not knowing "woman moment" also covers gays and children
I fully believe you're this stupid
It's hard to make a case about not making them suffer when it's unclear if they are even capable of suffering in the first place.
Don't you have a mortal man's severed finger to worship right now?
>noooo jesus didnt change the religion follow the older covenant
Subversive hebrew huh
Jesus didn't tell us to pray to dead priests.

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