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>Nooo it's not a snake, it's a le legless lizard!
>lot of snakes even have vestigal legs
You'd be less wrong calling snakes lizards.
Why are there legless lizards but no legged snakes?
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>Don't call spiders insects they're heckin arachnids!
Is it opposite day? Are we using basedjack in place of chad now?
>Bug? Oh, you mean an insect belonging to the order Hemiptera!
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Wojakposters should be sent to concentration camps.
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Nature selects what works
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>IT'S NOT Vulpes Vulpes IT'S Vulpes vulpes, LEARN THE DIFFERENCE!
Guys do you get it the joke is that I'm saying the correct thing but putting the bearded man in the image so I'm saying that it's bad
Get it because normally it's good to be right but we're being "ironic" here so instead it's good to be wrong
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>Guys do you get it the joke is that I'm saying the correct thing but putting the bearded man in the image so I'm saying that it's bad
>Get it because normally it's good to be right but we're being "ironic" here so instead it's good to be wrong
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there are.
calling spiders 'bugs' = Yeah ok, bug colloquially means 'arthropod' at this point.

calling spiders 'insects' = using the scientific term to be wrong is retarded. Barnacles and skeleton shrimp are genuinely more accurate as "insects" than spiders are.
>longer tail (and before you look for another wojack, yes snakes have tails, and they're actually quite short compared to the rest of their bodies)
>completely different scale structure with a lateral seam that expands when they breathe
>fixed, hinged jaw
>fucking eyelids and ear holes
It's not a good thing to be proud of not knowing what you're talking about.
Captain Reddit to the rescue with some heckin' wholesome peer-reviewed scientific facts!
The verbal equivalent to a wojack is still pretty much a wojack. Just take the L and move on.
no one says this
They're very clearly different.
But I do have a wonder; Could it be that king cobras are actually legless lizards? They apparently feel similar to hold.
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>>Nooo it's not a snake, it's a le legless liz-ACK
They're snakes, sorry!
no, cobras are snakes
the fewer limbs the more energy efficient. There's no point evolving more limbs if you can make do with what you have.
What is the point of acting like this?
moron,they are clearly entirely different things. What I do dislike a lot in taxonomy is extremely small and irrelevant details being valid as characteristics that separate whatever group is in question. Like in fishes:
>the upper tooth from the back of the month is different in these otherwise IDENTICAL individuals,they are clearly from different species!!!

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