What are the most interesting animal-related sports? I've always wanted to see a chariot race.
horseback archery should be at the olympics
>>4907942That's a good one, very high skill ceiling.I saw jousting at a Renaissance fair but it was much slower and more gentle than legitimate jousting.
>>4907957Modern jousting shows are the WWE of jousting. You need to find a tournament if you want serious jousting.The guys at the renfaire joust with no real reward for winning and a schedule that's too frequent for recover from real injury, so it's about working with the other fella to put on a show instead of trying to beat him.
how do we bring back horses?they became a status symbol for richfags who don't even care about them themselves (their caretaker wagies do it for them). Literal wars were won and land conquered on horse backs for centuries.
>>4907942I'll add Cowboy Mounted Shooting here>>4908201It went to shit when large amounts of money was introduced to the animal sports like Dressage and Racing. Now richfags pump their horses up with pain killers and push them to death, and sell semen for 3 figures a straw
Saving this thread with a little skijoring
>>4909285There shouldn't be a rider no?
i had the option to see chariot races for years, and never did. Kinda regret it now
horse ass threadnormalize sledding races in every country with snow
>>4907922I want to try canicross someday.since I run and I like dogs but its not that interesting.
>>4910914I think that’s buggy racing. You’ve gotta stand up for it to be chariot racing.
>>4911257Pack dog sports encourage the inhumane keeping of excessive dogs to make sure that you never miss an event due to an injury or illness and can ideally select the best dogs from a larger pool.many mushers treat their dogs like shit. the people who invented these dogs used them to carry stuff on hunts and to hunt, not to race. they treated them like family and did not always aim for larger packs for more speed. 2 or 4 huskies is fine for a one man sled or light hauling ie: of meat. larger packs were for larger communities and everyone took care of the dogs. most people running packs of hounds for hunting treat their dogs so poorly they see brutal death and permanent separation as acceptable losses. >le dogs r tools cope = you are an abomination to your ancestors. they would have starved if they used dogs like this. a few well trained and cared for dogs are an asset and feed your family and themselves. 10 hounds to catch one animal = cant even feed themselves let alone you.
>>4911257Any popular animal sport is rife with abuse and neglect. Sled racing is already popular, Re: Iditarod. There's not a lot of confirmed deaths but many dogs go 'MIA' meaning they just leave the dead ones buried under snow and never report as dead, and that number is not tracked. Just like with horse racing, people drug the dogs to get them to run despite being injured/sick. Sledders have been found abusing and neglecting dogs during training.The first 20 winners get like half a mil and a car, which imo isn't all that much. However, that really boosts your credit as a breeder; you can say X dog was an Iditarod champion, and sell puppies and semen for a lot more. You've got 6 bitches all pumping out puppies that you can sell for thousands more. So there's a lot on the line here.This is nowhere NEAR the money in a lot of horse competitions though. Some of those horses alone cost more than you will make in your life.
Buzkashi. Kind of like football while riding a horse, but the ball is headless goat or calf carcass.
>>4912635lmao those are soviet tankist helmets
>>4911750>IditarodThanks for reminding me about that; when I was in 5th or 6th grade each student had a team assigned to keep track of, things got kinda dark quick.This was way before youtube, had to load up realplayer or quicktime and wait 20 minutes for a video to load.The teacher didn't do it ever again.