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Why do cats (or i guess animals in general) "like" certain people? my sister has a cat and he really likes me for some reason. i have never fed him, never watered him, never changed his litter box, never used his toys, never gave him a treat, etc etc etc

and yet he literally FOLLOWS me all over the fucking house meowing and meowing and swiping out at me to get me to pet him. he was chilling with my dad on the couch a second ago and when i came downstairs he sprung off the couch and went towards me for pets. What is happening here? he's not even my cat and i don't really give him any special treatment besides petting him every once in a while and yet he'll whine outside my bedroom door sometimes trying to get my attention. he just keeps following me
He wants to fuck you, you dense fuck
I brought up something similar because that's how cats are with me, too. I actively dislike cats, though I'd never hurt one or even chase one off. I just didn't like the furry fucks.
Anyway, the explanation /an/ gave me at the time is that because I don't seek their attention, they feel like I'm a safe human to interact with. People who want their attention want to capture them or disturb them or hurt them or whatever do they'd rather willingly interact with someone who moreorless ignores them. I wish they wouldn't. I can't sit outside without some cunt of a cat coming into my porch wanting me to pet it.
Also geese, sort of. I walk through flocks of the squawky shits and they never attack or even hiss at me. They're completely unbothered by my presence but seem to actively despise all other humans
Sometimes as humans we feel at a glance that we would click with someone or not. I wonder if animals just have a more pronounced and instinctive version of that.
usually people who keep pets don't give them much extra attention besides the necessary stuff (food, water, toilet visit etc.) so the pets go and look for petting/rubs with other people.
could be something completely different then mentioned but that's what I've noticed

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