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How do farm animals survive in Australia's climate?
The same way they survive the American West.
They don't. Australia is devoid of farm animals. They have to plow the land with kangaroos.
Austrian here, it's true. I put on my lederhosen then get into my kangaroo sled at 4AM and plow the land for ten hours, then go home and beat my wife. It's an honest life.
They don't, that's the goal.
short answer: not all of australia is desert
God bless you for your service
It's not service, it's a privilege.
sure,but 90% of it fucking is
and the remaining 10% make you WISH for a desiccating sun-baked death
Why don't they dig a bunch of swales to collect water?
because it doesn't rain at all.
Australia has tens of thousands of square kilometres of arable land but it's owned by trillionares and banks. Our government doesn't give a shit about our industry and self reliance just 4 years of cash grabs at a time. Even if 90 percent of it is unsuitable for farming and crops it doesn't matter because the place is gigantic. We fight like dogs over the 0.001 percent of land they allow the average person to purchase because it makes them money.
I lol'd
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>How do farm animals survive in Australia's climate?

I'm under the impression that only a handful of domesticated/feral animals can actually subsist unassisted in the Australian outback: camels, donkeys, goats (sometimes), and water buffalo (but only in certain areas and only because they intuitively know where water is). Everything else is effectively a non-issue given the hostile and unforgiving native environment.

The sheep and cattle that Australians raise meanwhile don't actually live in the majorative desolate Australian biome, but in very specific little climate zones. See pic related, everything yellow is "kind of fucked" and everything orange is "mega fucked".

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