He is a poodle cross whippet only a bit bigger than a terrier. He adores people and has one of the most sweet and playfull personalities I have seen in a dog, let alone a half poodle which are normally neurotic. But because my grandma is an uppet middle class retard she has not socialised him around other dogs properly and has got another dog from the same parents as him. As a result him and is far bigger brother from another litter constantly scrap and play fight until his brother gets pissed off and pins him. Despite me warning her of the risks with getting two dogs that are siblings and the problems with lack of socialisation she has ignored me because she used to own Irish Wolfhounds and knows better or some other bullshit. Because she has no control over them as a late 60 year old she will often smack them for the smallest of things and he in particulary gets really shaken up by it because of how much he trusts people and expects fuss or play. Now she is strutting around smugly and proudly with a fucking riding crop on her walks or around her house while spouting absolutley blood boiling shit:>He is getting too nasty with his brother so I got this anon>He knows you know! Ever since he saw it he has calmed riiight down!>*points it in front of my face condescending*>Its called a "R I D I N G C R O P">You know, just like they use for "h o r s e s"!>If he plays up he will get one of these!>*slaps nearest work surface*I am not the only one who sees this as abuse right or is this some valid application for dogs that I am not seeing here? Pic rel is him with tennis ball for scale.
Hit her with it
>>4908996I did. She ended up molesting me.
>>4908971This is the direct cause of most dog bitesThe blood lead level and subsaharan behavior of our so called elders.
>>4909023I am pretty much waiting on that to happen. He is already reactive to unfamilar dogs, he will become super anxious and then it will be a case of:>Oh anon I have terrible news!>He ATTACKED ME!>Yes you heard that right he ATTACKED ME!>He just mauled my hand when I tried to fuss him!>I just do not know what got into him, I had to take him to the vet to...to...put him down>*cue overly exagerated face of anguish to fish sympathy for herself and not the dog she killed*I dont hate people, but she is a relative I will not miss when the time comes.