Hello fellow /an/imals. I am simply here to humbly begin an opossum/possum thread. Let's not get caught up in the frivolity of the difference, both are welcome. I don't have alot to start the thread with, but I will contribute everything I do have. enjoy your day, and boop a opossum!
>boop a opossumI watched my neighbour go out and start fucking petting one of the fucking things a few years ago, the batty cow.
>>4909278I would love to find an orphaned one to take in as a pet. they make awesome pets.
unfortunately, this will conclude my image contributions to the thread. I'll still be lurking and replying, hope a fellow marsupial lover comes along and let's us gaze upon the totally awesome opossums.
>>4909300Gotchu homie, I don't have much but let me contribute!
can someone explain the opossum haha threads? years later I still don't know what those are about, shit's all cryptic. drug shit?
>>4909309Did this really need a can of monster energy shopped in?>>4909313I think there used to be some webcomic about a deadbeat possum. Maybe weird furries latched onto that.
>>4909322I have no idea, I just thought the opossum with the egirl headphones was cute and funny lmao.
>>4909303dope, thanks anon!
I love these fellas
>>4909349El seƱor de la noche.>>4909345These are almost all that I have, woops. Good thread though!
>>4909292>they make awesome pets.do they?
>>4909355anon that's a icebear
that's all from me, have a good day possum enjoyers
>>4909313Furries.>>4909329Like this furry.
>>4909382Haven't heard that song in ages
>>4909354yes, they do, if raised by you from a baby. look at all the pet opossum in the thread for verification.
>>4909402I hear their health and temprament declines rapidly at age 2 despite a 4yr avg lifespan, this true?