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My little dog snuck in and stole some of my vodka mixed drink I had out from last night. Will she just get drunk or is she fucked?
dogs can have a little vodka, as a treat
I don't think alcohol is good for a (small)dog. Is she acting strange?
Most animals can get drunk in nature but nonetheless if its a small dog and they consumed a big quantity of alcohol you should probably take them to the vet, and just be honest, the little fucker stole your glass lol
Alcohol is poison that your body processes and in turn leads to the inebriation effect. Your dog is unable to process alcohol at the same ability as a human so if she consumed a very large quantity you should take her to the vet.
Update is she’s still alive so that’s good. She was acting hyper but she’s always hyper so I’m not sure.
Pretty much this. Lots of animals can get drunk, including dogs, but they cannot process alcohol. Even if it is not good for humans either, pound for pound you can take way more because you can actually metabolize alcohol. E.g. if you had a 160 lbs dog and you weighed 160 lbs, you would be able to drink WAAAY more alcohol without risk of dying. Similar to chocolate. 24 ounces of milk chocolate can be lethal to a 160 lbs dog but it would hardly phase a human of that size (they can't process theobromine). For alcohol, a mere 5.55g per kg of dog's weight can be lethal.
George Washington had 2 coonhound dogs named Drunkard and Tipsy. Idk if he would actually get them drunk though. I give my coonhound dog 1 shot of vodka in his water on ultra rare special occasions so we can party together
I had a 2 yr old German Shepard who ate two family sized bags of MnM's and a halloween size bag of Hershey chocolate bars and that retard lived to be 12 before he kicked it. He spent 2 days shitting out foil and plastic but he was good otherwise I guess. God protects his most tarded good boys I guess.
My friend had almost exactly that happen with his mammoth of a pit bull mutt.
The thing is something like 13 year old now and is still as spry as a puppy, although lacking several teeth.
So yeah, retards strong.
I was at a house party and we made white Russian trays. Their puppy got into it and drank a lot probably because of the cream.

It died from alcohol poisoning. If your dog is tipsy at all take them to the vet.

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