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How do you autists not have an invert thread?
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Too spineless to make one.
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Perfect timing, was looking for a thread like this.
Against my better judgement, I found a bald-faced hornet chilling out by the front door and rather than do the sensible thing of killing it then and there, I captured it. On closer inspection, turns out it's a queen overwintering till spring. Do I be humane and set this thing free (far away from here), or kill it?
Bald faced hornet stings are a motherfucker, but I’ve always found them to be less belligerent retards than yellow jackets and they also bully yellowjackets off of food, so I generally don’t kill them.
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I hope you didn’t kill her! I caught a queen eastern yellowjacket and she was too weak to fly so I fed her honey and found a hollow stump to put her in and gently packed it with leaf litter. They make great fly control in summer so I’d never kill one.
What an awful creature

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