Crabchads, how are we coping?
Man, I was starting to think vegetarian plus crustaceans was a viable way to get both taste and ethics.Is there a way for us to help advocate for this more painless killing? I would stand up for it.
>>4912073>>4912132Heya fellow crabchads, this was confirmed long ago yet people refuses to accept it, and you know why? Its not because of taste and such, its for one simple thing, people tend to like fresh crab more than frozen crabs, and since they dont see emotions on a crab, they dont care and just boil them alive
>>4912073Robots also "process pain" in their "brain" so I have doubts about this pseudo spiritual virtue ascribed to theoretical suffering. Why should I care if a biochemical machine has a mechanism for avoiding damage? Its just pagan karma bullshit masked with science. To that I say, brahma is a made up faggot, buddha is a myth meant to pacify rice fed peasants and make warlords jobs easier, and the vedas are tomes of lies packed with shit.
>>4912132there is no such thing as valid ethical positions without absolute anthropocentrism anon. so called animal rights are just proxies for managing human behavior and reducing the risk taken on by PEOPLE. Environmentalism is about PEOPLE needing a healthy ecosystem. Animals are just part of a larger machine we depend on and benefit from.
>>4912132learn to eat rocks
>>4912157What are you, a Goron?
>>4912073I hate crabs so much that I really wish they feel pain like a million times more than humans
>>4912236Fuck you crabs are awesome.
>>4912073that they can "process pain" means very littlefor a simple organism like a crustacean pain is probably more similar to having a dashboard warning light on that something excruciating like us mammals feel.
i love eating crab but i wish they were killed humanely and not boiled alive like wtf food industry
>>4912156>All so called animal rights are just proxies for managing human behavior and reducing the risk taken on by PEOPLE. Environmentalism is about PEOPLE needing a healthy ecosystem. Animals are just part of a larger machine we depend on and benefit from.This anon is literally satanic, do not listen to them.8
>>4912266Some are.
>>4912355>poultry shears>for seafood
>>4912290Satanism approves of veganism and has an animal rights commandment (thou shalt not harm an animal except for self defense or sustenance) while the bible explicitly states that animals are worth less than humans and the extent of their good treatment is using them to practice the virtue of mercy (and then eating them regardless). So no, you have that backwards. >>4912291Silence jeet. Crabs dont feel pain btw. The device known as a crab has circuits for processing nociception data. At no point does any self or being need to feel it. Computers process network requests. Does a PC feel a ping? Can we interpret error messages as cries of agony?
>>4912543Tastes like chicken
>>4912073I don't feel pain ever since she left me for a lobster
>>4912132plants feel pain you fucking retard
>>4912543Chicken of the sea
>>4912073General rule is to treat all creatures with respect, and that includes that if you intend to kill them; that you do so as quickly as painlessly as possible. Boiling live crustaceans was always disturbing, difference being that we have evidence to back it up. Shouldn't need evidence to not boil a creature alive.
>>4913037God did in fact tell us not to eat crustaceans because they spoil so quickly that humane keeping and slaughter do are unlikely and the virtue of mercy will usually go neglected
>>4913011>finally, some water>ohGOD
>>4912550do some of the voices tell you to kill yourself? You should try to hear them out more.
>>4913040thats no different than anything else that lived in sea not on ice after death, thats why you just keep them alive until you need to cook them
>>4912073>goyyim should sympathize with seafood Crabs feeling pain is why they are food while insects are not - insects are fish and chicken feed.
crabs also eat their own kind. its not their fault even they agree they're delicious
>>4913019You're so tiresome.
Not feeling pain would make you die, of course they feel pain. What an asinine pretense.