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Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to us human beings along with bonobos, but unlike bonobos chimpanzees are nothing but violent aggressive killing machines, every other animal kills for survival, chimps are probably the only non sapient highly intelligent animal that has the capacity to kill for pleasure, including against human beings and I'm sure there have been reports of chimps randomly killing humans unprovoked, whether in captivity or in the wild.

I like to see chimps get tortured and hear their painful screams, I want to take a newborn chimp baby and brutally kill it in front of its mother while behind a see through sturdy glass window and then throw it at the mother chimp, and id do it while tripping on magic mushrooms.

What negative effects on human or animal life if chimpanzees were to go extinct? Help me to understand why keeping chimpanzees from extinction are a benefit to humans and the environment.
No more le funne monke for me to enjoy.
Fuck off autist, chimps are based. They also pity the lesser monyets.
If you live chimps so much why don't you adopt one and raise it and see how that works for you?

Why don't you show this much love for bonobos? They may be sexual degenerates but they don't hurt humans at least.
You have a childish view of animals.
Bonobos are faggots and I want to see a chimp troop unleashed upon them.
Bonobos deserve the deepest levels of pity.
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Why does every normie have to compare chimps with bonobos? It is such a stupid juxtaposition:
>le hippy matriarchal free love monke vs le evil patriarchal war monke
I have seen it so many times now that I just assume that any fag that brings up bonobos when describing chimps is just some reprogrammable flesh golem that just parrots the same talking points of a 5 minute youtube video that itself is parroting from another video.
>chimps are probably the only non sapient highly intelligent animal that has the capacity to kill for pleasure

Orcas and dolphins also kill for pleasure.
Bonobos aren't just peaceful pongos living in the garden of eden. There's seeds of evil there too I don't know where this bullshit narrative that they never rape, murder or cannibalize each other came from but it's not true.
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>Bonobos aren't just peaceful pongos

Orangutans have been known to rape human women
I'm aware.
Have you seen how bad most humans are?
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Hating chimps is a sign of misanthropy and low IQ.
>Hating chimps is a sign of misanthropy and low IQ.

This woman loved chimps so much she kept one as a pet to raise it and look what wonders it did to her as a sign of gratitude.
The difference is that humans have sapience and we have the capacity to know right from wrong and create complex ideas and philosophies and create civilizations that no other animal, not even other humans in the genus of homo, can even think about.
That's why you don't swim with them, which I would imagine is easy to avoid them than it is a wild chimp appearing near you out of nowhere.
Primates shouldn’t be kept as pets, the bitch deserved it.
you should hate humans even more in that case. Also the violence among chimps is somewhat "cultural" eg not all chimp tribes do that, especially if they are raised isolated from other chimp tribes
Ok well now that we've established that they are too dangerous to keep as pets and have around human communities, what value do they bring to the environment that humans and even other animals benefit from?
If you're talking about human beings that fail to display sapience I completely agree with you, they should be removed and barred from any and all human communities on the planet and left in the wilderness, much like what Miami Dade county does with sex offenders, so the idea is t too far fetched.
You will never see a wild one in person. Why do you care so much?
Why don't you hate tigers then
Tigers don't usually attack and kill people unprovoked for pleasure.
didn't she also have allegations of having sex with her chimp?
Knowing how white women are, that wouldnt be surprising to me if that was true lol

white males are worse

That was Charla Nash, a friend of the crazy bitch who owned Travis the chimp and was almost certainly having sex with him. She did nothing wrong.
they are gentle and wholesome animals compared to hippos. All hippos should be killed
One day you're going to be outside in public and your random unwarranted hatred for white men will cause you to piss one off and hell justifiably make you eat your own teeth and you'll cry like a bitch lol
If you like chips so much why don't you get fucked by one?
how did that post make you that upset?
If you like chimps so much why don't you marry one? nana boboo!
Its absurdly rare for white people regardless of gender. You’re combing through the worst of the worst, grasping at a smattering of trailer park idiots that did it and bragged about it, while a plane trip is all you need to find entire towns in south america where donkey fucking is a local custom, and the whole of japan has no bestiality laws or any real animal protections and is the world capitol of putting sea life in womens orifices.
white people also generally freak out way harder over violations of small and animal/environment related morals and will ruin each others lives over it. you cant even draw a dick in the moss on a manatee’s back. they’ll want you sent to jail and fined $50k.

brown people the world over lack this virtue signaling and just let it be with logic like "well, on the other hand i eat meat and trained my dog with a heavy stick".
>see story about brown person engaging in zoophilia
>"look at these fucking degenerates they're all like this"
>see story about white person engaging in zoophilia
>"woah woah woah! t-they're not all like this, t-this is an isolated incident you're cherrypicking!"
no. she had the thing for many years without incident. then for some reason she was feeding it wine and xanax and that's what caused it to go wild on her friend. same thing a human on alcohol and xanax would have
The brown people have entire towns where its normal and basically ignore it like the bible demands it be law but its not worth officer campos’ time, and the white people have a society wide freakout because a low iq trailer hick took a picture of horse pussy without her consent and a signed document stating she was over 18. We have very different cultures. Going overboard on animal protection is a distinctly white european thing.
One day you're going to be outside in public and your random unwarranted hatred for white women will cause you to piss one off and she'll justifiably make you eat your own teeth and you'll cry like a bitch lol
White males literally commit bestiality at a disproportionate rate in the US
*Are arrested for.

Very different things. Black males are arrested for a disproportionate majority of rapes. But that’s only 3% of rapes. The other 97% never sent a guilty man to court because the perp was white and well liked.

Can you imagine that since there is little active enforcement of animal protection laws at the state level, and that whites care more about animals than their neighbors, that white communities police themselves better while POCs are NOT chomping at the bit to send their brothers to jail, through the maw of a notoriously harsh and racist justice system, over the hypothetical feelings of a "got dam beast"? How many times has 4chan GLADLY ruined the life of a CHILD because he was cruel to a cat? Do you see a brotha doing that to another brotha over a god damn cat? No.

Much like how white communities protect whites who rape women but turn every black man in the search radius over to the cops? We care more about who raped a horse than who raped a woman. That’s white culture.

This is far more damning than what you thought was an own. You do not have a rebuttal to this. You can only repeat yourself as if you havent been BTFO repeatedly. It is plainly evident reality which is why salon and vice arent yapping about it. Just you, some old ugly catfag on /an/. What salon and vice do yap about is how white people protect men who rape women but are on the case if someone throws puppies off a bridge.
deep culture facts

surface level statistics

one of these people an autistic man justifying his horse fetish (the first one) with the increasingly common and incorrect "well its trad and aryan" argument
the other is a white woman (the second one) who cares about injustice and inequity
I was wondering why you started spazzing out so badly. Ain't this the fellow that claimed whites own more pets than blacks, but in reality, the difference in pet ownership and how often they take their let's to the vet doesn't account for the difference in sexual pet abuse?
Here ya go
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Google bestiality rates by race and it should pop up
>black men this
>Black men that
You don't know squat about black people. Why are you pretending you do? Just admit you guys are problems like everyone else that you need to work on, it's not hard. You were getting this flustered when the joke was on white women
>just admit
We gladly send each other to jail for animal cruelty. We clap or just ignore it when trump raped two women and tried to appoint two fellow rapists.

Meanwhile nonwhites do not seem eager to take years off each others lives over animal dignity, not even animal well being. In fact, their countries often lack animal protection laws under the principle that a human’s life is more valuable and animals aren’t that important. Why would their communities deviate from this just because they moved to the US? Just because white people consider fucking a donkey unforgivable and raping a woman something to cover up?
>More conjecture
Your argument can be boiled down to "I think.." and mine can be boiled down to "here's the facts". You need to learn how to take this stuff on the chin
>Saud arabia: Is that a pet wild animal? I have a cheetah myself. They make lovely companions.
Has anyone ever seen a black furry? A black "zoophile"?
My argument can be boiled down to
>small scale crime statistics arent important because to be statistics first the law needs enforced, and you’re citing these from a society with a racially and culturally fucked justice system ran and fed by people who care more about who is running a puppy mill than the number of innocent women its leaders have raped and groped
Your argument is
YEAH! Thats what neo-nazis tell me about black crime! If I accept your bullshit, I accept THEIR bullshit on principle. Statistics don’t exist in a void. Not when the white, racist cops are roving around looking for crime. Not when they arent and its down to sally saw tommy. Validating your racism validates all racism that justifies itself with arrest statistics. Which, since the arrests are done by a white supremacist group, validated white supremacy.

You need an IQ of 115+ to grasp this.
>Thats what neo-nazis tell me about black crime! If I accept your bullshit, I accept THEIR bullshit on principle
The thing is, black males do commit more crime than white males, per capita. What wannabe Nazis fail to realize is that there's nuance to the situation. Blacks aren't naturally inclined to commit crime, it's a little more complicated than that. It seems like you see me (correctly) say "white males commit more bestiality in the US than anyone else", and you instantly think I THINK white males are naturally inclined to commit bestiality, but I don't think that. I'm not white, so I don't what white males go through. All I know is the stats say what the stats say
Yes, and yes. Very much yes.

The only difference is how public the no shame race is. Blacks actually feel shame which creates perceptions like whites being gayer despite the real homosexuality rate being the same. You have never seen black CWC on the internet. But I saw him in the flesh. He’s my brother in law (brother’s wife’s brother).

Racism is factually fake and exists solely because of the perceptions set up by cultural and socioeconomic differences. If we put the poor and dumb trailer parks in the inner city you’d think whites were from africa (we already did this experiment, its called russia).
>Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to us human beings
That’s they’re so evil retard
>black males do-
N’t. Call back when you’re not going off the <5% of rapes and <48% of murders that actually got solved and this is no longer true.

Black men DONT commit more crime. They are arrested more often and sentenced more harshly, even if innocent.
White people DONT commit more bestiality. They are just more eager to send their weirdos to the cops. All the animal cruelty across the world doesnt stop when the doer and the seer in the crime cross an ocean and land in the US. What changes is the question from
>do i want the village to laugh at this man?
>Do I want white people to run a media circus vilifying this man and for him to spend the next 5 years in prison?

You need an IQ of 115+ to grasp this. All racial differences are artificial. Wherever they manifest you will find an agenda, a bias, and peoples real values.

White people are more likely to fuck their neighbor over for kicking a dog than they are to deny a man the presidency for raping a woman.
>Black men DONT commit more crime
Ok, you're just a wacko. You make black people look bad when you do this
>how dare you insist blacks are violent pieces of shit
Most black people are kind hearted and have more humanist morals than the more autistic race (whites). Us white people are more austistic and less realistic which is why I feel more visceral hatred for a hypothetical dog fucker next door than I do for the top brass politicians who abused and raped their fellow human beings. Like everyone else who hasn’t torched the government yet. Oh those humans. They can take care of themselves. Im white I stand up for the animals.
The difference an autocorrect error makes

One day you will realize your worldview is fundamentally wrong and black people are not bad, or more violent, you just watched cherry picked propaganda on weirdo websites like 4chan. Where all the white geeks track down cat kickers and puppy tossers but have never really given a fuck about pedophilia or misogyny.
Source of the graph?
>in the state of virginia from 2003 to 2017
So not only are your statistics comically useless in the context of society, they are entirely derived from a shithole state known for degenerates, and it took 14 whole years to amass a number of cases that was somewhat close to the margin of error?

You made me condemn your racist predilections over inbred, 80 IQ hill billies catching each other fucking horses at a rate of 20/yr? You absolute faggot. Colombians in some shithole village are boning more than 20 donkeys a day.
Wrong site, my bad. They look the same, in my defense:
Even worse

It took from 1975 to 2015 through all those days of even worse racism and shitty record keeping for this statistic to be cooked up. Talk about worthless data.

Call back when you can take care of human crimes, and then maybe resources can go to an animal being momentarily unhappy instead of telling you off for believing the black criminality lie that puts innocent human beings in shithole prisons for decades. Bestiality? Just make people go to the vet and mandate spay and neuter, problem solved. Who cares who saw what and reported it or didnt and why, then?
Sounds like cope
Sounds like you’re a neo nazi who wants to segue into justifying bestiality based on (false) whiteness, or just accept this nonsense as long as it would make your acceptance of the black criminality lie seem less, ahem, typical.
I'm not a Nazi. You won't a better study than this
Because no one sane cares about animals being dishonored but not necessarily hurt as much as they cate about innocent black men being shut in for decades for crimes they don’t commit, ya bedsheet wearin honky. Neither do you thats why you’d say whites have a bestiality problem to make it seem more fair when you falsely accuse black people of being more criminal as you did several times already.
>No one sane cares about the sexual abuse of animals ???
you wont find a world where animal abuse is taken seriously and the abusers actively searched out either because the only world you have to live in is the one where the majority of human rapes are unsolved, so, its more about who reports who and not who does what.
Sounds like cope
As much as the abuse of humans, correct. I can tell you’re white because an animals temporary unhappiness is so much larger in your mind than an innocent black man rotting in prison.

Almost no one anywhere fucks animals. It’s retarded villager shit. Almost everyone agrees that peoples feelings are more important which is why we had civil rights first, not mandatory vet visits first.

Which brings us back to white people being glad to punish even a child for animal abuse but gladly handing a rapist of women the keys to the kingdom… this is uniquely white culture. Ya don’t care about people, just dogs and cats. Thats why you’re glad to call the cops on your animal abusing weirdos and everyone else is thinking more about if what it would do to their life is truly worth the human cost of an animal’s happiness. Do you agree that a white person is more likely to call the police on a white person beating a dog, and that a black person is more likely to handle it personally and leave the justice system out of it?
That's nice
white people constantly call the cops on black people for just having dogs outside (meanwhile white people have cats outside) so yeah

100% whites thinking the slightest sin against an animal warrants the nuclear option of police involvement and no one else agreeing that human beings deserve massive punishment for distasteful treatment of animals. not even outside the west. almost no one passes animal protection laws as stringent as the west unless pressured to by the west. never forget the father of animal rights legislation is one A. Hitler.
Think we should genocide the chimps to make room for more bonobos just to get rid of potential danger or competition?
I'd say it's a waste, we know we want them to go apeshit insane warlords on us, we'd win of course but it would be fun.
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>point out that white men love fucking animals
>resident zoophile right on time losing his mind and bringing up "m-muh black arrest rate!" whataboutism nonsense again like the broken record he is
what a sad sad life
White people fuck dogs
Black people fuck society
Latino people ???
Watch anime, lie, eat hot chip
>point out that arrest records mean nothing about race, other than the arrests being racist
>nazi turns into a broken record and repeats his "statistics" because he has to choose between stereotyping his own flesh and blood as animal fuckers and admitting that his racist views on blacks and hispanics are invalid
So, in typical white fashion, he turns on his own. Better that than accept that blacks arent ruining the country right? Because if its not nonwhites starting the war… its racist whites antagonizing them.

Fact is its all whites reporting other whites, because only white people think their fellow man could use time in the slammer and a black mark on their life over the feelings of an animal and they trust the justice system to do it right. You will never catch a black or hispanic man sending his flesh and blood to a racist court system for the white sentence times two over an animal. Chances are the courts would put the wrong black man in jail anyways. They just ostracize them or beat them up a little like normal people. Only whites would focus on the 300 pony diddling farm boys between 1975 and 2015 while their president is a rapist and a white supremacist who ran on an ethnic cleansing based platform and flat out lies about "immigrant crime".

When nonwhites come to america they don’t adopt your horrid values. They keep their own and recognize that you’re insane. Outside of the west all animal cruelty is an informal slap on the wrist, a beatdown, and instructions to attend mass. The animal is killed to prevent a recurrence. Zoophiles are stereotyped as trauma victims and anxious virgins and people try to help them move to women. In the US its years in prison and a branding, and the animal is "rescued". Zoophiles are stereotyped as threats to all society and reviled instead of fixed with the power of christ. Only whites could possibly agree with that. Animals over people.
Did you forget someone?

A brutal redpill on the anti-human nature of the snow ape
>be hitler
>go on an animal rights law spree
>germams hast zee animal cruelty prablem! iz end ov ze world! i must save ze catzen and doggen!
>kill 6 million people for not being white
We'll get to your race anon, please wait your turn.

This is a larp, please give it a rest already. People who kill animals for fun (as in abuse and torture) are likely already sociopaths and I don't need them near my kids lest they get any funny ideas. But we know you don't care and are a shitposter but you got me to reply
Sociopathy doesnt cover animals and never has.
This false belief is used by whites to eject poor nonwhites from the community if they dare eat an animal that isnt white kosher
Also figures whites invented veganism.
Fukkin lol. I like you. Keep shitposting
not reading your novel of tears and cope. kys you faggotass zoophile. you deserve death.
rustled jimmies? humans are just so much more important than animals that doing the worst possible thing to the least deserving creature is still not even half as bad as hurting a person. the people who hurt animals merely need therapy and faith in christ. shit, you’ve probably paid a factory farm to do truly twisted shit to animals in the name of cheaper meat. that really shows that underneath the retardation there might be a sane human in there.
She didn't own the chimp scumbag, you just like seeing a woman get "comeuppance" for something she had no control over don't you?
>We care more about who raped a horse than who raped a woman
That not a white culture thing, no major culture gives a fuck about female tape victims, hence why they're always accused of lying or "they asked for it" even if they didn't. In fact most anons on this site celebrate women getting defiled like that.
Also children that abuse animals deserve to get their lives ruined, as do older boys that rape girls
>kill a cat
>fuck you for life!
>pay a farmer to keep a pig in solitary and then kill it
>mmmm bacon
this poster sparkles under sunlight
>Why do people compare and contrast these two extremely similar things????
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reminder that monkeys saved a girl from being raped in india
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Truth of the matter is, Bonobos are just as violent as Chimps. They just don’t engage in tribal warfare like Chimps do.
Just because they eat meat? They need nutrition just like everything else
>immediately showcases their racism.
they both belong to the same genus and there are cases of them breeding hybrids in captivity
It's trendy among leftist anthropologists to use bonobos as a model for "natural" human behavior.
Literally the most mainstream fursuiter (Sonicfox) is a black
Chimps are the scariest animal because we see our own worst qualities in them.
>I hate chimps for killing things for pleasure. So anyway I want to kill them for pleasure.
??? How are you different from chimps again?
let me guess: you saw one twitter post of one person doing this and are now extrapolating like everyone thinks it? also you need to go back to the platform you came from

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