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File: 220px-LongArmSquid.jpg (27 KB, 220x257)
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WOWZERS I heckin' love deep sea creatures they fill me with existantisalksdjfl dread and are sooo alien, like guys did i ever mention that 95% of ocean is unexplored, did I ever mention that to you?? (faggot)
Why don't you reply to the guy on reddit with this instead of making a thread here?
I say that
an entire generation completely and utterly mindbroken in the name of digital advertising profits... was it worth it?
I remember obsessing over Hatchetfish and comb jellies as a kid. The deep sea is cool fuck you
Why do you type like that?
But yes it has some cool shit in it.
You are literally mad that people like the deep ocean. Honestly man, do you actually have friends or do you believe that by being an asshole on 4chan, you will get companionship?
I've seen this thread multiple times now
File: images (21).jpg (11 KB, 275x183)
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Dude the ocean is better when it ain't turtley deep, ya know brah

Far out yo

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