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She knows what she's doing, right?
Is this one of those channels run by a dog groomer about their experience shaving dogs? if so I would hope they know what they are doing.
Looks like a good boy. Great pyr are pretty friendly when not doing their LGD thing.
seriously? this isn't at all suggestive to you?
you're absolutely cooked
Porn addiction & /pol/ brainrot, severe case.
you should stop gooning and maybe kill yourself
I will NOT be gaslit
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What about this image op?
Every fucking video of her grooming a cat just makes me cringe.
She has NO fucking clue how to handle cats, and apparently most recently got bitten so bad she had to go to the ER.
She pinned a comment stating the obvious and her army of simps came running.
you’re what happens when a fatherless brown is raised by pornhub
>comment stating the obvious
You are a coombrained addict that spends way, way too much time on the internet. Nobody but you is thinking this.
t. anon that jerks off to women being fucked by dogs
Sometimes, you just know.
This is the guy calling you a dogfucker
>t. clearly missed the bigger picture.
>a dog grooming vlogger poses with the dogs she grooms
Take your meds unironically and get checked for toxoplasmosis, it causes this fetish
Steering the discussion away from the autism, does anyone enjoy watching these videos? I get recommended dozens of these channels that vlog about their pet grooming job and I have never had any inclination to click on one.
>dog groomer names channel girl with dog, posts shitloads of dog grooming videos
>doesn't know how to groom a cat
Only if it's a dog breed I'm curious about as she usually talks about it during the groom, what it was bred for, tips on wether you should get one, common mistakes raising them etc
kek, imagine getting taken down by a cat bite
Cat bites are literally the most dangerous pet bites that dont come from a reptile

One chomp and your arm rots off. Gabapentin, use it when you groom cats/shove them in carriers, or you will suffer.
My sister worked as a vet tech and had to go to the hospital after a cat bite. The teeth can break off and lodge themselves inside the wound. They also pose a large risk of infection.
everybody knows and everybody knows that everybody knows and a universal state of knowing has manifested itself in the noosphere and everyone on earth knows - even plankton, amoebas, and bacteria. you just know
No but I used to watch botfly removal videos.
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You are taking a 4chan meme that is a product of the website's amazing level of depravity and porn addiction.
Normal people have ZERO thought about women fucking dogs. That idea is a unique pervert phenomenon.
This woman is taking pictures with the dogs she washes because women like taking pictures of themselves and taking pics of yourself being a master at befriending dogs is a sensible way to show off your mastery of your trade and your virtue of being good with animals.

Thinking fucking dogs is a cultural sexual norm, and thinking that a woman taking a selfie with big dogs is in any way a sexual thing is deranged and terminally online.
Are you implying that porn sites have bestiality stuff? Isn't that illegal?
baited everyone award
doesn't she have a tattoo of a paw on her lower back?
What few incels are not gay, trans, or pedophiles are zoophiles so this is kind of a local plague thanks to /r9k/

No such thing as involuntary virginity with a working penis. It’s all non-straights who wish they could have normal lives and exist in a permanent state of denial. That they’re ugly is just a side effect of being mentally deformed. Ugliness doesn’t hold straight men back at all.
>Normal people have ZERO thought about women fucking dogs.
LOL really? It was everywhere until a few years ago and every woman wanted to try it. Did people memory hole it so fast?
This "truth" brought to you by the same blackpilling meninists that think all women do is cheat and literally cant control it

In other words, it never happened, but imagining it made them feel better about being virgins while giving them a boner
This. They do not realize that it just looks like a weird obsession to every normal person.
Lookism twitter is full of news articles written by the Chinese in an effort to discourage and demoralize western men and this has been true for better than 15 years. That shit wasn’t real. Most people don’t even come across the same fake news you did.
you didn't even notice how spending 8 hours a day on /pol/ warped your perception of reality

unironicaly take a 2 month no 4chan sabatical to clear this damage
You're projecting your mental illness onto others
You've been conditioned by 4chan shitposters into associating any photograph of a woman and a dog together as relating to bestiality and erroneously assume that most other people make the same association
This, same thing about how a 4chan porn addict see a woman and a horse and assume they are obsessed with it's cock (even if it's a mare)
Dude zoo sites were everywhere, with thousands of amateur women doing it on webcam for no money. Every woman into BDSM wanted a dog as part of it, on all BDSM dating sites, and so on. I know you guys are zoomers and don't remember, but this was literally still the case 10 years ago.
Cats shouldn't even exist.
good morning retard, done with your daily reposting of the falcon video?
the brownoid's mind is totally debased
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uhhh bros, what the fuck is this??
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what the FUCK is THIS?????
A cat paw retard

A cute drawing retard
>thousands of amateur women
There are 4 billion women in the world. “Thousands” is functionally equivalent to 0.
It was so popular that it was a natural progression of every girl interested in any kind of fetish for more than 10 years but ok. You practically couldn't find a girl who didn't want it.
And other things wumao told your closet gay ass lmao incels
zoophilia isn't real. nobody is fucking animals. if you think people are fucking animals or that people want to fuck animals you're mentally ill and you need professional help.
i woke up this morning and i just knew. a rush of sudden knowledge had come over me and billions of other people. they knew, and i knew that they knew, and they knew that i knew. we all knew - because our brains had become linked telepathically by some means of conveyance unknown. suddenly all over earth the clouds parted and god came down from the heavens and he said "you just know" and the greys landed on the whitehouse lawn in their flying saucers and they told biden "we just know" and every television station on earth interrupted their normal programming to disseminate the fact that they know and that everyone knows
yeah i think the people in this thread actually are mentally ill. all the zoobait stuff is just a joke, but these poor schizophrenic souls who refuse to take their haloperidol seem to think that it's serious - especially that one schizo who keeps claiming that anti-feather posters, dog vs cat posters, and zoobait posters are all 1 person using multiple VPNs. very sad honestly!
The zoo shit and console wars are mostly one guy thoughever. There’s a reason he only pretends to like cats when he can use them to hate dogs. Typical serial killer personality desu.
Is this the dogfucker equivalent of the black spade?
Technically humans are the only "animals" that shouldn't exist.
Everything else is perfectly aligned with the entropy of nature.
yes. now watch whiteknights twist themselves into pretzels trying to explain why she has it lol
Yes, but women usually get it on the sides of their waist where the dog would hold onto them, this is a more subtle version.
Holy schizo samefag

He’a really doubling down
you are so mindbroken youve actually induced psychosis. i hope you're not ashkenazi jewish or a marijuana smoker because if so youre on a sure road to actual schizophrenia. my advice to you is to go outside, get some fresh air and sunlight, touch grass, and stop defending dogfuckers. yeah a pet groomer on youtube fucks dogs - so what?? get a life nerd
>schizo starts rambling about jews, drugs, and raping animals
Haloperidol NOW
take your thorazine first chud
Animal paws are a common symbol associated with loving pets. Its not some spadequeen thing lmao.
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>Women next to big dog
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>seriously? this isn't at all suggestive to you?
nobody looks like this
It is.
everybody looks like this
Cat mouths are super fucking dirty. Infection guaranteed. My buddy git bitten by his cat when breaking up a fight, and within 20 minutes his finger was beet red and super swollen. He's the toughest guy I know, and while he didn't show any emotion during, afterwards he said it was the worst pain he's ever felt.
Your mother looks like this
The infection goes straight to the tendon sheaths and causes deep necrosis

I would rather fight off a pitbull than be guaranteed a cat bite. People will do shit to dogs that causes them to bite, but not a cat. The risk of losing a limb is absurd. They are venomous pets.
You're a pathetic retard.
>4 hours
>video length <10 minutes
You're an admirable genius.
strange times when the wojak poster is the voice of reason
Stay in school.
>Even though they always were
all zoophiles and YJKfags deserve the rope
>doesn't just immediately slather it with iodine and call it a day
Do motherfuckers really not know basic first aid anymore?
Or have people been brainwashed against iodine (the original and still best antiseptic) now?
On online platforms with non curated content people usually don't know whatever is going on in your personal bubble, but holy fuck.
this anon is good example what happens with your brain on porn
imagine defending this
iodine is good and all but how is it better than literally burning out the wound with hydrogen peroxide?
The issue with cat teeth is that they make a very narrow wound for how deep it is, so it doesn't always accept antiseptic to the tip of the wound and it is hard to irrigate out any foreign matter or bacteria that was on the tooth.

If you wash it out well with iodine or similar, it's not a big deal, but if you just splash iodine on the external wound, you may still become infected, and quickly.
The wound is so narrow it self-closes. Irrigation basically doesn’t work unless you are forcine iodine into your flesh.
iodine is good for you, most people have a deficiency
not in any 1st world country though
He's right though, zoomers just don't get it. Imagine if suddenly everyone started acting like "blacked" or "stepsister" concepts didn't exist.
people outside of porn addicts are hardly aware of those things
Based and iodine pilled. Magnesium too. Most people should supplement both. Their lives would improve.
You know everyone has the internet right?

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