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uhhh guys?
They're just in there to get milked. They like it.
the cow senate
I really gotta switch to onions milk only desu
Why? The cows go in there on their own volition, and the whole building is immaculately clean.
yes where are the baby cows? cows don't just make milk on their own
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>cows don't just make milk on their own
Dairy is a supply and demand, so as long as you keep milking they will keep producing. Unfortunately many dairy farms seperate the babies from their mothers, but not all.
yes, I will choose to just bypass dairy. it's not like I do that just yet, I go through 2 gallons of milk each week and eat a fair amount of cheese
>where are the baby cows
Aisle 23
doesn't work like that
human females can lactate whole never being pregnant if stimulated the right way. this can be through hormones, or just constant suction if the nipples to trick the body to think milk is needed. this also works for male men
If you do your research you can usually find local dairies that have practices you're ethically okay with. You'll probably pay more, but I bet the milk and cheese will be better. :D
How long until we can just modify creatures without a brain so we can get meat and other stuff without torturing animals? The funny thing is people will think that this would be more disgusting than torturing an animal for their whole life because it would be "unnatural" or something
That set up isn't torturing them. They go probably twice a day, get milked, and are let out.

Either raise your own meat or only buy animal products you're ethically okay with. Farmers markets are great places to find these sorts of animal products.
Imagine having 4 dicks and an automated massage station
Fun fact. When there are long term power outages, these cows can't get milked and will actually get sick from the pressure in the swelling utters and potentially die
Industrial revolution and its consequences
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>...Now I know what you're thinking. "Did he milk 60 cows or only 50"? Truthfully in all this awful confusion I lost count myself, so I suppose now you ought to ask yourself just one question: "do I feel lucky"?

Well do ya PUNK?!
yes you give them domperidone or massive injections of e2. you won't lactate beyond a drop if your just having your boobs sucked on
>For male men
As opposed to female men?
good luck with:
-bitch tits
-low libido
-patchy facial hair
-higher pitch voice
-less energy
-going trans
And your nuts swell up to enormous and uncomfortable sizes every 12 hours, only to get relief by a strange machine that humans use on you.
if onions milk could make my boobs bigger that would be a win for me
they're gunna look like raw eggs nailed to a wall
Patchy facial hair is genetic. The soi wojak meme is just a caricature of jewish men.
they do, they've been bred to lactate without ever being pregnant. they're horribly inbred mutants and walking crimes against nature, but it's not inhumane in that particular way
spin spin spin
false, facial hair is dictated by testosterone. Hence why women only get it when their test is higher than normal.
s0 y boy fags try to grow facial hair to appear more manly, but their higher test makes it end up patchy and gross.
lower test*
I don't really know what you mean but I have nice a cup sized boobs rn
I love factory mega dairies so damn much
Unless you're guzzling literal gallons of soi milk a day absolutely none of that shit is going to happen.
There's Phytoestrogen in many vegetables, grains and fruits including hops the main ingredient in beer but there's no online broscience campaign pointing any of that out. It's just retards who hear SOI = BAD so they parrot complete horseshit without doing any research themselves.
You're more likely of getting bitchtits from drinking alcohol than plant milk.
put them in the Milkatron 2000
Cow milk contains tons of actual estrogen. Bet ypu feel pretty stupid right now
Really? No one? Not one of you?

The bovine panopticon.
>Cow milk contains tons of actual estrogen
Goat testicles contain plenty of natural testosterone.
neither source of testosterone or estrogen has any effect because...
They aren't present in a form available to humans.
However fats, cholesterol, B complex vitamins, iorn, calcium etc ARE needed in the production and maintenance of muscle and nerve tissue.
Wtf why is it full of gross ugly cows? This is the worst hentai I've ever seen.
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it's more of a dairy-go-round!
Haha, classic dad pun.
Lmao this faggot sissy doesnt eat goat balls
cow circles
>could you imagine? Living all day just to get milked twice a day
The government does this to me every day.
are there any actual benefits to drinking s oyy milk over regular good ol' milk at all?
>inb4 lactose intolerance
go die, genetic reject

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