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Murder Hornets have officially been fully eradicated in the United States following their first sighting in 2019.
Thoughts, /an/?
I wish the United States got eradicated instead.
Always impressed when a manual cleanup of invasives goes to plan, especially little niggers like insects
>Invasive 'murder hornets' found in Europe for the first time
[Curb Your Enthusiasm theme]
And yet you're here using the internet (invented by the USA) typing in our language.
That's good.
On a website created by an American on American servers (still on American servers to this day, btw), with American advertisers keeping it afloat, don't forget.
Failure is not an option.
How come we only get to keep the shitty and boring invasive species like "fifteen-dicked eastern Malaysian hogwood beetle" and Chinese people? What if we WANT murder hornets?
>What if we WANT murder hornets?
Who in their right mind would want them?
>devastates populations of bees at a rapid pace
>extremely aggressive
>particularly deadly to younger population
They should be outright removed from existence.
A lot of things should be outright removed from existence and are a whole lot less cool than murder hornets
Are you aware that English is not from the US ? stupide Yankee
Genuinely impressed. Didn't think it was going to be possible with some like insects.
Probably because it was caught so early. Many invasive species became a problem because humans encouraged and cultivated their spread over many years. Shit like kudzu and house sparrows are such examples.
You mean American? The fuck is English?

wow, turns out giant buzzing niggers with nigger knife stingers that primarily live in ass swamp warm humid subcoastal areas weren't going to survive long outside that habitat !

/an/ owes me an apology for fearmongering another insect out of proportion
>ESL lecturing people on english
The internet has propagated American english, its spellings and phrases and conventions, over British english the majority of the time
stay seething, third worlder
stfu or kys if you fell for the bait, actually embarrassing

also fuck these gayass dead hornets, may they roast in hornet hell
Envy. My country has been trying to eradicate meningitis ticks since the Soviet times, and they're still going strong. They are completely unpredictable and either kill you or dissolve your brain to turn you into a giggling subhuman.
I'm pretty sure I saw one in Sicily during my vacation. Or at least the biggest fuckin bug I've ever seen flying inside a hole in the wall of a church.
Yeah, Nigel, it's from France, just like your culture and ruling class are
embarrassing post desu
That's communism not ticks
Muts being retarded
seethe harder, learn either english before posting stupide

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