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>roll it around in the dirt full of bacteria, feces, trash and other stuff
>can live up 40 years or longer

Damn, humans are really weak. One grain of dirt and you might end up with toxoplasmosis, rabies or worm-like parasites.
Yeah, our immune system isn't very strong.
>that last smack of disgust
the proverbial patience of cats
Crocodile blood kills almost any infection immediately. It's why you hear about diseases being transmitted by mammals and birds but never anything that infects crocodiles.
I always thought the horn was just for defense against predators but now I see they use it as a tool, that's pretty cool and now I feel sad that park rangers have to cut their horns so poachers don't try to kill them for it.
manul are the best cats, you may not like it, but this is what peak feline performance looks like
There's also the issue of body temperature, a lot of viruses and bacteria need really specific conditions to thrive, even opossums are immune to rabies simply because their bodies are a few degrees colder.
>that slap
"Fuck you for not being tasty!"

Lovely plumage
humans can also live to 70 or more even without modern medicine
there's just more people who die earlier
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good example of sloths being able to fight
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me drinking from a well in dayz
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collies are such weirdos
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"You can say those collies are border(line)!"
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goddammit Carlos
>Yeah, that's real neat and all, but can you get in the fucking sack?
>ah yes everybody loves me
Herders are so autistic, I love them.
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I love border collies and Australian shepherds but I never considered how similar they are until this webm
Funny splice but it's still weird that a whole different species of penguin would protect chicks. Ones bigger than it is, even.
i agree
based deer
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hehe funny deert
that's a cow, dumbass
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Then what's this
Weird looking dog.
>practicing a conversation without a mirror
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what insect is this?
ur mom lol
reminds me of one of those eco protesters
I've seen a webm before of ducks rescuing another bird from some hawks on a beach, its not wholly uncommon. I've seen a bit of the special the second part of the clip is from, iirc alot more showed up and they're kinda rowdy little hellions, and some ended up chasing/bullying some of those same emperor penguin chicks.
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that's kinda hot
>you, the slack-jawed soi grimace
>me, the chad greyscale giga-jawline in profile

Frens :)

>did you see the size of that thing? Jesus!
>Damn, humans are really weak
Not at all. Living in urban environment with modern medicine results in weak immune systems. Capacity for hardiness is still there, there is no genetic defect. Human raised in the bush, even of a race that hasn't lived like that in centuries, will be adequately resistant to pathogens and bacteria.
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blue death feigning beetle
they're popular pets because they're hardy and live a really long time
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
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4chan accepts mp4 now?
yup, been that way for like a month or 2 now
well I'll be
Gators are ticklish?
That's hilarious.
Huh, maybe dogs really can't look up.

Also, Merry Christmas, ya filthy /an/imals!
They can, this one is just so dumb it can't even smell the cat.
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that linx looks strong enough to kill me
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>lion vs. hippo
That's a dog and a beaver though
Beaver are the ones with wide, "round" snouts, the ones with thin, "triangular" snouts are otters.
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>I've just about had enough of you. Go that way. You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you near-sighted scrap pile. And don't let me catch you following me begging for help because you won't get it.
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Hello there
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Me eating the pussy
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Silly hawk.
we put the low in hello
Doing shrooms.
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They love going downhill for some reason
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Downward dog
it looks like both dogs knew both humans, they weren't bellying up to each other but continued past the other dog until they acknowledged the other human behind it, and only then began to play with each other. I'd also bet the dogs were related to each other.
what's up with its tail?
they (jirds) store fat in their tails
>"Fuck you for not being tasty!"
I've touched one of those shits, hurts like turbo-charged stinging nettles.
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From what? Water?
They're an aquatic rodent.
its a pool, the water isnt high enough for them to get out on their own, this is the thing that people dont tell you about below ground pools, theyre death traps because small animals are not big enough to get over the rim
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Ohh, okay.
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Is that how they're supposed to run? What the fuck?
I want a pet nutria. Can I get a pet nutria?I don't have a pool
in the first segment they look like giant bears bigger than trees
i think its because of slipping, a bad fall is going to fuck you up real good and i wouldnt want to gallop in the snow
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Very eldritch, much lovecraftian.
I fucking love marine life forms man.
if that wolf isn’t named Goldilocks…
Stop being racist black market horn dealers need to eat too.
What a dumbass
Asian milf gets the BWC
Holy nice...
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how is this even legal?
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fucking jumpscare
>so long fellas, I'm outa this shithole
>if only you knew how bad things reslly are
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>switches to victory lap mode
cocky bastard...
He most likely got a cramp or something like that since he falls down for a fraction of a second right before jumping
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It's cause we live in urban environments with modern medicine.

You can go to india where people live to 70 while living knee deep in literal shit and piss. The average european would die in 2 weeks if they put their immune systems through the same stuff that the locals are constantly exposed to.
>this hole was made for me
you should see our gypsies over in eastern europe man
they spend their mornings diving into garbage cans, evenings getting cut by rusty rebar they try to pull out of concrete and evenings doing heroin and they can easily outlive your average rhinoceros
>Don talk to me o mah keed eva again nigguh
Bojler eladó?
black people are such a meme hahaha
around the world
Oh sure, that's a fun reference on this Albanian sewing-machine refurbishing forum, but when I try and work it into my wedding vows suddenly I'm the bad guy.
Jesus fucking Christ, they are multiplying.
Based Bloods dogs about to kill shitty Crips cats.

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