This shit kills 4 billion birds annually and nobody cares
I careI do my part
>>4924579Foodists are straight up admitting to animal abuse?
>>4924583It's not animal abuse if it's a cat. Cats are less than animals.
>>4924583Pest control isnt animal abuse
>>4924576I have lost all the hopes in anything environmental to be fair. If our species so dumb,then let us take everything down with us. Maybe life in this planet will remain
>>4924576My husky and pitbull both seem to care. Teehee.
>>4924583>>I do my part>WAAAAAAAAAAAAA IS THAT HECKIN ANIMAL ABUSE?!?!??? YOU HAVE SEX WITH ANIMALSimagine the increase in site quality if redditors and toxobrains (98% overlap) were banned
>>4924576if evolution israel why don't nature invent birds that are immune to cats?
>>4924691It did. They're called European birds. But American birds haven't evolved with cats the same way those did.
>>4924576Oh no my heckin' urban songbirds
>>4924694Oh no my heckin community cats
>>4924576There is literally no substantial evidence for this other than birdfags screeching
>>4924576Based. T Rex btfo
>>4924805I understand the argument that they should be removed from places like Australia, but I live in an area where there used to be bobcats, but there aren't any anymore. Also no one ever points out that domesticated cats can only really run rampant in ecosystems that have already been disrupted by humans (with exceptions like Australia and isolated islands of course). Cats would get killed and out competed by wolves and bobcats if they were still around (and people would be less likely to let their pets outside).
>>4924811The more solid argument is outdoor cat faggotry spreading a miscarriage/schizophrenia causing parasite and directly resulting in cats dying early and horribly.
he's out of control, we need to find this particular cat and lock him in a house
>>4924817>outdoor cat faggotry spreading a miscarriage/schizophrenia causing parasiteis that what happened to you?
I see houses that have both cat food and bird feeders on the porchI'll take a picture next time if I remember
>>4924829my neighbors do that.but the cats and the birds they feed are both invasive here, and the cats don't survive the winter so I don't really care.
>>4924828I’m toxo negative but my sister (5 cats, indoor outdoor) lost her last 2 pregnancies "for no diagnosable reason"
>>4924832I'm sorry to hear that. In my country the first thing they tell pregnant women is to stay away from cat shit.
>>4924576Well, it won't go well against a snake, one of my mine got bitten today and died.If I had intervened quick enough, the snake couldn't of bothered slithering fast away, cat would of been alive if I didn't bother going around weeding around the garden. It was a rascal cat but still lovable, but I can't deal with moping around. That's life.
>>4924879>using of instead of have>starts weeding the garden instead of getting a suffering animal medical attentionwhat do you gain by ragebaiting made-up stories online? are the loosh farmers paying you or you do it for free? this board might be more godless than /sci/. eternal void for you.
>>4924833Telling the toxopozzed to stay away from cat shit is like telling pedos to stay away from schools
>>4924882Okay, thanks for sharing your hypocrisy.
>>4924890>heh... you make up stories tooit's time to go back edgy reddit atheistt. not following a mainstream or pop pagan religion
>>4924902You okay?>>4924901None of that, but, if two or three of my cats had a go at it, would have been lucky, sad, really. Good luck making friends.
>>4924576Yeah a lot of things kill small birds constantly, your castrated wasteland of suburbia doesn't have any of them like any real wildlife though so you don't know
>>4925055Actually they’re the only things suburbia hasWith a husky (cat removal), sparrow proofed nest boxes, and the correct feed and seed you will absolutely see more biodiversity in your backyard than you would in the woods.
>>4924576i care. i cheer for my cat whenever he slaughters parasitic starlings
>>4924901Is that snake poisonous? Properly the only reason one of my cats died because the snake obviously may of had eggs. Cute cats though.
>>4924576they've wiped out all the wild rabbits in my area, which were around when I moved here ten years ago. even would get them living under my shed. but now I have not seen any in years and the stray cat population has exploded because people feed them
>>4925133Any proof they were "wiped out" other than "i don't see them near my house anymore"?
>>4924901>>4924879Python strangles the life out of a cat:
>>4924576>kills 4 billion birds annuallyAvian flu: payback.
>>4924576based, it's time to put some respect on our buddies name
>>4924576That one specific cat? That's pretty damn impressive numbers.
>>4924576How can we stop him!?
>>4924576Yeah, and?
>>4924922He has a sense of delusion.
>>4924576Yes, if cats wouldn't do that, birds would shit in your mouth daily
>>4924576invasive starling and sparrow control
>>4924576Skill Issue
>>4924576Say your last prayer, rodent
>>4924576A kitty gotta eat.
Fuck birds, they’re annoying and shit on everything. They’re the last remains of dinosaurs and cats are doing a good thing by helping to finish what the meteor started. Those soulless sky lizards need to die off.
>>4924576Based kot making redditors seethe
>>4924576How's the knot dogfag?
>>4925999No one here knows how “the knot” is, but you clearly want toIf i had to guess its horrendously painful for both parties due to anatomical mismatch which is why its illegal now fuck off toxobrain
>>4924576Based bird Hitler
Look if you really give a shit about helping native animal populations you'd just be burning housing developments down. Don't pretend your baby serial killer shit is noble.
>>4925965Dumb city rat womanCats are not made to be your 24/7 pet slave
>>4926031Don't worry, Dogs are even pussies when it comes to cats too.
>>4925193Doesn't matter, it was a venomous snake that got it.
>>4926053Cats were bred by egyptians to be locked in temples 24/7. The reason domesticated cats form colonies and wild cats do not is because egyptians got rid of any cat that couldnt tolerate cramped conditions with other cats, which meant selecting for the neotenous ones that kept kittens clustering tendencies. 80% of cats in the US are indoors and they are longer lived and do not spread toxo or black plague like their uselessly neglected cousins
>>4924583Foodists are fucking with 4chan now? I thought they only tried fucking with the sharty
>>4925098>i care. i cheer for my cat whenever he slaughters parasitic starlingsbased flying lizard hater
>>4925987>soulless sky lizards need to die off.i lost
There was a thread that got archived and I can't find it anymore. An anon posted about how he used something as a chemical barrier to keep the stray cats out of his yard. Does anyone recall what he posted? Did I just imagine all this in a dissociative schizophrenic episode?
>>4926494Hot pepper powder.
>>4924583>animal abuseAnimal abuse is letting cats roam free and kill native wildlife I catch them with KFC bait and give them to my local council to be destroyed
>>4924576>This shitHe can't keep getting away with this!
>>4924576And that's a good thing!
>>4924576We need more outdoor cucumbers.
>>4924702>>4924579>>4924585>>4924589>>4924654>>4924576>>4925965>NOOOOO NOT MY HECKIN' BIRDRIN- ACK!
>>4926845Birds are literally terrorists
>>4924576Mine have little bells on their collars.
>>4927254Mine too and yet he managed to grab a fucking pigeon].Through the window net.Cats don't fuck around.
>>4926845>>4926846>>4926848>dog eating culture paying for its sins
>>4926845Where's the bird?
>>4929238>noooo you cant dislike cats on a bird website! MODSlol
>>4924576BASED>Max the cat’s fight compilation Part 2
I invented cats because I got mad about birds shitting on my car
>>4924576It's not just birds. They're also killing off dolphins, belugas, sea otters, seals, and other marine life:,a%20leading%20sleuth%20of%20pollutagens.>The most studied terrestrial pathogen currently affecting sea animals comes courtesy of America's favorite house pet, the cat. Toxoplasma gondii, a relative of S. neurona, is a protozoan parasite—a single-celled organism. T. gondii completes its reproductive cycle inside felines and has adapted so that it can invade and thrive inside the tissue of other creatures.>Today T. gondii has invaded sea life worldwide, from Miller's California sea otters, to dolphins that have become stranded in the Mediterranean Sea, to the critically endangered Hawaiian monk seals, of which few remain. “It truly is a cosmopolitan disease,” says Stephen Raverty, a veterinary pathologist at British Columbia's Animal Health Center and a leading sleuth of pollutagens.>Grigg's work in the Pacific Northwest, where much of the pollutagen research is centered, has found that more than half of dead raptors and more than one third of dead seabirds examined had the T. gondii parasite. “That was much higher than we had envisioned,” he says.>T. gondii was found recently in beluga whales in Arctic waters thought to be pristine, a dubious first.
>>4931844God, cats are fucking worthless.
>>4931850>parasites on cat>blames the catblame the fuckgin parasite idiot
>>4931862The parasite can't reproduce without cats, retard.This is the ecological cost of owning a cat and refusing to let them be culled:>Toxoplasmosis is, however, a confirmed cause of death in Hector’s and Māui dolphins and is likely to be a significant human-caused threat to the dolphins’ populations. This is especially the case for the critically endangered Māui dolphin.>With only 54 Māui dolphins over the age of one left, according to our last population survey, the most immediate risk is to this subspecies.,and%20flowing%20out%20to%20sea.
>>4931867>only 54 Māui dolphins over the age of one left>destroy all dolphins by fishing, blame it on cats
>>4931862It is the cats. Specifically the cats owner for believing they belong anywhere but indoors.Indoor cats dont get toxo. Indoor cats dont spread toxo. Cats are dumb as bricks and need next to no mental stimulation and zero freedom. Most cat owners I know have 2+ happily chilling in studio apartments. They aren’t dogs. They don’t need to explore and socialize to be sane. If anything the apartment cats are saner, less skittery and less aggressive. >but they are getting rid of le mice!Never have. Do not. Especially not outside. Maybe if you locked a cat in a building with just 2 or 3 mice and no infestation but an untrained dog or a spring trap 5 pack could pull that off. >>4931868>omg cats cant be a problem now because there were other problems in the past!Just keep mittens inside.
>>4931873Every person with a brain keeps their cat inside or in a catio. Who wants their cat crippled by a car or losing an eye in a fight? Or getting killed by someone's shit dog.
>>4931873>They don’t need to explore and socialize They do need it. Cats with mental stimulation are smarter than those without it. They develop pathological behaviors from udnersimulation. But you can enrich their lives inside too if you make an effort to.
>>4924576there's like 50+ billion birds, who cares
>>4931883No they really don’t lolNo one does that shit and their cats are fine
>>4931977You think they are fine but not. You can make the same argument about keeping a dog on a chain and saying they are fine bevcause they just lay around all day everyday. And people kept dogs like that for decades.
>>4931978>noooo you need to make the animal adapt to being more active because, you do ok!Its more akin to never walking a very dumb and naturally lethargic chihuahua and letting them continue chilling. These totally indoor cats are all friendly and happy.
>>4931978>compares keeping a cat indoors to keeping a more intelligent social animal on a chainthose dogs get mopey and aggressive or go insane. indoor cats are just normal cats. provide scratching post, string, and cardboard box. wala. you do not need to walk a cat or let it out.
>>4931970I care, and I am more important than you.>Why?I said so.
>>4931844>>4931867>>4931991Anyone that lets their cat go outside is a retard and should not be allowed to own a pet. Cats are invasive if let to roam free, live less and are more prone to diseases.
>>4932012I didn't say let it outside. I said you need to enrich their indoor life / build a catio where they can go outside safely.Understimulated cats are unpleasant and grumpy hence the "cats are assholes" meme.
>>4932020Cats should just be banned as pets. Better for the environment and ecosystems. Better for internet content. Better all around.
>>4932975Ban shit dogs too then. Same improvement.
>>4932981This isn't true at all. Why do catfags have to constantly lie to defend their worthless pets?
>>4932979Toxo kills more people (as well as intelligent marine life such as dolphins) than shitbulls, and shitbulls are the worst/deadliest dog breeds. So cats are far worse by any empirical measure.
>>4932984Pigeons are more intelligent than cats.
>>4932983Dogs spread deadly diseases to marine life too like distemper. Dog food production has a huge enviromental impact, dogs need way more calories than cats too, and the biggest threat to any wild animal is loss of enviroment. On top of it dog shit is a pollutant, infecting rivers and lakes and harming freshwater life.
>>4932987Pets eat slaughterhouse waste. All of these problems are solved. Keep your cat inside and we’re even
>>4932991Everyone with a working brain keep their cats inside.
>>4932987Cats are much much worse on every single one of those charges.
>>4933201Cats are literaly a non-issue outside of Australia or other islands.
>>4924576Very based
>>4933252Lying cat FAGGOT>Free-ranging domestic cats have been introduced globally and have contributed to multiple wildlife extinctions on islands. >Here we conduct a systematic review and quantitatively estimate mortality caused by cats in the United States. We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. Our findings suggest that free-ranging cats cause substantially greater wildlife mortality than previously thought and are likely the single greatest source of anthropogenic mortality for US birds and mammals.>Predation by domestic cats is the number-one direct, human-caused threat to birds in the United States and Canada.>In the United States alone, outdoor cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year. Although this number may seem unbelievable, it represents the combined impact of tens of millions of outdoor cats. Each outdoor cat plays a part.,outdoor%20cat%20plays%20a%20part.
>>4933283>have contributed to multiple wildlife extinctions on islandslike I said. Islands. Literal non-issue, they mostly catch sparrows and starlings.
>>4933285Did you read the rest of that post or are catfags this retarded?>Here we conduct a systematic review and quantitatively estimate mortality caused by cats in the United States. We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. >In total, cats are estimated to kill between 100 and 350 million birds peryear in Canada (> 95% of estimates were in this range)
>>4933313So? More food for falcons and coyotes no?
>>4933321Catfags don't care about the ecological destruction their worthless pets causeYou can't even train cats to do anything useful. They're terrible at eradicating vermin.
>>4933458They are the vermin
>>4924576The worst part is not that they kill birds/lizards but they also leave the vermins/pests those animals deal with alone. En-Shittifying the whole ecosystem and the world in general.
>>4932992You just leave the bag there and then pick it up on your way back. Dog owners are known for their integrity and love of nature.
>cat kills bird in backyardNooo disgusting pest!>Dog kills rabbit in backyardBased hecking pupperino apex predator, rabbits exist to be eaten by dogs
>>4933527Dogs could never kill 4 bil rabbits. Infact the rabbits would double in number before even a quarter of them die
>>4933540Most of this damage is done by the large population of unowned feral animals.
>>4933527Backyard birds are all sparrows and shit. Rabbits, too, are worthless pests. The ONLY problem is roaming cats, just like roaming dogs are a problem in shitholes. All the extinctions and toxo come from roaming cats venturing further from humans and so called farm cats that have never controlled pests but do help toxoplasmosis be the second leading cause of fatal foodborne illness. If you can keep the cat in your backyard or indoors you have nothing to do with any of that shit and the cat will never kill anything that didnt deserve it.
>>4933527the cats are killing birds in nature preserves however
>>4924576He cute
>>4924576he's just one guy. how does he keep getting away with it?
>>4933590Unplug router, clear cookies, plug router back in. Wa La.
>>4933590$12/gb residential proxies
cat>hmm, should i physically remove one of the countless pigeons infesting the neighborhood?>nah, lets just climb on a roof and pillage a tiny nest insteadhopefully enough are raised in the neighborhood this year that the tiny birdies cover their flanks. laser pointers only help a bit
>>4934033>>4934035Pet owners live longer. Dog owners specifically are more likely to marry, more likely to have children, and less likely to be victims of violent crime. The latter also applies to their neighbors. Only mentally ill asians would ever agree with you. The kind of people who see pets as enabling people to break from the hivemind without feeling the scorn, shaming, and isolation. This in particular is why islam REALLY hates dogs and insists cats are unowned roamers. The pet owner man, and scarier to them, woman, weathers the storm.
>>4924826The problem is that hes too fast
>>4934069Santa can deliver presents to a billion nice euro children in one night. Santa could catch him. We may have to enlist his services.
>>4934038Cat owners are more likely to suffer from depression and other mental illnesses btw
>>4924576>This shit kills 4 billion birds annually and nobody caresI care! Thank you killing 4 billion birds annually and preventing each of those motherfuckers from taking a dump on my just-washed car.
>>4936121God bless coyotes and raptors for their work reducing the cat population
>>4937909they are not making even the slightest dent
>>4937914They're still helping
Total bird death
>>4937914I think they are They killed enough where I used to live that people took keep your cat inside fairly seriously and I rarely saw any
>>4938949A few owned, docile cat gets caught by yotes, meanwhile feral populations decimate birds and small mammals business usual.
>>4925965>Coyotes Love genociding these shirheads year round. Probably kill at least 80-100 a year.
>>4939110And yet they keep thriving and multiplying. You will never be rid of Wile E. Coyote.
>>4924576I eat a lot of birds too
>>4924579>>4924585>>4924589>>4924654You wont do shit peasant
>>4939113'yote populations are collapsingEspecially with the Californian Exodus
Only browns hate cats because cats hate smelly people, IE browns.Not to mention they will go and blame cats for disease spreading, but then go take a squat shit in the middle of their street.Browns need not apply. Ban India from internet access please
>>4939203Only browns think that "hating cats" is the same as "thinking cats belong inside and don't live up to ancient myths intended to justify them being outside".Did you know that you can like dogs, but also want all the strays captured and euthanized after being given a chance at adoption?Did you know that you can like humanity, but still want pests like nazis and muslims bombed into oblivion?Worship is foolishness, love requires pain, hatred is foolishness. No well loved garden grew without a few shitty plants being pulled. Unfortunately a lot of "cat people" fall in with worship for cats (TNR, community cats, that travesty they pulled in chicago), and unique to "cat people", hatred for dogs. Because really they're insecure and basically define themselves with "cats are better than dogs therefore I am better than dog owners".
>>4939209Not reading your brownoid schizoslopGet bent lmao
>>4939209Yes saar full sappart saar cats must learn that we're slightly higher on the food chain than them saar.
>>4939213>>4939219>toxotroons btfo and malding hardbugguy remains a smarter and more handsome poster than paleoschizo
>>4939221>instantly drop the enlightened wise guy LARP when told to fuck off>resume spamming buzzwordsLOL imagine being this easily broken and insecure
>>4939209Based and correct
>>4939246Here comes dogfucker samefagging again
>>4939259Holy shit its a young benjamin netanyahu
>>4939250Maybe if you say it enough it will actually come true.
>>4924576I would gladly sacrifice 6 billion shitty pigeons so my cat could live an extra hour. Fuck birds.
>>4939365Youve just cursed your cat to a death by pidgeon. I really hope you are happy with what you've done.
>>4939365Show me a single cat that's as useful as a messenger pigeon
>>4939898I can't.
>>4924579>>4924585>>4924589>>4924654>>4924702Dog worshippers are mentally ill
>>4939976As if this is any different from rural fucks shooting roaming dogsWell ok it is, dogs hunting cats is normal dog behavior, so its closer to donkeys wrecking roaming dogs
>>49399764 of those didn't even mention dogsrent free lmao
>>4939898Boom, catfag went silent
>>4939199>'yote populations are collapsingNo they aren't. Coyotes are expanding more than ever.
>>4939898catfags never recovered from this
>>4943849or we just want this shit thread to sink off the board
>>4943853Yeah, we know catfags hate wildlife and just want to shit everything up - this board and the environment - with their useless pets
>>4943853You just guaranteed this thread will keep getting bumped until it reaches the post limit, and rightfully so
>>4944106For every bump 7 birds get eaten.
>>4924576Cat ownership needs to be phased out. No other option at this point.
>>4944338It will never be phased out, seethe and cope.
fuck birds nigga who cares
>>4944510>hates birds>talks in ebonicsVery melanated post.
>>4944510Birds are more important than you
>>4924576>They didn't fly so good.
>>4945015>Not fast enough
>>4945236Beautiful video
>>4924576goodwhat an annoying piece of shit these things are
>>4924576>little primates running from dinosauras>asteroid hits earth>dinosauras are birds now and small primates became humans>humans pets cats>cats eat birds nowMany such cases
>>4924576Just make sure your cat has a bell collar and the birds will be safe and escape quickly while mice and rats will be fucked
>>4939898Show me a single messenger pigeonOH WAIT...
>>4933283Ive looked at that study before and the estimates are pulled out of their ass
>>4947408Why do catfags live in such delusion about their pets?
>>4948309did you read the studies and methods or juist believe the headline with no questions asked?
>>4948310He posted a margin of error plus or minus 20 billionYou're talking to a fuckin retard
>>4949059Cat can't stop winning
>>4949097>posts animal cruelty (deliberate animal baiting by 3rd worders) out of butthurtdisgusting trash
>>4949102The Komodo dragon removed a feral cat, an invasive species. That's wonderful. Keep seething though. Here we see a bunch of water monitors and some birdbros (crows) feasting on a scrumptious feral cat:
>>4949106Feral cats dying to natural predators to coyotes and eagles is nature.What you are posting is deliberate animal abuse:they break the goat's leg to record the dragon eating it they blinded a goat and fed to the dragons: being fed to the dragons: set up animal abuse videos all of them.
>>4949060>>4949102hey catfucker, maybe next time don't celebrate the deaths of innocent birds?regards,team archosaur
>>4949107those are all different Youtube channels, not my problem you're obsessed with "third worlders" (as if a bunch of MAGA-voting White Americans weren't just busted as part of a monkey torture ring)
>>4949108>has 3 different threads up celebrating cats being eaten by birds and other predators with gore videos and pictures>noooo don't make a joke you are not allowed to, here's some more animal abuse videos
>>4949109Third worlders don't have animal protection laws, they can make as much of these animal abuse videos as they want, it creates a lot of youtube revenue:
>>4949110>it's "animal abuse" when a predator takes out a feral cat that was not incapacitated in any waywhiney faggot
>>4949115From the channel you posted:
>>4949110You get so butthurt about pictures like that eagle carrying away the lion cub and yet they're all so much more tame than the typical safari video from Kruger National Park or nature documentary, which often show actual gore and prolonged and painful deaths for the animals. Sorry but seeing a feral cat get swallowed by a lizard in a few seconds isn't anywhere as bad as seeing a juvenile elephant or buffalo get slowly torn apart by a gang of lions.
>>4949121The komodo videos are whatever if they are not deliberately set up situations.
>>4924576Enjoy disease and famine without them, dumb rat/bird/dog fag
>>4949287Elimianting birds leads to famine and disease because they control the vermin that attack agriculture. Remember the chinese famine?Rats and Mice are perfectly adapted to surviving and spreading in areas where cats are present. They will never ever be eliminated from Cat territories.
>>4949287Cats are cute pets, but they have never controlled or eliminated pest populations. Best they can do is catch one or two lost and confused mice in a building with only one or two mice in it. Any animal can do that. They actually live in near perfect symbiosis with their prey because both are adapted to each other and urban environments.If you somehow had enough cats to do pests control the cats themselves would be horrible pests.
>>4949287Cats dont kill off rodents. Not even terriers do. Humans have to flush them for the dogs. They just eat a few weak ones while the population grows and make them less brazen scavengers.
>>4924805In one study that was done attaching cameras to cats and reviewing their activity they mostly went after insects and frogs. Cats are nocturnal and most birds are diurnal so it never made sense they are supposedly so destructive.
>>4949472Cats are crepuscular so it does overlap with bird activity in the early hours.
>>4949333>UH UM ACSHUALLY CATS NEVER KILL MICE NOPE ALL THE AMISH FARMERS THAT SWEAR BY THEM ARE JUST TOXOSHILLS HEH>by the way cats kill one million billion birds each second :(which is it dogfucker
Cats do have a big negative impact on nature so enviromentalists try to blow it up as much as they can, even if the alleged kill count exceeds the total bird population.
>>4949474>seethes and projects his dog rapist urges onto othershe said kill off, not kill. Cats definitely kill some. Not enough. Mice breed too fast and live in burrows that cats are ill equipped to handle.What cats do kill off is slower breeding birds, especially ground nesting species.>le amish swear by...Who cares what a bunch of pseudo-christians that can't even agree with their own church and possess a reputation for incest and child molestation think>…[T]he people who asserted they had no rats really had them at the time, although they did not realize it, as there are many more rats than are seen by human eyes. Mr. McMahon, in this canvass, found a village where quantities of fowls were kept and where cats were depended on to exterminate the rats. Everybody there seemed to believe that cats were effective as rat exterminators, and no one seemed to be using traps or poisons. The village was canvassed quite thoroughly, and every place was found infested with rats, while in nearly every place cats were kept. The evidence did not confirm the popular belief in the cat.Simply keep the animal inside. This will have the added benefit of doubling or quadrupling its lifespan and reducing veterinary expenses.
>>4949479TRVTH NVKE>>4949474>nooooo cats HAVE TO BE THE BEST CATS HAVE TO BE THE BEST CATS HAVE TO BE THE BEST *trans crying*Like it or not, your favorite animal is not the best.Cats are not effective pest controlDogs are not effective securityCats are not smarter than dogsDogs are not smarter than horsesCats are not wild animals that choose you, they were domesticated to need youDogs do not symbolize man's mastery over nature, they self domesticated in the presence of retarded cavemen by begging for foodNeither animal is particularly admirableHorses however are pretty great
>>4949481Isn't int universally agreed upon that dogs are way smarter than horses tho
Love cats, but if I see one on the road at night it's getting run over
>>4949481Dogs are universally used for guarding and by police...Dogs are definitely smarter than horses.The self-domestication of wolves into dogs is a theory.Yes, I like horses too anon.Pretty smart for something that just eats grass.
>>4949492Hope you get killed by a deer one day.
>>4949506Guard dogs bite friends, family, and legitimate guests more than they prevent crime (criminals just poison them and come back a week later)
>>4949513Wow, that's amazing autismos. Totally haven't heard the same argument made about guns.
>>4949295>>4949321Ask anyone who has a farm how crucial cats are for their operations. They are very efficient with dealing with pests and they will stay away knowing cats are nearby
I've seen that this thread has been up for quite some time now, but I haven't clicked on it since just now. Can somebody please summarize it in 1 word for me so I can get the gist of it? Thanks.
>>4949610>Ask anyone who has a farm how crucial cats are for their operationsLiterally nobody on 4chan would have any meaningful contact with farms or farmers.>. They are very efficient with dealing with pests and they will stay away knowing cats are nearbyNever heard that secondhand from anyone anywhere.
>>4949619The thread is telling you to off yourself for being a stupid lazy illiterate fuck anon.
>>4949610This is a medieval myth, not a truth. Pests have been dealt with through terriers, technology, and hygiene for several centuries. Everyone who relies on cats has rodents in every hiding space and considers this "pest control". If you heard praise for the cat as a working animal from a literate person in a first world country you have widespread food safety problems.
>>4949743the original claim was made by north african and southwest asian people who would keep over 20 cats in one tiny storehouse or several tens of millions in a mid size city. definitely pests themselves at that point but they dont eat grain amirite?
>>4949748>local grain storage manager invents the edible litterbox