There's a stray around campus I befriended. She's a junior I mean she's not that big. She followed me home one day and now she chills in my room if she wants to. She climbs in through the window when I don't open the door for her. I don't have any roommates at this moment. There's a no pet policy too. I don't know what to do. She slept with me the whole night and I'm just like (⩾﹏⩽)
just keep the window shut. Cats randomly abonden loving families for the fuck of it, you won't hurt it's feelings.Or alternatively let it in during the day and throw it out at night, technically it wouldn't really be a pet at that point.
>>4928955Room gets hot without the window. Also she's mostly here at night. Idk she's probably out and about on most days
>>4928956then throw stones at it when it comes in through the window and yell>GO AWAY YOU STUPID ANIMALwhile shedding a tear
>>4928957Why I like her
>>4928951>no pet policy>brings in a cat anywayGod I fucking hate catfags
>>4928962I didn't bring her through
I don't get what you actually want
Enjoy getting fleas.
>>4928963>Cats are free spirits ~ she adopted me as her human ~~OMFG kys
>>4928951>There's a no pet policy tooWell, she's not your pet.
>>4928951Ignore the faggots, if you found her outside she more than likely doesn't need a litterbox, and as long as nobody finds out just let it stay as long as it likes. If it starts vocalizing inside your dorm that might be a problem though. My roomate potty trained a puppy he found that was explicitly not allowed in our dorm and nothing ever came of it.
>>4928951You have been chosen. You must care for kitty now. (>•-•)>
realize if that cat can come/go as it pleases you will find your room filled with other animals once they find out
>>4928951Keep that fucking vermin out of the dorm. Enough cats.,a%20leading%20sleuth%20of%20pollutagens.>The most studied terrestrial pathogen currently affecting sea animals comes courtesy of America's favorite house pet, the cat. Toxoplasma gondii, a relative of S. neurona, is a protozoan parasite—a single-celled organism. T. gondii completes its reproductive cycle inside felines and has adapted so that it can invade and thrive inside the tissue of other creatures.>Today T. gondii has invaded sea life worldwide, from Miller's California sea otters, to dolphins that have become stranded in the Mediterranean Sea, to the critically endangered Hawaiian monk seals, of which few remain. “It truly is a cosmopolitan disease,” says Stephen Raverty, a veterinary pathologist at British Columbia's Animal Health Center and a leading sleuth of pollutagens.>Grigg's work in the Pacific Northwest, where much of the pollutagen research is centered, has found that more than half of dead raptors and more than one third of dead seabirds examined had the T. gondii parasite. “That was much higher than we had envisioned,” he says.>T. gondii was found recently in beluga whales in Arctic waters thought to be pristine, a dubious first.
>>4931846This same parasite kills over 750 americans a year and terminates an unknown number of pregnanciesCats are over 20x more dangerous than shitbulls
>>4931846>Although disease agents such as canine distemper virus had previously migrated from land to sea and killed thousands of seals, this case was the first documented mass killing of marine mammals by a land-based parasite.Canine contributed damage conveniently ignored
>>4931899Because stray dogs are actively caught, and euthanized if not owned or adoptable. It's ignored because it's already being actively managed and removed. Tell me, are people going around catching every cat with a zero strays policy?No, they are doing this>CATS ARE HYPERINTELLIGENT APEX PREDATORS STAVING OFF THE MOUSE PLAGUE>THEY NEED TO BE OUTSIDE>NO ONE CAN OWN A CAT, THEY ARE FREE WILD ANIMALS WHO CHOOSE US!>TRAP NEUTER RELEASE IS THE WAY>THE COMMUNITY CATS ARE A BLESSING UPON US ALLToxo is clearly pulling the strings here... you can't be arrested or charged with a crime for picking up your cats shit. Clear toxo policy making.>inb4 but stray dogs are dangerousIn shitholes full of hindus/muslims/africans, sure. Overpopulated domesticated carnivores are never good to have roaming free.But this isn't india. Toxoplasmosis kills 750 people in the US every year and domestic cats are the only domesticated animal still classified as a rabies reservoir in north america. Something has to be done.And that something is keeping cats inside. Everywhere. All the time. No exceptions.
>>4931917>you can't be arrested or charged with a crime for *not>picking up your cats shit.Seriously, when was the last time you saw an outdoor cat "owner" scooping the public flower beds for cat turds? It's arguably worse than dog shit because the dogs all eat sterilized kibble, while the cats eat wild animals that carry parasites and diseases.
>>4928962You'd say the same if it was a dog you console warrior
>muh toxoBan newfagsHow hard is it to keep your damn house clean?
>>4928974He wants validation and a pat on the back.
>>4932003>being this retardedIt's a stray. Your house can be a level 7 clean room. It will still bring in all kinds of shit, literally and figuratively.
You could always just feed it outside somewhere at increasingly distant spots, and care for it from afar. Or if it’s friendly enough find a home for it. Most of all though get it spayed so that you dont have 7 more coming in your window
how mentally ill do you need to be to hate on some animals like this anti-cat shizo spammer...or probably brown
>>4928951Any roaming cat should be brought to a shelter to be spayed and adopted out as indoors only
>>4932097You aren't fooling anyone, chud.
>>4931846Kill yourself subhuman schizo
>>4932001nah, stray dogs should be gassedtheres no point in keeping a dog alive learned in unsociable behavior