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>be me, kid
>discover dinosaurs
>hell yeah.epic
>be me, now
>start getting into paleontology
>find out that most dinosaurs are incomplete, even the ones considered complete are only hypothetical and controversial in the community
>some will make a new species based on as little as 4 teeth

How are paleontologists so retarded? My teeth and your teeth dont look the same, we must not both be human !!!!

Literally destroyed my dinosaur dreams. Anyway, cool dino thread
I know this is bait but i will bite, look, there are two options when it comes to this cases
>LOOK AT US WE FOUND A GREAT NEVER SEEN BEAST!!1!! (A tooth and 3 fingers)
The people who found the fossils make a preliminar analysis and take them to the closest relative they can Id and make shit up about them for the sake of attention of people with money, usually this happens when they must show something interesting to validate the fact that they are working on something worthwhile (for the investors and companies behind)
>LOOK AT US WE FOUND "parts of a relatively know species"
The difference here is that in this place they can take some liberties but in the end is based on an actual really known species or something along those lines. And it shouldn't happen when there's 2 fingers or something like that, because they are more transparent and not under the pressure of others

Not bait, genuinely killed my inner child today

>So paleontologists are jews?! Making up stories for money?? This day keeps getting worse
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>be me, now
>start getting into paleontology
>So paleontologists are jews?! Making up stories for money?? This day keeps getting worse
So youre saying its gonna get better? (:
Yes, you get over it when the research part kicks in and you realize how fucking convoluted and arcane animal anatomy actually is and you come to realize how in some cases 4 teeth and a few hand bones can actually tell you more about what an animal is then an entire hip or vertebra series.
Also the naming of tooth taxa outside things like sharks is now heavily discouraged. it was common in the early history of the field because literally everything we found was novel and different so you find a tooth that is clearly new and must come from a new animal so you name it based on the teeth and half a century later when we had a much better understanding of what dinosaurs/whatever the fuck you are studying is and we realize the teeth aren't really all that good at distinguishing animals apart. this why you have shit like dinotyrannus and dynamosaurus there just generic tyrannosaur teeth that tell us nothing about the animal they came from. the focus now is on anatomical traits that A.are unique so far as we know to this specimen and can be used as a diagnostic criteria to define any new material as belong to X genus and B. Shared traits that we can use to classify animals as related. an example in theropods is the arctometatarsal, a pinching of the middle toe bones between the outer and inner toe bones. which at this point is probably one of the best indicators the theropod you are dealing with was a coelurosaur of some kind.
an addendum
>My teeth and your teeth dont look the same, we must not both be human !!!!
there diagnostic at an individual level in humans because we have access to literally billions of specimens to study and sample to compare witch each other.
Fossil wise its exceptional to get 15-20 complete dental records of a given genus, assuming they don't constantly shed and regrow there teeth like most dinosaurs did. that is one of the reasons we don't use teeth. but on the off chance you are not a troll and are genuinely going into the field im highly concerned by the fact you don't even realize one of the most diagnostic traits of mammals is how there teeth are highly differentiated and adapted to certain jobs compared to almost all other amniotes which have undifferentiated teeth that beyond size are generally uniform throughout the mouth
Not true for most of the big famous ones
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And just like when i did this last time, i can't find a good image for it but i know the only parts not known about Carnotaurus is the lower half of the legs and most of the tail
Literally everything that happens is driven by greed. Sooner you realize this, sooner you'll be less dissapointed.
is it time for this thread again already?

you should do
>what were velociraptor claws used for
We haven't had that one in a few months.
shut up nerd
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>merchants making up stories for shekels

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Used to sketch runic poems into tree bark, which would attract females.
Elder Futhark was just Germanic tribes rediscovering fossilised maniraptoran poetry and copying it.
Then dont fucking ask a nerdy question on a board full of fucking nerds, neets and incels
NTA nerd

I pound nerds like you.
NTA nerd

I pound nerds like you. (flirty)
Lmao they always find three bones and then know that it was 50 feet tall
>even the ones considered complete are only hypothetical and controversial in the community
Which ones??? We have had fairly well complete and articulate fossil skeletons since the 1800s, mosasaurus was known about before America gained independence. Yeah there are a fair amount of fossil taxon that have few bones to their name. Some of which are popular, but it’s not like that is always intentional. Also not mentioning the taxon that ARE well preserved and have had notable fame.
>Plesiosaurus after Mary Anning’s skeleton
>the Berlin specimen of Archaeopteryx
>the many famous dinosaurs discovered in the US (triceratops, t.rex, pteranodon, etc.)
>La brea tar pits
>Giraffatitan in 1906
>Pliosaurus funkei in 2012

Not all are well known but they are undeniably well preserved. Also consider that paleontology still isn’t particularly widespread. The US has led a lot of its own paleontology but not much of other countries for their own.
Dont forget the "just 2 bones" species are most often just described as theoretically similar to a more complete specimen that has extremely similar bones so its not like they are making up whole animals, its like we have a wolf skeleton, find an odd small wolf femur, and call it canis latrans.
>My teeth and your teeth dont look the same
then how can we ID human teeth so easily every fucking time?
DNA testing if it's real bad, otherwise most police stations have a kit with swabs.
literally retarded
you do realize one of the first forensic tests was to compare dental records...
Thanks for checking my dubs
This is what I was trying to say too

>So paleontologists are jews?! Making up stories for money?? This day keeps getting worse
Anon, look, theres a disguting ton of people who doesnt have an inch of fucking soul and their greed is the sole motivator to keep being alive
The quantity of brain dead people who cares absolutely nothing for science or culture is an ever increasing number
Im not a paleontologist but I'm very close to various, as you can expect there are always groups with decency and that are trying their best, last year or so for a government mandated prospect to a importar electrical company trying to add solar panels to the desert and so they discovered simple teeths of probably sharks and a variety of mollusk fossils (the standard for the zone) and the biggest thing was a crynoid, the mere fact of finding fossils merits the actual prospection of the zone and various reports to clarify them, extraction excavation etc... they were working alongside a subcontracted team from the electrical company, and the filthy fuckers tried since day 1 to hide the fossils to the government so the construction could start the same month and they were offered a bribe, it was ridiculous.
There are a ton of dirty secrets in every trade and paleontology isn't outside those cases
>there's a based world in which there's an ankylosaur-like ball at the end of carnotaurus tails that serves as a counterweight measure in order to balance the body and help with sharp turns and movement
So you'd prefer they just not be funded at all, got it.
Considering that "species" isn't even real it's not a stretch to consider them creating 10 gazillion subspecies to fund their gay little science experiments.
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>some will make a new species based on as little as 4 teeth
God I fucking hate retards like OP.
This only happens on extremely rare occasions, even then it is given the title of dubious genus because we don't have enough evidence to prove that it is a new species.

But wanna learn why there usually are species named after a few "teeth" by your definition?
To start off, if we uncover some extremely fragmentary remains, we first look at the geographical location and where the bone beds lie for age and location.
If the fossil overlaps with another dinosaur, we might get clues on what species of dinosaur it is or related to based on similar fossil fragments. If the fragments match with another dinosaur, then it isn't a new species. Its just added material to that established species.

Lets say hypothetically, they find a fragmentary fossil, it doesn't resemble any dinosaur in the formation but it resembles another species from the other side of the globe. Then it either is a new sub-species of a new species entirely that's related.
Now take it even further, if we uncover fragmentary fossils and it doesn't resemble any dinosaur... It usually isn't even given a name. Its most often just shelved for the future until we have more material to properly give it a new name.
Is right to an extent, there's some paleontologists that overhype the fuck out of a toe they've found and called it "le most epic dino!" for clout and money. But professional paleontologist most of the time shelve findings that have insufficient information to give create a new species for the genus.
Shills will always tell you about incomplete dinosaurs, but they will never tell you about all the blatant fraud going on in china and south america.
There's never been any fraud in China.
>console war schizo has a boardwide melty and gets btfo
>literally 1 day later
>now we're back to "the fossls are fake" schizo
/an/ troll cycle theory holds true
I think he got banned for posting my picture

not sure why posting a pic of me is an automatic ban, but it's funny
(you) are "the schizo". the picture was the btfo. please go away sometime soon.
nah that's not true.
I don't get banned when I post pics of me
It's doxing and a bannable offense
fair enough
I can always tell when I've been doxxed on /an/ because I get 100 FB friend requests from india and africa
and one request from a particular /an/ schizo.
>delusional narcissist schizo at it again
when will it end
one day I'll be gone and you'll heave a sigh of relief. Months will pass with no sign of me. You'll think you're finally free. You can lie and make up shit all day.

but then like a bad case of herpes I'll be back to annoy and correct you. To teach you better ways.
I've recently become very interested in dinosaurs again, it's amazing to imagine that there were once 8 tonne predators walking the world, especially when you compare it to today's wildlife and see that even African elephants are smaller than some of those super predators, very impressive.
so, is he indian or african?

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