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File: cum whale.mp4 (2.84 MB, 576x432)
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who was in the wrong here?
the squid clearly broke the NAP with that scratch
he was basically asking for the ol' psionic wave
sperm whale hunting giant squid, nothin new, ain't hurtin nobody (cept some invertebrate lol)
squid wrong by default
I recently watch a documentary about sperm whales and they seem to be one of the more social big whale species. They like to get into these giant cuddle puddles, rubbing against each other and stuff just for the fun of it
Did you know that the English dub for this was basically lost media for a while?
Take a moment to appreciate how fucking epic this is, and the fact that this is happening somewhere right now in real life
This will probably remain of the very few things on this green Earth in the years to come we'll just NEVER see. You'd need the fucking multiverses to align to make it happen.
Wrong, I've seen it, I was there when the OP webm was being recorded
obviously the whale
if they didn't get so close to us and be so tasty they wouldn't be hunted
Oh my fucking God WHY does the whale ALWAYS have to win these things?! IS IT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR THE SQUID TO KICK THE WHALE'S ASS FUCKING ONCE?!?!
I mean, we just see the whales with scars, tentacles stuck between their teeth and squids in their stomachs. Who knows how many whale carcasses that got mangeled by tentacles are on the sea floor and get devoured by giant isopods or some shit
File: hydrogen whale.jpg (64 KB, 680x680)
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>Giant squid max weight: 150kg for males and 270kg for females
>Colossal squid max weight: 495kg for largest confirmed specimen, others may be 600 to 700kg
>Sperm whale max weight: 45 TONS for males and 15 TONS for females
Gee, I wonder why the soft squishy thing dies against something that weighs 55 times more then it on average? The only thing the squids have is length, they're completely fucked otherwise.
there is literally no way for a squid to kill a whale, it's physically impossible
Quite literally this, even with the sharp bits on the squid, I don't think they can even scratch past the insanely thick blubber (armor) to hit anything vital and score a lucky artery puncture. I think the absolute worst a squid could do is blind a whale, but I'm not exactly sure if they even rely that heavily on sight, so it probably wouldn't be that big of a deal.
Squid are supposed to be smart aren't they? What if they had time to prepare and teamed up? One old or sick squid could use its arms to tie up the whale's jaw while the rest attack the soft belly flesh.
>*retracts eyes*

da fuck squid gon do?

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