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My centipede gave birth and I have about 20 centipedes now. What should I do with 20 centipedes? Keep in mind they are not a native species.
Take care of those lil guys. Centibros are so cool
>they are not a native species
be the change you want to see
Sell or trade them with other hobbyists once they're old enough to be on their own. Could probably get some nice tarantula slings, scorpions or fancy isopods for them.
people will buy them as pets or as food for other critters I presume, just be quick about it before you need to buy 20 terrariums
Memes aside I will probably try give them to my local invert store or to random hobbyists. I want them to have a happy life, they're my grandchildren after all.
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how did you fug a centipede
Get a bigger terrarium I guess.

With his dik.
If she feels threatened/exposed she'll eat her brood.
Very carefully
i keep all kinds of inverts and have no problem with them, respect yes but im not digusted or afraid of them, but those thing give me goosebumps. theyre cool looking, but that it. theyre fast as fuck, unpredictable and can fuck you up

>be me last year
>im on my way to my small reptile store to pick up my feeder bugs
>owner tells me the police confiscated some inverts and reptiles from some drug addict scum in messy and bad containers
>police dumped them at the store (im in germany so im wondered this is not VERBOTEN or some shit)
>some beardies, some spiders, some tortoises, theyve seen some shit but are in relativley good condition but their containers look like shit
>pet store wants to nurse them back to health, sell some, keep some for themselve
>"oh anon we also have a MILLIPEDE from that shipment, do you want it for free? i dont think anyone will buy this"
>cool a free millipede, probably A. gigas
>"where is it can i see it?"
>they show me some dirty small aquarium with literal dirt, not even reptile bark or coconut soil literal DIRT and some cork bark
>"its under the cork bark take a look at it!"
>lift the cork bark
>30 cm long CENTIPEDE fucker darts out and almost crawls up my sleeve, then goes apeshit insane in the small tank and tries to climb out
>WTF man fuck you
>"whats wrong anon?"
>"oh im sorry i didnt know the differnece, do you still want it?"

Some goth chick and her fat boyfriend that came later into the store then took it.On one hand i kinda regret not taking him cause he looked very cool but on the the other hand FUCK NO
Congrats on becoming a father
People will buy them. It doesn’t look like a super expensive one but even cheaper centipedes can be like 50 bucks. What species is it or where’s it from? That’ll decide the price.
Hearty kek
My one is actually very chilled. I don't free handle it but my friend did without any issues. I've never seen it move fast, I can reach right next to it with tweezers and it'll just slowly walk away. Acts more like a millipede than a centipede actually.
Was sold to me as "scolopendra sp.". I think it's some kind of cormocephalus.
It does look similar to the Cormocephalus from Western Australia. Where’s it from? If its still curled around babies you need to leave alone with no lights or disturbance
Do you keep her warm enough? From what I've found keeping bugs they essentially move faster and have more energy the warmer they are.

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